#!/usr/bin/python # # Authors: # Rob Crittenden # # Copyright (C) 2009 Red Hat # see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . """ Upgrade configuration files to a newer template. """ import sys import re import os import shutil import pwd import fileinput from ipalib import api import ipalib.util import ipalib.errors from ipapython import ipautil, sysrestore, version, services from ipapython.config import IPAOptionParser from ipapython.ipa_log_manager import * from ipapython import certmonger from ipapython import dogtag from ipapython.dn import DN from ipaserver.install import installutils from ipaserver.install import dsinstance from ipaserver.install import httpinstance from ipaserver.install import memcacheinstance from ipaserver.install import bindinstance from ipaserver.install import service from ipaserver.install import cainstance from ipaserver.install import certs from ipaserver.install import sysupgrade def parse_options(): parser = IPAOptionParser(version=version.VERSION) parser.add_option("-d", "--debug", dest="debug", action="store_true", default=False, help="print debugging information") parser.add_option("-q", "--quiet", dest="quiet", action="store_true", default=False, help="Output only errors") options, args = parser.parse_args() safe_options = parser.get_safe_opts(options) return safe_options, options class KpasswdInstance(service.SimpleServiceInstance): def __init__(self): service.SimpleServiceInstance.__init__(self, "ipa_kpasswd") def uninstall_ipa_kpasswd(): """ We can't use the full service uninstaller because that will attempt to stop and disable the service which by now doesn't exist. We just want to clean up sysrestore.state to remove all references to ipa_kpasswd. """ ipa_kpasswd = KpasswdInstance() running = ipa_kpasswd.restore_state("running") enabled = not ipa_kpasswd.restore_state("enabled") if enabled is not None and not enabled: ipa_kpasswd.remove() def backup_file(filename, ext): """Make a backup of filename using ext as the extension. Do not overwrite previous backups.""" if not os.path.isabs(filename): raise ValueError("Absolute path required") backupfile = filename + ".bak" (reldir, file) = os.path.split(filename) while os.path.exists(backupfile): backupfile = backupfile + "." + str(ext) try: shutil.copy2(filename, backupfile) except IOError, e: if e.errno == 2: # No such file or directory pass else: raise e def update_conf(sub_dict, filename, template_filename): template = ipautil.template_file(template_filename, sub_dict) fd = open(filename, "w") fd.write(template) fd.close() def find_hostname(): """Find the hostname currently configured in ipa-rewrite.conf""" filename="/etc/httpd/conf.d/ipa-rewrite.conf" if not ipautil.file_exists(filename): return None pattern = "^[\s#]*.*https:\/\/([A-Za-z0-9\.\-]*)\/.*" p = re.compile(pattern) for line in fileinput.input(filename): if p.search(line): fileinput.close() return p.search(line).group(1) fileinput.close() raise RuntimeError("Unable to determine the fully qualified hostname from %s" % filename) def find_autoredirect(fqdn): """ When upgrading ipa-rewrite.conf we need to see if the automatic redirect was disabled during install time (or afterward). So sift through the configuration file and see if we can determine the status. Returns True if autoredirect is enabled, False otherwise """ filename = '/etc/httpd/conf.d/ipa-rewrite.conf' if os.path.exists(filename): pattern = "^RewriteRule \^/\$ https://%s/ipa/ui \[L,NC,R=301\]" % fqdn p = re.compile(pattern) for line in fileinput.input(filename): if p.search(line): fileinput.close() return True fileinput.close() return False return True def find_version(filename): """Find the version of a configuration file If no VERSION entry exists in the file, returns 0. If the file does not exist, returns -1. """ if os.path.exists(filename): pattern = "^[\s#]*VERSION\s+([0-9]+)\s+.