path: root/baseconfig/arm/CONFIG_REGULATOR_LTC3676
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'baseconfig/arm/CONFIG_REGULATOR_LTC3676')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/baseconfig/arm/CONFIG_REGULATOR_LTC3676 b/baseconfig/arm/CONFIG_REGULATOR_LTC3676
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a8f50af1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/baseconfig/arm/CONFIG_REGULATOR_LTC3676
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+# CONFIG_REGULATOR_LTC3676 is not set
ef='#n142'>142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# Copyright 2015 Red Hat, Inc.
# Part of clufter project
# Licensed under GPLv2+ (a copy included |
"""Easy (at least for usage) plugin framework"""
__author__ = "Jan Pokorný <jpokorny @at@ Red Hat .dot. com>"

from contextlib import contextmanager
from fnmatch import translate
from imp import PY_SOURCE, find_module, get_suffixes, load_module
from logging import getLogger
from os import walk
from os.path import abspath, dirname, isabs, isdir, join, splitext
from re import compile as re_compile
from sys import modules

from .utils import args2tuple, \
                   args2sgpl, \
                   classproperty, \
                   filterdict_keep, \
                   filterdict_pop, \
                   filterdict_remove, \
                   hybridproperty, \
from .utils_func import apply_intercalate
from .utils_prog import ProtectedDict, cli_decor, getenv_namespaced

log = getLogger(__name__)
module_ext = dict((t, s) for s, m, t in get_suffixes())[PY_SOURCE]

here = dirname(abspath(__file__))
EXTPLUGINS = getenv_namespaced('EXTPLUGINS', 'ext-plugins')
if not isabs(EXTPLUGINS):

class MetaPlugin(object):
    """For use in the internal meta-hierarchy as "do not register me" mark"""

class PluginRegistry(type):
    """Core of simple plugin framework

    This ``superclass'' serves two roles:

    (1) metaclass for plugins (and its class hierarchy)
        - only a tiny wrapper on top of `type`

    (2) base class for particular registries

    Both roles are combined due to a very tight connection.

    Inspired by (Fundamental...).
    _registries = set()  # dynamic tracking of specific registries

    # these are relevant for use case (1)

    # non-API

    def __new__(registry, name, bases, attrs):
        assert '_probes' not in attrs, "sabotage of the meta level detected"
        attrs['_probes'] = 0
        if '__metaclass__' not in attrs and MetaPlugin not in bases:
            # alleged end-use plugin
            ret = registry.probe(name, bases, attrs)
            if registry not in PluginRegistry._registries:
                log.debug("Registering `{0}' as registry"
                # specific registry not yet tracked
                # (e.g., specific plugin was imported natively)
                # rely on __builtin__ being always present, hence failing test
                if (registry.namespace or '__builtin__') not in modules:
                    # XXX hack to prevent RuntimeWarning due to missing parent
                    #     module (e.g., some tests in the test suite)

            ret = super(PluginRegistry, registry).__new__(registry, name,
                                                          bases, attrs)

        ret._probes += 1
        return ret

    # these are relevant for both (1) + (2)

    def probe(registry, name, bases, attrs=None):
        """Meta-magic to register plugin"""
        assert '-' not in name, "name cannot contain a dash"
        dname = cli_decor(name)
        attrs = attrs or {}
            ret = registry._plugins[dname]
  "Probe `{0}' plugin under `{1}' registry: already tracked"
                     .format(dname, registry.registry))
        except KeyError:
            log.debug("Probe `{0}' plugin under `{1}' registry: yet untracked"
                      .format(dname, registry.registry))
            namespaced = registry.namespaced(dname.split('-', 1)[0])
            if namespaced in modules and hasattr(modules[namespaced], name):
                # XXX can be used even for "preload"
                ret = getattr(modules[namespaced], name)
            else:  # bases arg of type has to be tuplist, final plugin otherwise
                ret = bases if not tuplist(bases) else \
                      super(PluginRegistry, registry).__new__(registry, dname,
                                                              bases, attrs)
            # XXX init plugin here?
            registry._plugins[dname] = ret

        if registry._path_context is not None:
        if tuplist(bases) and ret.__metaclass__.__module__ == ret.__module__:
            ret.__metaclass__._native_plugins[cli_decor(] = ret

        return ret

    def name(this):
        """Nicer access to __name__"""
        return this.__name__

    def registry(registry):
        """Registry identifier"""
        return registry.__name__

    def namespace(registry):
        """Absolute namespace possessed by the particular plugin registry

        For a plugin, this denotes to which registry/namespace it belongs.
            return registry._namespace
        except AttributeError:
            registry._namespace = '.'.join((__package__, registry.__name__))
            return registry._namespace

    def namespaced(registry, symbol, *symbols):
        return '.'.join(args2tuple(registry.namespace, symbol, *symbols))

    def plugins(registry):
        return registry._plugins_ro

    def native_plugins(registry):
        return registry._native_plugins_ro

    # these are relevant for use case (2)

    # non-API

    def _path(registry, path):
        """Temporary path context setup enabling safe sideways use"""
        assert registry._path_context is None
        registry._path_context = path
        yield path, registry._path_mapping.setdefault(path, set())
        assert registry._path_context is not None
        registry._path_context = None

    def _context(registry, paths):
        """Iterate through the paths yielding context along

