CastPodder (pfj): "GPL" DMitry (sindrepb): "GPL" FreeWnn (orphan): "Distributable" HelixPlayer (abompard): "RPSL, GPL" HippoDraw (pfkeb): "GPL" JSDoc (mcepl): "GPL" MegaMek (fitzsim): "GPL" MochiKit (icon): "MIT/Academic" MyPasswordSafe (ertzing): "GPL" OpenSceneGraph (corsepiu): "OSGPL" "OSGPL" "OSGPL" PyXML (rrakus): "Apacheish" R-systemfit (orion): "GPL" SDL (twoerner): "LGPL" SOAPpy (xulchris): "Python Software Foundation License" abcMIDI (gemi): "GPL" acl (jmoskovc): "GPL" "LGPL" "LGPL" acpi (pertusus): "GPL" acpid (zprikryl): "GPL" acpitool (pertusus): "GPL" adminutil (rmeggins): "LGPL" aiksaurus (uwog): "GPL" alex (bos): "BSD-like" amarokFS (faucamp): "GPL" amavisd-new (steve): "GPL" amqp (nsantos): "AMQP" amtu (sgrubb): "Common Public License" ant (pcheung): "Apache Software License" ant-contrib (ifoox): "Apache Software License" apcupsd (tsmetana): "GPL" apmd (zprikryl): "GPL" archmage (pertusus): "GPL" arp-scan (sindrepb): "GPL" arpack (athimm): "Freely distributable" arptables_jf (mnagy): "GPL" asciidoc (chrisw): "GPL" aspell-ar (danken): "GPL" aspell-he (danken): "GPL" aspell-mi (orphan): "LGPL" astyle (addutko): "LGPL" attr (zprikryl): "GPL" "LGPL" "LGPL" audacious-plugins-docklet (yufan): "GPL" audiofile (hadess): "LGPL" autobuild-applet (berrange): "GPL" autofs (jmoyer): "GPL" automake14 (karsten): "GPL" automake15 (karsten): "GPL" autotrace (qspencer): "GPL/LGPL" avalon-framework (pcheung): "Apache Software License" avalon-logkit (pcheung): "Apache Software License" avarice (trondd): "GPL" awesfx (stransky): "GPL/distributable" axis (pcheung): "Apache Software License" azureus (langel): "GPL" bacula (ixs): "GPL" balsa (pawsa): "GPL" barcode (ixs): "GPL" bea-stax (devrim): "Apache Software License" berusky (stransky): "GPL" berusky-data (stransky): "GPL" bidiv (danken): "GPL" bigboard (walters): "GPL" bitbake (ixs): "GPL" bitgtkmm (rvinyard): "LGPL" bitmap-fonts (rbhalera): "distributable" bittorrent (pghmcfc): "BitTorrent Open Source License" blktool (jgarzik): "GPL" bogl (mitr): "GPL" bonnie++ (wtogami): "GPL" boost (bkoz): "Boost Software License" "GPL-Compatible, Free Software License" booty (pjones): "LGPL" bottlerocket (sindrepb): "LGPL" brandy (pfj): "GPL" bsf (pcheung): "Apache License" bsh (pcheung): "LGPL" bugzilla (jwb): "MPL" buoh (chabotc): "GPL" cachefilesd (dhowells): "GPL" cacti (mmcgrath): "GPL" cairo (behdad): "LGPL/MPL" cairo-java (kasal): "LGPL" camstream (nomis80): "GPL" castor (pcheung): "BSD style" ccrtp (ixs): "GPL" cdo (edhill): "GPL" cdparanoia (pjones): "GPL" checkpolicy (dwalsh): "GPL" checkstyle (nsantos): "LGPL" chkrootkit (mschwendt): "BSD-like" clamav (ensc): "%{?with_unrar:proprietary}%{!?with_unrar:GPLv2}" classpathx-jaf (devrim): "LGPL" classpathx-mail (fnasser): "GPL with library exception" cleanfeed (rrakus): "distributable" clement (jmrcpn): "GPL" cman (cfeist): "GPL" codeina (orphan): "GPLv2.1+" cogito (chrisw): "GPL" cohoba (tjikkun): "GPL" commoncpp2 (ixs): "GPL" compat-db (jnovy): "BSD-style" compat-erlang (gemi): "Erlang Public License" compat-gcc-296 (jakub): "GPL" compat-gcc-32 (jakub): "GPL" compat-wxGTK26 (mschwendt): "wxWidgets Library Licence" compiz (krh): "X11/MIT/GPL" comps-extras (katzj): "GPL" conexusmm (rvinyard): "LGPL" conman (jwilson): "GPL" conmux (bpeck): "GPL" connect-proxy (jwilson): "GPL" cowbell (sindrepb): "GPL" cowsay (ecik): "Artistic" "GPL" cpufreq-utils (jwilson): "GPL" cpuspeed (jwilson): "GPL" crash (crash): "GPL" cronolog (jafo): "GPL" cryptix (mwringe): "BSD style" cryptix-asn1 (dbhole): "BSD style" csound (dcbw): "LGPL" ctags (than): "GPL" curlftpfs (anderson): "GPL" cvs (jmoskovc): "GPL" cycle (mcepl): "GPL" d4x (thias): "Artistic" dar (xris): "GPL" db4 (jnovy): "BSD-style" db4o (pfj): "GPL" dbh (subhodip): "LGPL" dbus-glib (davidz): "AFL/GPL" dbus-python (davidz): "AFL/GPL" dbus-qt (ausil): "AFL/GPLv2+" dbus-sharp (davidz): "AFL/GPLv2" dd_rescue (ixs): "GPL" ddrescue (ixs): "GPL" dejavu-fonts (nim): "Modifiable & redistributable, with naming restrictions" desktop-printing (twaugh): "GPL" dev86 (jnovy): "GPL" device-mapper (lvm-team): "LGPLv2.1" "LGPLv2.1" dhcp-forwarder (ensc): "GPL" dictd (karsten): "GPL2+" dietlibc (ensc): "GPL" diffstat (twaugh): "Distributable" dircproxy (jwilson): "GPL" dirvish (robmv): "OSL" dmidecode (prarit): "GPL" dmraid (lvm-team): "GPL" doctorj (orphan): "LGPL" dogtail (zmc): "GPL" dos2unix (twaugh): "Freely distributable" dosfstools (kasal): "GPL" doxygen (than): "GPL" drapes (splinux): "GPL" drgeo (tanguy): "GPL" drgeo-doc (tanguy): "GPL" driftnet (pwouters): "GPL" dssi (green): "LGPL" dtach (lon): "GPL" dtdparser (nsantos): "LGPL" dvgrab (jwilson): "GPL" dwatch (bjohnson): "GPL" dx-samples (rathann): "IBM Public License" e16 (terjeros): "MIT with advertising" e2tools (ixs): "GPL" echo-icon-theme (davidz): "Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0" echoping (ixs): "GPL" eclipse (overholt): "Eclipse Public License" eclipse-cdt (jjohnstn): "Eclipse Public License / CPL" eclipse-changelog (jjohnstn): "Eclipse Public License" eclipse-egit (rmyers): "EPL GPLv2 LGPLv2" eclipse-gef (overholt): "Eclipse Public License" eclipse-mylyn (overholt): "Eclipse Public License" eclipse-nlspackager (overholt): "Eclipse Public License" eclipse-pydev (jjohnstn): "Eclipse Public License" eclipse-sdk-nls (overholt): "Eclipse Public License" ecryptfs-utils (mhalcrow): "GPL" edac-utils (arozansk): "GPL" efax (than): "GPL" eject (zprikryl): "GPL" elilo (clumens): "GPL" elsa (thouveng): "GPL" emacs (coldwell): "GPL" emacs-nxml-mode (twaugh): "GPL" eog (behdad): "GFDL+" epel-release (stahnma): "GPL" epiphany (gecko-maint): "GFDL+" epiphany-extensions (caillon): "LGPLv2.1+" erlang (gemi): "Erlang Public License" erlang-esdl (gemi): "Distributable" esound (hadess): "LGPL" etherape (errr): "GPL" evince (krh): "GFDL+" evolution (mbarnes): "GFDL+" evolution-data-server (mbarnes): "LGPL" evolution-exchange (mbarnes): "GPL" evolution-remove-duplicates (salimma): "GPL" evolution-sharp (mbarnes): "LGPL" evolution-webcal (mbarnes): "GPL" exaile (deji): "Artistic" exim (dwmw2): "GPL" exim-doc (dwmw2): "GPL" ez-ipupdate (jlayton): "GPL" f-spot (caillon): "GPL" fail2ban (athimm): "GPL" fakechroot (athimm): "LGPL" fakeroot (athimm): "GPL" fbset (zprikryl): "GPL" fedora-gnome-theme (rstrode): "GPL" fedora-logos (davidz): "Not licensed. See COPYING file for trademark permission." fedora-package-config-apt (athimm): "GPL" fedora-screensaver-theme (rstrode): "GPL" fedora-usermgmt (ensc): "GPL" festival (davidz): "MIT-style" fetchlog (pwouters): "GPL" fftw (qspencer): "GPL" fig2ps (qspencer): "GPL" filelight (nbecker): "GPL" firestarter (splinux): "GPL" firmware-addon-dell (mebrown): "OSL" firmware-tools (mebrown): "OSL" fish (ascii): "GPL" fityk (jpye): "GPL" flac123 (sindrepb): "GPL" flite (faucamp): "BSD-style" fltk (rdieter): "LGPLv2+ with exceptions" fluidsynth (green): "LGPL" fluidsynth-dssi (green): "GPL" flumotion (thomasvs): "GPL" fluxstyle (errr): "GPL" fonts-ISO8859-2 (rbhalera): "Freely redistributable without restrictions" fonts-hebrew-fancy (danken): "GPL" fontypython (cr33dog): "GPL" foobillard (mitr): "GPL" fortune-firefly (meme): "GPL" fpc (joost): "GPL" "modified LGPL" freefont (orion): "GPL" freehdl (tanguy): "GPL" freetennis (rjones): "GPL" freetype (behdad): "BSD/GPL dual license" freeze (nim): "Distributable" fuse-convmvfs (hellwolf): "GPL" gaim-galago (bpepple): "GPL" gaim-gaym (cweyl): "GPL" gaim-guifications (rvokal): "GPL" gamin (tbzatek): "LGPL" gawk (kasal): "GPL" gcl (gemi): "GPL, LGPL" gconf-cleaner (splinux): "GPL" gd (jmoskovc): "GPL" gdb (jkratoch): "GPL" gdbm (kasal): "GPL" gdeskcal (pfj): "GPL" gdesklets-goodweather (owentl): "GPL" gdmap (splinux): "GPL" gdome2 (bjohnson): "LGPL" gentium-fonts (roozbeh): "SIL Open Font License" geoqo (hardaker): "Artistic" geos (orphan): "LGPL" geronimo-specs (fnasser): "Apache Software License 2" gfa (splinux): "GPL" gfs2-utils (cfeist): "GPL" ghostscript-fonts (twaugh): "Distributable" gjots2 (rvokal): "GPL" gkrellmms (orphan): "GPL" gl-117 (steve): "GPL" glabels (pgordon): "GFDLv1.1+" glade2 (mclasen): "GFDL+" glest-data (abompard): "Distributable" glib-java (kasal): "LGPL" glibc (jakub): "LGPLv2+ with exceptions" glipper (splinux): "GPL" global (gemi): "GPL/BSD" glump (jcollie): "GPL" glunarclock (limb): "GPL" gnome-applet-vm (kzak): "GPL" gnome-applets (rstrode): "GFDL+" gnome-audio (hadess): "LGPL" gnome-blog (bpepple): "GPL" gnome-compiz-manager (jpmahowa): "GPL" gnome-games (rstrode): "GFDL+" gnome-launch-box (hadess): "GPL" gnome-media (hadess): "GFDL+" gnome-mime-data (rstrode): "GPL" gnome-netstatus (caillon): "GFDL+" gnome-nettool (caillon): "GFDL+" gnome-panel (rstrode): "GFDL+" gnome-pilot (mbarnes): "LGPL" gnome-pilot-conduits (mbarnes): "LGPL" gnome-power-manager (davidz): "GFDL+" gnome-python2-extras (mbarnes): "GPL/LGPL" gnome-sharp (laxathom): "LGPL" gnome-specimen (splinux): "GPL" gnome-speech (davidz): "LGPL" gnome-terminal (behdad): "GFDL+" gnome-themes (mclasen): "LGPL+" gnome-user-docs (rstrode): "GFDL+" gnome-vfs2 (tbzatek): "LGPL+" gnome-vfs2-obexftp (hadess): "GPL" gnome-yum (orphan): "GPL" gnu-efi (clumens): "GPL" gnu-getopt (fnasser): "LGPL" gnu-regexp (nsantos): "LGPL" gnubiff (splinux): "GPL" gnugo (salimma): "GPL" gnustep-make (athimm): "GPL" gperiodic (tanguy): "GPL" gpsbabel (roozbeh): "GPL" granule (vlg): "GPL" grep (kasal): "GPL" greylistd (athimm): "GPL" gsf-sharp (laxathom): "GPL" gshutdown (laxathom): "GPL" gstm (splinux): "GPL" gstreamer (ajax): "LGPL" gstreamer-plugins-base (ajax): "LGPL" gstreamer-plugins-good (ajax): "LGPL" gstreamer-plugins-pulse (lennart): "LGPL" gstreamer08 (orphan): "LGPL" gstreamer08-plugins (orphan): "LGPL" gstreamer08-python (orphan): "LGPL" gtk-doc (mclasen): "GFDL+" gtk-murrine-engine (leo): "GPL" gtk-recordmydesktop (sindrepb): "GPL" gtk-sharp (pfj): "LGPL" gtkglarea2 (gemi): "LGPL" gtkglextmm (jaile): "LGPL" gtkhtml2 (mbarnes): "LGPL" gtkhtml3 (mbarnes): "LGPL/GPL" gtkmathview (uwog): "GPL" gtkmozembedmm (hguemar): "LGPL" gtksourceview (rstrode): "GPL" gtksourceview-sharp (pfj): "LGPL" gtranslator (sindrepb): "GPL" gts (edhill): "LGPL" gucharmap (mclasen): "GFDL+" gutenprint (twaugh): "GPL" halberd (sindrepb): "GPL" harminv (edhill): "GPL" hawknl (jwrdegoede): "LGPL2+" hexter-dssi (green): "GPL" hfsplus-tools (cweyl): "Apple Public Source License" hippo-canvas (walters): "GPL" hping3 (pwouters): "GPL" hplip (twaugh): "GPL" hspell (danken): "GPL" hsqldb (dbhole): "BSD Style" ht2html (ifoox): "Python Software Foundation License" html-xml-utils (ghenry): "GPL" hunspell-ar (danken): "GPL" hunspell-he (caolanm): "GPL" hunt (ensc): "GPL" ibmasm (konradr): "LGPL" ibmonitor (adrian): "GPL" icecast (ixs): "GPL" ices (ixs): "GPL" icu4j (fnasser): "MIT style" idioskopos (rvinyard): "LGPL" ifm (cgrau): "GPL" ike-scan (sindrepb): "GPL" imake (krh): "MIT/X11" ingo (static): "Apache Software License 1.0" initng (danielm): "GPL" initng-ifiles (danielm): "GPL" international-time (twaugh): "GPL" intltool (mclasen): "GPLv2 with exception" intuitively (pertusus): "GPL" iozone (nhorman): "Freeware" ip-sentinel (ensc): "GPL" ipv6calc (mmaslano): "GPL" ircd-hybrid (tanguy): "GPL" irda-utils (karsten): "GPL" irqbalance (nhorman): "GPL/OSL" isdn4k-utils (than): "GPL" isicom (krh): "GPL" "not Firmware" isorelax (dbhole): "MIT-style" itpp (edhill): "GPL" iverilog (rezso): "GPL" ivman (pertusus): "GPL/QPL" jakarta-commons-beanutils (fnasser): "Apache Software License" jakarta-commons-cli (green): "Apache Software License" jakarta-commons-codec (mwringe): "Apache Software License" jakarta-commons-dbcp (dbhole): "Apache Software License" jakarta-commons-digester (mwringe): "Apache Software License" jakarta-commons-discovery (mwringe): "Apache Software License" jakarta-commons-el (fnasser): "Apache Software License" jakarta-commons-fileupload (pcheung): "Apache Software License" jakarta-commons-httpclient (pcheung): "Apache Software License" jakarta-commons-io (pcheung): "Apache Software License" jakarta-commons-lang (pcheung): "Apache Software License" jakarta-commons-launcher (mwringe): "Apache Software License" jakarta-commons-logging (dbhole): "Apache Software License" jakarta-commons-modeler (mwringe): "Apache Software License" jakarta-commons-net (pcheung): "Apache Software License" jakarta-commons-pool (dbhole): "Apache Software License" jakarta-commons-validator (dbhole): "Apache Software License" jakarta-oro (fnasser): "Apache License" jakarta-taglibs-standard (mwringe): "Apache Software License" java-1.5.0-gcj (fitzsim): "GPL" jdepend (mwringe): "Clarkware License" jdom (dbhole): "Apache Software License-like" jeta (static): "GPL" jgroups (dbhole): "LGPL" jigdo (iburrell): "GPL" jlex (dbhole): "Free" joystick (than): "GPL" jpackage-utils (fitzsim): "JPackage License" jrefactory (dbhole): "Apache Software License" jrexx (mwringe): "LGPL" jsch (dbhole): "BSD-style" jss (rcritten): "MPL/GPL/LGPL" jtidy (nsantos): "BSD-Style" jzlib (dbhole): "BSD-style" kadu-theme (ecik): "Various" "LGPL" "LGPL" "LGPL" "LGPL" "GPL" "GPL" kanatest (robmv): "GPL" kbibtex (noltec): "GPL" kdbg (than): "GPL" kdissert (icon): "GPL" ketchup (ben): "GPL" kexec-tools (nhorman): "GPL" keychain (adalloz): "GPL" keyutils (dhowells): "GPL/LGPL" kicker-compiz (laxathom): "GPL" kio_p7zip (nixaff4): "GPL2+" kismet (ensc): "GPL" kmobiletools (ausil): "GPL" koan (mdehaan): "GPL" kodos (icon): "GPL" koji (jkeating): "LGPL" kover (adrian): "GPL" kphotobymail (kushal): "GPL" krb5 (nalin): "MIT, freely distributable." ksh (tsmetana): "Common Public License Version 1.0" ksynaptics (orion): "GPL" ktrack (orphan): "GPL" labyrinth (pgordon): "GPL" ladspa (thomasvs): "LGPL" lasi (orion): "LGPL" latex2html (jnovy): "Free To Use But Restricted" "See LICENSE" lcov (roland): "GPL" ldapjdk (dbhole): "MPLv1.1/GPLv2+/LGPLv2+" ldapvi (ghenry): "GPL" libFS (ssp): "MIT/X11" libFoundation (athimm): "libFoundation license" libICE (ssp): "MIT/X11" libSM (ssp): "MIT/X11" libX11 (ssp): "MIT/X11" libXScrnSaver (ssp): "MIT/X11" libXTrap (ssp): "MIT/X11" libXau (ssp): "MIT/X11" libXaw (ssp): "MIT/X11" libXcomposite (ssp): "MIT/X11" libXcursor (ssp): "MIT/X11" libXdmcp (ssp): "MIT/X11" libXevie (ssp): "MIT/X11" libXfixes (ssp): "MIT/X11" libXinerama (ssp): "MIT/X11" libXres (ssp): "MIT/X11" libXvMC (ssp): "MIT/X11" libXxf86dga (ssp): "MIT/X11" libXxf86misc (ssp): "MIT/X11" libXxf86vm (ssp): "MIT/X11" libaio (jmoyer): "LGPL" libassa (vlg): "LGPL" libatomic_ops (drzeus): "GPL/MIT" libavc1394 (jwilson): "LGPL" libburn (jkeating): "GPL" libc-client (jorton): "University of Washington Free-Fork License" libcdaudio (athimm): "GPL2" libchewing (cchance): "GPL" libctl (edhill): "GPL" libdaemon (lennart): "GPL" libdmx (ssp): "MIT/X11" libextractor (ensc): "GPL" libfontenc (ssp): "MIT/X11" libfreebob (green): "GPL" libgconf-java (kasal): "LGPL" libgdiplus (laxathom): "MIT X11" libglade-java (kasal): "LGPL" libgnome-java (kasal): "LGPL" libgnomeprint22 (behdad): "LGPL+" libgnomeprintui22 (behdad): "LGPL" libgssapi (steved): "GPL" libgtk-java (kasal): "LGPL" libgtksourceviewmm (splinux): "LGPL" libhangul (zhu): "LGPL" libhugetlbfs (drfickle): "LGPL" libibverbs (dreier): "GPL/BSD" libical (liviopl): "MPL, LGPLv2" libiptcdata (dcm): "LGPL" libisofs (jkeating): "GPL" liblrdf (green): "GPL" libmatchbox (mpg): "LGPL" libmatheval (edhill): "GPL" libmng (nmurray): "BSD-like" libmthca (dreier): "GPL/BSD" libnetfilter_conntrack (stingray): "GPL" libnetfilter_log (stingray): "GPL" libnetfilter_queue (stingray): "GPL" libnfnetlink (stingray): "GPL" libnl (dcbw): "LGPL" libopensync-plugin-synce (awjb): "GPL" libotr (pwouters): "GPL, LGPL" libp11 (mra): "LGPL" "LGPL" libpfm (wcohen): "MIT-style" libprelude (tscherf): "GPL" libpreludedb (tscherf): "GPL" libreadline-java (ifoox): "LGPL" librfid (kushal): "GPL" libsemanage (dwalsh): "GPL" libsexymm (hguemar): "LGPL" libsmbios (mebrown): "OSL" libsndfile (ixs): "LGPL" libsynaptics (orion): "GPL" libtasn1 (ensc): "LGPL" libthai (behdad): "LGPL" libtirpc (steved): "GPL" libtomoe-gtk (ryo): "LGPL" libtool (karsten): "LGPL" "LGPL" libtorrent (chabotc): "GPL" libtwin (dwmw2): "LGPLV2+" libvirt (veillard): "LGPL" libvte-java (kasal): "LGPL" licq (jmoskovc): "GPL" lightning (s4504kr): "LGPLv2.1" lineak-defaultplugin (xris): "GPL" lineak-kdeplugins (xris): "GPL" lineak-xosdplugin (xris): "GPL" lineakd (xris): "GPL" link-grammar (uwog): "BSD-style" linux-atm (dwmw2): "BSD, GPLv2+, LGPLv2+" linuxwacom (arozansk): "GPL/X11" listen (hguemar): "GPL" llvm (bos): "GPL" "GPL" log4j (dbhole): "Apache Software License 2" lostirc (splinux): "GPL" lrzsz (than): "GPL" lslk (kzak): "Distributable" lsof (kzak): "Distributable" lsscsi (coldwell): "GPL" ltsp-utils (cr33dog): "GPL" lucene (dbhole): "Apache Software License" luks-tools (orphan): "GPL" lush (gemi): "GPL" lvm2 (lvm-team): "LGPLv2.1" "LGPLv2.1" lynx (jmoskovc): "GPL" macchanger (splinux): "GPL" madan-fonts (rbhalera): "GPL" man-pages (varekova): "GPLv2+, GLP, BSD, MIT, Copyright only, IEEE" man-pages-cs (varekova): "Distributable" man-pages-da (varekova): "Distributable" man-pages-de (mmaslano): "Distributable" man-pages-pl (varekova): "Distributable" man-pages-ru (varekova): "Distributable" mash (notting): "GPL" matchbox-window-manager (mpg): "GPL" mathml-fonts (rdieter): "Distributable" maven-doxia (dbhole): "Apache Software License" maven-jxr (dbhole): "Apache Software License" maven-scm (dbhole): "Apache Software License" maven-shared (dbhole): "Apache Software License" maven-surefire (dbhole): "Apache Software License" maven-wagon (mwringe): "Apache Software License" maven2 (dbhole): "Apache Software License" maven2-common-poms (dbhole): "Apache Software License, BSD" mboxgrep (ixs): "GPL" mbuffer (adalloz): "GPL" mcelog (jcm): "GPL" mcstrans (dwalsh): "GPL" mdadm (dledford): "GPL" meanwhile (jwboyer): "GNU Free Documentation License" mediawiki (athimm): "GPL" mesa-libGLw (ajax): "MIT/X11" metamonitor (eitch): "GPL" metapixel (ixs): "GPL" mftrace (qspencer): "GPL" midori (pgordon): "LGPLv2.1+" milter-greylist (ensc): "BSD