@_No_Owner_in_PackageDB: sturmbahnfahrer: "GPL" aalam: aspell-bn: "GPL" aspell-gu: "GPL" aspell-hi: "GPL" aspell-mr: "GPL" aspell-or: "GPL" aspell-pa: "GPL" aspell-ta: "GPL" aspell-te: "GPL" abompard: HelixPlayer: "RPSL, GPL" glest-data: "Distributable" aconway: qpidc: "Apache Software License" rhm: "LGPL" adalloz: keychain: "GPL" mbuffer: "GPL" pam_abl: "GPL" pan: "GPL" addutko: astyle: "LGPL" mrxvt: "GPL" adrian: bogofilter: "GPL" gmpc: "GPL" grip: "GPL" ibmonitor: "GPL" kover: "GPL" ninja: "GPL" sopwith: "GPL" source-highlight: "GPL" uudeview: "GPL" vnstat: "GPL" xdesktopwaves: "GPL" xmlindent: "GPL" afb: slim: "GPL" ajax: gstreamer: "LGPL" gstreamer-plugins-base: "LGPL" gstreamer-plugins-good: "LGPL" mesa-libGLw: "MIT/X11" powertop: "GPL" pyxf86config: "GPL" system-config-display: "GPL" wdfs: "GPL" alexl: beagle: "LGPL" gamin: "LGPL" gnome-sharp: "LGPL" gnome-vfs2: "LGPL+" gsf-sharp: "GPL" gtk-sharp2: "LGPL" libgdiplus: "MIT X11" mono: "GPL, LGPL, MIT X11" nautilus-cd-burner: "LGPL/GPL" xdg-user-dirs: "GPL" xdg-user-dirs-gtk: "GPL" alexlan: perl-Ace: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-AutoClass: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Bio-ASN1-EntrezGene: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Data-Stag: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-GD-SVG: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Math-Derivative: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Math-Spline: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-PostScript: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-SVG-Graph: "Artistic" perl-Text-Shellwords: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-XML-DOM-XPath: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-XML-XPathEngine: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-bioperl: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-bioperl-run: "GPL" "Artistic" allisson: clutter: "LGPL" clutter-gst: "LGPL" clutter-gtk: "LGPL" keyjnote: "GPL" multiget: "GPL" perl-Crypt-Simple: "GPL" pyclutter: "GPL" ruby-cairo: "Ruby License/GPL" ruby-gnome2: "LGPL" siege: "GPL" anaconda-maint: anaconda: "GPL" anderson: bibletime: "GPL" curlftpfs: "GPL" kio_sword: "GPL" mod_auth_shadow: "GPL" andriy: qstat: "Artistic" renrot: "GPL" "Artistic" andyp: pybackpack: "GPL" arozansk: edac-utils: "GPL" linuxwacom: "GPL/X11" ascii: fish: "GPL" athimm: chrpath: "GPL" fail2ban: "GPL" fakechroot: "LGPL" fakeroot: "GPL" fedora-package-config-apt: "GPL" fedora-package-config-smart: "GPL" freenx: "GPL" gnustep-make: "GPL" greylistd: "GPL" libFoundation: "libFoundation license" libcdaudio: "GPL2" mediawiki: "GPL" nx: "GPL, MIT/X11 for X11 bits" perl-Text-CharWidth: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Text-WrapI18N: "GPL" "Artistic" po4a: "GPL" smart: "GPL" vtk: "BSD-like" vtkdata: "BSD-like" atkac: mtools: "GPlv2+" psgml: "GPL" ausil: dbus-qt: "AFL/GPLv2+" kmobiletools: "GPL" knetworkmanager: "GPL" awjb: koffice-langpack: "GPL" libopensync-plugin-synce: "GPL" multisync: "GPL" perl-Tk: "GPL" "Artistic" synce-trayicon: "GPL" w3c-libwww: "see: http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/copyright-software.html" bagnara: ppl: "GPL" behdad: cairo: "LGPL/MPL" dejavu-lgc-fonts: "Redistributable, with restrictions" freetype: "BSD/GPL dual license" libao: "GPL" libart_lgpl: "LGPL" libgnomeprint22: "LGPL+" libgnomeprintui22: "LGPL" libthai: "LGPL" vorbis-tools: "GPL" bellet: FlightGear: "GPL" fgfs-Atlas: "GPL" fgfs-base: "GPL" ben: ketchup: "GPL" berrange: autobuild-applet: "GPL" perl-Test-AutoBuild: "GPL" python-virtinst: "GPL" virt-manager: "GPL" bjohnson: dbmail: "GPL" dwatch: "GPL" gdome2: "LGPL" gscan2pdf: "GPL" libsieve: "GPL" mailgraph: "GPL" pdfedit: "GPL" perl-Gtk2-Ex-PodViewer: "Artistic" "GPL" queuegraph: "GPL" unpaper: "GPL" bkonrath: eclipse: "Eclipse Public License" eclipse-pydev: "Eclipse Public License" bkoz: boost: "Boost Software License" "GPL-Compatible, Free Software License" bos: ghc: "BSD style" bpeck: conmux: "GPL" bpepple: gaim-galago: "GPL" gnome-blog: "GPL" python-eyed3: "GPL" braden: openvrml: "LGPL" "GPL" "GPL" "GPL" buc: php-extras: "The PHP License" cagney: frysk: "GPL" caillon: epiphany-extensions: "LGPLv2.1+" f-spot: "GPL" gftp: "GPL" libnl: "LGPL" candyz: gcin: "LGPL" caolanm: hunspell-he: "GPL" cbalint: grass: "GPL" iverilog: "GPL" ogdi: "BSD-like" cchance: fonts-chinese: "Arphic Public License" "GPL-like" fonts-korean: "Distributable" libchewing: "GPL" liberation-fonts: "GPL + font exception" nhpf: "Distributable" scim-chewing: "GPL" scim-tables: "GPL" cfeist: cman: "GPL" gfs2-utils: "GPL" cgrau: frotz: "GPL" ifm: "GPL" perl-Time-Piece: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Time-Piece-MySQL: "GPL" "Artistic" chabotc: buoh: "GPL" libtorrent: "GPL" php-pecl-apc: "PHP License" rtorrent: "GPL" themes-backgrounds-gnome: "GPL" chitlesh: geda-docs: "GPL" geda-examples: "GPL" geda-symbols: "GPL" netgen: "GPL" chrisw: asciidoc: "GPL" cogito: "GPL" clumens: MAKEDEV: "GPL" elilo: "GPL" gnu-efi: "GPL" rhpxl: "GPL" coldwell: emacs: "GPL" lsscsi: "GPL" corsepiu: OpenSceneGraph: "OSGPL" "OSGPL" "OSGPL" help2man: "GPL" opencv: "Intel Open Source License" perl-Cache-Simple-TimedExpiry: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Class-Autouse: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-DBIx-DBSchema: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-DBIx-SearchBuilder: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-ExtUtils-AutoInstall: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-File-Find-Rule: "Artistic" "GPL" perl-File-Flat: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-File-NCopy: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-File-Slurp: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Font-AFM: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-HTML-Format: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-HTTP-Server-Simple-Mason: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Locale-Maketext-Lexicon: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Mail-GnuPG: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Module-Refresh: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Params-Util: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Params-Validate: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Pod-Tests: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Regexp-Common: "Artistic" perl-Test-ClassAPI: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Test-Inline: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Test-LongString: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Text-Quoted: "GPL" "Artistic" qhull: "Distributable" rt3: "GPL" cr33dog: fontypython: "GPL" ltsp-utils: "GPL" crash: crash: "GPL" cweyl: Zim: "GPL" "Artistic" eiciel: "GPL" gaim-gaym: "GPL" hfsplus-tools: "Apple Public Source License" perl-Acme-Damn: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Algorithm-C3: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Archive-Any: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-CGI-Ajax: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-CGI-Ex: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-CGI-Prototype: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-CPANPLUS-Dist-Build: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Catalyst-Action-RenderView: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Catalyst-Devel: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Catalyst-Manual: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Catalyst-Plugin-ConfigLoader: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Static-Simple: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Catalyst-Plugin-SubRequest: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Catalyst-Runtime: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Chatbot-Eliza: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Class-Base: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Class-C3: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Class-C3-XS: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Class-Data-Accessor: "Artistic" perl-Class-Factory: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Class-Factory-Util: "Artistic" "GPL" perl-Class-InsideOut: "Artistic" "GPL" perl-Class-MakeMethods: "Artistic" "GPL" perl-Class-Prototyped: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Config-Any: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Config-IniHash: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Contextual-Return: "Artistic" "GPL" perl-DBD-Mock: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-DBIx-POS: "Artistic" perl-Data-Dump: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Data-OptList: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Data-Visitor: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-DateTime-Format-Builder: "Artistic" "GPL" perl-DateTime-Format-HTTP: "Artistic" "GPL" perl-DateTime-Format-IBeat: "Artistic" "GPL" perl-DateTime-Format-Mail: "Artistic" "GPL" perl-DateTime-Format-MySQL: "Artistic" "GPL" perl-Declare-Constraints-Simple: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Devel-Size: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Event: "Artistic" "GPL" perl-File-ExtAttr: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-File-Modified: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-GD-Barcode: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-GStreamer: "LGPL" perl-GTop: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Gnome2-Canvas: "GPL" perl-Gnome2-GConf: "LGPL" perl-Gnome2-Print: "LGPL" perl-Gnome2-VFS: "LGPL" perl-GraphViz: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Gtk2-Ex-Carp: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Gtk2-Ex-Dialogs: "LGPL" perl-Gtk2-Ex-Simple-List: "LGPL" perl-Gtk2-Ex-Utils: "LGPL" perl-Gtk2-GladeXML: "GPL" perl-Gtk2-Notify: "LGPL" perl-Gtk2-Sexy: "LGPL" perl-Gtk2-Spell: "LGPL" perl-Gtk2-TrayIcon: "LGPL" perl-HTTP-Request-AsCGI: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Hash-Case: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Hash-WithDefaults: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-IO-Prompt: "Artistic" "GPL" perl-JSON: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-JSON-XS: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-List-Compare: "Artistic" "GPL" perl-Locale-SubCountry: "Artistic" "GPL" perl-Log-Dispatch-Config: "Artistic" "GPL" perl-Math-Round: "Artistic" "GPL" perl-Module-Starter: "Artistic" "GPL" perl-Module-Starter-PBP: "Artistic" "GPL" perl-Moose: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Moose-Policy: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-MooseX-Object-Pluggable: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-MooseX-Params-Validate: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Net-CUPS: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Net-DBus: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Net-Jabber: "GPL" "Artistic" "LGPL" perl-Net-XMPP: "GPL" "Artistic" "LGPL" perl-Object-InsideOut: "Artistic" "GPL" perl-POE: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-POE-Component-Child: "GPL" perl-POE-Component-Client-DNS: "Artistic" "GPL" perl-POE-Component-Client-HTTP: "Artistic" "GPL" perl-POE-Component-Client-Keepalive: "Artistic" "GPL" perl-POE-Component-Client-LDAP: "Artistic" "GPL" perl-POE-Component-DBIAgent: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-POE-Component-IRC: "Artistic" "GPL" perl-POE-Component-JobQueue: "Artistic" "GPL" perl-POE-Component-Logger: "Artistic" "GPL" perl-POE-Component-SNMP: "Artistic" "GPL" perl-POE-Component-SSLify: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-POE-Component-Server-HTTP: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-POE-Component-Server-SOAP: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-POE-Component-Server-SimpleHTTP: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-POE-Component-Server-XMLRPC: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-POE-Component-SimpleDBI: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-POE-Component-SimpleLog: "Artistic" "GPL" perl-POE-Filter-IRCD: "Artistic" "GPL" perl-POE-Filter-Zlib: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-POE-Wheel-Null: "Artistic" "GPL" perl-Package-Generator: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Params-Coerce: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-RRD-Simple: "Apache Software License" perl-Readonly: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Readonly-XS: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-SQL-Library: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-SUPER: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Smart-Comments: "Artistic" "GPL" perl-Sub-Exporter: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Sub-Identify: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Sub-Install: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Sub-Name: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Term-ProgressBar: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Test-Distribution: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Text-ASCIITable: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Text-RecordParser: "GPL" perl-Text-SimpleTable: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Text-TabularDisplay: "GPL" perl-Text-Tree: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Tree-Simple-VisitorFactory: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-URI-Fetch: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-WWW-Babelfish: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-WWW-Myspace: "Artistic" "GPL" perl-Workflow: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-XML-Stream: "GPL" "Artistic" "LGPL" perl-aliased: "GPL" "Artistic" cwickert: xfce4-dev-tools: "GPL" xfce4-taskmanager: "GPL" xfce4-websearch-plugin: "GPL" danielm: initng: "GPL" initng-ifiles: "GPL" danken: aspell-ar: "GPL" aspell-he: "GPL" bidiv: "GPL" fonts-hebrew-fancy: "GPL" hspell: "GPL" hunspell-ar: "GPL" taarich: "MIT-style" tetex-fonts-hebrew: "GPL" davidz: PolicyKit: "AFL/GPL" PolicyKit-gnome: "GPL" dbus-glib: "AFL/GPL" dbus-python: "AFL/GPL" dbus-sharp: "AFL/GPL" echo-icon-theme: "Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5" fedora-logos: "Not licensed. See COPYING file for trademark permission." festival: "MIT-style" gnome-speech: "LGPL" gnome-volume-manager: "GPL" hal: "AFL/GPL" hal-info: "AFL/GPL" livecd-tools: "GPL" rdesktop: "GPL" tsclient: "GPL" dbhole: hsqldb: "BSD Style" jakarta-commons-dbcp: "Apache Software License" jakarta-commons-logging: "Apache Software License" jakarta-commons-pool: "Apache Software License" jakarta-commons-validator: "Apache Software License" jdom: "Apache Software License-like" jrefactory: "Apache Software License" jsch: "BSD-style" lucene: "Apache Software License" maven-doxia: "Apache Software License" maven-jxr: "Apache Software License" maven-scm: "Apache Software License" maven-shared: "Apache Software License" maven-surefire: "Apache Software License" maven2: "Apache Software License" maven2-common-poms: "Apache Software License, BSD" objectweb-anttask: "LGPL" plexus-ant-factory: "MIT-Style" plexus-appserver: "Apache Software License" plexus-bsh-factory: "MIT-Style" plexus-cdc: "Apache Software License" plexus-runtime-builder: "MIT-Style" plexus-xmlrpc: "Apache Software License" struts: "Apache License" wsdl4j: "IBM Common Public License" xjavadoc: "BSD Style" dcantrel: librtas: "IBM Common Public License" "v1.0" ppc64-utils: "GPL" "OSL" repoman: "GPL" yaboot: "GPL" dcbw: csound: "LGPL" plague: "GPL" dchen: man-pages-es: "Distributable" man-pages-it: "Distributable" man-pages-ko: "GPL" dcm: libiptcdata: "LGPL" deji: clucene: "LGPL" exaile: "GPLv+" "Artistic" galternatives: "GPL" devrim: pgfouine: "GPL" phpPgAdmin: "GPL" postgis: "GPL" "LGPL" python-psycopg2: "GPL" "with Exceptions" dgoodwin: testoob: "Apache Software License" wuja: "GPL" dgregor: perl-Class-MethodMaker: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Config-Record: "GPL" dhowells: keyutils: "GPL/LGPL" dionysos: tetex-eurofont: "LaTeX Project Public License" dledford: mdadm: "GPL" pvm: "freely distributable" dmaley: wavbreaker: "GPL" dreier: libibverbs: "GPL/BSD" libmthca: "GPL/BSD" drzeus: libatomic_ops: "GPL/MIT" dwalsh: checkpolicy: "GPL" libselinux: "Public domain" "uncopyrighted" libsemanage: "GPL" mcstrans: "GPL" selinux-doc: "Public Use License v1.0" setools: "GPL" "LGPL" "LGPL" "LGPL" "LGPL" dwmw2: exim: "GPL" exim-doc: "GPL" libtwin: "LGPLV2+" linux-atm: "BSD, GPLv2+, LGPLv2+" qemu: "GPLv2+, LGPLv2+" ecik: cowsay: "Artistic" "GPL" kadu-theme: "Various" "LGPL" "LGPL" "LGPL" "LGPL" "GPL" "GPL" edhill: cdo: "GPL" gts: "LGPL" harminv: "GPL" itpp: "GPL" libctl: "GPL" libmatheval: "GPL" moin-latex: "GPL" nco: "GPL" ncview: "GPL" netcdf: "NetCDF" osiv: "GPL" scrip: "SCRIP License" wifiroamd: "GPL" eitch: metamonitor: "GPL" ensc: clamav: "GPL" dhcp-forwarder: "GPL" dietlibc: "GPL" fedora-usermgmt: "GPL" hunt: "GPL" ip-sentinel: "GPL" kismet: "GPL" libextractor: "GPL" libtasn1: "LGPL" milter-greylist: "BSD w/ advertising" mimetic: "GPL" opencdk: "GPL" tinyca2: "GPL" util-vserver: "GPL" xmlrpc-c: "BSD/PSF -- see COPYING" errr: conky: "GPL" etherape: "GPL" fluxstyle: "GPL" pekwm: "GPL" root-tail: "GPL" ruby-bdb: "Ruby License" tenr-de-styles-pkg: "Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5" wmctrl: "GPL" ertzing: MyPasswordSafe: "GPL" audacious-plugins: "GPL" fwbuilder: "GPL" libfwbuilder: "GPL" pwsafe: "GPL" ework: gtkdatabox: "LGPL" fangq: wqy-bitmap-fonts: "GPL" farnold: gnome-schedule: "GPL" linux-libertine-fonts: "OFL/GPL" faucamp: amarokFS: "GPL" dekorator: "GPL" flite: "BSD-style" kgtk: "GPL" klibido: "GPL" knemo: "GPL" tetrinetx: "GPL" fche: systemtap: "GPL" "GPL" fitzsim: MegaMek: "GPL" java-1.5.0-gcj: "GPL" jpackage-utils: "JPackage License" sinjdoc: "GPL" system-switch-java: "GPL" flok: multitail: "GPL" fnasser: classpathx-mail: "GPL with library exception" geronimo-specs: "Apache Software License 2" gnu-getopt: "LGPL" icu4j: "MIT style" jakarta-commons-beanutils: "Apache Software License" jakarta-commons-el: "Apache Software License" jakarta-oro: "Apache License" mx4j: "Apache License" werken-xpath: "Apache Software License-like" xml-commons-resolver: "Apache Software License" frankb: ctapi-cyberjack: "LGPL" qt4-qsa: "GPL" gajownik: athcool: "GPL" gajim: "GPL" htop: "GPL" hunky-fonts: "Redistributable, with restrictions" inotify-tools: "GPL" python-sqlite2: "zlib/libpng" qps: "GPL" yakuake: "GPL" garrick: perl-PBS: "GPL" "Artistic" torque: "Freely redistributable" "See PBS_License.txt" gemi: GtkAda: "GPL" TeXmacs: "GPL" abcMIDI: "GPL" bigloo: "GPL" clisp: "GPL" compat-erlang: "Erlang Public License" ecl: "LGPL" erlang: "Erlang Public License" erlang-esdl: "Distributable" gcl: "GPL, LGPL" genius: "GPL" gforth: "GPL" global: "GPL/BSD" gtkglarea2: "LGPL" gtklp: "GPL" lush: "GPL" mosml: "GPL/ATT/INRIA/Distributable" ocaml: "QPL/LGPL" ocaml-lablgtk: "LGPL" pari: "GPL" pl: "LGPL" plt-scheme: "LGPL" polyml: "LGPL" q: "GPL" qcad: "GPL" skencil: "LGPL, GPL, Historical Permission Notice" "Disclaimer" smarteiffel: "GPL" sweep: "GPL" tclabc: "GPL" tkcvs: "GPL" ucblogo: "GPL" unison: "GPL" wings: "Distributable" xaos: "GPL" yap: "Artistic/LGPL" ghenry: Sprog: "GPL" "Artistic" cpan2rpm: "Artistic" html-xml-utils: "GPL" ldapvi: "GPL" pgadmin3: "Artistic" giallu: buildbot: "GPL" mantis: "GPL" green: ardour: "GPL" azureus: "GPL" dssi: "LGPL" fluidsynth: "LGPL" fluidsynth-dssi: "GPL" hexter-dssi: "GPL" jakarta-commons-cli: "Apache Software License" kawa: "GPL" ladspa-swh-plugins: "GPL" lash: "GPL" libfreebob: "GPL" liblo: "GPL" liblrdf: "GPL" mxml: "LGPL" raptor: "LGPL" "Apache License Version 2.0" seq24: "GPL" vkeybd: "GPL" whysynth-dssi: "GPL" ws-commons-util: "Apache Software License" zynaddsubfx: "GPL" hadess: audiofile: "LGPL" codeina: "GPLv2.1+" esound: "LGPL" flac: "LGPL/GPL" gnome-audio: "LGPL" gnome-launch-box: "GPL" gnome-vfs2-obexftp: "GPL" libmusicbrainz: "LGPL" shared-mime-info: "GPL" sloccount: "GPL" totem: "GPLv2 with exception" harald: system-config-boot: "GPL" system-config-network: "GPL" hardaker: dnssec-tools: "BSD-like" perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-AES: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-Bignum: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-DSA: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-PKCS10: "Artistic" "GPL" perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-RSA: "Artistic" "GPL" perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-Random: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-X509: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Digest-SHA: "Artistic" "GPL" perl-Net-DNS-SEC: "GPL" "Artistic" hellwolf: fuse-convmvfs: "GPL" hguemar: gtkmozembedmm: "LGPL" libsexymm: "LGPL" listen: "GPL" plotmm: "LGPL" python-sexy: "LGPL" homeless: rudeconfig: "GPL" iburrell: ack: "GPL" "Artistic" jigdo: "GPL" perl-Algorithm-Annotate: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-App-CLI: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Data-Hierarchy: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-File-Next: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-File-chdir: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-IO-Digest: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Module-Depends: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Path-Class: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-PerlIO-eol: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-PerlIO-via-dynamic: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-PerlIO-via-symlink: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Regexp-Shellish: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-SVK: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-SVN-Mirror: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-SVN-Simple: "GPL" "Artistic" icon: MochiKit: "MIT/Academic" diction: "GPL" epylog: "GPL" kdissert: "GPL" kodos: "GPL" mod_evasive: "GPL" pylint: "GPL" python-feedparser: "BSD-ish" python-logilab-astng: "GPL" python-logilab-common: "GPL" repoview: "GPL" uqm-content: "Distributable" verbiste: "GPL" ifoox: ant-contrib: "Apache Software License" ht2html: "Python Software Foundation License" libreadline-java: "LGPL" mysql-connector-java: "GPL" ingvar: varnish: "BSD-like" isimluk: ruby-ncurses: "LGPL" ivazquez: mod_dnssd: "Apache Software License" ixs: bacula: "GPL" barcode: "GPL" bitbake: "GPL" ccrtp: "GPL" commoncpp2: "GPL" dd_rescue: "GPL" e2tools: "GPL" echoping: "GPL" icecast: "GPL" ices: "GPL" libsndfile: "LGPL" mboxgrep: "GPL" metapixel: "GPL" mod_suphp: "GPL" p0rn-comfort: "GPL" perl-Authen-Radius: "Artistic" perl-CGI-Session: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Class-Observable: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Class-Std: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-ConfigReader: "LGPL" perl-Crypt-Blowfish: "Distributable" perl-Crypt-CBC: "Artistic" perl-DBM-Deep: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Data-HexDump: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Data-Password: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-FileHandle-Fmode: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-LockFile-Simple: "Artistic" perl-MD5: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-NetAddr-IP: "Artistic" perl-Proc-ProcessTable: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Sys-SigAction: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Text-Iconv: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-XML-Filter-BufferText: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-XML-Filter-XInclude: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-XML-SAX-Writer: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-XML-Validator-Schema: "GPL" "Artistic" pyzor: "GPL" scmxx: "GPL" ser: "GPL" xmms-scrobbler: "GPL" jafo: cronolog: "GPL" moto4lin: "GPL" picocom: "GPL" python-memcached: "Python license" python-pydns: "Python license" python-pyspf: "Python Software Foundation License" jaile: gtkglextmm: "LGPL" jakub: compat-gcc-296: "GPL" compat-gcc-32: "GPL" compat-gcc-34: "GPL" gcc: "GPLv2+ with exceptions" glibc: "LGPLv2+ with exceptions" prelink: "GPL" valgrind: "GPL" jamatos: grace: "LGPL" python-cpio: "LGPLv2.1+" rman: "Artistic" t1utils: "Click, GPLv2+, MIT" james: createrepo: "GPL" netlabel_tools: "GPL" python: "Python Software Foundation License v2" python-docs: "PSF - see LICENSE" jcarlson: up-imapproxy: "GPL" zile: "GPL" jcm: mcelog: "GPL" microcode_ctl: "GPL" module-init-tools: "GPL" redhat-rpm-config: "GPL" jcollie: clearsilver: "Neotonic ClearSilver Software License" glump: "GPL" ortp: "LGPL" perl-CGI-FastTemplate: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-CGI-FormBuilder: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Net-SNPP: "Artistic" pitivi: "GPL" pyicq-t: "GPL" python-dns: "BSD-like" python-isprelink: "GPL" python-openid: "LGPL" python-urljr: "LGPL" python-xmpp: "GPL" python-yadis: "LGPL" quodlibet: "GPL" schroedinger: "LGPL/MIT/MPL" sofsip-cli: "LGPL" zaptel: "GPL" jdennis: notify-python: "LGPL" setroubleshoot: "GPL" jfontain: moodss: "GPL" moomps: "GPL" tktable: "BSD-like" jgarzik: blktool: "GPL" ethtool: "GPL" reiserfs-utils: "GPL" rng-utils: "GPL" jhrozek: pv: "Artistic" "modified" jima: clusterssh: "GPL" perl-X11-Protocol: "GPL" "Artistic" jjh: ragel: "GPL" jjohnstn: eclipse-cdt: "Eclipse Public License / CPL" eclipse-changelog: "Eclipse Public License" jkeating: cleanfeed: "distributable" koji: "LGPL" libburn: "GPL" libisofs: "GPL" mkbootdisk: "GPL" mock: "GPL" perl-Net-Telnet: "GPL" "Artistic" salinfo: "GPL" system-config-bind: "GPL" system-config-netboot: "GPL" trac-git-plugin: "GPL" trac-mercurial-plugin: "GPL" tux: "GPL" uucp: "GPL" jkratoch: gdb: "GPL" jlayton: ez-ipupdate: "GPL" xwrits: "GPL" jmagne: esc: "GPL" jmoskovc: acl: "GPL" "LGPL" "LGPL" cvs: "GPL" hexedit: "GPL" licq: "GPL" rarpd: "GPL" rcs: "GPL" rdate: "GPL" sox: "GPL" usbutils: "GPL" jmoyer: autofs: "GPL" libaio: "LGPL" jmrcpn: clement: "GPL" jnovy: compat-db: "BSD-style" db4: "BSD-style" dev86: "GPL" latex2html: "Free To Use But Restricted" "See LICENSE" netpbm: "Assorted licenses, see %{_docdir}/%{name}-%{version}/copyright_summary" joost: fpc: "GPL" "modified LGPL" jorge: mimetex: "GPL" jorton: libc-client: "University of Washington