"""Manage tracks and playlists on an iPod. You should normally just import the gpod module which will import the classes and methods provided here. """ import gpod import types from mutagen.mp3 import MP3 import mutagen.id3 import gtkpod import os import locale import socket import datetime if hasattr(gpod, 'HAVE_GDKPIXBUF') and hasattr(gpod, 'HAVE_PYGOBJECT'): try: import gtk pixbuf_support = True except ImportError: pixbuf_support = False else: pixbuf_support = False defaultencoding = locale.getpreferredencoding() class DatabaseException(RuntimeError): """Exception for database errors.""" pass class TrackException(RuntimeError): """Exception for track errors.""" pass class PhotoException(RuntimeError): """Exception for track errors.""" pass class Database: """An iTunes database. A database contains playlists and tracks. """ def __init__(self, mountpoint="/mnt/ipod", local=False, localdb=None): """Create a Database object. You can create the object from a mounted iPod or from a local database file. To use a mounted iPod: db = gpod.Database('/mnt/ipod') To use a local database file: db = gpod.Database(localdb='/path/to/iTunesDB') If you specify local=True then the default local database from gtkpod will be used (~/.gtkpod/local_0.itdb): db = gpod.Database(local=True) """ if local or localdb: if localdb: self._itdb_file = localdb else: self._itdb_file = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], ".gtkpod", "local_0.itdb") self._itdb = gpod.itdb_parse_file(self._itdb_file, None) else: self._itdb = gpod.itdb_parse(mountpoint, None) if not self._itdb: raise DatabaseException("Unable to parse iTunes database at mount point %s" % mountpoint) else: self._itdb.mountpoint = mountpoint self._itdb_file = os.path.join(self._itdb.mountpoint, "iPod_Control","iTunes","iTunesDB") self._load_gtkpod_extended_info() def __str__(self): return self.__repr__() def __repr__(self): return "" % ( repr(self._itdb.filename), gpod.sw_get_list_len(self._itdb.playlists), len(self)) def _load_gtkpod_extended_info(self): """Read extended information from a gtkpod .ext file.""" itdbext_file = "%s.ext" % (self._itdb_file) if os.path.exists(self._itdb_file) and os.path.exists(itdbext_file): gtkpod.parse(itdbext_file, self, self._itdb_file) def close(self): """Save and close the database. Note: If you are working with an iPod you should normally call copy_delayed_files() prior to close() to ensure that newly added or updated tracks are transferred to the iPod. """ if not gpod.itdb_write_file(self._itdb, self._itdb_file, None): raise DatabaseException("Unable to save iTunes database %s" % self) if gpod.itdb_get_mountpoint(self._itdb): if not gpod.itdb_shuffle_write(self._itdb, None): raise DatabaseException("Unable to save shuffle database on %s" % self._itdb.mountpoint) itdbext_file = "%s.ext" % (self._itdb_file) gtkpod.write(itdbext_file, self, self._itdb_file) def __getitem__(self, index): if type(index) == types.SliceType: return [self[i] for i in xrange(*index.indices(len(self)))] else: if index < 0: index += len(self) return Track(proxied_track=gpod.sw_get_track(self._itdb.tracks, index), ownerdb=self) def __len__(self): return gpod.sw_get_list_len(self._itdb.tracks) def import_file(self, filename): """Import a file. filename is added to the end of the master playlist. """ track = Track(filename) track.copy_to_ipod() gpod.itdb_playlist_add_track(gpod.itdb_playlist_mpl(self._itdb), track._track, -1) track.__database = self # so the db doesn't get gc'd def __del__(self): gpod.itdb_free(self._itdb) def add(self, track, pos=-1): """Add a track to a database. If pos is set the track will be inserted at that position. By default the track will be added at the end of the database. """ gpod.itdb_track_add(self._itdb, track._track, pos) track.