package com.netscape.pkisilent.common; // --- BEGIN COPYRIGHT BLOCK --- // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along // with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., // 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. // // (C) 2007 Red Hat, Inc. // All rights reserved. // --- END COPYRIGHT BLOCK --- import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Properties; import org.mozilla.jss.crypto.X509Certificate; import org.mozilla.jss.ssl.SSLCertificateApprovalCallback; /** * CMS Test framework . Before createing an instance of this class make sure you * havae set an environment variable TEST_CONFIG_FILE. */ public class TestClient implements SSLCertificateApprovalCallback { public int port; // properties file parameters public static String host, ports, adminid, adminpwd, propfileName, cdir; public static String certnickname, keysize, keytype, tokenpwd; public static String serverRoot, instanceRoot, ldaprootDN, ldaprootDNPW, caInstanceRoot, dataDirectory; // Program variables public String STATUS; public Properties props = null; public String ACTION_STRING; public String query; public boolean debug = false; // Certificate nicknames to be used by Test Clients private int i; private String testConfigFile; public String caAgentCertName = "ca-agent"; public String raAgentCertName = "ra-agent"; public String ocspAgentCertName = "ocsp-agent"; public String kraAgentCertName = "kra-agent"; public String tksAgentCertName = "tks-agent"; public String singleSignOnPWD = "secret12"; public String adminCertName = "cn=admin"; private String ldapBaseSuffix = "dc=netscape,dc=com"; private String admDN = "admin"; private String admDNPW = "admin"; private String TmpDir; private String TestLogFile; private String startupTests, cleanupTests; private X509Certificate SSLServerCert = null; // Cert Sub vart public String UID, OU, O, DN, E, CN, C, GN, SN, L, MAIL; // Enroll protected String PWD; // CRypto public ComCrypto cCrypt = new ComCrypto(); public String pkcs10request = null; // Error public String ErrorDetail; private String serverKeyType, serverKeySize, serverKeyAlgo; private String unauth[] = { "Unauthorized Access", "Server Error", "Not Found", "Generic Unauthorized" }; public boolean approve(X509Certificate x509, SSLCertificateApprovalCallback.ValidityStatus status) { SSLServerCert = x509; return true; } // Constructor public TestClient() { keysize = "1024"; keytype = "RSA"; } /** * Constructor . Takes the parameter for keysize and keytype . Before * creating a new instance of this class make sure you have set * TEST_CONFIG_FILE variable in your environnemt. Reads the TEST_CONFIG_FILE * . Initializes the certificate database. See engage.cfg file for example. * * @param keysize * @param keytype */ public TestClient(String ks, String kt) { testConfigFile = ReadEnv("TEST_CONFIG_FILE"); System.out.println(testConfigFile); readConfigFile(); keysize = ks; keytype = kt; cCrypt.setCertDir(cdir); cCrypt.setCertnickname(adminCertName); cCrypt.setKeySize(keysize); cCrypt.setKeyType(keytype); cCrypt.setTokenPWD(tokenpwd); cCrypt.setDebug(true); cCrypt.CreateCertDB(); } /** * Gets the SSLServer Certificate of the server */ public X509Certificate getSSLServerCert() { return SSLServerCert; } /** * finds the cert with nickname cname in the clients cert database */ public X509Certificate findCertByNickname(String cname) { return cCrypt.findCert(cname); } /** * Imports certificate to cert database.Takes parameters Certpackage and * certnickname */ boolean importCert(String cp, String nickname) { return cCrypt.importCert(cp, nickname); } /** * This function returns true if you choose to executeStartupTests */ public boolean executeStartupTests() { if (startupTests == null) { return false; } else if (startupTests.equals("y")) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * This function returns true if you choose to executeCleanupTests */ public boolean executeCleanupTests() { if (cleanupTests == null) { return false; } else if (cleanupTests.equals("y")) { return true; } else { return false; } } public String GetServerRoot() { return serverRoot; } public String GetInstanceRoot() { return instanceRoot; } public String getErrorDetail() { return ErrorDetail; } public String GetAdminDN() { return admDN; } public String GetAdminDNPWD() { return admDNPW; } public String GetLDAPDN() { return ldaprootDN; } public String GetLDAPDNPW() { return ldaprootDNPW; } public String GetLDAPBASE() { return ldapBaseSuffix; } public String GetAdminCertName() { return adminCertName; } public String GetRAAgentCertName() { return raAgentCertName; } public String GetKRAAgentCertName() { return kraAgentCertName; } public String GetOCSPAgentCertName() { return ocspAgentCertName; } public String GetTKSAgentCertName() { return tksAgentCertName; } public String GetDataDirectory() { return dataDirectory; } public String GetClientCertDB() { return cdir; } public String GetClientCertDBPW() { return tokenpwd; } public String GetSingleSignOnPW() { return singleSignOnPWD; } public String GetCARoot() { return caInstanceRoot; } public String GetTmpDir() { return TmpDir; } public String GetServerKeySize() { return serverKeySize; } public String GetServerKeyType() { return serverKeyType; } public String GetServerKeyAlgorithm() { return serverKeyAlgo; } public void setStatusString(String ststr) { STATUS = ststr; } public void setDebug(boolean t) { debug = t; } public void setpkcs10Request(String t) { pkcs10request = t; } public void setHostName(String s) { host = s; } public void setCARoot(String s) { caInstanceRoot = s; } public void setTestLogFile(String s) { TestLogFile = s; } /** * parses a http page and returns true if any error is returned by server **/ public boolean getError(String line) { int ret; ret = line.indexOf("fixed.errorDetails"); if (line.indexOf("fixed.errorDetails") == 0) { ErrorDetail = line.substring(ret + ("fixed.errorDetails = ").length()); return true; } if (line.indexOf("fixed.errorDetails") >= 0) { ErrorDetail = line.substring(ret + ("fixed.errorDetails = ").length()); return true; } ret = line.indexOf("fixed.unexpectedError"); if (line.indexOf("fixed.unexpectedError") == 0) { System.out.println("Processing unexpectedError"); ErrorDetail = line.substring(ret + ("fixed.unexpectedError = ").length()); return true; } if (line.indexOf(unauth[0]) > 0) { ErrorDetail = unauth[0]; return true; } if (line.indexOf(unauth[1]) > -1) { ErrorDetail = unauth[1]; return true; } if (line.indexOf(unauth[2]) > -1) { ErrorDetail = unauth[2]; return true; } if (line.indexOf(unauth[3]) > -1) { ErrorDetail = unauth[3]; return true; } if (line.indexOf("errorReason") >= 0) { ErrorDetail = line.substring(ret + ("errorReason=").length()); return true; } return false; } /** * Reads a properties file . Takes filename as input parameter. */ public void getProperties(String fileName) throws Exception { try { FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(fileName); props = new Properties(); props.load(fis); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("exception " + e.getMessage()); } } public String ReadEnv(String str) { try { Process p = null; Runtime r = Runtime.getRuntime(); String OS = System.getProperty("").toLowerCase(); if (OS.indexOf("windows") > 1) { p = r.exec("cmd.exe /c set"); } else { p = r.exec("env"); } BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( p.getInputStream())); String line; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { int idx = line.indexOf('='); String key = line.substring(0, idx); String value = line.substring(idx + 1); // System.out.println(key + "=" + value); if (key.startsWith(str)) { return value; } } return null; } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } private void readConfigFile() { try { getProperties(testConfigFile); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("exception reading TestConfigFile " + e.getMessage()); } serverRoot = props.getProperty("SROOT"); instanceRoot = props.getProperty("IROOT"); dataDirectory = props.getProperty("DATA_DIR"); ldapBaseSuffix = props.getProperty("LDAPBASESUFFIX"); if (ldapBaseSuffix.indexOf("\"") > -1) { ldapBaseSuffix = ldapBaseSuffix.substring(1, ldapBaseSuffix.length() - 1); } ldaprootDN = props.getProperty("LDAPROOTDN"); // Strip of th e quotes "cn=directory manager" string if (ldaprootDN.indexOf("\"") > -1) { ldaprootDN = ldaprootDN.substring(1, ldaprootDN.length() - 1); } System.out.println("ldaprootDN : " + ldaprootDN); ldaprootDNPW = props.getProperty("LDAPROOTDNPW"); cdir = props.getProperty("CERTDB"); tokenpwd = props.getProperty("CERTDBPW"); caInstanceRoot = props.getProperty("CAIROOT"); admDN = props.getProperty("ADMINDN"); admDNPW = props.getProperty("ADMINDNPW"); singleSignOnPWD = props.getProperty("SINGLESIGNONPW"); serverKeySize = props.getProperty("KEYSIZE"); serverKeyType = props.getProperty("KEYTYPE"); serverKeyAlgo = props.getProperty("KEYALGORITHM"); TmpDir = props.getProperty("TMP_DIR"); TestLogFile = props.getProperty("TEST_LOG_FILE"); String de = props.getProperty("DEBUG"); if (de == null) { debug = false; } else if (de.equals("true")) { debug = true; } else { debug = false; } } /** * returns a String representation of an interger */ public String getString(int m) { Integer x = new Integer(m); String s = x.toString(); return s; } private static boolean isSocketUnused(String h, int p) { try { Socket ss = new Socket(h, p); ss.close(); return false; } catch (IOException e) { return true; } } /** * returns FreePort in this machine . Takes a parmater portnumber. For * example getFreePort("4026"). */ public String getFreePort(String s) { Integer x = new Integer(s); int p = x.intValue(); boolean st = true; // if p = 0, then the serversocket constructor get a free port by itself p = 0; try { ServerSocket ss1 = new ServerSocket(p); p = ss1.getLocalPort(); System.out.println("Obtained Free Port = " + p); ss1.close(); return (getString(p)); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Unable to get Free Port"); e.printStackTrace(); p = 0; return (getString(p)); } // This following method doesn't Always get a free port. // while (st) { // if(isSocketUnused(host,p) ) // st=false; // p++; // } // return (getString(p)); } /** * Reads a file and returns the cert request as string **/ public String readRequest(String filename) { try { FileInputStream f1 = new FileInputStream(filename); int size = f1.available(); byte b[] = new byte[size]; if ( != b.length) { return null; } f1.close(); String s = new String(b); return s; } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("exception " + e.getMessage()); return null; } } public static void main(String args[]) { TestClient t = new TestClient("1024", "RSA"); /* * ****************************************************************** * Sample programs to initialze calsses * ****************************************************************** */ /* * ******************************************************************* * To Test AutoInstaller * ****************************************************************** */ /* * AutoInstaller a = new AutoInstaller(t.GetServerRoot()); * * ServerInfo s = new ServerInfo(t.GetServerRoot()); System.out.println * (" Admin Port : " + s.GetAdminPort()); System.out.println * (" LDAP Port : "+ s.GetConfigLDAPPort()); System.out.println( * "Hostname " + s.GetHostName()); System.out.println(" doamin name : " * + s.GetDomainName()); * * t.setHostName(s.GetHostName()); // Set adminServer Info * a.setAdminInfo * (s.GetHostName(),s.GetAdminPort(),s.GetDomainName(),"admin","admin"); * a * .setAdminInfo(s.GetHostName(),s.GetAdminPort(),"","admin","admin" * ); * * // setCAInfo * a.setCAInfo(s.GetHostName(),"1027","8100","admin","secret12"); * //setInternalDB info String dp = t.getFreePort("38900"); * a.setInternalDBInfo * (s.GetHostName(),"38907","ca-db","cn=directory manager","secret12" ); * * // set tokenInfo * * a.setTokenInfo("Internal","secret12"); * * // set