*" p = re.compile(pattern) for line in fileinput.input(filename): if p.search(line): fileinput.close() return p.search(line).group(1) fileinput.close() # no VERSION found return 0 else: return -1 def upgrade(sub_dict, filename, template, add=False): """ Get the version from the current and template files and update the installed configuration file if there is a new template. If add is True then create a new configuration file. """ old = int(find_version(filename)) new = int(find_version(template)) if old < 0 and not add: root_logger.error("%s not found." % filename) sys.exit(1) if new < 0: root_logger.error("%s not found." % template) if old == 0: # The original file does not have a VERSION entry. This means it's now # managed by IPA, but previously was not. root_logger.warning("%s is now managed by IPA. It will be " "overwritten. A backup of the original will be made.", filename) if old < new or (add and old == 0): backup_file(filename, new) update_conf(sub_dict, filename, template) root_logger.info("Upgraded %s to version %d", filename, new) def check_certs(): """Check ca.crt is in the right place, and try to fix if not""" root_logger.info('[Verifying that root certificate is published]') if not os.path.exists("/usr/share/ipa/html/ca.crt"): ca_file = "/etc/httpd/alias/cacert.asc" if os.path.exists(ca_file): old_umask = os.umask(022) # make sure its readable by httpd try: shutil.copyfile(ca_file, "/usr/share/ipa/html/ca.crt") finally: os.umask(old_umask) else: root_logger.error("Missing Certification Authority file.") root_logger.error("You should place a copy of the CA certificate in /usr/share/ipa/html/ca.crt") else: root_logger.debug('Certificate file exists') def upgrade_pki(ca, fstore): """ Update/add the dogtag proxy configuration. The IPA side of this is handled in ipa-pki-proxy.conf. This requires enabling SSL renegotiation. """ configured_constants = dogtag.configured_constants() root_logger.info('[Verifying that CA proxy configuration is correct]') if not ca.is_configured(): root_logger.info('CA is not configured') return http = httpinstance.HTTPInstance(fstore) http.enable_mod_nss_renegotiate() if not installutils.get_directive(configured_constants.CS_CFG_PATH, 'proxy.securePort', '=') and \ os.path.exists('/usr/bin/pki-setup-proxy'): ipautil.run(['/usr/bin/pki-setup-proxy', '-pki_instance_root=/var/lib' ,'-pki_instance_name=pki-ca','-subsystem_type=ca']) root_logger.debug('Proxy configuration updated') else: root_logger.debug('Proxy configuration up-to-date') def update_dbmodules(realm, filename="/etc/krb5.conf"): newfile = [] found_dbrealm = False found_realm = False prefix = '' root_logger.info('[Verifying that KDC configuration is using ipa-kdb backend]') st = os.stat(filename) fd = open(filename) lines = fd.readlines() fd.close() if ' db_library = ipadb.so\n' in lines: root_logger.debug('dbmodules already updated in %s', filename) return for line in lines: if line.startswith('[dbmodules]'): found_dbrealm = True if found_dbrealm and line.find(realm) > -1: found_realm = True prefix = '#' if found_dbrealm and line.find('}') > -1 and found_realm: found_realm = False newfile.append('#%s' % line) prefix = '' continue newfile.append('%s%s' % (prefix, line)) # Append updated dbmodules information newfile.append(' %s = {\n' % realm) newfile.append(' db_library = ipadb.so\n') newfile.append(' }\n') # Write out new file fd = open(filename, 'w') fd.write("".join(newfile)) fd.close() root_logger.debug('%s updated', filename) def cleanup_kdc(fstore): """ Clean up old KDC files if they exist. We need to remove the actual file and any references in the uninstall configuration. """ root_logger.info('[Checking for deprecated KDC configuration files]') for file in ['kpasswd.keytab', 