# Copyright (C) 2008 Todd Zullinger # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . """Create a host-specific package for bootstrapping a puppet.""" version_info = (0, 4, 0) version = '.'.join(map(str, version_info)) import os import sys import time import shutil import socket import tarfile import commands import tempfile defaults = { 'destssldir': '', 'domain': '', 'force': False, 'force_cert': False, 'force_tarball': False, 'force_package': False, 'release': '1', 'rpmdir': os.path.abspath(os.curdir), 'ssldir': '/etc/puppet/ssl', 'template': '%(ssldir)s/template.spec', 'verbose': 1, } try: defaults['domain'] = socket.getfqdn().split('.', 1)[1] except: pass config = os.path.expanduser('~/.puppethost') if os.path.exists(config): execfile(config, {}, defaults) truths = ['true', 'yes', '1'] # Ensure boolean options are set correctly for opt in ['force', 'force_cert', 'force_tarball', 'force_package']: defaults[opt] = str(defaults[opt]).lower() in truths # Ensure numeric options are set correctly for opt in ['verbose']: if isinstance(defaults[opt], bool): defaults[opt] = int(defaults[opt]) elif not isinstance(defaults[opt], int): try: defaults[opt] = int(str(defaults[opt]).lower() in truths) except: raise defaults[opt] = 0 package_types = ['deb', 'rpm'] class PuppetHostError(StandardError): pass class PuppetHost(object): def __init__(self, hostname = '', opts = defaults): """Puppet host class""" if not hostname: raise PuppetHostError('A hostname must be provided') if '.' not in hostname and opts['domain']: hostname = '.'.join([hostname, opts['domain']]) hostname = hostname.lower() self.hostname = hostname self.opts = opts self.datefmt = '%Y%m%d' self.debfile = '' self.rpmfile = '' self.tarfile = '' self._version = '' def gencert(self): """Generate a puppet certificate""" cert = self.files['cert'] ssldir = self.opts['ssldir'] if os.path.exists(cert) and not self.opts['force_cert']: raise PuppetHostError('%s exists, not overwriting' % cert) if self.opts['verbose']: print 'Generating certificate (%s)...' % cert, sys.stdout.flush() cmd = 'puppetca --generate --ssldir %s %s' % (ssldir, self.hostname) status, output = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd) if status: raise PuppetHostError('Error generating cert for %s: %s' % (self.hostname, output)) if self.opts['verbose']: print 'done' self._version = time.strftime(self.datefmt) def package(self, packages = ['rpm']): """Create packages in requested formats""" for package in packages: if package not in package_types or not hasattr(self, package): raise PuppetHostError('Bogus package type: %s' % package) try: getattr(self, package)() except Exception, error: print error continue def deb(self): """Create a .deb package""" raise NotImplementedError('FIXME if you need debian packages.') def tar(self, path = ''): self._check_files() if not path: path = tempfile.mkdtemp('', 'puppet-host-') name = 'puppet-%s-%s' % (self.hostname, self.version) tarball = '%s/%s.tar.gz' % (path, name) if os.path.exists(tarball) and not self.opts['force_tarball']: raise PuppetHostError('%s exists, not overwriting' % tarball) if self.opts['verbose']: print 'Creating tarball (%s)...' % tarball, sys.stdout.flush() tar = tarfile.open(tarball, 'w:gz') tar.dereference = True for f in sorted(self.files.values()): arcname = '%s%s' % (name, f.replace(self.opts['ssldir'], '')) tar.add(f, arcname) tar.close() self.tarfile = tarball if self.opts['verbose']: print 'done' def rpm(self): """Create a .rpm package""" rpmdir = self.opts['rpmdir'] tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp('', 'puppet-host-') if not self.tarfile or not os.path.exists(self.tarfile): try: self.tar(tmpdir) except: self._cleanup(tmpdir) raise spec = '%s/puppet-%s.spec' % (tmpdir, self.hostname) text = open(self.opts['template']).read() text = text.replace('__HOSTNAME__', self.hostname) text = text.replace('__VERSION__', self.version) text = text.replace('__RELEASE__', self.opts['release']) text = text.replace('__SSLDIR__', self.opts['destssldir']) specfp = open(spec, 'w') specfp.write(text) specfp.close() rpm_fmt = '%{N}-%{V}-%{R}.%{ARCH}.rpm' cmd = 'rpm -q --qf "%s/%s" --specfile %s' % (rpmdir, rpm_fmt, spec) status, rpm = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd) if status: self._cleanup(tmpdir) raise PuppetHostError('Failed to get rpm filename:\n%s' % rpm) if os.path.exists(rpm) and not self.opts['force_package']: self._cleanup(tmpdir) raise PuppetHostError('%s exists, not overwriting' % rpm) if self.opts['verbose']: print 'Creating rpm (%s)...' % rpm, sys.stdout.flush() cmd = 'rpmbuild -bb' cmd += ' --define "_build_name_fmt %s"' % rpm_fmt for i in ['_builddir', '_sourcedir', '_specdir', '_srcrpmdir']: cmd += ' --define "%s %s"' % (i, tmpdir) cmd += ' --define "_rpmdir %s" %s' % (rpmdir, spec) status, output = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd) if status or not os.path.exists(rpm): self._cleanup(tmpdir) raise PuppetHostError('Error building rpm:\n', output) if self.opts['verbose']: print 'done' self._cleanup(tmpdir) self.rpmfile = rpm def _check_files(self): """Check for the files we care about""" self.missing = [f for f in self.files.values() if not os.path.exists(f)] if self.missing: error = 'The following required files are missing:\n' for f in self.missing: error += '\t%s' % f raise PuppetHostError(error) def _cleanup(self, dir): if os.path.isdir(dir): shutil.rmtree(dir) @property def files(self): hostname = self.hostname ssldir = self.opts['ssldir'] cert = '%s/certs/%s.pem' % (ssldir, hostname) casigned = '%s/ca/signed/%s.pem' % (ssldir, hostname) if not os.path.exists(cert) and os.path.exists(casigned): os.symlink(casigned.replace(ssldir, '..'), cert) return { 'crl': '%s/ca/ca_crl.pem' % ssldir, 'cacert': '%s/certs/ca.pem' % ssldir, 'cert': '%s/certs/%s.pem' % (ssldir, hostname), 'private': '%s/private_keys/%s.pem' % (ssldir, hostname), } @property def version(self): """Get the date from a certificate""" if self._version: return self._version self._check_files() cert = self.files['cert'] try: import OpenSSL.crypto as crypto x509 = crypto.load_certificate(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, open(cert).read()) self._version = x509.get_notBefore()[:8] except: # pyOpenSSL < 0.7 lacks load_certificate()... do it the hard way format = self.datefmt cmd = 'openssl x509 -in %s -text -noout' % cert status, output = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd) if status == 0: date = [l.split(':', 1)[1].lstrip() for l in output.split('\n') if 'Not Before:' in l][0] fmt = '%b %d %H:%M:%S %Y %Z' self._version = time.strftime(format, time.strptime(date, fmt)) else: self._version = time.strftime(format) return self._version