        Context is a pair `(path, list_of_per_path_tracked_plugins_so_far)`.
        paths = args2sgpl(paths)
        if paths and paths[0] is None:  # injection of implicit path prevented
            paths = paths[1:]
        else:  # injection happens
            paths = args2tuple(dirname(abspath(__file__)), *paths)
        paths = (p for p in (join(p, registry.__name__) for p in paths)
                 if isdir(p))

        for path in paths:
            with registry._path(path) as context:
                yield context

    # API

    def setup(registry, reset=False):
        """Implicit setup upon first registry involvement or external reset"""
        ps = {}
        attrs = (('_path_context', None), ('_path_mapping', {}),
                 ('_plugins', ps), ('_plugins_ro', ProtectedDict(ps)))
        if reset:
            map(lambda (a, d): setattr(registry, a, d), attrs)
            map(lambda (a, d): setattr(registry, a, getattr(registry, a, d)),
        registry._native_plugins = np = getattr(registry, '_native_plugins', {})
        registry._native_plugins_ro = ProtectedDict(np)
        if reset:

    def discover(registry, paths=(), fname_start=''):
        """Find relevant plugins available at the specified path(s)

        Keyword arguments:
            fname_start     glob/fnmatch pattern (not RE) used to filter files,
                            can also be a tuplist of strings like this

        Returns `{plugin_name: plugin_cls}` mapping of plugins found.
        ret = {}
        fname_start_use = apply_intercalate(args2sgpl(fname_start or '[!_.]'))
        fp = re_compile('|'.join(
            translate(fs + '*')
            for fs in (pfx.split('-', 1)[0] for pfx in fname_start_use)
        for path, path_plugins in registry._context(paths):
            # skip if path already discovered (considered final)
            if not path_plugins:
                # visit *.py files within (and under) the path and probe them
                for root, dirs, files in walk(path):
                    if root != path:
                        break  # ATM we only support flat dir (nested ~ private)
                    for name, ext in filter(
                        lambda (name, ext):
                            fp.match(name) and
                            (ext == module_ext or isdir(join(root, name))),
                        (splitext(x) for x in files + dirs)
                            mfile, mpath, mdesc = find_module(name, [root])
                        except ImportError:
                            log.debug("Omitting `{0}' at `{1}'"
                                      .format(name, root))
                            mname = registry.namespaced(name)
                                load_module(mname, mfile, mpath, mdesc)
                            except StandardError as e:
                                # non-fatal, just log it and keep going
                                log.error("Module load error: {0}: {1}"
                                          .format(mfile or mpath, str(e)))
                                if mfile:
                path_plugins = registry._path_mapping[path]
                if fname_start:  # not picking everything -> restart next time

            # filled as a side-effect of meta-magic, see `__new__`
            ret.update((n, registry._plugins[n]) for n in path_plugins)

        return ret

class PluginManager(object):
    """Common (abstract) base for *Manager objects"""

    _default_registry = PluginRegistry

    def lookup(cls, plugins, registry=None, **kwargs):
        ret, to_discover = {}, set()
        registry = cls._default_registry if registry is None else registry
        for plugin in args2sgpl(plugins):
            # XXX we could introspect sys.modules here as well
                ret[plugin] = registry.plugins[plugin]
            except KeyError:
        kwargs = filterdict_keep(kwargs, 'paths')
        ret.update(, **kwargs))

        native_plugins = registry.native_plugins
                                     _fn_=lambda x: native_plugins[x],
        to_discover = apply_intercalate(tuple(to_discover))
        if to_discover:
            log.debug("Couldn't look up everything: {0}".format(', '.join(
        return ret  # if tuplist(plugins) else ret[plugins]

    def init_lookup(cls, plugin=(), *plugins, **kwargs):
        plugins = args2sgpl(plugin, *plugins)
        ext_plugins = []
        if kwargs.get('ext_plugins', True):
            for root, dirs, _ in walk(EXTPLUGINS, followlinks=True):
                ext_plugins.extend(join(root, d) for d in dirs)
            abspath(d) for d in
            apply_intercalate([d.split(':') for d in
                kwargs.get('ext_plugins_user') or ()
        if ext_plugins:
            if not isinstance(kwargs.setdefault('paths', []), list):
                kwargs['paths'] = paths = list(kwargs['paths'])
                paths = kwargs['paths']
        kws_lu = filterdict_pop(kwargs, 'paths')
        return cls(plugins=cls.lookup(plugins, **kws_lu), paths=None, **kwargs)

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        registry = kwargs.pop('registry', None) or self._default_registry
        assert registry is not PluginRegistry, \
               "PluginManager subclass should refer to its custom registry"
        self._registry = registry
        plugins =**filterdict_pop(kwargs, 'paths'))
        plugins.update(kwargs.pop('plugins', None)
                       or dict(registry.native_plugins, **registry.plugins))
        self._plugins = ProtectedDict(
            self._init_plugins(plugins, *args, **kwargs),

    def _init_plugins(cls, plugins, *args, **kwargs):"Plugins under `{0}' left intact: {1}".format(cls.__name__,
        return plugins

    def registry(self):
        return self._registry

    def plugins(self):
        return self._plugins

    #def __iter__(self):
    #    return self._plugins.itervalues()