'ldappwd']: filename = '/var/kerberos/krb5kdc/%s' % file installutils.remove_file(filename) if fstore.has_file(filename): fstore.untrack_file(filename) root_logger.debug('Uninstalling %s', filename) def setup_firefox_extension(fstore): """Set up the Firefox configuration extension, if it's not set up yet """ root_logger.info('[Setting up Firefox extension]') http = httpinstance.HTTPInstance(fstore) realm = api.env.realm domain = api.env.domain http.setup_firefox_extension(realm, domain) def upgrade_ipa_profile(ca, domain, fqdn): """ Update the IPA Profile provided by dogtag Returns True if restart is needed, False otherwise. """ root_logger.info('[Verifying that CA service certificate profile is updated]') if ca.is_configured(): ski = ca.enable_subject_key_identifier() if ski: root_logger.debug('Subject Key Identifier updated.') else: root_logger.debug('Subject Key Identifier already set.') audit = ca.set_audit_renewal() uri = ca.set_crl_ocsp_extensions(domain, fqdn) if audit or ski or uri: return True else: root_logger.info('CA is not configured') return False def named_enable_psearch(): """ From IPA 3.0, persistent search is a preferred mechanism for new DNS zone detection and is also needed for other features (DNSSEC, SOA serial updates). Enable psearch and make sure connections attribute is right. This step is done just once for a case when user switched the persistent search back to disabled. When some change in named.conf is done, this functions returns True """ changed = False root_logger.info('[Enabling persistent search in DNS]') if not bindinstance.named_conf_exists(): # DNS service may not be configured root_logger.info('DNS is not configured') return try: psearch = bindinstance.named_conf_get_directive('psearch') except IOError, e: root_logger.debug('Cannot retrieve psearch option from %s: %s', bindinstance.NAMED_CONF, e) return else: psearch = None if psearch is None else psearch.lower() if not sysupgrade.get_upgrade_state('named.conf', 'psearch_enabled'): if psearch != "yes": try: bindinstance.named_conf_set_directive('zone_refresh', 0) bindinstance.named_conf_set_directive('psearch', 'yes') except IOError, e: root_logger.error('Cannot enable psearch in %s: %s', bindinstance.NAMED_CONF, e) else: changed = True psearch = "yes" sysupgrade.set_upgrade_state('named.conf', 'psearch_enabled', True) root_logger.debug('Persistent search enabled') # make sure number of connections is right minimum_connections = 2 if psearch == 'yes': # serial_autoincrement increased the minimal number of connections to 4 minimum_connections = 4 try: connections = bindinstance.named_conf_get_directive('connections') except IOError, e: root_logger.debug('Cannot retrieve connections option from %s: %s', bindinstance.NAMED_CONF, e) return try: if connections is not None: connections = int(connections) except ValueError: # this should not happend, but there is some bad value in # "connections" option, bail out pass else: if connections is None or connections < minimum_connections: try: bindinstance.named_conf_set_directive('connections', minimum_connections) root_logger.debug('Connections set to %d', minimum_connections) except IOError, e: root_logger.error('Cannot update connections in %s: %s', bindinstance.NAMED_CONF, e) else: changed = True if not changed: root_logger.debug('No changes made') return changed def named_enable_serial_autoincrement(): """ Serial autoincrement is a requirement for zone transfers or DNSSEC. It should be enabled both for new installs and upgraded servers. When some change in named.conf is done, this functions returns True """ changed = False root_logger.info('[Enabling serial autoincrement in DNS]') if not bindinstance.named_conf_exists(): # DNS service may not be configured root_logger.info('DNS is not configured') return