cdp: {'source': 'network', 'level': 'error', 'text': 'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 401 (Authentication failed)', 'timestamp': 1574322300838.899, 'url': '', 'networkRequestId': '1000017767.8'} info: index.js: Setting Libvirt as virt provider. warning: grep: /sys/class/dmi/id/power/autosuspend_delay_ms: Input/output error warning: error: Failed to get memory statistics for domain subVmTest1 error: Requested operation is not valid: domain is not running info: The 'virsh' command failed, as expected: "{"problem":null,"exit_status":1,"exit_signal":null,"message":"error: Failed to get memory statistics for domain subVmTest1\nerror: Requested operation is not valid: domain is not running"}", data: """" warning: error: failed to connect to the hypervisor error: End of file while reading data: Input/output error warning: spawn 'virsh' process returned error: "{"problem":null,"exit_status":1,"exit_signal":null,"message":"error: failed to connect to the hypervisor\nerror: End of file while reading data: Input/output error"}", data: """" warning: dumpxml() exception: 'error: failed to connect to the hypervisor error: End of file while reading data: Input/output error', data: '', output: '' warning: error: Domain is already active warning: spawn 'virsh' process returned error: "{"problem":null,"exit_status":1,"exit_signal":null,"message":"error: Domain is already active"}", data: """" warning: error: Failed to start domain subVmTest1 error: Requested operation is not valid: network 'default' is not active warning: spawn 'virsh' process returned error: "{"problem":null,"exit_status":1,"exit_signal":null,"message":"error: Failed to start domain subVmTest1\nerror: Requested operation is not valid: network 'default' is not active"}", data: """" warning: error: Failed to start domain subVmTest2 error: Requested operation is not valid: network 'default' is not active warning: spawn 'virsh' process returned error: "{"problem":null,"exit_status":1,"exit_signal":null,"message":"error: Failed to start domain subVmTest2\nerror: Requested operation is not valid: network 'default' is not active"}", data: """" warning: error: Failed to start domain subVmTest3 error: Requested operation is not valid: network 'default' is not active warning: spawn 'virsh' process returned error: "{"problem":null,"exit_status":1,"exit_signal":null,"message":"error: Failed to start domain subVmTest3\nerror: Requested operation is not valid: network 'default' is not active"}", data: """"