# Authors: # Pavel Zuna # # Copyright (C) 2009 Red Hat # see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 only # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA """ Base classes for LDAP plugins. """ import re from ipalib import crud, errors, uuid from ipalib import Command, Method, Object from ipalib import Flag, List, Str from ipalib.base import NameSpace from ipalib.cli import to_cli, from_cli from ipalib import output def validate_add_attribute(ugettext, attr): validate_attribute(ugettext, 'addattr', attr) def validate_set_attribute(ugettext, attr): validate_attribute(ugettext, 'setattr', attr) def validate_attribute(ugettext, name, attr): m = re.match("\s*(.*?)\s*=\s*(.*?)\s*$", attr) if not m or len(m.groups()) != 2: raise errors.ValidationError(name=name, error='Invalid format. Should be name=value') def get_attributes(attrs): """ Given a list of values in the form name=value, return a list of name. """ attrlist=[] for attr in attrs: m = re.match("\s*(.*?)\s*=\s*(.*?)\s*$", attr) attrlist.append(str(m.group(1)).lower()) return attrlist class LDAPObject(Object): """ Object representing a LDAP entry. """ backend_name = 'ldap2' parent_object = '' container_dn = '' object_name = 'entry' object_name_plural = 'entries' object_class = [] object_class_config = None default_attributes = [] hidden_attributes = ['objectclass', 'aci'] uuid_attribute = '' attribute_names = {} attribute_order = [] attribute_members = {} def get_dn(self, *keys, **kwargs): if self.parent_object: parent_dn = self.api.Object[self.parent_object].get_dn(*keys[:-1]) else: parent_dn = self.container_dn return self.backend.make_dn_from_attr( self.primary_key.name, keys[-1], parent_dn ) def get_primary_key_from_dn(self, dn): return dn[len(self.primary_key.name) + 1:dn.find(',')] def get_ancestor_primary_keys(self): if self.parent_object: parent_obj = self.api.Object[self.parent_object] for key in parent_obj.get_ancestor_primary_keys(): yield key if parent_obj.primary_key: yield parent_obj.primary_key.clone(query=True) def convert_attribute_members(self, entry_attrs, *keys, **options): if options.get('raw', False): return for attr in self.attribute_members: for member in entry_attrs.setdefault(attr, []): for ldap_obj_name in self.attribute_members[attr]: ldap_obj = self.api.Object[ldap_obj_name] if member.find(ldap_obj.container_dn) > 0: new_attr = '%s %s' % (attr, ldap_obj.object_name) entry_attrs.setdefault(new_attr, []).append( ldap_obj.get_primary_key_from_dn(member) ) del entry_attrs[attr] def print_entry(self, textui, entry, *keys, **options): if options.get('raw', False): textui.print_attribute('dn', entry[0]) textui.print_entry(entry[1], attr_order=self.attribute_order) else: if self.primary_key: textui.print_attribute( self.object_name.capitalize(), keys[-1], indent=0 ) else: textui.print_plain(self.object_name.capitalize()) entry_attrs = entry[1] for a in self.hidden_attributes: if a in entry_attrs: del entry_attrs[a] textui.print_entry( entry_attrs, attr_map=self.attribute_names, attr_order=self.attribute_order, one_value_per_line=False ) class LDAPCreate(crud.Create): """ Create a new entry in LDAP. """ takes_options = ( Flag('raw', cli_name='raw', doc='print entries as they are stored in LDAP', exclude='webui', ), Str('addattr*', validate_add_attribute, cli_name='addattr', doc='Add an attribute/value pair. Format is attr=value', exclude='webui', ), Str('setattr*', validate_set_attribute, cli_name='setattr', doc='Set an attribute to an name/value pair. Format is attr=value', exclude='webui', ), ) def get_args(self): for key in self.obj.get_ancestor_primary_keys(): yield key if self.obj.primary_key: yield self.obj.primary_key.clone(attribute=True) def execute(self, *keys, **options): ldap = self.obj.backend dn = self.obj.get_dn(*keys, **options) entry_attrs = self.args_options_2_entry(*keys, **options) entry_attrs['objectclass'] = self.obj.object_class if self.obj.object_class_config: config = ldap.get_ipa_config()[1] entry_attrs['objectclass'] = config.get( self.obj.object_class_config, entry_attrs['objectclass'] ) if self.obj.uuid_attribute: entry_attrs[self.obj.uuid_attribute] = str(uuid.uuid1()) dn = self.pre_callback(ldap, dn, entry_attrs, *keys, **options) ldap.add_entry(dn, entry_attrs) (dn, entry_attrs) = ldap.get_entry(dn, entry_attrs.keys()) dn = self.post_callback(ldap, dn, entry_attrs, *keys, **options) self.obj.convert_attribute_members(entry_attrs, *keys, **options) return dict( result=entry_attrs, value=keys[0], ) def dont_output_for_cli(self, textui, entry, *keys, **options): textui.print_name(self.name) self.obj.print_entry(textui, entry, *keys, **options) if len(keys) > 1: textui.print_dashed( 'Created %s "%s" in %s "%s".' % ( self.obj.object_name, keys[-1], self.api.Object[self.obj.parent_object].object_name, keys[-2] ) ) elif len(keys) == 1: textui.print_dashed( 'Created %s "%s".' % (self.obj.object_name, keys[0]) ) else: textui.print_dashed('Created %s.' % self.obj.object_name) def pre_callback(self, ldap, dn, entry_attrs, *keys, **options): return dn def post_callback(self, ldap, dn, entry_attrs, *keys, **options): return dn class LDAPQuery(crud.PKQuery): """ Base class for commands that need to retrieve an existing entry. """ def get_args(self): for key in self.obj.get_ancestor_primary_keys(): yield key if self.obj.primary_key: yield self.obj.primary_key.clone(attribute=True, query=True) class LDAPRetrieve(LDAPQuery): """ Retrieve an LDAP entry. """ takes_options = ( Flag('raw', cli_name='raw', doc='print entries as they are stored in LDAP', ), Flag('all', cli_name='all', doc='retrieve all attributes', ), ) has_output = output.standard_entry def execute(self, *keys, **options): ldap = self.obj.backend dn = self.obj.get_dn(*keys, **options) if options['all']: attrs_list = ['*'] else: attrs_list = list(self.obj.default_attributes) dn = self.pre_callback(ldap, dn, attrs_list, *keys, **options) (dn, entry_attrs) = ldap.get_entry(dn, attrs_list) dn = self.post_callback(ldap, dn, entry_attrs, *keys, **options) self.obj.convert_attribute_members(entry_attrs, *keys, **options) entry_attrs['dn'] = dn return dict( result=entry_attrs, value=keys[0], ) def dont_output_for_cli(self, textui, entry, *keys, **options): textui.print_name(self.name) self.obj.print_entry(textui, entry, *keys, **options) def pre_callback(self, ldap, dn, attrs_list, *keys, **options): return dn def post_callback(self, ldap, dn, entry_attrs, *keys, **options): return dn class LDAPUpdate(LDAPQuery, crud.Update): """ Update an LDAP entry. """ takes_options = ( Flag('raw', cli_name='raw', doc='print entries as they are stored in LDAP', ), Flag('all', cli_name='all', doc='retrieve all attributes', ), Str('addattr*', validate_add_attribute, cli_name='addattr', doc='Add an attribute/value pair. Format is attr=value', exclude='webui', ), Str('setattr*', validate_set_attribute, cli_name='setattr', doc='Set an attribute to an name/value pair. Format is attr=value', exclude='webui', ), ) def execute(self, *keys, **options): ldap = self.obj.backend dn = self.obj.get_dn(*keys, **options) entry_attrs = self.args_options_2_entry(**options) if options['all']: attrs_list = ['*'] else: attrs_list = entry_attrs.keys() dn = self.pre_callback(ldap, dn, entry_attrs, attrs_list, *keys, **options) """ Some special handling is needed because we need to update the values here rather than letting ldap.update_entry() do the work. We have to do the work of adding new values to an existing attribute because if we pass just what is addded only the new values get set. """ if 'addattr' in options: (dn, old_entry) = ldap.get_entry(dn, attrs_list) attrlist = get_attributes(options['addattr']) for attr in attrlist: if attr in old_entry: if type(entry_attrs[attr]) in (tuple,list): entry_attrs[attr] = old_entry[attr] + entry_attrs[attr] else: old_entry[attr].append(entry_attrs[attr]) entry_attrs[attr] = old_entry[attr] try: ldap.update_entry(dn, entry_attrs) except errors.EmptyModlist: pass (dn, entry_attrs) = ldap.get_entry(dn, attrs_list) dn = self.post_callback(ldap, dn, entry_attrs, *keys, **options) self.obj.convert_attribute_members(entry_attrs, *keys, **options) return dict( result=entry_attrs, value=keys[0], ) def dont_output_for_cli(self, textui, entry, *keys, **options): textui.print_name(self.name) self.obj.print_entry(textui, entry, *keys, **options) if len(keys) > 1: textui.print_dashed( 'Modified %s "%s" in %s "%s".' % ( self.obj.object_name, keys[-1], self.api.Object[self.obj.parent_object].object_name, keys[-2] ) ) elif len(keys) == 1: textui.print_dashed( 'Modified %s "%s".' % (self.obj.object_name, keys[0]) ) else: textui.print_dashed('Modified %s.' % self.obj.object_name) def