Fetching data for a debuginfofs server: the easy way 1) edit config.sh - the defaults should be fine for most people. 2) edit rsync-fedora-debuginfo.sh - Change 'server' to something closer to you - If you need something other than Fedora, you're on your own. Fetching data for a debuginfofs server: complete instructions 1) edit config.sh - again, the defaults should be fine for most people. 2) Fetch all the debuginfo RPMs somewhere - If you've got them on an NFS mount somewhere, this is easy. - Eventually there'll be a 'fetch-debuginfo-rpms' script that will do the right thing for Fedora or RHEL, let you use http/ftp mirrors, etc. - For now: you're on your own. 3) find $rpmdir -name "*.rpm" -exec ./unpack-debuginfo.sh my-debuginfo-dir {} + 4) ./make-links.sh my-debuginfo-dir Running the debuginfofs server 1) cp dav-debuginfo.conf /etc/httpd/conf.d - Make sure the Alias line matches exportdir in config.sh 2) service httpd start Mounting the debuginfofs on the client 1) cp debuginfofs.init /etc/init.d 2) cp debuginfofs.sysconfig /etc/sysconfig/debuginfofs - Make sure DEBUGINFOFS_HOST matches your server 3) service debuginfofs start