__database = self # so the db doesn't get gc'd def remove(self, item, harddisk=False, ipod=True, quiet=False): """Remove a playlist or track from a database. item is either a playlist or track object. If harddisk is True the item will be removed from the the hard drive. If ipod is True the item will be removed from the iPod. If quiet is True no message will be printed for removed tracks """ if isinstance(item, Playlist): if ipod or harddisk: # remove all the tracks that were in this playlist for track in item: self.remove(track, ipod=ipod, harddisk=harddisk) if gpod.itdb_playlist_exists(self._itdb, item._pl): gpod.itdb_playlist_remove(item._pl) else: raise DatabaseException("Playlist %s was not in %s" % (item, self)) elif isinstance(item, Track): for pl in self.Playlists: if item in pl: pl.remove(item) if harddisk: try: filename = item._userdata_into_default_locale('filename') except KeyError, e: raise TrackException("Unable to remove %s from hard disk, no filename available." % item) os.unlink(filename) if ipod: filename = item.ipod_filename() if filename and os.path.exists(filename): os.unlink(filename) if not quiet: print "unlinked %s" % filename gpod.itdb_track_unlink(item._track) else: raise DatabaseException("Unable to remove a %s from database" % type(item)) def get_master(self): """Get the Master playlist.""" return Playlist(self,proxied_playlist=gpod.itdb_playlist_mpl(self._itdb)) def get_podcasts(self): """Get the podcasts playlist.""" return Playlist(self,proxied_playlist=gpod.itdb_playlist_podcasts(self._itdb)) def get_playlists(self): """Get all playlists.""" return _Playlists(self) Master = property(get_master) Podcasts = property(get_podcasts) Playlists= property(get_playlists) def smart_update(self): """Update all smart playlists.""" gpod.itdb_spl_update_all(self._itdb) def new_Playlist(self,*args,**kwargs): """Create a new Playlist. See Playlist.__init__() for details. """ return Playlist(self, *args,**kwargs) def new_Track(self,**kwargs): """Create a new Track. See Track.__init__() for details. """ track = Track(**kwargs) self.add(track) if kwargs.has_key('podcast') and kwargs['podcast'] == True: self.Podcasts.add(track) else: self.Master.add(track) track.__database = self # so the db doesn't get gc'd return track def copy_delayed_files(self,callback=False): """Copy files not marked as transferred to the iPod. callback is an optional function that will be called for each track that is copied. It will be passed the following arguments: database -> the database object track -> the track being copied iterator -> the current track number being copied total -> the total tracks to be copied """ if not gpod.itdb_get_mountpoint(self._itdb): # we're not working with a real ipod. return to_copy=[] for track in self: try: transferred = int(track['userdata']['transferred']) except (KeyError, TypeError): transferred = 1 if not transferred: to_copy.append(track) i = 0 total = len(to_copy) for track in to_copy: if callback: i=i+1 callback(self,track, i, total) track.copy_to_ipod() class Track: """A track in an iTunes database. A track contains information like the artist, title, album, etc. It also contains data like the location on the iPod, whether there is artwork stored, the track has lyrics, etc. Information from a gtkpod extended info file (if one exists for the iTunesDB) is also available in Track['userdata']. The information is stored in a dictionary. """ # Note we don't free the underlying structure, as it's still used # by the itdb. _proxied_attributes = [k for k in gpod._Itdb_Track.__dict__.keys() if not (k.startswith("_") or k.startswith("reserved") or k == "chapterdata")] def __init__(self, filename=None, proxied_track=None, podcast=False, ownerdb=None): """Create a Track object. If from_file or filename is set, the file specified will be used to create the track. If proxied_track is set, it is expected to be an Itdb_Track object. If podcast is True then the track will be setup as a Podcast, unless proxied_track is set. """ if filename: self._track = gpod.itdb_track_new() self['userdata'] = {'transferred': 0, 'hostname': socket.gethostname(), 'charset':defaultencoding} self['userdata']['pc_mtime'] = os.stat(filename).st_mtime self._set_userdata_utf8('filename',filename) possible_image = os.path.join(os.path.split(filename)[0],'folder.jpg') if os.path.exists(possible_image): self.set_coverart_from_file(possible_image) try: audiofile = MP3(self._userdata_into_default_locale('filename')) except