Subsystem info String agp = t.getFreePort("8100"); String adp * = t.getFreePort("8200"); String eesp = t.getFreePort("1027"); String * eep = t.getFreePort("1100"); * * System.out.println(agp); * * a.setSubSystemInfo("testra",t.GetServerRoot(),"RSA","1024","MD5","365" * ,"cn=certificate manager,ou=test,o=test",adp,agp,eesp,eep); * * a.setClientDBInfo(t.GetClientCertDB(),"secret12",t.GetAdminCertName()) * ; * * a.ConfigureCA("admin","admin","secret12","secret12"); * * // a.ConfigureRA("admin","admin","secret12","secret12"); */ /* * ***************************************************** * Example to Get Server Details * ***************************************************** */ ServerInfo s = new ServerInfo(t.GetServerRoot(), t.GetInstanceRoot()); t.setHostName(s.GetHostName()); System.out.println("AgentPort " + s.GetAgentPort()); System.out.println("EESSLPort " + s.GetEESSLPort()); System.out.println("EEPort " + s.GetEEPort()); System.out.println("CMSAdminPort :" + s.GetCMSAdminPort()); System.out.println("IDBPort : " + s.GetInternalDBPort()); System.out.println("CAAuthority : " + s.GetCertAuthority()); System.out.println("CASigningCert:" + s.GetCASigningCert()); System.out.println("RASigningCert:" + s.GetRASigningCert()); System.out.println("ServerCert" + s.GetServerCertNickName()); System.out.println("------------------------------------------"); System.out.println(" Internal Database Test:"); System.out.println(" LDAP Port : " + s.GetConfigLDAPPort()); System.out.println("Hostname " + s.GetHostName()); DirEnroll de = new DirEnroll(s.GetHostName(), s.GetEESSLPort()); de.setAuthenticator("Portal"); de.setUIDInfo("caeetest110", "secret12"); de.enroll(); /* **************************************************************** * CMC Enroll * ************************************************************** */ /* * CMSUtils cmsutils = new CMSUtils(t.GetServerRoot()); String * requestfile= * "/u/lgopal/work/tetCMS/ns/tetframework/testcases/CMS/6.0/acceptance/data/basic/cmcreq/cmctest1.req" * ; * cmsutils.runCMCEnroll(t.GetClientCertDB(),"cn=admin",t.GetClientCertDBPW * (),requestfile); Profiles pr = new * Profiles(s.GetHostName(),s.GetEESSLPort()); * pr.setProfileType("caCMCUserCert"); pr.setCertAuthority("ca"); * * String request = t.readRequest(requestfile+".out"); String bstr = * "-----BEGIN NEW CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----"; String * estr="-----END NEW CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----"; String Blob1 = * request.substring(bstr.length() + 1); String Blob2 = * Blob1.substring(0,Blob1.indexOf(estr)); request=Blob2; * * * pr.setRequest(request); * * pr.setUserInfo("UID=test1,Ou=netscape,o=aol","test","test","test", * "netscape","aol"); pr.clientCertEnroll(); */ /* **************************************************************** * OCSP Client stuff * *********************************************************** */ /* * String ip= ""; OCSPClient ocspclient= new * OCSPClient(s.GetHostName * (),ip,s.GetEEPort(),t.GetClientCertDB(),t.GetClientCertDBPW * (),"cn=admin" ,"/tmp/ocsp.out","4"); * ocspclient.setCert(t.findCertByNickname("ocsp-agent")); * * ocspclient.SendOCSPRequest(); */ /* * **************************************************** * Test CRMFcleint and KRA REcovery and Archival * **************************************************** */ /* * ******************************************************** * OCSP Agent stuff * ******************************************************** */ /* * Retrieval rtr = new Retrieval(s.GetHostName(),s.GetEESSLPort()); * rtr.getCACert(); System.out.println("CA Cert chain" + rtr.getCert()); * * OcspAgent ocspAgent= new OcspAgent(s.GetHostName(),"8111"); * ocspAgent.setAgentCertName(t.GetOCSPAgentCertName()); * * String cert = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----"+"\n"+rtr.getCert()+"\n"+ * "-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n"; * * ocspAgent.setCACert(cert); ocspAgent.addCA(); */ /* * ************************************************************** * Submit Profile based request * ******************************************************** */ /* * Profiles pr = new Profiles(s.GetHostName(),s.GetEESSLPort()); * pr.setProfileType("caUserCert"); // * pr.setProfileType("caDirUserCert"); * * pr.setCertAuthority("ca"); * pr.setUserInfo("UID=test1,Ou=netscape,o=aol" * ,"test","test","test","netscape","aol"); * //pr.setDirUserInfo("test","netscape"); pr.clientCertEnroll(); * System.out.println("Request ID is " + pr.getRequestID()); * * * Request re = new Request (s.GetHostName(),s.GetAgentPort(),"ca"); * re.setAgentCertName(t.GetAdminCertName()); * re.ApproveProfileRequests(pr.getRequestID()); */ /* * String TransportCert= * "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" * ; * * * CRMFClient CrmfClient = new * CRMFClient(s.GetHostName(),s.GetEEPort()); * CrmfClient.setDBInfo(t.GetClientCertDB(),t.GetClientCertDBPW()); * CrmfClient.setTransportCert(TransportCert); * CrmfClient.setUserInfo("user","netscape"); * CrmfClient.setLDAPInfo(t.GetLDAPDN(),t.GetLDAPDNPW()); * CrmfClient.setDualKey(true); * * if(!CrmfClient.Enroll()) * {System.out.println("CRMFClient : could not submit request");} * * * checkRequest cr = new * checkRequest(s.GetHostName(),s.GetEESSLPort(),t. * getString(CrmfClient.getRequestId()),"false"); * cr.checkRequestStatus(); System.out.println("Serial num " + * cr.getSerialNumber()); System.out.println("cert pack " + * cr.getCert()); * * KraAgent kraAgent = new KraAgent(s.GetHostName(),"8111"); * kraAgent.setAgentCertName("cn=admin"); * System.out.println("KRAAgent List archival"); * * Vector aReq= kraAgent.ListArchivalRequests(); int i=0; while(i < * aReq.size() ) { System.out.print(aReq.elementAt(i) + " "); i++; } * * kraAgent.setCertificate(cr.getCert()); kraAgent.setLocalAgent(false); * kraAgent.recoverKeys(); */ /* * ************************************************************ * Example to Connect oto Config Directory port * ************************************************************ */ /* * CMSLDAP cmsldap = new * CMSLDAP(s.GetHostName(),s.GetConfigLDAPPort(),t. * GetLDAPDN(),t.GetLDAPDNPW()); if(cmsldap.connect()) * System.out.println("LDAP Connection successful"); else * System.out.println("Error Connecting to LDAPSERVER"); * * // Add user to config directoory if * (cmsldap.userAdd("ou=people,"+t.GetLDAPBASE * (),"t2","t2","t2","netscape")) * System.out.println("Added user to Config directory"); */ /* * ************************************************************ * Example to Submit a CRMFCleint request to CA * ************************************************************ */ String TransportCert = "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"; /* * CRMFClient CrmfClient = new * CRMFClient(s.GetHostName(),s.GetEEPort()); * CrmfClient.setDBInfo(t.GetClientCertDB(),t.GetClientCertDBPW()); * CrmfClient.setTransportCert(TransportCert); * CrmfClient.setUserInfo("user","netscape"); * CrmfClient.setLDAPInfo(t.GetLDAPDN(),t.GetLDAPDNPW()); * CrmfClient.setDualKey(true); * * if(!CrmfClient.Enroll()) * {System.out.println("CRMFClient : could not submit request");} */ /* KRA Agent list archived request */ /* * ServerInfo KRAsvrInfo = new ServerInfo(t.GetServerRoot()); String * KRAinstanceRoot=t.GetServerRoot() + "/cert-" + "KRARSA1024" ; * KRAsvrInfo.setInstanceRoot(KRAinstanceRoot); */ /* * System.out.println("KRAAgent "); KraAgent kraAgent = new * KraAgent(s.GetHostName(),s.GetAgentPort()); * kraAgent.setAgentCertName(t.GetKRAAgentCertName()); * System.out.println("KRAAgent List archival"); * * Vector aReq= kraAgent.ListArchivalRequests(); int i=0; while(i < * aReq.size() ) { System.out.print(aReq.elementAt(i) + " "); i++; } */ // cmsldap.disconnect(); /* * ************************************************************ * Example to submit manual user enrollment request * ************************************************************ /* * * * /* UserEnroll ue = new