w/ advertising" mimetex (jorge): "GPL" mimetic (ensc): "GPL" mkbootdisk (kasal): "GPL" mod_annodex (thomasvs): "Apache Software License" mod_auth_pam (static): "Distributable" mod_auth_shadow (anderson): "GPL" mod_cband (mfleming): "GPL" mod_dnssd (ivazquez): "Apache Software License" mod_evasive (icon): "GPL" mod_extract_forwarded (timj): "Apache Software License" mod_geoip (mfleming): "Apache Software License" mod_mono (pfj): "Apache Software License" mod_nss (rcritten): "Apache Software License" mod_revocator (rcritten): "Apache Software License" mod_suphp (ixs): "GPL" module-init-tools (jcm): "GPL" moin-latex (edhill): "GPL" mono (laxathom): "GPL, LGPL, MIT X11" monodevelop (pfj): "GPL" monodoc (pfj): "GPL" monotone (roland): "GPL" moomps (jfontain): "GPL" mosml (gemi): "GPL/ATT/INRIA/Distributable" moto4lin (jafo): "GPL" mozldap (rmeggins): "MPL/GPL/LGPL" mozplugger (than): "GPL" mpage (tsmetana): "GPL" mrxvt (addutko): "GPL" mugshot (otaylor): "GPL" muine-scrobbler (sindrepb): "GPL" multiget (allisson): "GPL" multisync (awjb): "GPL" multitail (flok): "GPL" musicbox (splinux): "GPL" mx (misa): " Public License" mx4j (fnasser): "Apache License" mxml (green): "LGPL" mysql-connector-java (ifoox): "GPL" nant (pfj): "GPL" nasm (pmachata): "LGPL" nautilus-cd-burner (mccann): "LGPL/GPL" nautilus-python (trondd): "GPL" "GPL" nbtscan (sindrepb): "GPL" nc6 (jsafrane): "GPL" ncview (edhill): "GPL" nekohtml (mwringe): "Apache License" netatalk (mnagy): "GPL" netcdf (edhill): "NetCDF" netcdf-perl (orion): "NetCDF" nethack (lmacken): "NetHack General Public License" nethack-vultures (meme): "NetHack General Public License" netlabel_tools (sconklin): "GPL" netpbm (jnovy): "Assorted licenses, see %{_docdir}/%{name}-%{version}/copyright_summary" new (orphan): "GPL" newt-perl (jorton): "GPL" "Artistic" nfs-utils (steved): "GPL" nfs-utils-lib (steved): "GPL" ngircd (ixs): "GPL" nhpf (cchance): "Distributable" nikto (sindrepb): "Custom, see LICENSE.txt" nmap (tsmetana): "BSD with advertising, BSD, GPLv2" notify-python (jdennis): "LGPL" nrg2iso (sindrepb): "GPL" nsd (pwouters): "BSD-like" nspluginwrapper (stransky): "GPL" nss-mdns (lennart): "LGPL" nss_db (nalin): "Sleepycat,LGPLv2+" ntfs-config (laxathom): "GPL" numactl (nhorman): "LGPLv2/GPLv2" nx (athimm): "GPL, MIT/X11 for X11 bits" objectweb-anttask (dbhole): "LGPL" ocaml (gemi): "QPL/LGPL" ocaml-SDL (rjones): "LGPL" ocaml-camlimages (rjones): "LGPL" ocaml-curl (rjones): "LGPL" ocaml-expat (rjones): "LGPL" ocaml-extlib (rjones): "LGPLv2+ with exceptions" ocaml-lablgtk (gemi): "LGPL" ocaml-mysql (rjones): "LGPLv2+ with exceptions" ocaml-newt (rjones): "LGPLv2+ with exceptions" ocaml-perl4caml (rjones): "LGPLv2+ with exceptions" ocaml-postgresql (rjones): "LGPLv2+ with exceptions" ocaml-ssl (rjones): "LGPL" ocaml-ulex (rjones): "LGPL" ogdi (rezso): "BSD-like" onesixtyone (sindrepb): "GPL" online-desktop (walters): "GPL" opal (veillard): "MPL" opencdk (ensc): "GPL" opencv (corsepiu): "Intel Open Source License" openvpn (steve): "GPL" oprofile (wcohen): "GPL" orpie (xris): "GPL" ortp (jcollie): "LGPL" osiv (edhill): "GPL" otrs (orphan): "GPL" padevchooser (lennart): "GPL" pam_abl (adalloz): "GPL" pam_krb5 (nalin): "LGPL+" pam_script (orphan): "GPL" pam_smb (simo): "GPL" pam_usb (orphan): "GPL" pan (adalloz): "GPL" pari (gemi): "GPL" pcmanx-gtk2 (leo): "GPL" pdfedit (bjohnson): "GPL" pdfjam (salimma): "GPL" pdsh (kg6fnk): "GPL" pekwm (errr): "GPL" perl-Authen-Radius (ixs): "Artistic" perl-Class-Data-Accessor (cweyl): "Artistic" perl-Class-Gomor (sindrepb): "Artistic" perl-Crypt-CBC (ixs): "Artistic" perl-DBIx-SQLite-Simple (sindrepb): "Artistic" perl-Font-TTF (nim): "Artistic" perl-GD (spot): "Artistic" perl-HTML-FormatText-WithLinks (pertusus): "Artistic+" perl-IO-Multiplex (lmb): "Artistic" perl-IPC-Run3 (corsepiu): "Artistic" perl-LockFile-Simple (ixs): "Artistic" perl-Mail-GnuPG (corsepiu): "Artistic" perl-Net-Jabber (cweyl): "Artistic" perl-Net-Packet (sindrepb): "Artistic" perl-Net-Write (sindrepb): "Artistic" perl-Net-XMPP (cweyl): "Artistic" perl-NetAddr-IP (ixs): "Artistic" perl-Razor-Agent (robert): "Artistic" perl-Regexp-Common (corsepiu): "Artistic" perl-SNMP_Session (spot): "Artistic" perl-SVG-Graph (alexlan): "Artistic" perl-String-Approx (orion): "Artistic" perl-String-Ediff (orphan): "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Test-Pod-Coverage (kasal): "GPL" "Artistic" perl-Tie-EncryptedHash (pghmcfc): "Artistic" perl-TimeDate (kasal): "GPL" "Artistic" perl-XML-Grove (kasal): "Artistic" perl-XML-Stream (cweyl): "Artistic" pessulus (splinux): "GPL" pfmon (wcohen): "GPL" pfqueue (mfleming): "GPL" pgadmin3 (ghenry): "Artistic" pgfouine (devrim): "GPL" php-magpierss (stahnma): "GPL" php-pear-Console-Color (timj): "X11" php-pear-DB-DataObject (xulchris): "PHP License" php-pear-DB-DataObject-FormBuilder (xulchris): "LGPL" php-pear-Date-Holidays (xulchris): "PHP License" php-pear-File-Passwd (xulchris): "PHP License" php-pear-HTML-Common (xulchris): "PHP License" php-pear-HTML-QuickForm-ElementGrid (xulchris): "LGPL" php-pear-Image-Canvas (xulchris): "LGPL" php-pear-Image-Color (xulchris): "PHP License" php-pear-Image-Graph (xulchris): "LGPL" php-pear-Image-GraphViz (xulchris): "PHP License" php-pear-Mail-Mime (static): "PHP License" php-pear-Math-Stats (xulchris): "PHP License" php-pear-Net-Curl (xulchris): "PHP License" php-pear-Net-DIME (remi): "PHP License" php-pear-Net-Socket (remi): "PHP License" php-pear-Net-Traceroute (remi): "PHP License" php-pear-Numbers-Words (xulchris): "PHP License" php-pear-PEAR-Command-Packaging (timj): "PHP License" php-pear-PHP-Compat (remi): "PHP License" php-pear-Payment-Process (xulchris): "PHP License" php-pear-Phlickr (stahnma): "LGPL" php-pear-SOAP (remi): "PHP License" php-pear-XML-Beautifier (xulchris): "PHP License" php-pear-XML-RSS (xulchris): "PHP License" php-pear-XML-Serializer (xulchris): "PHP License" php-pear-XML-Util (xulchris): "PHP License" php-pecl-Fileinfo (static): "PHP License" php-pecl-apc (chabotc): "PHP License" php-shout (static): "LGPL" phpPgAdmin (devrim): "GPL" piccolo (mwringe): "Apache Software License" picocom (jafo): "GPL" pidgin-guifications (rvokal): "GPL" pidgin-libnotify (pgordon): "GPL" pirut (katzj): "GPL" plague (dcbw): "GPL" plexus-ant-factory (dbhole): "MIT-Style" plexus-appserver (dbhole): "Apache Software License" plexus-archiver (pcheung): "Apache Software License" plexus-bsh-factory (dbhole): "MIT-Style" plexus-cdc (dbhole): "Apache Software License" plexus-container-default (mwringe): "Apache Software License" plexus-interactivity (mwringe): "Apache Software License" plexus-runtime-builder (dbhole): "MIT-Style" plexus-utils (mwringe): "Apache Software License" plexus-xmlrpc (dbhole): "Apache Software License" plotmm (hguemar): "LGPL" pmd (mwringe): "BSD Style" po4a (athimm): "GPL" poker-engine (xulchris): "GPL" poker-eval (xulchris): "GPL" pop-before-smtp (wtogami): "GPL" "Artistic" postfix (twoerner): "IBM Public License" postgis (devrim): "GPL" "LGPL" powerman (jwilson): "GPL" powertop (ajax): "GPL" ppp (mnagy): "distributable" prctl (karsten): "GPL" prelink (jakub): "GPL" prelude-lml (tscherf): "GPL" prelude-manager (tscherf): "GPL" prewikka (tscherf): "GPL" proxychains (owentl): "GPL" prozilla (kushal): "GPL" psgml (atkac): "GPL" psi (abompard): "GPL" psmisc (tsmetana): "BSD/GPLv2+" psutils (tsmetana): "distributable" puretls (mwringe): "BSD style" pvm (alexlan): "freely distributable" pwlib (veillard): "MPL" pwsafe (ertzing): "GPL" pybluez (wwoods): "GPL" pycairo (mbarnes): "LGPL" pychecker (vcrhonek): "BSDish" pydict (zhu): "GPL" pyflowtools (stingray): "GPL" pyfribidi (roozbeh): "GPL" pygtksourceview (mbarnes): "LGPL" pyicq-t (mfleming): "GPL" pykdeextensions (rdieter): "LGPL" pyorbit (mbarnes): "LGPL" pypar2 (mxcarron): "GPL" pypoker-eval (xulchris): "GPL" pyserial (stingray): "Python license" python (james): "Python Software Foundation License v2" python-4Suite-XML (mitr): "Apacheish" python-ZSI (ecik): "LBNL BSD" python-adns (atkac): "GPL" python-cpio (jamatos): "LGPLv2.1+" python-dateutil (jspaleta): "Python Software Foundation License" python-dns (jcollie): "BSD-like" python-docs (james): "PSF - see LICENSE" python-durus (shahms): "CNRI" python-feedparser (icon): "BSD-ish" python-formencode (lmacken): "PSF" python-gammu (laxathom): "GPL" python-htmltmpl (orphan): "GPL" python-id3 (orphan): "GPL" python-irclib (lmacken): "LGPL" python-isprelink (jcollie): "GPL" python-json (lmacken): "LGPL" python-ldap (mbarnes): "PSF - see LICENCE" python-memcached (jafo): "Python license" python-myghty (lmacken): "LGPL" python-paramiko (shahms): "LGPL" python-protocols (shahms): "Python License" "Zope Public License v 2.1" python-psycopg (shahms): "GPL" python-psycopg2 (devrim): "GPL" "with Exceptions" python-pydns (jafo): "Python license" python-pyspf (jafo): "Python Software Foundation License" python-qpid (nsantos): "Apache Software License" python-quixote (shahms): "CNRI" python-ruledispatch (lmacken): "PSF" "ZPL" python-sexy (hguemar): "LGPL" python-simpletal (shahms): "Other" python-sqlite2 (laxathom): "zlib/libpng" python-tpg (shahms): "LGPL" python-urljr (jcollie): "LGPL" python-xlib (jspaleta): "GPL" python-xmpp (jcollie): "GPL" python-yadis (jcollie): "LGPL" pyxmms (pfj): "GPL" pyzor (ixs): "GPL" qa-assistant (toshio): "GPL" qcad (gemi): "GPL" qcomicbook (muerte): "GPL" qdox (mwringe): "Apache Software License style" qhull (corsepiu): "Distributable" qpidc (aconway): "Apache Software License" qps (makghosh): "GPL" qstat (andriy): "Artistic" qsynth (nando): "GPL" quadkonsole (nomis80): "GPL" quagga (mnagy): "GPL" quodlibet (jcollie): "GPL" radvd (mnagy): "BSD-style" rarpd (jmoskovc): "GPL" rb_libtorrent (pgordon): "zlib/libpng License" "Boost Software License" rcs (jmoskovc): "GPL" rdate (jmoskovc): "GPL" rdesktop (davidz): "GPL" recordmydesktop (sindrepb): "GPL" redhat-rpm-config (jcm): "GPL" reiserfs-utils (jgarzik): "GPL" repoman (dcantrel): "GPL" rgmanager (lon): "GPL,LGPL" rhino (mwringe): "MPL" rhm (aconway): "LGPL" rhythmbox (hadess): "GFDL+" rlog (peter): "LGPLv21+" rman (jamatos): "Artistic" rng-utils (jgarzik): "GPL" root-tail (errr): "GPL" rp-pppoe (than): "GPL" rpcbind (steved): "GPL" rpld (stingray): "GPL" rpm (pmatilai): "LGPLv2+ with exceptions" "LGPLv2+ with exceptions" rsnapshot (xris): "GPL" rtorrent (chabotc): "GPL" ruby-bdb (errr): "Ruby License" ruby-ncurses (isimluk): "LGPL" ruby-postgres (lutter): "Ruby License" ruby-qpid (nsantos): "Apache Software License" ruby-racc (lutter): "LGPL" rubygems (lutter): "Ruby License/GPL" rudeconfig (homeless): "GPL" rzip (stingray): "GPL" s3switch (pwouters): "BSD-like" salinfo (jkeating): "GPL" samyak-fonts (pravins): "GPLv3 of later with font exceptions" sane-backends (nphilipp): "GPL" "programs" ", relaxed LGPL" "libraries" "," "public domain" "docs" sane-frontends (nphilipp): "GPL" saxon (devrim): "MPL" schroedinger (jcollie): "LGPL/MIT/MPL" scim-chewing (cchance): "GPL" scim-input-pad (ryo): "GPL" scim-qtimm (phuang): "GPL" scim-skk (ryo): "GPL" scim-tables (cchance): "GPL" scim-tomoe (ryo): "GPL" scmxx (ixs): "GPL" scratchpad (sindrepb): "GPL" screem (orphan): "GPL" scribes-templates (pgordon): "GPL" scrip (edhill): "SCRIP License" sdcc (trondd): "GPL" "GPL" sec (xris): "GPL" seedit (ynakam): "GPL" selinux-doc (dwalsh): "Public Use License v1.0" sendmail (twoerner): "Sendmail" seq24 (green): "GPL" ser (ixs): "GPL" shapelib (smccann): "LGPL/MIT" shared-mime-info (hadess): "GPL" sharutils (kasal): "GPL" siege (allisson): "GPL" sinjdoc (fitzsim): "GPL" sip (than): "Python Software Foundation License v2" sipsak (peter): "GPL" skencil (gemi): "LGPL, GPL, Historical Permission Notice" "Disclaimer" skkdic (ryo): "GPL" slim (afb): "GPL" sloccount (hadess): "GPL" smolt (mmcgrath): "GPL" socat (pwouters): "GPL" sofsip-cli (jcollie): "LGPL" sos (navid): "GPL" soundtracker (seg): "GPL" sox (jmoskovc): "GPL" spamassassin (wtogami): "Apache License" specspo (kasal): "GPL" specto (laxathom): "GPL" spicctrl (salimma): "GPL" splint (pnasrat): "GPL" sqlgrey (steve): "GPL" squirrelmail (mbacovsk): "GPL" ss5 (mricchet): "GPL" sshfp (pwouters): "GPL" stardict-dic-en (zhu): "GPL" stardict-dic-ja (zhu): "GPL" stardict-dic-ru (zhu): "GPL" stardict-dic-zh_CN (zhu): "GPL" stardict-dic-zh_TW (zhu): "GPL" stellarium (s4504kr): "GPL" struts (dbhole): "Apache License" sugar (mpg): "GPL/LGPL" sugar-artwork (mpg): "GPL" sugar-datastore (mpg): "GPL" supervisor (mmcgrath): "ZPL/BSD" svnkit (robmv): "TMate License" svnmailer (mfleming): "Apache Software License" svrcore (rmeggins): "MPL/GPL/LGPL" sweep (gemi): "GPL" switchdesk (than): "GPL" symlinks (twaugh): "distributable" synaptics (krh): "GPL" synce-trayicon (awjb): "GPL" sysconftool (rathann): "GPL" syslinux (pjones): "GPL" syslog-ng (silfreed): "GPL" sysreport (than): "GPL" system-config-boot (harald): "GPL" system-config-cluster (jparsons): "GPL" system-config-display (ajax): "GPL" system-config-httpd (pknirsch): "GPL" system-config-lvm (jparsons): "GPL" system-switch-java (fitzsim): "GPL" system-switch-mail (than): "GPL" t1utils (jamatos): "Click, GPLv2+, MIT" taarich (danken): "MIT-style" tagsoup (pcheung): "GPL" tango-icon-theme (pgordon): "Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike" tango-icon-theme-extras (pgordon): "Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike" tclabc (gemi): "GPL" tcptraceroute (sindrepb): "GPL" tenr-de-styles-pkg (errr): "Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5" testoob (dgoodwin): "Apache Software