Exception, e: raise TrackException(str(e)) for tag, attrib in (('TPE1','artist'), ('TIT2','title'), ('TBPM','BPM'), ('TCON','genre'), ('TALB','album'), ('TPOS',('cd_nr','cds')), ('TRCK',('track_nr','tracks'))): try: value = audiofile[tag] if isinstance(value,mutagen.id3.NumericPartTextFrame): parts = map(int,value.text[0].split("/")) if len(parts) == 2: self[attrib[0]], self[attrib[1]] = parts elif len(parts) == 1: self[attrib[0]] = parts[0] elif isinstance(value,mutagen.id3.TextFrame): self[attrib] = value.text[0].encode('UTF-8','replace') except KeyError: pass if self['title'] is None: self['title'] = os.path.splitext( os.path.split(filename)[1])[0].decode( defaultencoding).encode('UTF-8') self['tracklen'] = int(audiofile.info.length * 1000) self.set_podcast(podcast) elif proxied_track: self._track = proxied_track self.__database = ownerdb # so the db doesn't get gc'd else: self._track = gpod.itdb_track_new() self.set_podcast(podcast) def _set_userdata_utf8(self, key, value): self['userdata']['%s_locale' % key] = value try: self['userdata']['%s_utf8' % key] = value.decode(self['userdata']['charset']).encode('UTF-8') except UnicodeDecodeError, e: # string clearly isn't advertised charset. I prefer to # not add the _utf8 version as we can't actually generate # it. Maybe we'll have to populate a close-fit though. pass def _userdata_into_default_locale(self, key): # to cope with broken filenames, we should trust the _locale version more, # an even that may not really be in self['userdata']['charset'] if self['userdata']['charset'] == defaultencoding: # don't try translate it or check it's actually valid, in case it isn't. return self['userdata']['%s_locale' % key] # our filesystem is in a different encoding to the filename, so # try to convert it. The UTF-8 version is likely best to try first? if self['userdata'].has_key('%s_utf8' % key): unicode_value = self['userdata']['%s_utf8' % key].decode('UTF-8') else: unicode_value = self['userdata']['%s_locale' % key].decode(self['userdata']['charset']) return unicode_value.encode(defaultencoding) def set_coverart_from_file(self, filename): gpod.itdb_track_set_thumbnails(self._track, filename) self._set_userdata_utf8('thumbnail', filename) def set_coverart(self, pixbuf): if pixbuf == None: gpod.itdb_track_remove_thumbnails(self._track) elif isinstance(pixbuf, Photo): raise NotImplemented("Can't set coverart from existing coverart yet") else: gpod.itdb_track_set_thumbnails_from_pixbuf(self._track, pixbuf) def get_coverart(self): return Photo(proxied_photo=self._track.artwork, ownerdb=self._track.itdb) def copy_to_ipod(self): """Copy the track to the iPod.""" self['userdata']['sha1_hash'] = gtkpod.sha1_hash(self._userdata_into_default_locale('filename')) mp = gpod.itdb_get_mountpoint(self._track.itdb) if not mp: return False if gpod.itdb_cp_track_to_ipod(self._track, self._userdata_into_default_locale('filename'), None) != 1: raise TrackException('Unable to copy %s to iPod as %s' % ( self._userdata_into_default_locale('filename'), self)) fname = self.ipod_filename().replace(mp, '').replace(os.path.sep, ':') self['userdata']['filename_ipod'] = fname self['userdata']['transferred'] = 1 return True def ipod_filename(self): """Get the full path to the track on the iPod. Note (from the libgpod documentation): This code works around a problem on some systems and might return a filename with different case than the original filename. Don't copy it back to track unless you must. """ return gpod.itdb_filename_on_ipod(self._track) def set_podcast(self, value): """Mark the track as a podcast. If value is True flags appropriate for podcasts are set, otherwise those flags are unset. """ if value: self['skip_when_shuffling'] = 0x01 self['remember_playback_position'] = 0x01 self['flag4'] = 0x01 # Show Title/Album on the 'Now Playing' page else: self['skip_when_shuffling'] = 0x00 self['remember_playback_position'] = 0x00 self['flag4'] = 0x00 # Show Title/Album/Artist on the 'Now Playing' page def __str__(self): return self.