= What is RPMCI? = The overall goal here is to take a set of Fedora package git repositories which have been annotated with the #VCS key: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Walters/Packaging_VCS_key_proposal Then, given a set of modules, monitor the upstream git urls, and autobuild them into RPMs for a given OS release and set of architectures. = Deployment = Right now the code only runs on a single Unix host. There are 3 separate daemons: rpmci-vcs-mirror: A git mirroring daemon rpmci-srpm-builder: Builds SRPMs after git has changed rpmci-binrpm-builder: Builds binary RPMs A design goal for separating these things is that ideally we'd support using koji. == Getting started == To get started, see sample.config, modify to taste. Then, run: $ rpmci-update-config --config /path/to/your/config This will initialize clones from version control, mainly. Then, we suggest using "supervisor" and the provided supervisor.conf to manage the daemons, under a dedicated user (who will need to be in the mock group to run rpmci-binrpm-builder). $ supervisorctl -c supervisor.conf