pre_callback(self, ldap, dn, entry_attrs, attrs_list, *keys, **options): return dn def post_callback(self, ldap, dn, entry_attrs, *keys, **options): return dn class LDAPDelete(LDAPQuery): """ Delete an LDAP entry and all of its direct subentries. """ has_output = output.standard_delete def execute(self, *keys, **options): ldap = self.obj.backend dn = self.obj.get_dn(*keys, **options) dn = self.pre_callback(ldap, dn, *keys, **options) def delete_subtree(base_dn): truncated = True while truncated: try: (subentries, truncated) = ldap.find_entries( None, [''], base_dn, ldap.SCOPE_ONELEVEL ) except errors.NotFound: break else: for (dn_, entry_attrs) in subentries: delete_subtree(dn_) ldap.delete_entry(base_dn) delete_subtree(dn) result = self.post_callback(ldap, dn, *keys, **options) return dict( result=result, value=keys[0], ) def dont_output_for_cli(self, textui, result, *keys, **options): textui.print_name(self.name) if len(keys) > 1: textui.print_dashed( 'Deleted %s "%s" in %s "%s".' % ( self.obj.object_name, keys[-1], self.api.Object[self.obj.parent_object].object_name, keys[-2] ) ) elif len(keys) == 1: textui.print_dashed( 'Deleted %s "%s".' % (self.obj.object_name, keys[0]) ) else: textui.print_dashed('Deleted %s.' % self.obj.object_name) def pre_callback(self, ldap, dn, *keys, **options): return dn def post_callback(self, ldap, dn, *keys, **options): return True class LDAPModMember(LDAPQuery): """ Base class for member manipulation. """ member_attributes = ['member'] member_param_doc = 'comma-separated list of %s' member_count_out = ('%i member processed.', '%i members processed.') takes_options = ( Flag('raw', cli_name='raw', doc='print entries as they are stored in LDAP', ), ) def get_options(self): for option in super(LDAPModMember, self).get_options(): yield option for attr in self.member_attributes: for ldap_obj_name in self.obj.attribute_members[attr]: ldap_obj = self.api.Object[ldap_obj_name] name = to_cli(ldap_obj_name) doc = self.member_param_doc % ldap_obj.object_name_plural yield List('%s?' % name, cli_name='%ss' % name, doc=doc) def get_member_dns(self, **options): dns = {} failed = {} for attr in self.member_attributes: dns[attr] = {} failed[attr] = {} for ldap_obj_name in self.obj.attribute_members[attr]: dns[attr][ldap_obj_name] = [] failed[attr][ldap_obj_name] = [] for name in options.get(to_cli(ldap_obj_name), []): if not name: continue ldap_obj = self.api.Object[ldap_obj_name] try: dns[attr][ldap_obj_name].append(ldap_obj.get_dn(name)) except errors.PublicError: failed[attr][ldap_obj_name].append(name) return (dns, failed) def dont_output_for_cli(self, textui, result, *keys, **options): (completed, failed, entry) = result for (attr, objs) in failed.iteritems(): for ldap_obj_name in objs: if failed[attr][ldap_obj_name]: failed_string = ','.join(failed[attr][ldap_obj_name]) textui.print_plain('%ss failed: %s' % ( to_cli(ldap_obj_name), failed_string ) ) textui.print_name(self.name) self.obj.print_entry(textui, entry, *keys, **options) textui.print_count( completed, self.member_count_out[0], self.member_count_out[1] ) class LDAPAddMember(LDAPModMember): """ Add other LDAP entries to members. """ member_param_doc = 'comma-separated list of %s to add' member_count_out = ('%i member added.', '%i members added.') has_output = ( output.Entry('result'), output.Output('completed', type=int, doc='Number of members added', ), output.Output('failed', type=dict, doc='Members that could not be added', ), ) def execute(self, *keys, **options): ldap = self.obj.backend (member_dns, failed) = self.get_member_dns(**options) dn = self.obj.get_dn(*keys, **options) dn = self.pre_callback(ldap, dn, member_dns, failed, *keys, **options) completed = 0 for (attr, objs) in member_dns.iteritems(): for ldap_obj_name in objs: for m_dn in member_dns[attr][ldap_obj_name]: if not m_dn: continue try: ldap.add_entry_to_group(m_dn, dn, attr) except errors.PublicError: ldap_obj = self.api.Object[ldap_obj_name] failed[attr][ldap_obj_name].append( ldap_obj.get_primary_key_from_dn(m_dn) ) else: completed += 1 (dn, entry_attrs) = ldap.get_entry(dn, member_dns.keys()) (completed, dn) = self.post_callback( ldap, completed, failed, dn, entry_attrs, *keys, **options ) self.obj.convert_attribute_members(entry_attrs, *keys, **options) return dict( completed=completed, failed=failed, result=entry_attrs, ) def