__repr__() def __repr__(self): return "" % ( repr(self['artist']), repr(self['title']), repr(self['album'])) def keys(self): return list(self._proxied_attributes) def items(self): return [self[k] for k in self._proxied_attributes] def pairs(self): return [(k, self[k]) for k in self._proxied_attributes] def __getitem__(self, item): if item == "userdata": return gpod.sw_get_track_userdata(self._track) elif item in self._proxied_attributes: if item.startswith("time_"): return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(getattr(self._track, item)) else: return getattr(self._track, item) else: raise KeyError('No such key: %s' % item) def __setitem__(self, item, value): if item == "userdata": gpod.sw_set_track_userdata(self._track, value) return if type(value) == types.UnicodeType: value = value.encode('UTF-8','replace') if item in self._proxied_attributes: return setattr(self._track, item, value) else: raise KeyError('No such key: %s' % item) playlist_sorting = { 1:'playlist', 2:'unknown2', 3:'songtitle', 4:'album', 5:'artist', 6:'bitrate', 7:'genre', 8:'kind', 9:'modified', 10:'track', 11:'size', 12:'time', 13:'year', 14:'rate', 15:'comment', 16:'added', 17:'equalizer', 18:'composer', 19:'unknown19', 20:'count', 21:'last', 22:'disc', 23:'rating', 24:'release', 25:'BPM', 26:'grouping', 27:'category', 28:'description'} class _Playlists: def __init__(self, db): self._db = db def __len__(self): return gpod.sw_get_list_len(self._db._itdb.playlists) def __nonzero__(self): return True def __getitem__(self, index): if type(index) == types.SliceType: return [self[i] for i in xrange(*index.indices(len(self)))] else: if index < 0: index += len(self) return Playlist(self._db, proxied_playlist=gpod.sw_get_playlist(self._db._itdb.playlists, index)) def __repr__(self): return "" % self._db def __call__(self, id=None, number=None, name=None): if ((id and (number or name)) or (number and name)): raise ValueError("Only specify id, number OR name") if id: if type(id) in (types.TupleType, types.ListType): return [self.__call__(id=i) for i in id] else: pl = gpod.itdb_playlist_by_id(self._db._itdb, id) if pl: return Playlist(self._db, proxied_playlist=pl) else: raise KeyError("Playlist with id %s not found." % repr(id)) if name: if type(name) in (types.TupleType, types.ListType): return [self.__call__(name=i) for i in name] else: pl = gpod.itdb_playlist_by_name(self._db._itdb, name) if pl: return Playlist(self._db, proxied_playlist=pl) else: raise KeyError("Playlist with name %s not found." % repr(name)) if number: if type(number) in (types.TupleType, types.ListType): return [self.__call__(number=i) for i in number] else: pl = gpod.itdb_playlist_by_nr(self._db._itdb, number) if pl: return Playlist(self._db, proxied_playlist=pl) else: raise KeyError("Playlist with number %s not found." % repr(number)) class Playlist: """A playlist in an iTunes database.""" def __init__(self, parent_db, title="New Playlist", smart=False, pos=-1, proxied_playlist=None): """Create a playlist object. parent_db is the database object to which the playlist belongs. title is a string that provides a name for the playlist. If smart is true the playlist will be a smart playlist. If pos is set the track will be inserted at that position. By default the playlist will be added at the end of the database. If proxied_playlist is set it is expected to be an Itdb_Playlist object (as returned by gpod.sw_get_playlist() or similar functions). """ self._db = parent_db if proxied_playlist: self._pl = proxied_playlist else: if smart: smart = 1 else: smart = 0 self._pl = gpod.itdb_playlist_new(title, smart) gpod.itdb_playlist_add(self._db._itdb, self._pl, pos) def smart_update(self): """Update the content of the smart playlist.""" gpod.itdb_spl_update(self._pl) def randomize(self): """Randomizes the playlist.""" gpod.itdb_playlist_randomize(self._pl) def get_name(self): """Get the name of the playlist.""" return self._pl.name def set_name(self, name): """Set the name for the playlist.""" self._pl.name = name def get_id(self): """Get the id of the playlist.""" return self._pl.id # XXX would this be more aptly named is_smart? If it was, I think # the docstring could skip the explanation