/* Authors: * Petr Vobornik * * Copyright (C) 2013 Red Hat * see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ define(['dojo/_base/declare', 'dojo/_base/lang', 'dojo/Evented', 'dojo/dom-construct', 'dojo/dom-class', 'dojo/on', '../builder', '../facet', '../ipa', // for util functions '../jquery', '../text', '../widgets/ContainerMixin' ], function(declare, lang, Evented, construct, dom_class, on, builder, mod_facet, IPA, $, text, ContainerMixin) { /** * Base class of Facet * * A future replacement/base class for `facet.facet` * * @class facets.Facet * @mixins widgets.ContainerMixin */ var Facet = declare([Evented, ContainerMixin], { /** * Name of preferred facet container * * Leave unset to use default container. * @property {string} */ preferred_container: null, /** * Facet name * @property {string} */ name: null, /** * Facet label * @property {string} */ label: null, /** * Facet title * @property {string} */ title: null, /** * Facet element's CSS class * @property {string} */ 'class': null, /** * Class which tells that the facet should be visible * @property {string} */ active_class: 'active', /** * dom_node of container * Suppose to contain dom_node of this and other facets. * @property {jQuery} */ container_node: null, /** * dom_node which contains all content of this Facet. * @property {HTMLElement} * @readonly */ dom_node: null, /** * DOM node which serves as container for child widgets * @property {HTMLElement} */ children_node: null, /** * Redirection target information. * * Can be facet and/or entity name. * @property {Object} * @param {string} entity entity name * @param {string} facet facet name */ redirect_info: null, /** * Public state * @property {facet.FacetState} * @protected */ state: null, /** * Checks if two objects has the same properties with equal values. * * @param {Object} a * @param {Object} b * @return {boolean} `a` and `b` are value-equal * @protected */ state_diff: function(a, b) { var diff = false; var checked = {}; var check_diff = function(a, b, skip) { var same = true; skip = skip || {}; for (var key in a) { if (a.hasOwnProperty(key) && !(key in skip)) { var va = a[key]; var vb = b[key]; if (lang.isArray(va)) { if (IPA.array_diff(va,vb)) { same = false; skip[a] = true; break; } } else { if (va != vb) { same = false; skip[a] = true; break; } } } } return !same; }; diff = check_diff(a,b, checked); diff = diff || check_diff(b,a, checked); return diff; }, /** * Reset facet state to supplied * * @param {Object} state state to set */ reset_state: function(state) { this.state.reset(state); }, /** * Get copy of current state * * @return {Object} state */ get_state: function() { return this.state.clone(); }, /** * Merges state into current and notifies it. * * @param {Object} state object to merge into current state */ set_state: function(state) { this.state.set(state); }, /** * Handle state set * @param {Object} old_state * @param {Object} state * @protected */ on_state_set: function(old_state, state) { this.on_state_change(state); }, /** * Handle state change * @param {Object} state * @protected */ on_state_change: function(state) { this._notify_state_change(state); }, /** * Fires `facet-state-change` event with given state as event parameter. * * @fires facet-state-change * @protected * @param {Object} state */ _notify_state_change: function(state) { this.emit('facet-state-change', { facet: this, state: state }); }, /** * Create facet's HTML representation * NOTE: may be renamed to render */ create: function() { if (this.dom_node) { construct.empty(this.dom_node); } else { this.dom_node = construct.create('div', { 'class': 'facet', name: this.name, 'data-name': this.name }); } if (this.container_node) { construct.place(this.dom_node, this.container_node); } this.children_node = this.dom_node; return this.dom_node; }, /** * Render child widgets */ render_children: function() { var widgets = this.get_widgets(); for (var i=0;i').appendTo(this.children_node); widget.create(container); } } }, /** * Show facet * * - mark itself as active facet */ show: function() { if (!this.dom_node) { this.create(); this.render_children(); } dom_class.add(this.dom_node, 'active-facet'); this.emit('show', { source: this }); }, /** * Un-mark itself as active facet */ hide: function() { dom_class.remove(this.dom_node, 'active-facet'); this.emit('hide', { source: this }); }, /** * Initializes facet * * Facet builder should run this method after instantiation. * @param {Object} spec */ init: function(spec) { this.add_widgets(spec.widgets || []); }, can_leave: function() { return true; }, show_leave_dialog: function(callback) { window.console.warning('Unimplemented'); }, /** Constructor */ constructor: function(spec) { this.preferred_container = spec.preferred_container; this.name = spec.name; this.label = text.get(spec.label); this.title = text.get(spec.title || spec.label); this['class'] = spec['class']; this.container_node = spec.container_node; this.dom_node = spec.dom_node; this.redirect_info = spec.redirect_info; this.state = new mod_facet.FacetState(); on(this.state, 'set', lang.hitch(this, this.on_state_set)); } }); return Facet; });