changed try: psearch = bindinstance.named_conf_get_directive('psearch') serial_autoincrement = bindinstance.named_conf_get_directive( 'serial_autoincrement') except IOError, e: root_logger.debug('Cannot retrieve psearch option from %s: %s', bindinstance.NAMED_CONF, e) return changed else: psearch = None if psearch is None else psearch.lower() serial_autoincrement = None if serial_autoincrement is None \ else serial_autoincrement.lower() # enable SOA serial autoincrement if not sysupgrade.get_upgrade_state('named.conf', 'autoincrement_enabled'): if psearch != "yes": # psearch is required root_logger.error('Persistent search is disabled, ' 'serial autoincrement cannot be enabled') else: if serial_autoincrement != 'yes': try: bindinstance.named_conf_set_directive('serial_autoincrement', 'yes') except IOError, e: root_logger.error('Cannot enable serial_autoincrement in %s: %s', bindinstance.NAMED_CONF, e) return changed else: root_logger.debug('Serial autoincrement enabled') changed = True else: root_logger.debug('Serial autoincrement is alredy enabled') sysupgrade.set_upgrade_state('named.conf', 'autoincrement_enabled', True) else: root_logger.debug('Skip serial autoincrement check') return changed def enable_certificate_renewal(ca): """ If the CA subsystem certificates are not being tracked for renewal then tell certmonger to start tracking them. Returns True when CA needs to be restarted """ root_logger.info('[Enable certificate renewal]') if not ca.is_configured(): root_logger.info('CA is not configured') return False # Using the nickname find the certmonger request_id criteria = (('cert_storage_location', '/etc/httpd/alias', certmonger.NPATH),('cert_nickname', 'ipaCert', None)) request_id = certmonger.get_request_id(criteria) if request_id is not None: root_logger.debug('Certificate renewal already configured') return False if not sysupgrade.get_upgrade_state('dogtag', 'renewal_configured'): if ca.is_master(): ca.configure_renewal() else: ca.configure_certmonger_renewal() ca.configure_clone_renewal() ca.configure_agent_renewal() ca.track_servercert() sysupgrade.set_upgrade_state('dogtag', 'renewal_configured', True) root_logger.debug('CA subsystem certificate renewal enabled') return True return False def certificate_renewal_stop_ca(ca): """ Validate the certmonger configuration on certificates that already have renewal configured. As of certmonger 0.65 it now does locking from the point where it generates the CSR to the end of the post-command. This is to ensure that only one certmonger renewal, and hopefully, one process at a time holds the NSS database open in read/write. """ root_logger.info('[Certificate renewal should stop the CA]') if not ca.is_configured(): root_logger.info('CA is not configured') return False nss_dir = dogtag.configured_constants().ALIAS_DIR # Using the nickname find the certmonger request_id criteria = (('cert_storage_location', nss_dir, certmonger.NPATH),('cert_nickname', 'auditSigningCert cert-pki-ca', None)) id = certmonger.get_request_id(criteria) if id is None: root_logger.error('Unable to find certmonger request ID for auditSigning Cert') return False if sysupgrade.get_upgrade_state('dogtag', 'stop_ca_during_renewal'): return False # State not set, lets see if we are already configured pre_command = certmonger.get_request_value(id, 'pre_certsave_command') if pre_command is not None: if pre_command.strip().endswith('stop_pkicad'): root_logger.info('Already configured to stop CA') return False # Ok, now we need to stop tracking, then we can start tracking them # again with new configuration: cainstance.stop_tracking_certificates(dogtag.configured_constants()) if ca.is_master(): ca.configure_renewal() else: ca.configure_certmonger_renewal() ca.configure_clone_renewal() ca.configure_agent_renewal() ca.track_servercert() sysupgrade.set_upgrade_state('dogtag', 