#!/usr/bin/python # vim: fileencoding=utf8 foldmethod=marker # {{{ License header: GPLv2+ # This file is part of fedora-easy-karma. # # Fedora-easy-karma is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Fedora-easy-karma is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with fedora-easy-karma. If not, see . # }}} # default python modules import cPickle as pickle import datetime import fnmatch import getpass import itertools import os import readline import sys from optparse import OptionParser from textwrap import wrap # extra python modules import fedora # fedora_cert is optional. It is only used to get the real fas_username, which # is also supplied as a command line option and eventually in a config file. try: import fedora_cert except ImportError: pass import yum from fedora.client.bodhi import BodhiClient class FEK_helper(object): @staticmethod def bodhi_update_str(update, bodhi_base_url="https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/", bugzilla_bug_url="https://bugzilla.redhat.com/", test_cases_url="https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/", wrap_bugs=True, width=80): # copy update to avoid side effects values = dict(update) format_string = ( "%(header_line)s\n" "%(title)s\n" "%(header_line)s\n" "%(updateid)s" " Release: %(release)s\n" " Status: %(status)s\n" " Type: %(type)s\n" " Karma: %(karma)d\n" "%(request)s" "%(bugs)s" "%(test_cases)s" "%(notes)s" " Submitter: %(submitter)s\n" " Submitted: %(date_submitted)s\n" "%(comments)s" "\n%(update_url)s" ) values["header_line"] = "=" * width values["title"] = "\n".join(wrap(update["title"].replace(",", ", "), width=width, initial_indent=" "*5, subsequent_indent=" "*5)) if update["updateid"]: values["updateid"] = " Update ID: %s\n" % update["updateid"] else: values["updateid"] = "" values["release"] = update["release"]["long_name"] values["type"] = "" if "critpath" in update and update["critpath"]: if not update["critpath_approved"]: values["type"] = "unapproved " values["type"] += "critpath " values["type"] += update["type"] if update["request"]: values["request"] = " Request: %s\n" % update["request"] else: values["request"] = "" if len(update["bugs"]): bugs = [] for bug in update["bugs"]: bz_id = bug["bz_id"] if bugzilla_bug_url: bz_id = "%s%d" % ( bugzilla_bug_url, bz_id) bz_title = bug["title"] bugs.append("%s - %s" % (bz_id, bz_title)) if wrap_bugs: values["bugs"] = "%s\n" % FEK_helper.wrap_paragraphs_prefix(bugs, first_prefix=" Bugs: ", width=width, extra_newline=True) else: values["bugs"] = " Bugs: %s\n" % ("\n" + " " * 11 + ": ").join(bugs) else: values["bugs"] = "" if update["nagged"] and "test_cases" in update["nagged"]: test_cases = ["%s%s" % (test_cases_url, t.replace(" ", "_").replace(":", "%3A")) for t in update["nagged"]["test_cases"]] values["test_cases"] = "%s\n" % FEK_helper.wrap_paragraphs_prefix(test_cases, first_prefix=" Test Cases: ", width=width, extra_newline=True) else: values["test_cases"] = "" if update["notes"]: values["notes"] = "%s\n" % FEK_helper.wrap_paragraphs_prefix(update["notes"].split("\r\n"), first_prefix=" Notes: ", width=width) else: values["notes"] = "" if len(update["comments"]): val = " Comments: " comments = [] for comment in update["comments"]: # copy comment to avoid side effects comment = dict(comment) indent = " " * 13 comment["indent"] = indent if comment["anonymous"]: comment["author"] += " (unauthenticated)" comments.append("%(indent)s%(author)s - %(timestamp)s (karma %(karma)s)" % comment) if comment["text"]: wrapped = wrap(comment["text"], initial_indent=indent, subsequent_indent=indent, width=width) comments.append("\n".join(wrapped)) val += "\n".join(comments).lstrip() + "\n" values["comments"] = val else: values["comments"] = "" if update["updateid"]: url_path = "%s/%s" % (update["release"]["name"], update["updateid"]) else: url_path = update["title"] values["update_url"] = " %s%s\n" % (bodhi_base_url, url_path) return format_string % values @staticmethod def wrap_paragraphs(paragraphs, width=67, subsequent_indent=(" "*11 + ": "), second_column_indent=0): return ("\n%s" % subsequent_indent).join(map(lambda p: "\n".join(wrap(p, width=width, subsequent_indent=(subsequent_indent + " " * second_column_indent))), paragraphs)) @staticmethod def wrap_paragraphs_prefix(paragraphs, first_prefix, width=80, extra_newline=False): if isinstance(paragraphs, basestring): paragraphs = paragraphs.split("\n") if first_prefix: subsequent_indent = " " * (len(first_prefix) - 2) + ": " else: subsequent_indent = "" output = [] first = True