pre_callback(self, ldap, dn, found, not_found, *keys, **options): return dn def post_callback(self, ldap, completed, failed, dn, entry_attrs, *keys, **options): return (completed, dn) class LDAPRemoveMember(LDAPModMember): """ Remove LDAP entries from members. """ member_param_doc = 'comma-separated list of %s to remove' member_count_out = ('%i member removed.', '%i members removed.') has_output = ( output.Entry('result'), output.Output('completed', type=int, doc='Number of members removed', ), output.Output('failed', type=dict, doc='Members that could not be removed', ), ) def execute(self, *keys, **options): ldap = self.obj.backend (member_dns, failed) = self.get_member_dns(**options) dn = self.obj.get_dn(*keys, **options) dn = self.pre_callback(ldap, dn, member_dns, failed, *keys, **options) completed = 0 for (attr, objs) in member_dns.iteritems(): for ldap_obj_name in objs: for m_dn in member_dns[attr][ldap_obj_name]: if not m_dn: continue try: ldap.remove_entry_from_group(m_dn, dn, attr) except errors.PublicError: ldap_obj = self.api.Object[ldap_obj_name] failed[attr][ldap_obj_name].append( ldap_obj.get_primary_key_from_dn(m_dn) ) else: completed += 1 (dn, entry_attrs) = ldap.get_entry(dn, member_dns.keys()) (completed, dn) = self.post_callback( ldap, completed, failed, dn, entry_attrs, *keys, **options ) self.obj.convert_attribute_members(entry_attrs, *keys, **options) return dict( completed=completed, failed=failed, result=entry_attrs, ) def pre_callback(self, ldap, dn, found, not_found, *keys, **options): return dn def post_callback(self, ldap, completed, failed, dn, entry_attrs, *keys, **options): return (completed, dn) class LDAPSearch(crud.Search): """ Retrieve all LDAP entries matching the given criteria. """ takes_options = ( Flag('raw', cli_name='raw', doc='print entries as they are stored in LDAP', ), Flag('all', cli_name='all', doc='retrieve all attributes', ), ) def get_args(self): for key in self.obj.get_ancestor_primary_keys(): yield key yield Str('criteria?') def get_options(self): for option in super(LDAPSearch, self).get_options(): yield option if self.obj.uuid_attribute: yield Str('%s?' % self.obj.uuid_attribute, cli_name='uuid', doc='unique identifier', attribute=True, query=True, ) def execute(self, *args, **options): ldap = self.obj.backend term = args[-1] if self.obj.parent_object: base_dn = self.api.Object[self.obj.parent_object].get_dn(*args[:-1]) else: base_dn = self.obj.container_dn search_kw = self.args_options_2_entry(**options) if options['all']: attrs_list = ['*'] else: attrs_list = self.obj.default_attributes + search_kw.keys() search_kw['objectclass'] = self.obj.object_class attr_filter = ldap.make_filter(search_kw, rules=ldap.MATCH_ALL) search_kw = {} for a in self.obj.default_attributes: search_kw[a] = term term_filter = ldap.make_filter(search_kw, exact=False) filter = ldap.combine_filters( (term_filter, attr_filter), rules=ldap.MATCH_ALL ) filter = self.pre_callback( ldap, filter, attrs_list, base_dn, *args, **options ) try: (entries, truncated) = ldap.find_entries( filter, attrs_list, base_dn, scope=ldap.SCOPE_ONELEVEL ) except errors.NotFound: (entries, truncated) = (tuple(), False) self.post_callback(self, ldap, entries, truncated, *args, **options) if not options.get('raw', False): for i in xrange(len(entries)): dn = self.obj.get_primary_key_from_dn(entries[i][0]) self.obj.convert_attribute_members( entries[i][1], *args, **options ) entries[i] = (dn, entries[i][1]) entries = tuple(e for (dn, e) in entries) return dict( result=entries, count=len(entries), truncated=truncated, ) def dont_output_for_cli(self, textui, result, *args, **options): (entries, truncated) = result textui.print_name(self.name) for e in entries: self.obj.print_entry(textui, e, e[0], **options) textui.print_plain('') textui.print_count( len(entries), '%i ' + self.obj.object_name + ' matched.', '%i ' + self.obj.object_name_plural + ' matched.', ) if truncated: textui.print_dashed('These results are truncated.', below=False) textui.print_dashed( 'Please refine your search and try again.', above=False ) elif len(entries) == 0: # nothing was found, return error code 1 return 1 def pre_callback(self, ldap, filter, attrs_list, base_dn, *args, **options): return filter def post_callback(self, ldap, entries, truncated, *args, **options): pass