/* Authors: * Endi Sukma Dewata * Adam Young * Pavel Zuna * Petr Vobornik * * Copyright (C) 2011 Red Hat * see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ define([ 'dojo/_base/array', 'dojo/_base/declare', 'dojo/_base/lang', 'dojo/Evented', './metadata', './builder', './datetime', './ipa', './jquery', './navigation', './phases', './reg', './rpc', './text', './util', './FieldBinder'], function(array, declare, lang, Evented, metadata_provider, builder, datetime, IPA, $, navigation, phases, reg, rpc, text, util, FieldBinder) { /** * Field module * * Contains basic fields, adapters and validators. * * @class * @singleton */ var field = {}; /** * Field * @class * @alternateClassName IPA.field */ field.field = IPA.field = function(spec) { spec = spec || {}; var that = new Evented(); /** * Entity * @property {entity.entity} */ that.entity = IPA.get_entity(spec.entity); /** * Facet * @property {facet.facet} */ that.facet = spec.facet; /** * Container * @property {facet.facet|IPA.dialog} */ that.container = spec.container; /** * Name * @property {string} */ that.name = spec.name; /** * Entity param name * * - defaults to `name` * - can be change if multiple fields touches the same param * @property {string} */ that.param = spec.param || spec.name; /** * Entity param which provides access control rights * * - defaults to `param` * - some params might be virtual and thus actual rights might be * defined by other param. * @property {string} */ that.acl_param = spec.acl_param || that.param; /** * Label * @property {string} */ that.label = text.get(spec.label); /** * Tooltip * @property {string} */ that.tooltip = text.get(spec.tooltip); /** * Measurement unit * @property {string} */ that.measurement_unit = spec.measurement_unit; /** * Data parser * * - transforms datasource value to field value * @property {IPA.formatter} */ that.data_parser = builder.build('formatter', spec.data_parser); /** * Data formatter * * - formats field value to datasource value * * @property {IPA.formatter} */ that.data_formatter = builder.build('formatter', spec.data_formatter); /** * UI parser * * - formats widget value to field value * * @property {IPA.formatter} */ that.ui_parser = builder.build('formatter', spec.ui_parser); /** * UI formatter * * - formats field value to widget value * - in spec one can use also `formatter` instead of `ui_formatter` * * @property {IPA.formatter} */ that.ui_formatter = builder.build('formatter', spec.ui_formatter || spec.formatter); /** * Adapter whích selected values from record on load. * * @property {field.Adapter} */ that.adapter = builder.build('adapter', spec.adapter || 'adapter', { context: that }); /** * Widget * @property {IPA.input_widget} */ that.widget = null; /** * Widget name within `container` * @property {string} */ that.widget_name = spec.widget; /** * Override the required flag in metadata * @property {boolean} */ that.required = spec.required; /** * read_only is set when widget is created * @readonly * @property {boolean} */ that.read_only = spec.read_only; /** * Writable is set during load * @readonly * @property {boolean} */ that.writable = true; /** * Enabled * @readonly * @property {boolean} */ that.enabled = spec.enabled === undefined ? true : spec.enabled; /** * Flags * @property {Array.} */ that.flags = spec.flags || []; /** * Undo is displayable * * - when false, undo button is not displayed even when the field is dirty * @property {boolean} */ that.undo = spec.undo === undefined ? true : spec.undo; /** * Metadata * @property {Object} */ that.metadata = spec.metadata; /** * Validators * @property {Array.} */ that.validators = builder.build('validator', spec.validators) || []; /** * Field priority * @property {number} */ that.priority = spec.priority; /** * Loaded value * * - currently value is supposed to be an Array. This might change in a * future. * * @property {Array.} */ that.value = []; /** * Default value * @property {Mixed} */ that.default_value = null; /** * Field is dirty (value is modified) * @readonly * @property {boolean} */ that.dirty = false; /** * Current value is valid - passes validators * @property {boolean} */ that.valid = true; /** * Dirty has changed * @event * @property {IPA.observer} */ that.dirty_changed = IPA.observer(); /** * Last validation result * @property {Object} */ that.validation_result = null; /** * Controls if field should perform validation when it's not supposed to * be edited by user (`is_editable()`). * @property {boolean} */ that.validate_noneditable = spec.validate_noneditable !