wrapped = [] # remove trailing empty paragraphs while paragraphs and paragraphs[-1] == "": paragraphs.pop() for p in paragraphs: if extra_newline and len(wrapped) > 1: output.append("") if first: p = first_prefix + p first = False wrapped = wrap(p, width=width, subsequent_indent=subsequent_indent) output.append("\n".join(wrapped)) return ("\n%s" % subsequent_indent).join(output) class FedoraEasyKarma(object): def __init__(self): usage = ( "usage: %prog [options] [pattern, ..] \n\n" "You will be asked for every package installed from updates-testing to provide feedback using karma points. " "If patterns are provided, you will be only prompted for updates related to packages or builds that match any " "of the patterns. Possible wildcards are *, ?, [seq] and [!seq] as explained at http://docs.python.org/library/fnmatch.html\n" "After selecting the karma points, you will be asked for a comment. An empty comment skips the update.\n\n" "Possible karma points are:\n" "-1 : Update breaks something or does not fix a bug it is supposed to\n" " 0 : The update has not been tested much or at all\n" " 1 : The update seems not to break anything new\n" " i : Ignore the update in the future\n" "All other inputs will skip the update.\n" "You can use - on an empty prompt to exit\n" "If you use a default comment, '- ' can be used to delete the default comment to easily enter a custom one.\n" "\n" "The source can be found at\n" "http://fedorapeople.org/gitweb?p=till/public_git/fedora-easy-karma.git;a=summary\n" "Please send bug reports and feature requests to\n" "'Till Maas '\n" "For patches please use 'git send-email'." ) usage = FEK_helper.wrap_paragraphs_prefix(usage, first_prefix="", width=80, extra_newline=False) parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option("", "--bodhi-cached", dest="bodhi_cached", help="Use cached bodhi query", action="store_true", default=False) parser.add_option("", "--bodhi-update-cache", dest="bodhi_update_cache", help="Update bodhi query cache", action="store_true", default=False) parser.add_option("", "--critpath-only", dest="critpath_only", help="Only consider unapproved critpath updates", action="store_true", default=False) parser.add_option("", "--datadir", dest="datadir", help="Directory to store cache or ignore data, default: %default", default="~/.fedora-easy-karma") parser.add_option("", "--debug", dest="debug", help="Enable debug output", action="store_true", default=False) parser.add_option("", "--default-comment", dest="default_comment", help="Default comment to use, default: %default", default="", metavar="COMMENT") parser.add_option("", "--default-karma", dest="default_karma", help="Default karma to use, default: %default", default="", metavar="KARMA") parser.add_option("", "--fas-username", dest="fas_username", help="FAS username", default=None) parser.add_option("", "--include-commented", dest="include_commented", help="Also ask for more comments on updates that already got a comment from you, this is enabled if patterns are provided", action="store_true", default=False) parser.add_option("", "--include-ignored", dest="include_ignored", help="Also ask for comments on updates that have been ignored previously.", action="store_true", default=False) parser.add_option("", "--installed-max-days", dest="installed_max_days", help="Only check packages installed within the last XX days, default: %default", metavar="DAYS", default=28, type="int") parser.add_option("", "--installed-min-days", dest="installed_min_days", help="Only check packages installed for at least XX days, default: %default", metavar="DAYS", default=0, type="int") parser.add_option("", "--list-rpms-only", dest="list_rpms_only", help="Only list affected rpms", action="store_true", default=False) parser.add_option("", "--no-skip-empty-comment", dest="skip_empty_comment", help="Do not skip update if comment is empty", action="store_false", default=True) parser.add_option("", "--product", dest="product", help="product to query Bodhi for, 'F' for Fedora, 'EL-' for EPEL, default: %default", default="F") parser.add_option("", "--releasever", dest="releasever", help="releasever to query Bodhi for, default: releasever from yum", default=None) parser.add_option("", "--retries", dest="retries", help="Number if retries when submitting a comment in case of an error, default: %default", default=3, type="int") parser.add_option("", "--wrap-bugs", dest="wrap_bugs", help="Apply line-wrapping to bugs", action="store_true", default=False) parser.add_option("", "--wrap-rpms", dest="wrap_rpms", help="Apply