of the return value. # (Same question for get_master and get_podcast.) def get_smart(self): """Check if the playlist is smart or not. Returns True for a smart playlist, False for a regular playlist. """ if self._pl.is_spl == 1: return True return False def get_master(self): """Check if the playlist is the master playlist (MPL). Returns True if the playlist is the MPL, False if not. """ if gpod.itdb_playlist_is_mpl(self._pl) == 1: return True return False def get_podcast(self): """Check if the playlist is the podcasts playlist. Returns True if the playlist is the podcasts playlist, False if not. """ if gpod.itdb_playlist_is_podcasts(self._pl) == 1: return True return False def get_sort(self): """Get the sort order for the playlist.""" return playlist_sorting[self._pl.sortorder] def set_sort(self, order): """Set the sort order for the playlist.""" order = order.lower() for k, v in playlist_sorting.items(): if v == order: self._pl.sortorder = v return return ValueError("Unknown playlist sorting '%s'" % order) name = property(get_name, set_name) id = property(get_id) smart = property(get_smart) master = property(get_master) podcast= property(get_podcast) order = property(get_sort, set_sort) def __str__(self): return self.__repr__() def __repr__(self): return "" % ( repr(self.name), repr(self.order), repr(self.smart), repr(self.master), repr(self.podcast), len(self)) def __getitem__(self, index): if type(index) == types.SliceType: return [self[i] for i in xrange(*index.indices(len(self)))] else: if index < 0: index += len(self) return Track(proxied_track=gpod.sw_get_track(self._pl.members, index), ownerdb=self) def __len__(self): #return self._pl.num # Always 0 ? return gpod.sw_get_list_len(self._pl.members) def __nonzero__(self): return True def __contains__(self, track): if gpod.itdb_playlist_contains_track(self._pl, track._track): return True else: return False def add(self, track, pos=-1): """Add a track to the playlist. track is a track object to add. If pos is set the track will be inserted at that position. By default the track will be added at the end of the playlist. """ gpod.itdb_playlist_add_track(self._pl, track._track, pos) def remove(self, track): """Remove a track from the playlist. track is a track object to remove. """ if self.__contains__(track): gpod.itdb_playlist_remove_track(self._pl, track._track) else: raise DatabaseException("Playlist %s does not contain %s" % (self, track)) class PhotoDatabase: """An iTunes Photo database""" def __init__(self, mountpoint="/mnt/ipod"): """Create a Photo database object""" self._itdb = gpod.itdb_photodb_parse(mountpoint, None) if self._itdb == None: self._itdb = gpod.itdb_photodb_create(mountpoint) def __str__(self): return self.__repr__() def __repr__(self): return "" % ( repr(self.device['mountpoint']), gpod.sw_get_list_len(self._itdb.photoalbums), len(self)) def close(self): gpod.itdb_photodb_write(self._itdb, None) gpod.itdb_photodb_free(self._itdb) def __len__(self): return gpod.sw_get_list_len(self._itdb.photos) def __getitem__(self, index): if type(index) == types.SliceType: return [self[i] for i in xrange(*index.indices(len(self)))] else: if index < 0: index += len(self) return Photo(proxied_photo=gpod.sw_get_photo(self._itdb.photos, index), ownerdb=self) def new_PhotoAlbum(self,**kwargs): """Create a new PhotoAlbum. """ album = PhotoAlbum(self, **kwargs) return album def new_Photo(self,**kwargs): """Create a new Photo. """ kwargs['ownerdb'] = self photo = Photo(**kwargs) return photo def remove(self, item): """Remove a photo or album from a database. item is either a Photo or PhotoAlbum object. """ if isinstance(item, PhotoAlbum): gpod.itdb_photodb_photoalbum_remove(self._itdb, item._pa, False) elif isinstance(item, Photo): gpod.itdb_photodb_remove_photo(self._itdb, None, item._photo) else: raise DatabaseException("Unable to remove a %s from database" % type(item)) def get_device(self): return gpod.sw_ipod_device_to_dict(self._itdb.device) def get_photoalbums(self): """Get all photo albums.""" return _PhotoAlbums(self) PhotoAlbums = property(get_photoalbums) device = property(get_device) class _PhotoAlbums: def __init__(self, db): self._db = db def __len__(self): return gpod.sw_get_list_len(self._db._itdb.photoalbums) def __nonzero__(self): return True def __getitem__(self, index): if type(index) == types.SliceType: return [self[i] for i in xrange(*index.indices(len(self)))] else: if index < 0: index += len(self) return PhotoAlbum(self._db, proxied_photoalbum=gpod.sw_get_photoalbum(self._db._itdb.photoalbums, index)) def __repr__(self): return "" % self._db def __call__(self, name): if type(name) in (types.TupleType, types.ListType): return [self.