Fetching data for a debuginfofs server 1) Edit /etc/debuginfofs.conf (if needed) 2) run debuginfofs-mirror REPO [REPO...] - Note: if you're on EL5 and you want rawhide/F11 debuginfo you might need to install a newer python-hashlib. See here: http://skvidal.wordpress.com/2009/02/19/yum-createrepo-hashlib-rhel5centos5-and-sha256sums/ http://http://skvidal.fedorapeople.org/hashlib/ Running the debuginfofs server 1) service debuginfofs-server start - You might want to edit /usr/share/debuginfofs/dav-debuginfo.conf - If you're running SELinux you'll need to allow httpd to access port 3309. The package %post script handles this, or you can do it yourself: /usr/sbin/semanage port -a -S targeted -t http_port_t -p tcp 3309 Some rough stats about disk usage: - F10 i386+x86_64 full debuginfo stats: - debuginfo data (.debug files): ~100k files, 73GB - sources: ~2.2m files (!), 38GB - F10+Rawhide, i386+x86_64: - debuginfo data: ~200k files, 111GB