'stop_ca_during_renewal', True) root_logger.debug('CA subsystem certificate renewal configured to stop the CA') return True def copy_crl_file(old_path, new_path=None): """ Copy CRL to new location, update permissions and SELinux context """ if new_path is None: filename = os.path.basename(old_path) new_path = os.path.join(dogtag.configured_constants().CRL_PUBLISH_PATH, filename) root_logger.debug('copy_crl_file: %s -> %s', old_path, new_path) if os.path.islink(old_path): # update symlink to the most most recent CRL file filename = os.path.basename(os.readlink(old_path)) realpath = os.path.join(dogtag.configured_constants().CRL_PUBLISH_PATH, filename) root_logger.debug('copy_crl_file: Create symlink %s -> %s', new_path, realpath) os.symlink(realpath, new_path) else: shutil.copy2(old_path, new_path) pent = pwd.getpwnam(cainstance.PKI_USER) os.chown(new_path, pent.pw_uid, pent.pw_gid) services.restore_context(new_path) def migrate_crl_publish_dir(ca): """ Move CRL publish dir from /var/lib/pki-ca/publish to IPA controlled tree: /var/lib/ipa/pki-ca/publish """ root_logger.info('[Migrate CRL publish directory]') if sysupgrade.get_upgrade_state('dogtag', 'moved_crl_publish_dir'): root_logger.info('CRL tree already moved') return False if not ca.is_configured(): root_logger.info('CA is not configured') return False caconfig = dogtag.configured_constants() try: old_publish_dir = installutils.get_directive(caconfig.CS_CFG_PATH, 'ca.publish.publisher.instance.FileBaseCRLPublisher.directory', separator='=') except OSError, e: root_logger.error('Cannot read CA configuration file "%s": %s', caconfig.CS_CFG_PATH, e) return False if old_publish_dir == caconfig.CRL_PUBLISH_PATH: # publish dir is already updated root_logger.info('Publish directory already set to new location') sysupgrade.set_upgrade_state('dogtag', 'moved_crl_publish_dir', True) return False # Prepare target publish dir (permissions, SELinux context) publishdir = ca.prepare_crl_publish_dir() # Copy all CRLs to new directory root_logger.info('Copy all CRLs to new publish directory') try: crl_files_unsorted = cainstance.get_crl_files(old_publish_dir) except OSError, e: root_logger.error('Cannot move CRL files to new directory: %s', e) else: # Move CRL files at the end of the list to make sure that the actual # CRL files are copied first crl_files = sorted(crl_files_unsorted, key=lambda f: os.path.islink(f)) for f in crl_files: try: copy_crl_file(f) except Exception, e: root_logger.error('Cannot move CRL file to new directory: %s', e) try: installutils.set_directive(caconfig.CS_CFG_PATH, 'ca.publish.publisher.instance.FileBaseCRLPublisher.directory', publishdir, quotes=False, separator='=') except OSError, e: root_logger.error('Cannot update CA configuration file "%s": %s', caconfig.CS_CFG_PATH, e) return False sysupgrade.set_upgrade_state('dogtag', 'moved_crl_publish_dir', True) root_logger.info('CRL publish directory has been migrated, ' 'request pki-ca restart') return True def add_server_cname_records(): root_logger.info('[Add missing server CNAME records]') if not sysupgrade.get_upgrade_state('dns', 'ipa_ca_cname'): try: api.Backend.ldap2.connect(autobind=True) except ipalib.errors.PublicError, e: root_logger.error("Cannot connect to LDAP to add DNS records: %s", e) else: ret = api.Command['dns_is_enabled']() if not ret['result']: root_logger.info('DNS is not configured') sysupgrade.set_upgrade_state('dns', 'ipa_ca_cname', True) return bind = bindinstance.BindInstance() # DNS is enabled, so let bindinstance find out if CA is enabled # and let it add the CNAME in that case bind.add_ipa_ca_cname(api.env.host, api.env.domain, ca_configured=None) sysupgrade.set_upgrade_state('dns', 'ipa_ca_cname', True) finally: if api.Backend.ldap2.isconnected(): api.Backend.ldap2.disconnect() else: root_logger.info('IPA CA CNAME already processed') def main(): """ Get some basics about the system. If getting those basics fail then this is likely because the machine isn't currently an IPA server so exit gracefully. """ if not os.geteuid()==0: sys.exit("\nYou must be root to run this script.