== undefined ? spec.validate_noneditable : false; var init = function() { if (typeof that.metadata === 'string') { that.metadata = metadata_provider.get(that.metadata); } if (!that.metadata && that.entity) { that.metadata = IPA.get_entity_param(that.entity.name, that.param); } if (that.metadata) { if (!that.label) { that.label = that.metadata.label || ''; } if (!that.tooltip) { that.tooltip = that.metadata.doc || ''; } } that.set_value([], true); // default value that.validators.push(IPA.metadata_validator()); }; /** * Evaluate if field has to have some value * @return {boolean} */ that.is_required = function() { if (that.read_only) return false; if (!that.writable) return false; if (that.required !== undefined) return that.required; return that.metadata && that.metadata.required; }; /** * Required setter * * Note that final required state also depends on `read_only` and * `writable` states. * * @param {boolean} required */ that.set_required = function(required) { var old = that.is_required(); that.required = required; var current = that.is_required(); if (current !== old) { that.emit('require-change', { source: that, required: current }); } }; /** * Check if value is set when it has to be. Report if not. * @return {boolean} value passes the require check */ that.validate_required = function() { var values = that.get_value(); var result = { valid: true, message: null }; if ((that.validate_noneditable || that.is_editable()) && util.is_empty(values) && that.is_required()) { result.valid = false; result.message = text.get('@i18n:widget.validation.required', "Required field"); that.set_valid(result); } return result.valid; }; /** * Validates the field. * Sets the result by `set_valid` call. * @return {boolean} field is valid */ that.validate = function() { var result = { valid: true, message: null, errors: [], results: []}; var values = that.get_value(); if ((that.validate_noneditable || that.is_editable()) && !util.is_empty(values)) { // validate all values for (var i=0, il=values.length; i -1) { writable = false; } } if (record.attributelevelrights) { var rights = record.attributelevelrights[that.acl_param]; var oc_rights= record.attributelevelrights['objectclass']; var write_oc = oc_rights && oc_rights.indexOf('w') > -1; // Some objects in LDAP may not have set proper object class and // therefore server doesn't send proper attribute rights. Flag // 'w_if_no_aci' should be used when we want to ensure that UI // shows edit interface in such cases. Usable only when user can // modify object classes. // For all others, lack of rights means no write. if ((!rights && !(that.flags.indexOf('w_if_no_aci') > -1 && write_oc)) || (rights && rights.indexOf('w') < 0)) { writable = false; } } that.set_writable(writable); }; /** * Set writable * @fires writable-change * @param {boolean} writable */ that.set_writable = function(writable) { var old = !!that.writable; that.writable = writable; if (old !== writable) { that.emit('writable-change', { source: that, writable: writable }); } that.set_required(that.required); // force update of required }; /** * Set read only * @fires readonly-change * @param {boolean} writable */ that.set_read_only = function(read_only) { var old = !!that.read_only; that.read_only = read_only; if (old !== read_only) { that.emit('readonly-change', { source: that, readonly: read_only }); } that.set_required(that.required); // force update of required }; /** * Get if field is intended to be edited * * It's a combination of `enabled`, 'writable` and `read_only` state. * * @returns {Boolean} */ that.is_editable = function() { return that.enabled && that.writable && !that.read_only; }; /** * Reset field and widget to loaded values */ that.reset = function() { that.emit('reset', { source: that }); that.set_value(that.get_pristine_value(), true); }; /** * Create and return update info. * * Update info is a record which contains information about modifications * since load. * @return {Object} update info */ that.get_update_info = function() { var update_info = IPA.update_info_builder.new_update_info(); if (that.dirty) { var values = that.save(); var field_info = IPA.update_info_builder.new_field_info(that, values); update_info.fields.push(field_info); } return update_info; }; /** * Prepare value for persistor. * * Sets `record[param]` option if `record` is supplied. * * Returns `['']` when disabled. Otherwise value formatted by * `data_formatter` and `adapter`. * * @param {Object} [record] * @return {Array} values */ that.save = function(record) { if (!that.enabled) return ['']; // not pretty, maybe leave it for caller var value = that.get_value(); var formatted = util.format(that.data_formatter, value); if (formatted.ok) { value = formatted.value; } else { window.console.warn('Output data format error:\n'+ JSON.stringify(formatted)); } var diff = that.adapter.save(value, record); value = diff[that.param]; // a hack which should be removed. This // function should not return any value. But // current consumers expect it. return value; }; /** * Get field's value * * Returns pure value; doesn't use any formatter. * * @returns {Mixed} field's value */ that.get_value = function() { return that.value; }; /** * Set value * * Always raises value-change when setting pristine value * * @param {Mixed} value * @param {boolean} pristine - value is pristine * @fires value-change * @fires dirty-change */ that.set_value = function(value, pristine) { that.set_previous_value(that.value); that.value = value; if (util.dirty(that.value, that.previous_value, that.get_dirty_check_options()) || pristine) { that.emit('value-change', { source: that, value: that.value, previous: that.previous_value }); } var dirty = false; if (pristine) { that.set_pristine_value(value); } else { dirty = that.test_dirty(); } that.set_dirty(dirty); that.validate(); }; that.get_previous_value = function() { return that.previous_value; }; that.set_previous_value = function(value) { that.previous_value = value; }; that.get_pristine_value = function() { return that.pristine_value; }; that.set_pristine_value = function(value) { that.pristine_value = value; }; /** * Gets widget values * @returns {Array} */ that.get_widget_values = function() { var values = ['']; if (that.widget) { values = that.widget.save(); } return values; }; /** * This function compares the original values and the * values entered in the UI. If the values have changed * it will return true. * @protected * @return {boolean} dirty */ that.test_dirty = function() { // remove? this check should part of container which cares, the // field should not care if (that.read_only || !that.writable) return false; var pristine = that.get_pristine_value(); var value = that.get_value(); return util.dirty(value, pristine, that.get_dirty_check_options()); }; /** * Returns options for dirty check * @returns {Object} */ that.get_dirty_check_options = function() { return { unordered: !that.ordered }; }; /** * Setter for `dirty` * @param {boolean} dirty */ that.set_dirty = function(dirty) { var old = that.dirty; that.dirty = dirty; if (old !== dirty) { that.dirty_changed.notify([], that); that.emit('dirty-change', { source: that, dirty: dirty }); } }; /** * `enabled` setter * @param {boolean} value */ that.set_enabled = function(value) { var old = !!that.enabled; that.enabled = value; if (old !== that.enabled) { that.emit('enable-change', { source: that, enabled: that.enabled }); } }; /** * Bind field to a widget defined by `widget_name` */ that.widgets_created = function() { that.widget = that.container.widgets.get_widget(that.widget_name); if (that.widget) { that._binder = new FieldBinder(that, that.widget); that._binder.bind(); that._binder.copy_properties(); } }; init(); // methods that should be invoked by subclasses that.field_dirty_are_equal = that.dirty_are_equal; that.field_load = that.load; that.field_reset = that.reset; that.field_save = that.save; that.field_set_dirty = that.set_dirty; that.field_show_error = that.show_error; that.field_test_dirty = that.test_dirty; that.field_widgets_created = that.widgets_created; return that; }; /** * Adapter's task is to select wanted data from record and vice-versa. * * This default adapter expects that context will be field and record * will be FreeIPA JsonRPC result. * * @class */ field.Adapter = declare(null, { /** * Adapter's context; e.g., field * * @property {Object} */ context: null, /** * Get single value from record * @param {Object} record Record * @param {string} name Attribute name * @returns {Array} attribute value * @protected */ get_value: function(record, name) { var value = record[name]; return util.normalize_value(value); }, /** * By default just select attribute with name defined by `context.param` * from a record. Uses default value if value is not in record and context * defines it. * @param {Object} record * @returns {Array} attribute value */ load: function(record) { var value = this.get_value(record, this.context.param); if (util.is_empty(value) && !util.is_empty(this.context.default_value)) { value = util.normalize_value(this.context.default_value); } return value; }, /** * Save value into record * * Default behavior is to save it as property which name is defined by * contex's param. * @param {Object} value Value to save * @param {Object} record Record to save the value into * @returns {Object} what was saved */ save: function(value, record) { var diff = {}; diff[this.context.param] = value; if (record) { lang.mixin(record, diff); } return diff; }, constructor: function(spec) { this.context = spec.context || {}; } }); /** * Validator * * - base class, always returns positive result * * Result format * * - validation result is an object with mandatory `valid` property which * has to be set to a boolean value. True if value is valid, false otherwise. * - if `valid === false` result should also contain `message` property with * human readable error text * - it may contain also other properties; e.g., `errors` which contains an * array with other validation result objects in case of complex validation. * * @class * @alternateClassName IPA.validator */ field.validator = IPA.validator = function(spec) { spec = spec || {}; var that = IPA.object(); /** * Error message * @property {string} */ that.message = text.get(spec.message || '@i18n:widget.validation.error'); /** * Create negative validation result * @return {Object} result */ that.false_result = function(message) { return { valid: false, message: message || that.message }; }; /** * Create positive validation result * @return {Object} result */ that.true_result = function() { return { valid: true }; }; /** * Perform validation logic * @param {Mixed} value * @param {Object} context expected context is field which value is validated * @return {Object} validation result */ that.validate = function() { return that.true_result(); }; return that; }; /** * Metadata validator * * Validates value according to supplied metadata * * @class * @alternateClassName IPA.metadata_validator * @extends IPA.validator */ field.metadata_validator = IPA.metadata_validator = function(spec) { var that = IPA.validator(spec); /** * @inheritDoc */ that.validate = function(value, context) { var message; var metadata = context.metadata; var number = false; if (!metadata || util.is_empty(value)) return that.true_result(); if (metadata.type === 'int') { number = true; if (!value.match(/^-?\d+$/)) { return that.false_result(text.get('@i18n:widget.validation.integer')); } } else if (metadata.type === 'Decimal') { number = true; if (!value.match(/^-?\d+(\.\d+)?$/)) { return that.false_result(text.get('@i18n:widget.validation.decimal')); } } if (number) { if (IPA.defined(metadata.minvalue, true) && Number(value) < Number(metadata.minvalue)) { message = text.get('@i18n:widget.validation.min_value'); message = message.replace('${value}', metadata.minvalue); return that.false_result(message); } if (IPA.defined(metadata.maxvalue, true) && Number(value) > Number(metadata.maxvalue)) { message = text.get('@i18n:widget.validation.max_value'); message = message.replace('${value}', metadata.maxvalue); return that.false_result(message); } } if (metadata.pattern) { var regex = new RegExp(metadata.pattern); if (!value.match(regex)) { return that.false_result(metadata.pattern_errmsg); } } return that.true_result(); }; return that; }; /** * Checks if value is supported * * @class * @alternateClassName IPA.unsupported_validator * @extends IPA.validator */ field.unsupported_validator = IPA.unsupported_validator = function(spec) { spec.message = spec.message ||'@i18n:widgets.validation.unsupported'; var that = IPA.validator(spec); /** * Unsupported values * @property {Array.} */ that.unsupported = spec.unsupported || []; /** * @inheritDoc */ that.validate = function(value, context) { if (util.is_empty(value)) return that.true_result(); if (that.unsupported.indexOf(value) > -1) return that.false_result(); return that.true_result(); }; return that; }; /** * Check if value is the same as in other field. * * - designed for password confirmation * * @class * @alternateClassName IPA.same_password_validator * @extends IPA.validator */ field.same_password_validator = IPA.same_password_validator = function(spec) { spec = spec || {}; var that = IPA.validator(spec); /** * Other field name * @property {string} */ that.other_field = spec.other_field; that.message = text.get(spec.message || '@i18n:password.password_must_match', "Passwords must match"); /** * @inheritDoc */ that.validate = function(value, context) { var other_field = context.container.get_field(that.other_field); var other_value = other_field.save(); var this_value = context.save(); if (IPA.array_diff(this_value, other_value)) return that.false_result(); return that.true_result(); }; return that; }; /** * Used along with checkbox widget * * @class * @alternateClassName IPA.datetime_field * @extends IPA.field */ field.datetime_field = IPA.datetime_field = function(spec) { spec = spec || {}; spec.data_formatter = spec.data_formatter || { $type: 'datetime', template: datetime.templates.generalized }; spec.data_parser = spec.formatter || 'datetime'; spec.ui_formatter = spec.ui_formatter || spec.formatter || { $type: 'datetime', template: datetime.templates.human }; spec.ui_parser = spec.ui_parser || 'datetime'; var that = IPA.field(spec); return that; }; /** * Used along with checkbox widget * * @class * @alternateClassName IPA.checkbox_field * @extends IPA.field */ field.checkbox_field = IPA.checkbox_field = function(spec) { spec = spec || {}; spec.data_parser = 'boolean'; var that = IPA.field(spec); /** * A checkbox will always have a value, so it's never required. * * @return {boolean} false */ that.is_required = function() { return false; }; return that; }; /** * Used along with radio widget * * @class * @alternateClassName IPA.radio_field * @extends IPA.field */ field.radio_field = IPA.radio_field = function(spec) { spec = spec || {}; var that = IPA.field(spec); /** * A radio will always have a value, so it's never required * @return {boolean} false */ that.is_required = function() { return false; }; return that; }; /** * Used along with ssh key widget * * - by default has `w_if_no_aci` to workaround missing object class * * @class * @alternateClassName IPA.sshkeys_field * @extends IPA.field */ field.sshkeys_field = IPA.sshkeys_field = function(spec) { spec = spec || {}; spec.adapter = spec.adapter || field.SshKeysAdapter; spec.flags = spec.flags || ['w_if_no_aci']; var that = IPA.field(spec); return that; }; /** * SSH Keys Adapter * @class * @extends field.Adapter */ field.SshKeysAdapter = declare([field.Adapter], { /** * Transforms record into array of key, fingerprint pairs * * """ * // input: * { * 'ipasshpubkey': [ 'foo', 'foo1'], * 'sshpubkeyfp': ['fooFP', 'fooFP2'] * } * * // output: * [ * { key: 'foo', fingerprint: 'fooFP'}, * { key: 'foo1', fingerprint: 'fooFP2'}, * ] * """ */ load: function(record) { var keys = this.get_value(record, this.context.param); var fingerprints = this.get_value(record, 'sshpubkeyfp'); var values = []; if (keys.length === fingerprints.length) { for (var i=0; i} */ that.get_fields = function() { return that.fields.values; }; /** * Add field * @param {IPA.field} field */ that.add_field = function(field) { field.container = that.container; that.fields.put(field.name, field); }; /** * Call each field's `widgets_created` method. */ that.widgets_created = function() { var fields = that.fields.values; for (var i=0; i} spec * @param {facet.facet|IPA.dialog} container */ that.build_fields = function(specs, container) { return that.build_field(specs, container); }; return that; }; /** * Field pre_op build operation * @member field * @return spec */ field.pre_op = function(spec, context) { if (context.facet) spec.facet = context.facet; if (context.entity) spec.entity = context.entity; if (context.undo !== undefined) spec.undo = context.undo; return spec; }; /** * Field post_op build operation * @member field * @return obj */ field.post_op = function(obj, spec, context) { if (context.container) context.container.add_field(obj); return obj; }; /** * Field builder with registry * @member field */ field.builder = builder.get('field'); field.builder.factory = field.field; field.builder.string_mode = 'property'; field.builder.string_property = 'name'; reg.set('field', field.builder.registry); field.builder.pre_ops.push(field.pre_op); field.builder.post_ops.push(field.post_op); /** * Validator builder with registry * @member field */ field.validator_builder = builder.get('validator'); reg.set('validator', field.validator_builder.registry); /** * Adapter builder with registry * @member field */ field.adapter_builder = builder.get('adapter'); field.adapter_builder.post_ops.push(function(obj, spec, context) { obj.context = context.context; return obj; } ); reg.set('adapter', field.adapter_builder.registry); /** * Register fields and validators to global registry * @member field */ field.register = function() { var f = reg.field; var v = reg.validator; var l = reg.adapter; f.register('checkbox', field.checkbox_field); f.register('checkboxes', field.field); f.register('combobox', field.field); f.register('datetime', field.datetime_field); f.register('enable', field.enable_field); f.register('entity_select', field.field); f.register('field', field.field); f.register('link', field.field); f.register('multivalued', field.field); f.register('password', field.field); f.register('radio', field.radio_field); f.register('select', field.field); f.register('sshkeys', field.sshkeys_field); f.register('textarea', field.field); f.register('text', field.field); f.register('value_map', field.field); v.register('metadata', field.metadata_validator); v.register('unsupported', field.unsupported_validator); v.register('same_password', field.same_password_validator); l.register('adapter', field.Adapter); }; phases.on('registration', field.register); return field; });