diff options
authorVít Ondruch <>2022-11-23 17:05:19 +0100
committerVít Ondruch <>2022-11-23 17:05:19 +0100
commit487234ef5f64f78291ce767a8a989649ee941c73 (patch)
parent9d760980a7cf5c5d5712c84c5b3821c248fbdee4 (diff)
Revert back to plain library instead of gem.
The RubyGems plugin intercace can still be used to load the generator, while it enables to keep the assets out of the RubyGems direcotry structure. The split would be otherwise akward. This commit also includes change from monkey patching to inheritance.
4 files changed, 74 insertions, 164 deletions
diff --git a/darkfish.spec b/darkfish.spec
index b5713a5..2a38ca0 100644
--- a/darkfish.spec
+++ b/darkfish.spec
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
%global gem_name fedora_darkfish
+%global gem_plugin %{gem_dir}/plugins/%{name}_plugin.rb
Name: darkfish-rdoc
Version: 6.4.0
Release: 1%{?dist}
@@ -9,14 +11,13 @@ Summary: Darkfish RDoc Generator
License: GPL-2.0 AND Ruby AND BSD-3-Clause AND CC-BY-2.5
-Source1: fedora_darkfish.gemspec
-Source2: fedora_darkfish.rb
-Source3: rubygems_plugin.rb
+Source1: fedora_darkfish.rb
+Source2: rubygems_plugin.rb
# Because the fonts are not embedded, do not refer to them in the font.css
# file.
Patch0: rdoc-6.4.0-Drop-the-font-URLs-from-css.patch
Requires: %{name}-assets
-BuildRequires: %{_bindir}/gem
+Requires: ruby(rubygems)
BuildRequires: rubygems-devel
BuildArch: noarch
@@ -39,30 +40,14 @@ This package provides Darkfish template shared assets for documentaion
generated for rubygem- packages on Fedora.
-#%%setup -q -n rdoc-%{version}
-%setup -q -c
+%setup -q -n rdoc-%{version}
-pushd rdoc-%{version}
%patch0 -p1
-mkdir -p lib
-pushd lib
-cp -a %{SOURCE2} .
-cp -a %{SOURCE3} .
-gem build %{SOURCE1}
-mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{gem_dir}
-cp -a .%{gem_dir}/* \
- %{buildroot}%{gem_dir}/
-pushd rdoc-%{version}/lib/rdoc/generator/template/
+pushd lib/rdoc/generator/template/
find . -mindepth 2 -type d \
-exec install -d %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/darkfish-rdoc/{} \;
find . -type f \
@@ -74,17 +59,20 @@ rm %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/darkfish-rdoc/{darkfish,json_index}/.document
# Drop fonts. System fonts are going to be pulled in instead.
rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/darkfish-rdoc/darkfish/fonts
+install -p -m 644 %{SOURCE1} %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/darkfish-rdoc/
+install -p -m 644 %{SOURCE2} %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/darkfish-rdoc/
+mkdir -p $(dirname %{buildroot}%{gem_plugin})
+echo "require '%{_datadir}/darkfish-rdoc/rubygems_plugin.rb'" > %{buildroot}%{gem_plugin}
# Not test ATM. Not clear if there is actually something to test.
-%dir %{gem_instdir}
-%exclude %{gem_docdir}
-%exclude %{gem_cache}
%files assets
%dir %{_datadir}/darkfish-rdoc/
diff --git a/fedora_darkfish.gemspec b/fedora_darkfish.gemspec
deleted file mode 100644
index 2244fb1..0000000
--- a/fedora_darkfish.gemspec
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@ do |spec|
- = 'fedora_darkfish'
- spec.version = '6.4.0'
- spec.authors = ['Jaroslav Prokop']
- = ['']
- spec.summary = 'RDoc plugin for Fedora leveraging the Darkfish template'
- spec.description = 'RDoc plugin for Fedora leveraging the Darkfish template' \
- 'that symlinks common files.'
- spec.homepage = ''
- spec.license = 'MIT'
- # Prevent pushing this gem to To allow pushes either set the 'allowed_push_host'
- # to allow pushing to a single host or delete this section to allow pushing to any host.
- if spec.respond_to?(:metadata)
- spec.metadata['allowed_push_host'] = ''
- else
- raise 'RubyGems 2.0 or newer is required to protect against ' \
- 'public gem pushes.'
- end
- spec.files = Dir["lib/*.rb"]
- spec.add_development_dependency 'rake', '>= 12'
- spec.add_development_dependency 'test_unit'
diff --git a/fedora_darkfish.rb b/fedora_darkfish.rb
index 28c3946..6bb9825 100644
--- a/fedora_darkfish.rb
+++ b/fedora_darkfish.rb
@@ -2,46 +2,53 @@ require 'rdoc'
require 'rdoc/generator/darkfish'
require 'rdoc/generator/json_index'
-class RDoc::Generator::Darkfish
- alias initialize_orig initialize
+module RDoc::Generator::Fedora
+ class RDoc::Generator::Fedora::Darkfish < RDoc::Generator::Darkfish
+ RDoc::RDoc.add_generator(self)
- def initialize store, options
- options.template_dir = File.join __dir__, 'darkfish'
- initialize_orig store, options
- end
+ alias initialize_orig initialize
+ def initialize store, options
+ options.template_dir = File.join __dir__, 'darkfish'
- def install_rdoc_static_file source, destination, options # :nodoc:
- return unless source.exist?
