#!/usr/bin/python # vim: fileencoding=utf8 foldmethod=marker # {{{ License header: GPLv2+ # This file is part of cnucnu. # # Cnucnu is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Cnucnu is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with cnucnu. If not, see . # }}} from bugzilla import Bugzilla from config import global_config from helper import filter_dict import logging log = logging.getLogger('cnucnu.bugzilla_reporter') class BugzillaReporter(object): base_query = {'query_format': 'advanced', 'emailreporter1': '1', 'emailtype1': 'exact'} bug_status_open = ['NEW', 'ASSIGNED', 'MODIFIED', 'ON_DEV', 'ON_QA', 'VERIFIED', 'FAILS_QA', 'RELEASE_PENDING', 'POST'] bug_status_closed = ['CLOSED'] new_bug = {} def __init__(self, config=global_config.bugzilla_config): self._bz = None self.config = config self.base_query['product'] = config['product'] self.base_query['email1'] = config['user'] self.new_bug['product'] = config['product'] if "keywords" in config: self.new_bug['keywords'] = config['keywords'] self.new_bug['version'] = config['version'] self.new_bug['op_sys'] = 'Unspecified' self.new_bug['platform'] = 'Unspecified' self.new_bug['bug_severity'] = 'unspecified' # Using ASSIGNED returns an exception: # # if the account is in editbugs, fedora_bugs, fedora_contrib, setpriority # if not, then it is silently ignored # 'status': 'ASSIGNED', # Red Hat Bugzilla now supports filing bugs in state ASSIGNED: # https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=516208 self.new_bug['status'] = self.config['bug status'] self.bugzilla_username = config['user'] @property def bz(self): if not self._bz: rpc_conf = filter_dict(self.config, ["url", "user", "password"]) self._bz = Bugzilla(**rpc_conf) return self._bz def bug_url(self, bug): if isinstance(bug, str): bug_id = bug else: bug_id = bug.bug_id return "%s%s" % (self.config['bug url prefix'], bug_id) def report_outdated(self, package, dry_run=True): if not package.exact_outdated_bug: if not package.open_outdated_bug: new_bug, change_status = self.create_outdated_bug(package, dry_run) return self.bug_url(new_bug) else: open_bug = package.open_outdated_bug short_desc = open_bug.short_desc # short_desc should be '- ' # To extract the version get everything before the first space # with split and then remove the name and '-' via slicing bug_version = short_desc.split(" ")[0][len(package.name)+1:] if bug_version != package.latest_upstream: update = {'summary': self.config["short_desc template"] % package, 'comment': {'body': self.config["description template"] % package, 'is_private': False}, 'ids': [open_bug.bug_id], } log.debug("About to update bug '%s' with '%r'" % (open_bug.bug_id, update)) res = self.bz._proxy.Bug.update(update) log.debug("Result from bug update: %r" % res) log.info("Updated bug: %s" % self.bug_url(open_bug)) return self.bug_url(open_bug) else: bug = package.exact_outdated_bug log.info("already reported:%s %s" % (self.bug_url(bug), bug.bug_status)) return "" def create_outdated_bug(self, package, dry_run=True): bug_dict = {'component': package.name, 'short_desc': self.config["short_desc template"] % package, 'description': self.config["description template"] % package } bug_dict.update(self.new_bug) if not dry_run: new_bug = self.bz.createbug(**bug_dict) change_status = None log.debug("Created new bug: %r" % new_bug) log.info("Created bug: %s" % self.bug_url(new_bug)) if new_bug.bug_status != self.config['bug status']: change_status = self.bz._proxy.bugzilla.changeStatus(new_bug.bug_id, self.config['bug status'], self.config['user'], "", "", False, False, 1) log.debug("Changed bug status %r" % change_status) return (new_bug, change_status) else: return (bug_dict, None) def get_exact_outdated_bug(self, package): short_desc_pattern = '%(name)s-%(latest_upstream)s ' % package query = {'component': package.name, 'bug_status': self.bug_status_open + self.bug_status_closed, 'short_desc': short_desc_pattern, 'short_desc_type': 'substring'} query.update(self.base_query) logging.debug("get_exact_outdated_bug: Bugzilla query: %s", query) bugs = self.bz.query(query) if bugs: # TODO if more than one bug, manual intervention might be required for bug in bugs: # The short_desc_pattern contains a space at the end, which is # currently not recognized by bugzilla. Therefore this test is # required: if bug.short_desc.startswith(short_desc_pattern): return bug # not matching bug found return None def get_open_outdated_bug(self, package): q = {'component': [package.name], 'bug_status': [self.config['bug status']] } q.update(self.base_query) bugs = self.bz.query(q) if bugs: # TODO if more than one bug, manual intervention is required return bugs[0] else: return bugs