#!/usr/bin/python # spec.py: Read and write RPM .spec files # # Licensed under the new-BSD license (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php) # Copyright (C) 2010 Red Hat, Inc. # Written by Colin Walters import os import sys import re import urlparse import getopt import subprocess import shutil import hashlib class Spec(object): # These two constants were cribbed from rpm-spec-mode.el. SECTIONS = ('%preamble', '%description', '%prep', '%setup', '%build', '%install', '%check', '%clean', '%changelog', '%files') SCRIPTS = ('%pre', '%post', '%preun', '%postun', '%trigger', '%triggerin', '%treiggerprein', '%triggerun', '%triggerpostun', '%pretrans', '%posttrans') def __init__(self, filename): self._filename = filename f = open(filename) self._lines = self._read_lines_joining_backslash(f) f.close() self._saved = False self._append_buildrequires = [] self._source_dirname = None self._source_archivename = None self._substitutions = [] self._set_keys = {} # name -> value # Map from section name (e.g. '%build') -> (list of functions) self._section_filters = {} self._added_patches = [] def _read_lines_joining_backslash(self, f): lines = f.readlines() concat_line = None out_lines = [] for line in lines: if line.endswith('\\\n'): if concat_line is None: concat_line = line[:-2] else: concat_line += line[:-2] elif concat_line: out_lines.append(concat_line + line) concat_line = None else: out_lines.append(line) if concat_line: out_lines.append(concat_line + '\n') return out_lines def get_name(self): return self._filename[:-5] def add_buildrequires(self, new_buildrequires): assert not self._saved current_buildrequires = self.get_key_allvalues('BuildRequires') new_buildrequires = filter(lambda x: x not in current_buildrequires, new_buildrequires) self._append_buildrequires = new_buildrequires def increment_release_snapshot(self, identifier): assert not self._saved cur_release = self.get_key('Release') release_has_dist = cur_release.endswith('%{?dist}') if release_has_dist: cur_release = cur_release[:-8] snapshot_release_re = re.compile(r'^([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.') numeric_re = re.compile(r'^([0-9]+)$') match = snapshot_release_re.match(cur_release) if match: firstint = int(match.group(1)) relint = int(match.group(2)) + 1 new_release = '%d.%d.%s' % (firstint, relint, identifier) else: match = numeric_re.match(cur_release) if not match: raise ValueError("Can't handle Release value: %r" % (cur_release, )) new_release = '%s.0.%s' % (cur_release, identifier) if release_has_dist: new_release += '%{?dist}' self.set_key('Release', new_release) def set_source(self, dirname, archivename): assert not self._saved self._source_dirname = dirname self._source_archivename = archivename def add_section_filter(self, name, function): if not (name in self.SECTIONS or name in self.SCRIPTS): raise KeyError("Invalid section name %r" % (name, )) if name not in self._section_filters: self._section_filters[name] = [] self._section_filters[name].append(function) def _line_is_section(self, line): for section in self.SECTIONS: if line.startswith(section): return True for section in self.SCRIPTS: if line.startswith(section): return True return False def _get_range_for_section(self, name): if not (name in self.SECTIONS or name in self.SCRIPTS): raise KeyError("Invalid section name %r" % (name, )) section_start = -1 section_end = -1 for i, line in enumerate(self._lines): if section_start == -1 and line.startswith(name): section_start = i elif section_start >= 0: if self._line_is_section(line): section_end = i break if section_start >= 0: section_end = len(self._lines) - 1 return (section_start, section_end) def _replace_key_line(self, key, new_value, line): """Takes a line of the form "Release: 42 # foo" and replaces the 42 with new_value, preserving the comment # foo.""" comment = line.rfind('#') if comment >= 0: return '%s: %s %s\n' % (key, new_value, line[comment:]) else: return '%s: %s\n' % (key, new_value) def add_patch(self, filename): patches = self.get_patches() if len(patches) == 0: patchnum = 0 else: patchnums = map(lambda a: a[0], patches) patchnum = max(patchnums) self._added_patches.append(filename) def save(self): self._saved = True tmpname = self._filename + '.tmp' self.save_as(tmpname) os.rename(tmpname, self._filename) def save_as(self, new_filename): wrote_buildrequires = False output = open(new_filename, 'w') apply_patchmeta_at_line = -1 apply_patch_apply_at_line = -1 source_re = re.compile(r'^Source([0-9]*):') patch_re = re.compile(r'^Patch([0-9]+):') apply_re = re.compile(r'^%patch') highest_patchnum = -1 output_lines = self._lines for i,line in enumerate(output_lines): match = patch_re.search(line) if match: apply_patchmeta_at_line = i highest_patchnum = int(match.group(1)) continue match = source_re.search(line) if match: apply_patchmeta_at_line = i if highest_patchnum == -1: highest_patchnum = 0 continue if line.startswith('%setup'): apply_patch_apply_at_line = i + 1 continue match = apply_re.search(line) if match: apply_patch_apply_at_line = i + 1 continue if apply_patchmeta_at_line == -1: print "Error: Couldn't determine where to add Patch:" sys.exit(1) if apply_patch_apply_at_line == -1: print "Error: Couldn't determine where to add %patch" sys.exit(1) for section,filters in self._section_filters.iteritems(): (start, end) = self._get_range_for_section(section) for i,line in enumerate(output_lines[start:end]): for f in filters: result = f(line) if result is not None: output_lines[start+i] = line = result for i,line in enumerate(output_lines): if i == apply_patchmeta_at_line: for pnum,patch in enumerate(self._added_patches): output.write('Patch%d: %s\n' % (highest_patchnum + pnum + 1, patch)) elif i == apply_patch_apply_at_line: for pnum,patch in enumerate(self._added_patches): output.write('%%patch%d -p1\n' % (highest_patchnum + pnum + 1, )) if line.startswith('%setup') and self._source_dirname: # This is dumb, need to automate this in RPM output.write('%%setup -q -n %s\n' % self._source_dirname) elif ':' in line: key, value = line.split(':', 1) if (line.startswith('Source0:') or line.startswith('Source:')) and self._source_archivename: output.write("""# Snapshot created from upstream version control by rpmci-spec-vcs.\n""") output.write(self._replace_key_line(key, self._source_archivename, line)) elif key == 'BuildRequires' and not wrote_buildrequires: output.write(line) for req in self._append_buildrequires: output.write('BuildRequires: %s\n' % req) wrote_buildrequires = True elif key in self._set_keys: output.write(self._replace_key_line(key, self._set_keys[key], line)) else: output.write(line) else: output.write(line) output.close() def get_patches(self): patchre = re.compile(r'^Patch([0-9]+):') patches = [] for line in self._lines: match = patchre.search(line) if not match: continue patches.append((int(match.group(1)), line.split(':', 1)[1].strip())) return patches def get_version(self): return self.get_key('Version') def get_vcs(self): for line in self._lines: if line.startswith('#VCS:'): return line[5:].strip() return self.get_key('VCS') def get_key(self, key): key = key + ':' for line in self._lines: if line.startswith(key): return line[len(key):].strip() raise ValueError("No such key %r in file %r" % (key, self._filename)) def get_key_allvalues(self, key): key = key + ':' result = [] for line in self._lines: if line.startswith(key): result.append(line[len(key):].strip()) return result def set_key(self, key, value): """Only supports one key-value pair.""" self._set_keys[key] = value def __str__(self): return self._filename