+ initialize_orig store, options
- begin
- FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname(destination), **options
- FileUtils.ln_sf source, destination, **options
- rescue
+ @json_index = self, options
+ end
+ def install_rdoc_static_file source, destination, options # :nodoc:
+ return unless source.exist?
+ begin
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname(destination), **options
+ FileUtils.ln_sf source, destination, **options
+ rescue
+ end
-class RDoc::Generator::JsonIndex
- alias generate_orig generate
+ class RDoc::Generator::Fedora::JsonIndex < RDoc::Generator::JsonIndex
+ alias generate_orig generate
- def generate
- generate_orig
+ def generate
+ generate_orig
- out_dir = @base_dir + @options.op_dir
+ out_dir = @base_dir + @options.op_dir
- template_dir = File.join __dir__, 'json_index'
+ template_dir = File.join __dir__, 'json_index'
- Dir.chdir template_dir do
- Dir['**/*.js'].each do |source|
- dest = File.join out_dir, source
- source = File.realpath source
- FileUtils.ln_sf source, dest, :verbose => $DEBUG_RDOC
+ Dir.chdir template_dir do
+ Dir['**/*.js'].each do |source|
+ dest = File.join out_dir, source
+ source = File.realpath source
+ FileUtils.ln_sf source, dest, :verbose => $DEBUG_RDOC
+ end
- end
- # Don't generate gzipped content. Because we have always shipped also the
- # original, it just increases the size.
- def generate_gzipped
+ # Don't generate gzipped content. Because we have always shipped also the
+ # original, it just increases the size.
+ def generate_gzipped
+ end
diff --git a/rubygems_plugin.rb b/rubygems_plugin.rb
index f003ae3..574c693 100644
--- a/rubygems_plugin.rb
+++ b/rubygems_plugin.rb
@@ -1,93 +1,34 @@
-[:pre_install, :pre_reset, :pre_uninstall, :post_build, :post_install, :post_reset, :post_uninstall].each do |meth|
- block = { puts 'This is ' + meth.to_s }
- Gem.send(meth, &block)
-# class RDoc::RubygemsHook::Fedora < Rdoc::RubygemsHook
-# def document options, destination
-# end
-# end
-Gem.pre_install do
- module RDoc
- class RubygemsHook
- alias generate_default generate
- def self.load_rdoc
- return if @fedora_darkfish_version
- require_relative 'rdoc/generator/fedora_darkfish'
- @fedora_darkfish_version = '1.0.0'
- end
- # def generate
- # if Gem.rpmbuild?
- # generate_fedora
- # else
- # generate_default
- # end
- # end
- def generate #_fedora
- # Unfortunately the generator option for RDoc is not parametrized so
- # this has been Copied from RDoc::RubygemsHook#generate
- # and darkfish was replaced with fedora at the end of this method.
- return if @spec.default_gem?
- return unless @generate_ri or @generate_rdoc
- setup
- options = nil
+# Make sure there are no `done_installing` hooks defined yet, so there is know
+# starting position.
+raise unless Gem.done_installing_hooks.empty?
- args = @spec.rdoc_options
- args.concat @spec.source_paths
- args.concat @spec.extra_rdoc_files
+# Initialize the RubyGems RDoc hook.
+require "rubygems/rdoc"
- case config_args = Gem.configuration[:rdoc]
- when String then
- args = args.concat config_args.split(' ')
- when Array then
- args = args.concat config_args
- end
+# Double check that there is only one `done_installing` hook loaded.
+raise unless Gem.done_installing_hooks.size == 1
- delete_legacy_args args
+# Subsequently drop the hook.
- Dir.chdir @spec.full_gem_path do
- options =
- options.default_title = "#{@spec.full_name} Documentation"
- options.parse args
- end
+$LOAD_PATH.unshift __dir__
+require 'fedora_darkfish'
- options.quiet = !Gem.configuration.really_verbose
- @rdoc = new_rdoc
- @rdoc.options = options
- store =
- store.encoding = options.encoding
- store.dry_run = options.dry_run
- store.main = options.main_page
- store.title = options.title
- = store
- say "Parsing documentation for #{@spec.full_name}"
- Dir.chdir @spec.full_gem_path do
- @rdoc.parse_files options.files
- end
+module Fedora
+ module RDoc
+ end
- document 'ri', options, @ri_dir if
- @generate_ri and (@force or not File.exist? @ri_dir)
+class Fedora::RDoc::RubyGemsHook < RDoc::RubygemsHook
+ def self.generation_hook installer, specs
+ puts "FedoraRDoc.generation_hook - the `specs` could be modified to include additional `rdoc_options`"
+ super
+ end
- document 'fedora', options, @rdoc_dir if
- @generate_rdoc and (@force or not File.exist? @rdoc_dir)
- end
- end
+ def document generator, options, destination
+ generator = "fedora::#{generator}"
+ super
-# Gem.post_install do
-# puts require 'fedora_darkfish'
-# end