\n") if not installutils.is_ipa_configured(): sys.exit(0) safe_options, options = parse_options() verbose = not options.quiet if options.debug: console_format = '%(levelname)s: %(message)s' else: console_format = '%(message)s' standard_logging_setup('/var/log/ipaupgrade.log', debug=options.debug, verbose=verbose, console_format=console_format, filemode='a') root_logger.debug('%s was invoked with options: %s' % (sys.argv[0], safe_options)) fstore = sysrestore.FileStore('/var/lib/ipa/sysrestore') api.bootstrap(context='restart', in_server=True) api.finalize() fqdn = find_hostname() if fqdn is None: # ipa-rewrite.conf doesn't exist, nothing to do sys.exit(0) # Ok, we are an IPA server, do the additional tests check_certs() auto_redirect = find_autoredirect(fqdn) configured_constants = dogtag.configured_constants() sub_dict = dict( REALM=api.env.realm, FQDN=fqdn, AUTOREDIR='' if auto_redirect else '#', CRL_PUBLISH_PATH=configured_constants.CRL_PUBLISH_PATH, DOGTAG_PORT=configured_constants.AJP_PORT, CLONE='#' ) ca = cainstance.CAInstance(api.env.realm, certs.NSS_DIR) # migrate CRL publish dir before the location in ipa.conf is updated ca_restart = migrate_crl_publish_dir(ca) if ca.is_configured(): crl = installutils.get_directive(configured_constants.CS_CFG_PATH, 'ca.crl.MasterCRL.enableCRLUpdates', '=') sub_dict['CLONE']='#' if crl.lower() == 'true' else '' certmap_dir = dsinstance.config_dirname( dsinstance.realm_to_serverid(api.env.realm)) upgrade(sub_dict, "/etc/httpd/conf.d/ipa.conf", ipautil.SHARE_DIR + "ipa.conf") upgrade(sub_dict, "/etc/httpd/conf.d/ipa-rewrite.conf", ipautil.SHARE_DIR + "ipa-rewrite.conf") upgrade(sub_dict, "/etc/httpd/conf.d/ipa-pki-proxy.conf", ipautil.SHARE_DIR + "ipa-pki-proxy.conf", add=True) upgrade(sub_dict, os.path.join(certmap_dir, "certmap.conf"), os.path.join(ipautil.SHARE_DIR, "certmap.conf.template")) upgrade_pki(ca, fstore) update_dbmodules(api.env.realm) uninstall_ipa_kpasswd() http = httpinstance.HTTPInstance(fstore) http.remove_httpd_ccache() http.configure_selinux_for_httpd() memcache = memcacheinstance.MemcacheInstance() memcache.ldapi = True memcache.realm = api.env.realm try: if not memcache.is_configured(): # 389-ds needs to be running to create the memcache instance # because we record the new service in cn=masters. ds = dsinstance.DsInstance() ds.start() memcache.create_instance('MEMCACHE', fqdn, None, ipautil.realm_to_suffix(api.env.realm)) except ipalib.errors.DuplicateEntry: pass cleanup_kdc(fstore) setup_firefox_extension(fstore) add_server_cname_records() changed_psearch = named_enable_psearch() changed_autoincrement = named_enable_serial_autoincrement() if changed_psearch or changed_autoincrement: # configuration has changed, restart the name server root_logger.info('Changes to named.conf have been made, restart named') bind = bindinstance.BindInstance(fstore) try: bind.restart() except ipautil.CalledProcessError, e: root_logger.error("Failed to restart %s: %s", bind.service_name, e) ca_restart = any([ ca_restart, enable_certificate_renewal(ca), upgrade_ipa_profile(ca, api.env.domain, fqdn), certificate_renewal_stop_ca(ca), ]) if ca_restart: root_logger.info('pki-ca configuration changed, restart pki-ca') try: ca.restart(dogtag.configured_constants().PKI_INSTANCE_NAME) except ipautil.CalledProcessError, e: root_logger.error("Failed to restart %s: %s", ca.service_name, e) if __name__ == '__main__': installutils.run_script(main, operation_name='ipa-upgradeconfig')