__call__(name=i) for i in name] else: pa = gpod.itdb_photodb_photoalbum_by_name(self._db._itdb, name) if pa: return PhotoAlbum(self._db, proxied_playlist=pa) else: raise KeyError("Album with name %s not found." % repr(name)) class PhotoAlbum: """A Photo Album in an iTunes database.""" def __init__(self, parent_db, title="New Album", pos=-1, proxied_photoalbum=None): self._db = parent_db if proxied_photoalbum: self._pa = proxied_photoalbum else: self._pa = gpod.itdb_photodb_photoalbum_create(self._db._itdb, title, pos) def add(self, photo): """Add photo to photo album.""" gpod.itdb_photodb_photoalbum_add_photo(self._db._itdb, self._pa, photo._photo, -1) def remove(self, photo): gpod.itdb_photodb_remove_photo(self._db._itdb, self._pa, photo._photo) def get_name(self): """Get the name of the photo album.""" return self._pa.name def set_name(self, name): """Set the name for the photo album.""" self._pa.name = name def get_album_type(self): return self._pa.album_type name = property(get_name, set_name) album_type = property(get_album_type) def __str__(self): return self.__repr__() def __repr__(self): return "" % ( repr(self.name), len(self), self.album_type) def __getitem__(self, index): if type(index) == types.SliceType: return [self[i] for i in xrange(*index.indices(len(self)))] else: if index < 0: index += len(self) return Photo(proxied_photo=gpod.sw_get_photo(self._pa.members, index), ownerdb=self._db) def __len__(self): return gpod.sw_get_list_len(self._pa.members) def __nonzero__(self): return True class Photo: """A photo in an iTunes Photo database.""" _proxied_attributes = [k for k in gpod._Itdb_Artwork.__dict__.keys() if not (k.startswith("_") or k.startswith("reserved"))] def __init__(self, filename=None, proxied_photo=None, ownerdb=None): """Create a Photo object.""" error = None if filename: self._photo = gpod.itdb_photodb_add_photo(ownerdb._itdb, filename, -1, 0, error) self._database = ownerdb elif proxied_photo: self._photo = proxied_photo self._database = ownerdb else: self._photo = gpod.itdb_artwork_new() def __str__(self): return self.__repr__() def __repr__(self): return "" % ( repr(self['id']), self['creation_date'].strftime("%c"), self['digitized_date'].strftime("%c"), repr(self['artwork_size'])) def keys(self): return list(self._proxied_attributes) def items(self): return [self[k] for k in self._proxied_attributes] def pairs(self): return [(k, self[k]) for k in self._proxied_attributes] def __getitem__(self, item): if item in self._proxied_attributes: attr = getattr(self._photo, item) if item.endswith("_date"): try: return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(attr) except: return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(0) else: return attr else: raise KeyError('No such key: %s' % item) def __setitem__(self, item, value): if type(value) == types.UnicodeType: value = value.encode('UTF-8','replace') if item in self._proxied_attributes: return setattr(self._photo, item, value) else: raise KeyError('No such key: %s' % item) if pixbuf_support: def get_pixbuf(self, width=-1, height=-1): """Get a pixbuf from a Photo. width: the width of the pixbuf to retrieve, -1 for the biggest possible size and 0 for the smallest possible size (with no scaling) height: the height of the pixbuf to retrieve, -1 for the biggest possible size and 0 for the smallest possible size (with no scaling) """ device = self._database.device if hasattr(self._database,"_itdb"): device = self._database._itdb.device return gpod.itdb_artwork_get_pixbuf(device, self._photo, width, height)