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authorJosh Boyer <>2014-01-14 12:58:43 -0500
committerJosh Boyer <>2014-01-14 12:58:43 -0500
commitc73ae11479c80014d06c8726b4f1215b03b19fb4 (patch)
parent3752c853a81420d135ad1ccc7dcb0cf353a57c42 (diff)
Reduce buildid definition clutter
The buildid mechanism is still used by a nubmer of people, but it's unnecessarily complicated in the spec. We don't need to do all the manipulations that are current done just to allow people to easily mark their builds as different. Just leave the commented out definition and include it in pkg_release.
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 28 deletions
diff --git a/kernel.spec b/kernel.spec
index 71daa6411..6e98cb4b1 100644
--- a/kernel.spec
+++ b/kernel.spec
@@ -16,35 +16,7 @@ Summary: The Linux kernel
%global signmodules 0
-# Save original buildid for later if it's defined
-%if 0%{?buildid:1}
-%global orig_buildid %{buildid}
-%undefine buildid
-# Polite request for people who spin their own kernel rpms:
-# please modify the "buildid" define in a way that identifies
-# that the kernel isn't the stock distribution kernel, for example,
-# by setting the define to ".local" or ".bz123456". This will be
-# appended to the full kernel version.
-# (Uncomment the '#' and both spaces below to set the buildid.)
# % define buildid .local
-# The buildid can also be specified on the rpmbuild command line
-# by adding --define="buildid .whatever". If both the specfile and
-# the environment define a buildid they will be concatenated together.
-%if 0%{?orig_buildid:1}
-%if 0%{?buildid:1}
-%global srpm_buildid %{buildid}
-%define buildid %{srpm_buildid}%{orig_buildid}
-%define buildid %{orig_buildid}
# baserelease defines which build revision of this kernel version we're
# building. We used to call this fedora_build, but the magical name