Free-Fork License" newt-perl: "GPL" "Artistic" josef: geany: "GPL" tilda: "GPL" jparsons: system-config-cluster: "GPL" system-config-lvm: "GPL" jpmahowa: gnome-compiz-manager: "GPL" jpo: asymptote: "GPL" libcgi: "LGPL" nagios-plugins-snmp-disk-proc: "GPL" pdfjam: "GPL" perl-Alien-wxWidgets: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-AppConfig: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Array-Compare: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Authen-SASL: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-B-Keywords: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-CSS-Tiny: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Cache-Cache: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Cairo: "LGPL" perl-Carp-Assert: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Carp-Assert-More: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Compress-Bzip2: "GPL" perl-Config-IniFiles: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Config-Tiny: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-DBD-CSV: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-DBD-SQLite: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-DBD-XBase: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Data-Compare: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Devel-Cover: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Devel-Cycle: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Digest-MD4: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Email-Address: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Email-MIME: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Email-MIME-ContentType: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Email-MIME-Encodings: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Email-MIME-Modifier: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Email-MessageID: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Email-Simple: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Error: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Expect: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Expect-Simple: "GPL" perl-ExtUtils-CBuilder: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-ExtUtils-Depends: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-ExtUtils-ParseXS: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-ExtUtils-PkgConfig: "LGPL" perl-File-Find-Rule-PPI: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-File-HomeDir: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-File-Tail: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-File-Which: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-FreezeThaw: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-GD: "Artistic" perl-GDGraph: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-GDGraph3d: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-GDTextUtil: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-GPS: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-GPS-PRN: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-GSSAPI: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Geo-Constants: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Geo-Ellipsoids: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Geo-Forward: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Geo-Functions: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Geo-Inverse: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Glib: "LGPL" perl-Gtk2: "LGPL" perl-HTML-Scrubber: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-HTML-Template: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-HTTP-Proxy: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-HTTP-Recorder: "GPL" perl-HTTP-Request-Params: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-HTTP-Server-Simple: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Hook-LexWrap: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-IO-Capture: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-IO-Interface: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-IO-Tty: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-IPC-Shareable: "GPL" perl-IPC-SharedCache: "GPL" perl-Image-Base: "LGPL" perl-Image-Info: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Image-Size: "Artistic" perl-Image-Xbm: "LGPL" perl-Image-Xpm: "GPL" perl-List-MoreUtils: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Locale-Maketext-Fuzzy: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Log-Dispatch: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Log-Dispatch-FileRotate: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Log-Log4perl: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-MARC-Record: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-MLDBM: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Mail-Sender: "Distributable" perl-Mail-Sendmail: "Distributable" perl-Module-CoreList: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Module-Find: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Module-Locate: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Module-ScanDeps: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Module-Versions-Report: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Net-GPSD: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Net-SNMP: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-PPI: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-PPI-HTML: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-PPI-Tester: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-PadWalker: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Perl-Critic: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Pod-Coverage: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Pod-Escapes: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Pod-Simple: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Pod-Spell: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Pod-Strip: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-SNMP_Session: "Artistic" perl-SQL-Statement: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Scalar-Properties: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Set-Scalar: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-String-Format: "GPL" perl-Sub-Uplevel: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-TeX-Hyphen: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Test-Cmd: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Test-Differences: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Test-Exception: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Test-Expect: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Test-File: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Test-Manifest: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Test-Memory-Cycle: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Test-MockObject: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Test-Number-Delta: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Test-Object: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Test-Perl-Critic: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Test-Pod: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Test-Pod-Coverage: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Test-Spelling: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Test-SubCalls: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Test-WWW-Mechanize: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Test-Warn: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Text-CSV_XS: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Text-Template: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Text-WikiFormat: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Tie-IxHash: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Tree-DAG_Node: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-UNIVERSAL-can: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-UNIVERSAL-isa: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-WWW-Bugzilla: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-WWW-Mechanize: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Wx: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-pmtools: "Artistic" swatch: "GPL" syslog-ng: "GPL" tetex-bytefield: "LaTeX Project Public License" tetex-perltex: "LaTeX Project Public License" jpye: fityk: "GPL" jsafrane: nc6: "GPL" jsoeterb: xmms-cdread: "GPL" jspaleta: python-xlib: "GPL" jwb: bugzilla: "MPL" jwboyer: ddclient: "GPL" meanwhile: "GNU Free Documentation License" tla: "GPL" jwilson: aquamarine: "GPL" bdock: "GPL" beryl-core: "GPL" beryl-manager: "GPL" beryl-plugins: "GPL" beryl-settings: "GPL" conman: "GPL" connect-proxy: "GPL" cpufreq-utils: "GPL" cpuspeed: "GPL" dircproxy: "GPL" dvgrab: "GPL" emerald: "GPL" emerald-themes: "GPL" hdhomerun: "LGPL" heliodor: "GPL" libavc1394: "LGPL" libconfuse: "LGPL" libdv: "LGPL" libiec61883: "LGPL" libraw1394: "LGPL" powerman: "GPL" rrdtool: "GPL" sysfsutils: "GPL" "LGPL" zabbix: "GPL" jwrdegoede: alfont: "BSD-like" freetype1: "BSD-like" hawknl: "LGPL2+" imlib2: "MIT with advertising??" kaboom: cgoban: "GPL" gnuchess: "GPL" perl-Time-modules: "Distributable" qgo: "GPL" rinetd: "GPL" xboard: "GPL" karsten: automake14: "GPL" automake15: "GPL" automake17: "GPL" dictd: "GPL2+" ed: "GPL3+" hwdata: "GPL/MIT" irda-utils: "GPL" libtool: "LGPL" "LGPL" prctl: "GPL" kasal: cairo-java: "LGPL" glib-java: "LGPL" grep: "GPL" libgconf-java: "LGPL" libglade-java: "LGPL" libgnome-java: "LGPL" libgtk-java: "LGPL" libvte-java: "LGPL" specspo: "GPL" katzj: comps-extras: "GPL" mercurial: "GPL" pirut: "GPL" rhpl: "GPL" squashfs-tools: "GPL" yum-metadata-parser: "GPL" kevin: dbh: "LGPL" fwrestart: "GPL" munin: "GPL" p0f: "GPL" kg6fnk: pdsh: "GPL" krh: chkfontpath: "GPL" compiz: "X11/MIT/GPL" imake: "MIT/X11" isicom: "GPL" "not Firmware" synaptics: "GPL" kushal: kphotobymail: "GPL" librfid: "GPL" prozilla: "GPL" kwizart: PythonCAD: "GPL" dirac: "MPL" perl-Geo-METAR: "GPL" python-BeautifulSoup: "Python Software Foundation License" python-alsaaudio: "PSF - see LICENSE" kzak: gawk: "GPL" gnome-applet-vm: "GPL" lockdev: "LGPL" lslk: "Distributable" lsof: "Distributable" readahead: "GPL" vlock: "GPL" laroche: PyXML: "Apacheish" gperf: "GPL" mingetty: "GPL" time: "GPL" laxathom: gammu: "GPL" gshutdown: "GPL" guile-lib: "GPL" kicker-compiz: "GPL" ntfs-config: "GPL" python-gammu: "GPL" specto: "GPL" wammu: "GPL" lennart: nss-mdns: "LGPL" padevchooser: "GPL" paman: "GPL" pavucontrol: "GPL" pavumeter: "GPL" pulseaudio: "GPL" "LGPL" "LGPL" "LGPL" "LGPL" "LGPL" leo: gtk-murrine-engine: "GPL" pcmanx-gtk2: "GPL" limb: glunarclock: "GPL" lizhang: system-config-language: "GPL" ttmkfdir: "GPL" lmacken: nethack: "NetHack General Public License" python-decoratortools: "PSF" "ZPL" python-formencode: "PSF" python-irclib: "LGPL" python-json: "LGPL" python-myghty: "LGPL" python-ruledispatch: "PSF" "ZPL" python-sqlobject: "LGPL" lmb: perl-IO-Multiplex: "Artistic" lon: dtach: "GPL" rgmanager: "GPL,LGPL" lutter: facter: "GPL" puppet: "GPL" ruby-postgres: "Ruby License" ruby-racc: "LGPL" rubygems: "Ruby License/GPL" luya: thewidgetfactory: "GPL" lvm-team: device-mapper: "LGPLv2.1" "LGPLv2.1" device-mapper-multipath: "GPL" dmraid: "GPL" mattdm: wxGTK: "wxWidgets Library Licence" wxPython: "LGPL" mbacovsk: avahi: "LGPL" file: "Distributable" kdnssd-avahi: "LGPL" libdaemon: "GPL" mpage: "GPL" psutils: "distributable" quagga: "GPL" radvd: "BSD-style" squid: "GPL" squirrelmail: "GPL" traceroute: "GPL" mbarabas: arptables_jf: "GPL" lftp: "GPL" mgetty: "GPL" netatalk: "GPL" vsftpd: "GPL" mbarnes: evolution-data-server: "LGPL" evolution-exchange: "GPL" evolution-sharp: "LGPL" evolution-webcal: "GPL" gnome-pilot: "LGPL" gnome-pilot-conduits: "LGPL" gnome-python2-extras: "GPL/LGPL" gnome-spell: "GPL" gtkhtml2: "LGPL" gtkhtml3: "LGPL/GPL" gtkspell: "GPL" pycairo: "LGPL" pygtksourceview: "LGPL" pyorbit: "LGPL" python-ldap: "PSF - see LICENCE" mcepl: JSDoc: "GPL" cycle: "GPL" gstreamer-plugins-pulse: "LGPL" vim-vimoutliner: "GPL" mclasen: gnome-games-extra-data: "GPL" gnome-themes: "LGPL+" gnome-vfs2-monikers: "LGPL" intltool: "GPLv2 with exception" libcroco: "LGPL" mdehaan: cobbler: "GPL" koan: "GPL" mdomsch: dkms: "GPL" gpp: "GPL" i810switch: "GPL" perl-GnuPG-Interface: "GPL" "Artistic" pgp-tools: "BSD, GPL" mebrown: firmware-addon-dell: "OSL" firmware-tools: "OSL" libsmbios: "OSL" meme: fortune-firefly: "GPL" nethack-vultures: "NetHack General Public License" mfleming: GeoIP: "LGPL" innotop: "GPL/Artistic" mod_cband: "GPL" mod_geoip: "Apache Software License" mod_security: "GPL" pfqueue: "GPL" python-GeoIP: "GPL" svnmailer: "Apache Software License" mgarski: jomolhari-fonts: "SIL Open Font License" krusader: "GPL" libkdcraw: "GPL" smb4k: "GPL" tibetan-machine-uni-fonts: "GPL" xscorch: "GPL" mhalcrow: ecryptfs-utils: "GPL" michaelc: iscsi-initiator-utils: "GPL" mikep: linkchecker: "GPL" misa: mx: "eGenix.com Public License" pyOpenSSL: "LGPL" mitr: bogl: "GPL" foobillard: "GPL" m2crypto: "BSDish" python-4Suite-XML: "Apacheish" tmpwatch: "GPL" usermode: "GPL" mkpai: perl-Callback: "GPL/Artistic" mmaslano: groff: "GPL" iproute: "GPL" ipv6calc: "GPL" man-pages-de: "Distributable" vixie-cron: "GPL" mmcgrath: cacti: "GPL" perl-Crypt-PasswdMD5: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Date-Pcalc: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-MIME-Lite: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-SOAP-Lite: "GPL" "Artistic" phpMyAdmin: "GPL" python-meld3: "ZPL" smolt: "GPL" supervisor: "ZPL/BSD" mpg: sugar: "GPL/LGPL" mra: libp11: "LGPL" "LGPL" mricchet: ss5: "GPL" mschwendt: chkrootkit: "BSD-like" compat-wxGTK26: "wxWidgets Library Licence" muerte: qcomicbook: "GPL" mwringe: cryptix: "BSD style" jakarta-commons-codec: "Apache Software License" jakarta-commons-digester: "Apache Software License" jakarta-commons-discovery: "Apache Software License" jakarta-commons-launcher: "Apache Software License" jakarta-commons-modeler: "Apache Software License" jakarta-taglibs-standard: "Apache Software License" jdepend: "Clarkware License" jflex: "GPL" jrexx: "LGPL" maven-wagon: "Apache Software License" msv: "BSD-Style" nekohtml: "Apache License" piccolo: "Apache Software License" plexus-container-default: "Apache Software License" plexus-interactivity: "Apache Software License" plexus-utils: "Apache Software License" pmd: "BSD Style" puretls: "BSD style" qdox: "Apache Software License style" rhino: "MPL" xdoclet: "BSD Style" xerces-j2: "Apache Software License" xml-commons-apis: "Apache Software License/W3C/Public Domain" xml-commons-apis12: "Apache Software License/W3C License/Public Domain" xml-commons-which: "Apache Software License" mxcarron: pypar2: "GPL" nalin: cracklib: "Artistic" krb5: "MIT, freely distributable." nss_db: "Sleepycat,LGPLv2+" pam_krb5: "LGPL+" nando: qjackctl: "GPL" qsynth: "GPL" nbecker: filelight: "GPL" kdiff3: "GPL" uncrustify: "GPL" nhorman: iozone: "Freeware" irqbalance: "GPL/OSL" kexec-tools: "GPL" numactl: "LGPLv2/GPLv2" nigelj: calcurse: "GPL" freetennis: "GPL" ocaml-SDL: "LGPL" ocaml-camlimages: "LGPL" redet: "GPL" redet-doc: "GPL" timidity++: "GPL" windowlab: "GPL" nim: dejavu-fonts: "Modifiable & redistributable, with naming restrictions" freeze: "Distributable" lzop: "GPL" nomarch: "GPL" perl-Font-TTF: "Artistic" nixaff4: kio_p7zip: "GPL2+" nmurray: ImageMagick: "freeware" libmng: "BSD-like" noltec: kbibtex: "GPL" nomis80: camstream: "GPL" quadkonsole: "GPL" notting: mash: "GPL" nphilipp: bzflag: "LGPL" convmv: "GPL" dcraw: "GPL" gimp-help: "GNU FDL" hwbrowser: "GPL" ppracer: "GPL" rss-glx: "GPL" sane-backends: "GPL" "programs" ", relaxed LGPL" "libraries" "," "public domain" "docs" sane-frontends: "GPL" system-config-nfs: "GPL" system-config-samba: "GPL" system-config-services: "GPL" ufraw: "GPL" xsane: "GPL" nsantos: amqp: "AMQP" checkstyle: "LGPL" dtdparser: "LGPL" gnu-regexp: "LGPL" jtidy: "BSD-Style" python-qpid: "Apache Software License" ruby-qpid: "Apache Software License" ws-jaxme: "Apache Software License" xom: "LGPL" xpp2: "Apache Software License" xpp3: "Apache-style" odvorace: authd: "GPL" dosfstools: "GPL" gdbm: "GPL" inn: "GPL" orion: R-multcomp: "GPL" R-systemfit: "GPL" apcupsd: "GPL" freefont: "GPL" ksynaptics: "GPL" lasi: "LGPL" libsynaptics: "GPL" netcdf-perl: "NetCDF" perl-ExtUtils-F77: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-HTML-Table: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-String-Approx: "Artistic" perl-XML-DOM: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-XML-RegExp: "GPL" "Artistic" python-dateutil: "Python Software Foundation License" orphan: FreeWnn: "Distributable" aspell-mi: "LGPL" cgi-util: "LGPL" doctorj: "LGPL" gkrellmms: "GPL" gnofract4d: "GPL" gnome-yum: "GPL" gstreamer08: "LGPL" gstreamer08-plugins: "LGPL" gstreamer08-python: "LGPL" gurlchecker: "GPL" hamlib: "LGPL" ktrack: "GPL" luks-tools: "GPL" new: "GPL" otrs: "GPL" pam_mysql: "GPL" pam_script: "GPL" pam_usb: "GPL" perl-String-Ediff: "GPL" "Artistic" python-htmltmpl: "GPL" python-id3: "GPL" screem: "GPL" otaylor: mugshot: "GPL" ovasik: docbook-dtds: "Distributable" docbook-simple: "Distributable" docbook-style-dsssl: "Distributable" docbook-style-xsl: "Distributable" docbook-utils: "GPL" jadetex: "Distributable" linuxdoc-tools: "Freely distributable" passivetex: "LaTeX Project Public License" "http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt" perl-SGMLSpm: "GPL" sgml-common: "GPL" "GPL" xmltex: "LaTeX Project Public License" "http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt" overholt: eclipse-emf: "Eclipse Public License" eclipse-gef: "Eclipse Public License" eclipse-mylyn: "Eclipse Public License" eclipse-nlspackager: "Eclipse Public License" eclipse-sdk-nls: "Eclipse Public License" xmlrpc3: "Apache Software License" owentl: gdesklets-calendar: "GPL" gdesklets-goodweather: "GPL" gdesklets-quote-of-the-day: "GPL" proxychains: "GPL" pawsa: balsa: "GPL" libesmtp: "LGPL" "LGPL/GPL" pcheung: ant: "Apache Software License" asm2: "BSD-style" avalon-framework: "Apache Software License" avalon-logkit: "Apache Software License" axis: "Apache Software License" bcel: "Apache Software License" bsf: "Apache License" bsh: "LGPL" castor: "BSD style" jakarta-commons-daemon: "Apache Software License" jakarta-commons-fileupload: "Apache Software License" jakarta-commons-httpclient: "Apache Software License" jakarta-commons-io: "Apache Software License" jakarta-commons-lang: "Apache Software License" jakarta-commons-net: "Apache Software License" plexus-archiver: "Apache Software License" plexus-i18n: "Apache Software License" tagsoup: "GPL" xmlunit: "BSD Style" pertusus: BibTool: "GPL" acpi: "GPL" acpitool: "GPL" archmage: "GPL" asa: "GPL" bes: "LGPL" boolstuff: "GPL" cernlib: "LGPLV2+" cernlib-g77: "LGPLV2+" cppunit: "LGPL" dap-freeform_handler: "LGPL" dap-hdf4_handler: "LGPL" dap-netcdf_handler: "LGPL" dap-server: "LGPL" esmtp: "GPL" gnash: "GPL" gnochm: "GPL" intuitively: "GPL" ivman: "GPL/QPL" kchmviewer: "GPL" libchmxx: "LGPL/GPL" libsx: "LGPL" ooo2txt: "LGPL" perl-Cache: "Artistic" "GPL" perl-Feed-Find: "Artistic" "GPL" perl-File-BaseDir: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-File-DesktopEntry: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-File-MimeInfo: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-File-NFSLock: "Artistic" "GPL" perl-HTML-FormatText-WithLinks: "Artistic" "GPL" perl-Heap: "Artistic" "GPL" perl-LWP-Authen-Wsse: "Artistic" "GPL" perl-Parse-Yapp: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Statistics-Descriptive: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Text-CHM: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Text-Unidecode: "GPL" "Artistic" pmount: "GPL" python-chm: "GPL" tetex-elsevier: "LaTeX Project Public License" tetex-tex4ht: "LaTeX" wdm: "GPL" wmix: "GPL" peter: chmlib: "LGPL" fuse: "GPL" "LGPL" "LGPL" fuse-encfs: "GPL" fuse-sshfs: "GPL" gliv: "GPL" rlog: "LGPL" sipp: "GPL" sipsak: "GPL" stratagus: "GPL" xerces-c: "Apache Software License" petersen: flim: "GPL" gettext: "LGPL" scim-fcitx: "GPL" pfj: CastPodder: "GPL" anjuta: "GPL" anjuta-gdl: "GPL" autogen: "GPL" brandy: "GPL" db4o: "GPL" gdeskcal: "GPL" genchemlab: "GPL" gnome-build: "GPL" gonvert: "GPL" gtk-sharp: "LGPL" gtksourceview-sharp: "LGPL" mod_mono: "Apache Software License" monodevelop: "GPL" monodoc: "GPL" nant: "GPL" pyxmms: "GPL" xmms: "GPL" xmms-alarm: "GPL" z88dk: "Artistic" pfrields: fedora-release-notes: "Distributable" pghmcfc: ORBit: "LGPL/GPL" bittorrent: "BitTorrent Open Source License" gnome-libs: "LGPL" grepmail: "GPL" lat: "GPL" libglade: "LGPL" perl-Tie-EncryptedHash: "Artistic" spamass-milter: "GPL" pgordon: empathy: "GPL" glabels: "GFDLv1.1+" gnome-theme-clearlooks-bigpack: "GPL" labyrinth: "GPL" ots: "GPL" pidgin-libnotify: "GPL" rb_libtorrent: "zlib/libpng License" "Boost Software License" scribes: "GPL" scribes-templates: "GPL" tango-icon-theme: "Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike" tango-icon-theme-extras: "Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike" viaideinfo: "GPL" pgraner: coreutils: "GPL" phuang: scim-qtimm: "GPL" pilcher: wifi-radar: "GPL" pingou: R-BufferedMatrix: "LGPL" R-widgetTools: "LGPL" pjones: booty: "LGPL" cdparanoia: "GPL" mkinitrd: "GPL" syslinux: "GPL" pknirsch: system-config-httpd: "GPL" pmachata: nasm: "LGPL" tzdata: "Public Domain, LGPLv2+" pmatilai: rpm: "LGPLv2+ with exceptions" "LGPLv2+ with exceptions" pnasrat: splint: "GPL" prarit: dmidecode: "GPL" pwouters: driftnet: "GPL" fetchlog: "GPL" gaim-otr: "GPL" hping3: "GPL" libotr: "GPL, LGPL" nsd: "BSD-like" perl-IO-LockedFile: "GPL" "Artistic" "something" s3switch: "BSD-like" socat: "GPL" sshfp: "GPL" xl2tpd: "GPL" xoo: "GPL" qspencer: autotrace: "GPL/LGPL" cln: "GPL" fftw: "GPL" fig2ps: "GPL" ginac: "GPL" glpk: "GPL" lilypond: "GPL" lilypond-doc: "GPL" mftrace: "GPL" octave: "GPL" suitesparse: "Distributable" rathann: dx-samples: "IBM Public License" sysconftool: "GPL" tetex-prosper: "LaTeX Project Public License" rbhalera: bitmap-fonts: "distributable" fonts-ISO8859-2: "Freely redistributable without restrictions" fonts-arabic: "GPL" fonts-hebrew: "GPL" fonts-indic: "GPL" fonts-sinhala: "GPL" rbrich: cpio: "GPL" dstat: "GPL" rcritten: jss: "MPL/GPL/LGPL" mod_nss: "Apache Software License" mod_revocator: "Apache Software License" nss_compat_ossl: "LGPL" rdieter: fltk: "LGPLv2+ with exceptions" mathml-fonts: "Distributable" pykdeextensions: "LGPL" vnc-ltsp-config: "GPL" remi: ocsinventory-client: "GPL" perl-Apache-DBI: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Proc-Daemon: "GPL" "Artistic" php-pear-Net-DIME: "PHP License" php-pear-Net-FTP: "PHP License" php-pear-Net-Ping: "PHP License" php-pear-Net-SMTP: "PHP License" php-pear-Net-Socket: "PHP License" php-pear-Net-Traceroute: "PHP License" php-pear-PHP-Compat: "PHP License" php-pear-PHP-CompatInfo: "PHP License" php-pear-SOAP: "PHP License" yum-arch: "GPL" rjones: ocaml-curl: "LGPL" ocaml-expat: "LGPL" ocaml-extlib: "LGPL" ocaml-pcre: "LGPL" ocaml-ssl: "LGPL" ocaml-ulex: "LGPL" rmeggins: adminutil: "LGPL" mozldap: "MPL/GPL/LGPL" perl-Mozilla-LDAP: "GPL/LGPL/MPL" svrcore: "MPL/GPL/LGPL" rnorwood: perl-Bit-Vector: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Compress-Raw-Zlib: "Artistic" "GPL" perl-IO-Compress-Base: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-IO-Compress-Bzip2: "Artistic" "GPL" perl-IO-Compress-Zlib: "Artistic" "GPL" perl-IO-String: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-IO-Zlib: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Inline: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-LDAP: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Net-DNS: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Parse-RecDescent: "Artistic" perl-RPM-Specfile: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-RPM2: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-TermReadKey: "Distributable" perl-TimeDate: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-URI: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-XML-Dumper: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-XML-Grove: "Artistic" perl-XML-LibXML: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-XML-LibXML-Common: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-XML-NamespaceSupport: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-XML-SAX: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-XML-Twig: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-XML-XPath: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-libxml-perl: "GPL" "Artistic" robert: duplicity: "GPL" perl-Razor-Agent: "Artistic" robmv: dirvish: "OSL" javasvn: "TMate License" kanatest: "GPL" perl-Time-Period: "GPL" "Artistic" shorewall: "GPL" svnkit: "TMate License" roland: elfutils: "GPL" "GPL" lcov: "GPL" monotone: "GPL" pstack: "GPL" roozbeh: doulos-fonts: "SIL Open Font License" gentium-fonts: "SIL Open Font License" gpsbabel: "GPL" perl-Math-Vec: "GPL" "Artistic" pyfribidi: "GPL" python-enchant: "LGPL" translate-toolkit: "GPL" rstrode: bug-buddy: "GPL" gnome-mime-data: "GPL" gtksourceview: "GPL" redhat-menus: "XFree86" startup-notification: "LGPL" tomboy: "LGPL+" ruben: Perlbal: "GPL" "Artistic" csync2: "GPL" incron: "GPL" mysql-proxy: "GPL" pdns: "GPL" pdns-recursor: "GPL" perl-Danga-Socket: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Gearman: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Gearman-Client-Async: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Gearman-Server: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-IO-AIO: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-MogileFS-Client: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-MogileFS-Utils: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Sys-Syscall: "GPL" "Artistic" rvinyard: bit: "LGPL" bitgtkmm: "LGPL" clipsmm: "GPL" conexus: "LGPL" conexusmm: "LGPL" idioskopos: "LGPL" nqc: "MPL" papyrus: "LGPL" tetex-IEEEtran: "Artistic" xournal: "GPL" rvokal: adns: "GPL" gaim-guifications: "GPL" gjots2: "GPL" pidgin-guifications: "GPL" python-adns: "GPL" resapplet: "GPL" ryo: VLGothic-fonts: "Distributable" libtomoe-gtk: "LGPL" scim-input-pad: "GPL" scim-skk: "GPL" scim-tomoe: "GPL" skkdic: "GPL" tomoe: "LGPL" s4504kr: lightning: "LGPLv2.1" stellarium: "GPL" salimma: evolution-remove-duplicates: "GPL" gai: "LGPL" gai-pal: "GPL" gnugo: "GPL" grhino: "GPL" pidgin-rhythmbox: "GPL" python-nltk_lite: "GPL" quarry: "GPL" rlwrap: "GPL" spicctrl: "GPL" vala: "LGPL" zeroinstall-injector: "LGPL" sarantis: mgopen-fonts: "Redistributable, with restrictions" python-simpy: "LGPL" tetex-font-cm-lgc: "GPL" tetex-font-kerkis: "Distributable" sconklin: openswan: "GPL" scop: gkrellm-themes: "GPL" xemacs-packages-extra: "GPL" seg: rosegarden4: "GPL" soundtracker: "GPL" tinyfugue: "GPL" sgrubb: amtu: "Common Public License" shahms: python-durus: "CNRI" python-paramiko: "LGPL" python-protocols: "PSF" "ZPL" python-psycopg: "GPL" python-quixote: "CNRI" python-simpletal: "Other" python-tpg: "LGPL" sharkcz: tailor: "GPL" simo: pam_smb: "GPL" rsync: "GPL" sindrepb: DMitry: "GPL" arp-scan: "GPL" avant-window-navigator: "GPL" bottlerocket: "LGPL" cowbell: "GPL" flac123: "GPL" gtk-recordmydesktop: "GPL" gtranslator: "GPL" halberd: "GPL" ike-scan: "GPL" muine: "GPL" muine-scrobbler: "GPL" nbtscan: "GPL" nikto: "Custom, see LICENSE.txt" nrg2iso: "GPL" onesixtyone: "GPL" perl-Class-Gomor: "Artistic" perl-DBIx-SQLite-Simple: "Artistic" perl-Math-Base85: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Net-IPv4Addr: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Net-IPv6Addr: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Net-Packet: "Artistic" perl-Net-Pcap: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Net-Write: "Artistic" perl-Nmap-Parser: "GPL" perl-libwhisker2: "GPL" pychess: "GPL" recordmydesktop: "GPL" scratchpad: "GPL" serpentine: "GPL" solfege: "GPL" tcptraceroute: "GPL" telepathy-mission-control: "LGPL" skvidal: yum-utils: "GPL" smccann: geos: "LGPL" shapelib: "LGPL/MIT" snecker: jokosher: "GPLv2+ with exceptions" splinux: drapes: "GPL" firestarter: "GPL" gconf-cleaner: "GPL" gdmap: "GPL" gfa: "GPL" glipper: "GPL" gnome-specimen: "GPL" gnubiff: "GPL" gstm: "GPL" libgtksourceviewmm: "LGPL" lostirc: "GPL" macchanger: "GPL" musicbox: "GPL" pessulus: "GPL" ssp: libFS: "MIT/X11" libICE: "MIT/X11" libSM: "MIT/X11" libX11: "MIT/X11" libXScrnSaver: "MIT/X11" libXTrap: "MIT/X11" libXau: "MIT/X11" libXaw: "MIT/X11" libXcomposite: "MIT/X11" libXcursor: "MIT/X11" libXdmcp: "MIT/X11" libXevie: "MIT/X11" libXext: "MIT/X11" libXfixes: "MIT/X11" libXfont: "MIT/X11" libXfontcache: "MIT/X11" libXft: "MIT/X11" libXi: "MIT/X11" libXinerama: "MIT/X11" libXmu: "MIT/X11" libXp: "MIT/X11" libXpm: "MIT/X11" libXrandr: "MIT/X11" libXrender: "MIT/X11" libXres: "MIT/X11" libXt: "MIT/X11" libXtst: "MIT/X11" libXv: "MIT/X11" libXvMC: "MIT/X11" libXxf86dga: "MIT/X11" libXxf86misc: "MIT/X11" libXxf86vm: "MIT/X11" libdmx: "MIT/X11" libfontenc: "MIT/X11" libutempter: "LGPL" libxkbfile: "MIT/X11" xrestop: "GPL" xsri: "GPL" stahnma: epel-release: "GPL" kflickr: "GPL" pastebin: "GPL" php-magpierss: "GPL" php-pear-Phlickr: "LGPL" x2vnc: "GPL" static: horde: "LGPL" imp: "GPL" ingo: "Apache Software License v1" jeta: "GPL" kronolith: "GPL" mod_auth_pam: "Distributable" php-pear-Mail-Mime: "PHP License" php-pecl-Fileinfo: "PHP License" php-shout: "LGPL" tripwire: "GPL" turba: "Apache Software License v1" steve: amavisd-new: "GPL" celestia: "GPL" cone: "GPL" cpanspec: "GPL" "Artistic" gl-117: "GPL" openvpn: "GPL" perl-Affix-Infix2Postfix: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Algorithm-Diff: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Apache-LogRegex: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Apache-Session: "Artistic" perl-Archive-Extract: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Authen-PAM: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-BerkeleyDB: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-CPAN-DistnameInfo: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-CPANPLUS: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Cache-Mmap: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Chart: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Class-Container: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Class-ErrorHandler: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Class-Singleton: "Artistic" perl-Convert-ASCII-Armour: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Convert-PEM: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Convert-TNEF: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Crypt-DES: "BSD-style" perl-Crypt-DES_EDE3: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Data-Structure-Util: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-DateTime: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-DateTime-Event-ICal: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-DateTime-Event-Recurrence: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-DateTime-Format-ICal: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-DateTime-Format-Strptime: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-DateTime-Format-W3CDTF: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-DateTime-Set: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Devel-Caller: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Devel-Leak: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Devel-Profiler: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Exception-Class: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-File-BOM: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-File-Fetch: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-File-ReadBackwards: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-File-Sync: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-File-Type: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Graphics-ColorNames: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-HTML-Mason: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-HTML-Template-Expr: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-HTTP-BrowserDetect: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-HTTP-DAV: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-IO-All: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-IO-Null: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-IPC-Cmd: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-IPC-Run: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-IPC-ShareLite: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Image-Math-Constrain: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Imager: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Kwiki: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Kwiki-Archive-Rcs: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Kwiki-Attachments: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Kwiki-Diff: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Kwiki-ModPerl: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Kwiki-NewPage: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Kwiki-Raw: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Kwiki-RecentChanges: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Kwiki-Revisions: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Kwiki-Search: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Kwiki-UserName: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Kwiki-UserPreferences: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Kwiki-Users-Remote: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Log-Message: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Log-Message-Simple: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Mail-Alias: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Mail-SPF-Query: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-MasonX-Interp-WithCallbacks: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Module-Build: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Module-Compile: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Module-Info: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Module-Install: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Module-Load: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Module-Load-Conditional: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Module-Loaded: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Module-Pluggable: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Net-CIDR-Lite: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Net-DNS-Resolver-Programmable: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Net-SCP: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Net-SFTP: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Net-SSH: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Object-Accessor: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-OpenFrame: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Package-Constants: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Params-CallbackRequest: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Params-Check: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Parse-CPAN-Packages: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Perl6-Bible: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Pipeline: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Pod-Readme: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Pugs-Compiler-Rule: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Set-Infinite: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Spiffy: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Spoon: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Spreadsheet-ParseExcel: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-String-ShellQuote: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Sys-Virt: "GPL" perl-Term-ReadPassword: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Term-UI: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Test-Base: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Test-Class: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Test-Deep: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Test-File-Contents: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Test-NoWarnings: "LGPL" perl-Test-Output: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Test-Portability-Files: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Test-Prereq: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Test-Tester: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Text-Autoformat: "Artistic" perl-Text-Diff: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Text-Diff-HTML: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Text-Levenshtein: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Text-LevenshteinXS: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Text-Reform: "Artistic" perl-Text-WordDiff: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Unix-Statgrab: "LGPL" perl-Unix-Syslog: "Artistic" perl-XML-XQL: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-YAML: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-YAML-Parser-Syck: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-YAML-Tiny: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-eperl: "GPL" "Artistic" qtparted: "GPL" sqlgrey: "GPL" tuxpaint: "GPL" tuxpaint-stamps: "GPL" tuxtype2: "GPL" steved: cachefilesd: "GPL" libgssapi: "GPL" libtirpc: "GPL" nfs-utils: "GPL" nfs-utils-lib: "GPL" rpcbind: "GPL" yp-tools: "GPL" ypbind: "GPL" ypserv: "GPL" stingray: conntrack: "GPL" libnetfilter_conntrack: "GPL" libnetfilter_log: "GPL" libnetfilter_queue: "GPL" libnfnetlink: "GPL" pyflowtools: "GPL" pyserial: "Python license" rpld: "GPL" rzip: "GPL" weechat: "GPL" stransky: alsa-lib: "LGPL" alsa-utils: "GPL" awesfx: "GPL/distributable" berusky: "GPL" berusky-data: "GPL" nspluginwrapper: "GPL" system-config-soundcard: "GPL" szpak: fuse-smb: "GPL" tanguy: drgeo: "GPL" drgeo-doc: "GPL" freehdl: "GPL" gperiodic: "GPL" ircd-hybrid: "GPL" qucs: "GPL" ushare: "GPL" than: PyQt: "GPL" ctags: "GPL" doxygen: "GPL" efax: "GPL" eject: "GPL" isdn4k-utils: "GPL" joystick: "GPL" kdbg: "GPL" kde-i18n: "GPL" kdeedu: "GPL" kdelibs3: "LGPL" kdewebdev: "GPL" lrzsz: "GPL" mozplugger: "GPL" qt: "GPL/QPL" rp-pppoe: "GPL" sharutils: "GPL" sip: "GPL" switchdesk: "GPL" sysreport: "GPL" system-switch-mail: "GPL" transfig: "distributable" tvtime: "GPL" urw-fonts: "GPL, URW holds copyright" which: "GPL" wordtrans: "GPL" xferstats: "GPL" xfig: "Freeware" thias: d4x: "Artistic" gnome-themes-extras: "LGPL" wxsvg: "wxWidgets" xmms-skins: "GPL" yasm: "Artistic" thomasvs: flumotion: "GPL" ladspa: "LGPL" libshout: "LGPL" mod_annodex: "Apache Software License" rasqal: "LGPL" "Apache Software License 2.0" thouveng: elsa: "GPL" tian: gcfilms: "GPL" timj: alsa-tools: "GPL" mod_extract_forwarded: "Apache Software License" php-manual-en: "Open Publication License" php-pear-Console-Color: "X11" php-pear-PEAR-Command-Packaging: "PHP License" rapidsvn: "LGPL" "LGPL" timn: NetworkManager-openvpn: "GPL" tjikkun: amsn: "GPL" cohoba: "GPL" toshio: qa-assistant: "GPL" trasher: BackupPC: "GPL" kftpgrabber: "GPL" ksplash-engine-moodin: "GPL" trondd: avrdude: "GPL" gedit-plugins: "GPL" libopenraw: "LGPL" nautilus-python: "GPL" "GPL" postr: "GPL" sdcc: "GPL" "GPL" tscherf: libprelude: "GPL" libpreludedb: "GPL" prelude-lml: "GPL" prelude-manager: "GPL" prewikka: "GPL" tsmetana: ksh: "Common Public License Version 1.0" nmap: "BSD with advertising, BSD, GPLv2" psmisc: "BSD/GPLv2+" twaugh: desktop-printing: "GPL" diffstat: "Distributable" diffutils: "GPL" dos2unix: "Freely distributable" emacs-nxml-mode: "GPL" foomatic: "GPL" ghostscript-fonts: "Distributable" gutenprint: "GPL" hplip: "GPL" international-time: "GPL" symlinks: "distributable" unix2dos: "Distributable" twoerner: SDL: "LGPL" postfix: "IBM Public License" ppp: "distributable" sendmail: "Sendmail" uwog: abiword: "GPL" aiksaurus: "GPL" enchant: "LGPL" gtkmathview: "GPL" link-grammar: "BSD-style" varekova: gd: "GPL" gmp: "LGPL" gsl: "BSD license" lynx: "GPL" man-pages: "GPLv2+, GLP, BSD, MIT, Copyright only, IEEE" man-pages-cs: "Distributable" man-pages-da: "Distributable" man-pages-pl: "Distributable" man-pages-ru: "Distributable" pilot-link: "tcl" sysstat: "GPL" vcrhonek: pychecker: "BSDish" tog-pegasus: "Open Group Pegasus Open Source" veillard: ekiga: "GPL" libvirt: "LGPL" opal: "MPL" pwlib: "MPL" xhtml1-dtds: "W3C IPR" vivekl: bea-stax: "Apache Software License" classpathx-jaf: "LGPL" cryptix-asn1: "BSD style" isorelax: "MIT-style" jakarta-commons-collections: "Apache Software License" java_cup: "BSD-style" jgroups: "LGPL" jlex: "Free" jzlib: "BSD-style" ldapjdk: "MPL" log4j: "Apache Software License 2" regexp: "Apache Software License" saxon: "MPL" tomcat5: "Apache Software License" velocity: "Apache Software License" xalan-j2: "Apache Software License" xmlrpc: "Apache Software License" vlg: granule: "GPL" libassa: "LGPL" walters: bigboard: "GPL" hippo-canvas: "GPL" hotwire: "GPL" online-desktop: "GPL" wart: libmodelfile: "Distributable" wcohen: libpfm: "MIT-style" oprofile: "GPL" pfmon: "GPL" wtogami: bonnie++: "GPL" memtest86+: "GPL" perl-Finance-YahooQuote: "GPL" perl-IO-Socket-INET6: "Artistic" "GPL" perl-IO-Socket-SSL: "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Net-Netmask: "Artistic" perl-Net-SSLeay: "BSDish" pop-before-smtp: "GPL" "Artistic" spamassassin: "Apache License" wwoods: pybluez: "GPL" xen-maint: xen: "GPL" xgl-maint: xorg-sgml-doctools: "MIT/X11" xorg-x11-apps: "MIT/X11" xorg-x11-docs: "MIT/X11" xorg-x11-drv-amd: "MIT/X11" xorg-x11-drv-cyrix: "MIT/X11" xorg-x11-drv-neomagic: "MIT/X11" xorg-x11-drv-nsc: "MIT/X11" xorg-x11-drv-vga: "MIT/X11" xorg-x11-filesystem: "MIT/X11" xorg-x11-font-utils: "MIT/X11" xorg-x11-fonts: "Various licenses" xorg-x11-resutils: "MIT/X11" xorg-x11-server: "MIT/X11" xorg-x11-server-utils: "MIT/X11" xorg-x11-twm: "MIT/X11" xorg-x11-util-macros: "The Open Group License" xorg-x11-utils: "MIT/X11" xorg-x11-xauth: "MIT/X11" xorg-x11-xbitmaps: "MIT/X11" xorg-x11-xdm: "MIT/X11" xorg-x11-xfs: "MIT/X11" xorg-x11-xfwp: "MIT/X11" xorg-x11-xinit: "MIT/X11" xorg-x11-xkb-utils: "MIT/X11" xorg-x11-xsm: "MIT/X11" xorg-x11-xtrans-devel: "MIT/X11" xris: dar: "GPL" lineak-defaultplugin: "GPL" lineak-kdeplugins: "GPL" lineak-xosdplugin: "GPL" lineakd: "GPL" orpie: "GPL" rsnapshot: "GPL" sec: "GPL" yafc: "GPL" xulchris: SOAPpy: "Python Software Foundation License" cal3d: "LGPL" cksfv: "GPL" openalpp: "LGPL" osgal: "LGPL" osgcal: "GPL" perl-MP3-Info: "Artistic" "GPL" php-Smarty: "LGPL" php-pear-DB-DataObject: "PHP License" php-pear-DB-DataObject-FormBuilder: "LGPL" php-pear-Date-Holidays: "PHP License" php-pear-File: "PHP License" php-pear-File-Passwd: "PHP License" php-pear-HTML-Common: "PHP License" php-pear-HTML-QuickForm: "PHP License" php-pear-HTML-QuickForm-ElementGrid: "LGPL" php-pear-Image-Canvas: "LGPL" php-pear-Image-Color: "PHP License" php-pear-Image-Graph: "LGPL" php-pear-Image-GraphViz: "PHP License" php-pear-Math-Stats: "PHP License" php-pear-Net-Curl: "PHP License" php-pear-Net-UserAgent-Detect: "PHP License" php-pear-Numbers-Roman: "PHP License" php-pear-Numbers-Words: "PHP License" php-pear-Payment-Process: "PHP License" php-pear-XML-Beautifier: "PHP License" php-pear-XML-RSS: "PHP License" php-pear-XML-Serializer: "PHP License" php-pear-XML-Util: "PHP License" poker-engine: "GPL" poker-eval: "GPL" poker-network: "GPL" poker2d: "GPL" pygame: "LGPL" pypoker-eval: "GPL" python-fpconst: "Apache Software License" spambayes: "Python Software Foundation License" xwnc: "GPL" ynakam: seedit: "GPL" yufan: audacious-plugins-docklet: "GPL" zhu: libhangul: "LGPL" pydict: "GPL" reciteword: "GPL" scim-hangul: "GPL" stardict: "GPL" stardict-dic-en: "GPL" stardict-dic-ja: "GPL" stardict-dic-ru: "GPL" stardict-dic-zh_CN: "GPL" stardict-dic-zh_TW: "GPL" zhcon: "GPL" zmc: dogtail: "GPL" pyspi: "LGPL" zprikryl: acpid: "GPL" apmd: "GPL" attr: "GPL" "LGPL" "LGPL" bc: "GPL" fbset: "GPL" Invalid licenses: 2158 out of 4685 (46.1%) [as of 2007-08-30 22:23 UTC]