#!/bin/sh # Generate a commit for a rawhide RC release source scripts/kernel-version.sh klist -s if [ ! $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "klist couldn't read the credential cache." echo "Do you need to fix your kerberos tokens?" exit 1 fi make release # fixup the release because rpmdev-bumpspec *sigh* scripts/fixup-bumpspec.sh fedpkg commit -c # Figure out what is our RC RC=`grep "%global rcrev" kernel.spec| cut -d ' ' -f 3` RC=$(($RC+1)) BASE=`grep "%define base_sublevel" kernel.spec| cut -d ' ' -f 3` OLDBASE=$BASE # See comment in kernel.spec about the base numbering BASE=$(($BASE+1)) # Kill all patches awk '!/patch/ { print $0 }' < sources > sources.tmp mv sources.tmp sources # Grab the tarball if [ ! -f patch-4.$BASE-rc$RC.xz ]; then wget -O patch-4.$BASE-rc$RC https://git.kernel.org/torvalds/p/v4.$BASE-rc$RC/v4.$OLDBASE if [ ! $? -eq 0 ]; then exit 1 fi xz -9 patch-4.$BASE-rc$RC fedpkg upload patch-4.$BASE-rc$RC.xz fi # bump rcrev in the spec and set git snapshot to 0 RC=$RC perl -p -i -e 's|%global rcrev.*|%global rcrev $ENV{'RC'}|' kernel.spec perl -p -i -e 's|%define gitrev.*|%define gitrev 0|' kernel.spec perl -p -i -e 's|%global baserelease.*|%global baserelease 0|' kernel.spec rpmdev-bumpspec -c "Linux v4.$BASE-rc$RC" kernel.spec echo "Don't forget to bump kernel-tools"