License" tetex-bytefield (spot): "LaTeX Project Public License" tetex-eurofont (dionysos): "LaTeX Project Public License" tetex-font-cm-lgc (sarantis): "GPL" tetex-fonts-hebrew (danken): "GPL" tetex-perltex (spot): "LaTeX Project Public License" tetex-prosper (rathann): "LaTeX Project Public License" themes-backgrounds-gnome (chabotc): "GPL" thewidgetfactory (luya): "GPL" tilda (laxathom): "GPL" tinyca2 (ensc): "GPL" tinyfugue (seg): "GPL" tkcvs (gemi): "GPL" tog-pegasus (vcrhonek): "Open Group Pegasus Open Source" tomboy (rstrode): "LGPL+" tomcat5 (devrim): "Apache Software License" tomoe (ryo): "LGPL2+" totem (hadess): "GPLv2 with exception" trac-git-plugin (jkeating): "GPL" trac-mercurial-plugin (jkeating): "GPL" traceroute (buc): "GPL" transfig (kasal): "distributable" tripwire (static): "GPL" ttmkfdir (lizhang): "GPL" turba (static): "Apache Software License 1.0" tux (jkeating): "GPL" tuxpaint (steve): "GPL" tuxpaint-stamps (steve): "GPL" tuxtype2 (steve): "GPL" ucblogo (gemi): "GPL" uisp (trondd): "GPL" unix2dos (twaugh): "Distributable" up-imapproxy (jcarlson): "GPL" uqm-content (icon): "Distributable" urw-fonts (than): "GPL, URW holds copyright" util-vserver (ensc): "GPL" velocity (dbhole): "Apache Software License" viaideinfo (pgordon): "GPL" vim-vimoutliner (mcepl): "GPL" vkeybd (green): "GPL" vlock (kzak): "GPL" vsftpd (mnagy): "GPL" vtk (athimm): "BSD-like" vtkdata (athimm): "BSD-like" w3c-libwww (awjb): "see:" wavbreaker (dmaley): "GPL" wdaemon (arozansk): "GPL" werken-xpath (fnasser): "Apache Software License-like" whysynth-dssi (green): "GPL" wifi-radar (pilcher): "GPL" wifiroamd (edhill): "GPL" windowlab (orphan): "GPL" wings (gemi): "Distributable" wmctrl (errr): "GPL" wordtrans (than): "GPL" ws-commons-util (green): "Apache Software License" ws-jaxme (nsantos): "Apache Software License" wsdl4j (dbhole): "IBM Common Public License" wuja (dgoodwin): "GPL" wxGTK (mattdm): "wxWidgets Library Licence" wxPython (mattdm): "LGPL" wxsvg (thias): "wxWidgets" x2vnc (stahnma): "GPL" xalan-j2 (devrim): "Apache Software License" xaos (gemi): "GPL" xastir (lucilanga): "NO LICENSE TAG IN SPEC FILE" xdg-user-dirs (tbzatek): "GPL" xdg-user-dirs-gtk (tbzatek): "GPL" xdoclet (mwringe): "BSD Style" xemacs-packages-extra (scop): "GPL" xerces-c (peter): "Apache Software License" xerces-j2 (mwringe): "Apache Software License" xfce4-dev-tools (cwickert): "GPL" xfce4-taskmanager (cwickert): "GPL" xfce4-websearch-plugin (cwickert): "GPL" xferstats (jmoskovc): "GPL" xjavadoc (dbhole): "BSD Style" xl2tpd (pwouters): "GPL" xml-commons-apis (mwringe): "Apache Software License/W3C/Public Domain" xml-commons-apis12 (mwringe): "Apache Software License/W3C License/Public Domain" xml-commons-resolver (fnasser): "Apache Software License" xml-commons-which (mwringe): "Apache Software License" xmlrpc (dbhole): "Apache Software License" xmlrpc-c (ensc): "BSD/PSF -- see COPYING" xmlrpc3 (overholt): "Apache Software License" xmms (pfj): "GPL" xmms-alarm (pfj): "GPL" xmms-cdread (jsoeterb): "GPL" xmms-scrobbler (ixs): "GPL" xmms-skins (thias): "GPL" xom (nsantos): "LGPL" xoo (pwouters): "GPL" xorg-sgml-doctools (xgl-maint): "MIT/X11" xorg-x11-apps (xgl-maint): "MIT/X11" xorg-x11-docs (xgl-maint): "MIT/X11" xorg-x11-drv-amd (xgl-maint): "MIT/X11" xorg-x11-filesystem (xgl-maint): "MIT/X11" xorg-x11-font-utils (xgl-maint): "MIT/X11" xorg-x11-fonts (xgl-maint): "Lucida" xorg-x11-resutils (xgl-maint): "MIT/X11" xorg-x11-server-utils (xgl-maint): "MIT/X11" xorg-x11-twm (xgl-maint): "MIT/X11" xorg-x11-util-macros (xgl-maint): "The Open Group License" xorg-x11-utils (xgl-maint): "MIT/X11" xorg-x11-xauth (xgl-maint): "MIT/X11" xorg-x11-xbitmaps (xgl-maint): "MIT/X11" xorg-x11-xdm (xgl-maint): "MIT/X11" xorg-x11-xfs (xgl-maint): "MIT/X11" xorg-x11-xfwp (xgl-maint): "MIT/X11" xorg-x11-xinit (xgl-maint): "MIT/X11" xorg-x11-xkb-utils (xgl-maint): "MIT/X11" xorg-x11-xsm (xgl-maint): "MIT/X11" xorg-x11-xtrans-devel (xgl-maint): "MIT/X11" xpp2 (nsantos): "Apache Software License" xpp3 (nsantos): "Apache-style" xrestop (ssp): "GPL" xsri (ssp): "GPL" xwnc (xulchris): "GPL" xwrits (jlayton): "GPL" yaboot (dwmw2): "GPL" yafc (xris): "GPL" yap (gemi): "Artistic/LGPL" yasm (thias): "Artistic" yp-tools (vcrhonek): "GPL" ypbind (vcrhonek): "GPL" yum-arch (remi): "GPL" yum-utils (skvidal): "GPL" zabbix (jwilson): "GPL" zaptel (jcollie): "GPL" zhcon (zhu): "GPL" zile (jcarlson): "GPL" zynaddsubfx (green): "GPL" Invalid licenses: 1108 out of 5570 (19.89%) [as of 2008-03-28 00:52 UTC]