line-wrapping to list of installed rpms", action="store_true", default=False) parser.add_option("", "--wrap-width", dest="wrap_width", help="Width to use for line wrapping of updates, default: %default", default=80, type="int") (self.options, args) = parser.parse_args() if args: self.options.include_commented = True if self.options.debug: self.options.debug = datetime.datetime.now() if not self.options.fas_username: try: try: fas_username = fedora_cert.read_user_cert() except (fedora_cert.fedora_cert_error): self.debug("fedora_cert_error") raise NameError except NameError: self.debug("fas_username NameError") fas_username = os.environ["LOGNAME"] self.options.fas_username = fas_username bc = BodhiClient(username=self.options.fas_username, useragent="Fedora Easy Karma/GIT") my = yum.YumBase() my.preconf.debuglevel = 0 if not self.options.releasever: self.options.releasever = my.conf.yumvar["releasever"] release = "%s%s" % (self.options.product, self.options.releasever) self.options.datadir = os.path.expanduser(self.options.datadir) installed_testing_builds = {} now = datetime.datetime.now() installed_max_days = datetime.timedelta(self.options.installed_max_days) installed_min_days = datetime.timedelta(self.options.installed_min_days) self.info("Getting list of installed packages...") self.debug("starting yum query") # make pkg objects subscriptable, i.e. pkg["name"] work yum.rpmsack.RPMInstalledPackage.__getitem__ = lambda self, key: getattr(self, key) for pkg in my.rpmdb.returnPackages(): installed = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(pkg.installtime) installed_timedelta = now - installed if installed_timedelta < installed_max_days and installed_timedelta > installed_min_days: build = pkg.sourcerpm[:-8] if build in installed_testing_builds: installed_testing_builds[build].append(pkg) else: installed_testing_builds[build] = [pkg] cachefile_name = os.path.join(self.options.datadir, "bodhi-cache-%s.cpickle" % release) if self.options.bodhi_cached: self.debug("reading bodhi cache") try: cachefile = open(cachefile_name, "rb") testing_updates = pickle.load(cachefile) cachefile.close() except IOError, ioe: print "Cannot access bodhi cache file: %s" % cachefile_name sys.exit(ioe.errno) else: self.info("Getting list of packages in updates-testing...") self.debug("starting bodhi query") # probably raises some exceptions testing_updates = bc.query(release=release, status="testing", limit=1000)["updates"] # can't query for requestless as of python-fedora 0.3.18 # (request=None results in no filtering by request) testing_updates = [x for x in testing_updates if not x["request"]] # extend list of updates with updates that are going to testing to # support manually installed rpms from koji testing_updates.extend(bc.query(release=release, status="pending", request="testing", limit=1000)["updates"]) if self.options.bodhi_update_cache: try: os.makedirs(self.options.datadir) except OSError: # only pass for Errno 17: file exists self.debug("makedirs OSError", update_timestamp=False) self.debug("writing cache") outfile = open(cachefile_name, "wb") pickle.dump(testing_updates, outfile, -1) outfile.close() ignorefile_name = os.path.join(self.options.datadir, "ignore.cpickle") previously_ignored_updates = [] self.debug("reading ignore file %s" % ignorefile_name) try: ignorefile = open(ignorefile_name, "rb") previously_ignored_updates = pickle.load(ignorefile) ignorefile.close() except IOError, ioe: self.debug("Cannot access ignore file: %s" % ignorefile_name) self.debug("post processing bodhi query") # reduce to unapproved critpath updates. Cannot query for this in # python-fedora 0.3.20 and might not want to do to keep the cache # complete if self.options.critpath_only: testing_updates = [u for u in testing_updates if u["critpath"] and not u["critpath_approved"]] # create a mapping build -> update testing_builds = {} for update in testing_updates: if self.options.include_commented or not self.already_commented(update, self.options.fas_username): for build in update["builds"]: testing_builds[build["nvr"]] = update self.debug("starting feedback loop") # multiple build can be grouped together in one update, only ask once per update processed_updates = [] ignored_updates = [] builds = testing_builds.keys() builds.sort() for build in builds: update = testing_builds[build] # Do not query for previously ignored updates # Store update title to save these to a file if not self.options.include_ignored and update.title in previously_ignored_updates: print "ignored: %s" % update.title ignored_updates.append(update.title) continue if update not in processed_updates and build in installed_testing_builds: processed_updates.append(update) affected_builds = [b["nvr"] for b in update["builds"]] installed_pkgs = list(itertools.chain(*[installed_testing_builds[b] for b in affected_builds if b in installed_testing_builds])) if args: if not self.match_any(args, [["%(name)s" % pkg for pkg in installed_pkgs], # remove version and release ["-".join(b.split("-")[:-2]) for b in affected_builds]]): continue installed_rpms = [self.format_rpm(pkg) for pkg in installed_pkgs] if not self.options.list_rpms_only: print FEK_helper.bodhi_update_str(update, bodhi_base_url=bc.base_url, width=self.options.wrap_width, wrap_bugs=self.options.wrap_bugs) if self.options.wrap_rpms: print FEK_helper.wrap_paragraphs_prefix(installed_rpms, first_prefix=" inst. RPMS: ", width=self.options.wrap_width) else: print " inst. RPMS: %s\n" % ("\n" + " " * 11 + ": ").join(installed_rpms) if self.already_commented(update, self.options.fas_username): print "!!! already commented by you !!!" try: karma = self.raw_input("Comment? -1/0/1 -> karma, 'i' -> ignore, other -> skip> ", default=self.options.default_karma, add_to_history=False) if karma in ["-1", "0", "1"]: comment = self.raw_input("Comment> ", default=self.options.default_comment) if comment or not self.options.skip_empty_comment: result = self.send_comment(bc, update, comment, karma) if not result[0]: self.warning("Comment not submitted: %s" % result[1]) else: print "skipped because of empty comment" elif karma == "i": ignored_updates.append(update.title) print "ignored as requested" except EOFError: ignored_updates.extend(previously_ignored_updates) sys.stdout.write("\nExiting on User request\n") break else: print "\n".join(installed_rpms) # store ignored_updates try: os.makedirs(self.options.datadir) except OSError: # :TODO: only pass for Errno 17: file exists self.debug("makedirs OSError", update_timestamp=False) self.debug("writing ignore file") outfile = open(ignorefile_name, "wb") pickle.dump(ignored_updates, outfile, -1) outfile.close() def already_commented(self, update, user): for comment in update["comments"]: # :TODO:WORKAROUND: # .split(" ")[0] is needed to work around bodhi using # 'fas_username (group)' in the author field. Hopefully # bodhi will eventually not do this anymore. # References: # https://fedorahosted.org/bodhi/ticket/400 # https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=572228 if not comment["anonymous"] and comment["author"].split(" ")[0] == user: return True return False def debug(self, message, update_timestamp=True): if self.options.debug: now = datetime.datetime.now() delta = now - self.options.debug message = "DEBUG: %s - timedelta: %s" % (message, delta) if update_timestamp: self.options.debug = now else: message = "%s - timestamp not updated" % message sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % message) def format_rpm(self, rpm): now = datetime.datetime.now() install_age=(now - datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(rpm.installtime)) res = "%(name)s-%(version)s-%(release)s.%(arch)s - %(summary)s" % rpm res += " (installed %s days ago)" % install_age.days return res def info(self, message): sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % message) def match_any(self, patterns, names): for name in list(itertools.chain(*names)): for pattern in patterns: if fnmatch.fnmatch(name, pattern): return True return False def warning(self, message): sys.stderr.write("Warning: %s\n" % message) def raw_input(self, prompt, default="", add_to_history=True): def pre_input_hook(): readline.insert_text(default) readline.redisplay() readline.set_pre_input_hook(pre_input_hook) try: return raw_input(prompt) finally: readline.set_pre_input_hook(None) if not add_to_history: try: readline.remove_history_item(readline.get_current_history_length() - 1) # raised when CTRL-D is used on first prompt except ValueError: pass def send_comment(self, bc, update, comment, karma): for retry in range(0, self.options.retries + 1): try: res = bc.comment(update["title"], comment, karma=karma) return (True, res) except fedora.client.AuthError, e: self.warning("Authentication error") bc.password = getpass.getpass('FAS Password for %s: ' % self.options.fas_username) except fedora.client.ServerError, e: self.warning("Server error: %s" % str(e)) return (False, 'too many errors') if __name__ == "__main__": try: FedoraEasyKarma() except KeyboardInterrupt: print "aborted" sys.exit(0)