UserEnroll(s.GetHostName(),"1029"); * ue.setUserInfo * ("E=testman,CN=testman,OU=netscape,O=aol,UID=testman1,C=US" * ,"testman", "testman", "testman1", "netscape","t"); * * boolean flag = ue.clientCertEnroll(); if(flag) * System.out.println("Success submitted request"); */ /* * ************************************************************ * Example to submit Directory based enroolemt request * ************************************************************ /* * * /* // Add user to config directoory if * (cmsldap.userAdd("dc=netscape,dc=com","t2","t2","t2","netscape")) * System.out.println("Success "); * * if(cmsldap.TurnOnSSL("slapd-jupiter2","Server-Cert cert-jupiter2","7000" * )) System.out.println("Turned on ssl"); else return; * * cmsldap.TurnOffSSL(); * * cmsldap.disconnect(); * * DirEnroll de = new DirEnroll(s.GetHostName(),s.GetEESSLPort()); * de.setUIDInfo("t2","netscape"); de.enroll(); */ /* * ************************************************************ * Example to submit Admin Enrollment request * ************************************************************ /* * * /* * * AdminEnroll ade = new * AdminEnroll("jupiter2","8200","cn=CMS Administrator,UID=admin,C=US" * ,"admin", "secret12"); flag = ade.Enroll(); if (flag) * System.out.println("adminEnrolled Successfully"); */ /* * ************************************************************ * Example gent List Pending request * ************************************************************ /* * * /* * * // Agent List and Approve Request Request re = new Request * (s.GetHostName(),s.GetAgentPort(),s.GetCertAuthority()); * re.setAgentCertName(t.GetAdminCertName()); * re.ListPendingRequests("2","70"); * re.ApproveRequests(t.getString(ue.getRequestId())); */ /* * ************************************************************ * Example for CheckRequest Status and add the certificate to internal * db************************************************************ /* * * /* // check request status and Revoke cert checkRequest cr = new * checkRequest * (s.GetHostName(),s.GetEESSLPort(),t.getString(ue.getRequestId * ()),"false"); checkRequest cr = new * checkRequest(s.GetHostName(),s.GetEESSLPort(),"1","false"); * * cr.checkRequestStatus(); System.out.println("Serial num " + * cr.getSerialNumber()); System.out.println("cert pack " + * cr.getCert()); * * String st= "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----"+"\n"+cr.getCert()+"\n"+ * "-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n"; System.out.println("cert pack " + st); * * cmsldap.getXCertificate(st.getBytes()); */ /* * ************************************************************ * Example agent ro revoke request * ************************************************************ /* * * /* Revoke rr = new Revoke * (s.GetHostName(),s.GetAgentPort(),s.GetCertAuthority * (),t.getString(cr.getSerialNumber())); rr.revokeCerts(); */ /* * ************************************************************ * Example Agent update CRL * ************************************************************ /* * * /* // Update CRLand DISPLAY it * * System.out.println("Displayin CRL"); CRL crl = new CRL * (s.GetHostName(),s.GetAgentPort(),"/tmp/crlfile"); * crl.setAgentCertName(t.GetAdminCertName()); crl.updateCRL(); * crl.displayCRL(); crl.getRevokedCerts(); */ // Update CRL in Directory /* * UpdateDir dcrl = new UpdateDir(s.GetHostName(),s.GetEESSLPort()); * dcrl.updateDir(); */ /* * ************************************************************ * Example for stopping and starting servers * ************************************************************ */ /* * DSTask idb = new DSTask(t.GetServerRoot()+"/slapd-jupiter2-db"); if * (idb.ldapStop()) System.out.println("IDB stopped"); * if(idb.ldapStart()) System.out.println("IDB Started"); * * System.out.println("------------------------------------------"); * System.out.println(" CMS Test:"); CMSTask task = new * CMSTask(t.GetInstanceRoot()); task.CMSStop(); task.CMSStart(); */ }// end of function main }