#! /usr/bin/env ruby # -*- encoding: utf-8 mode: ruby -*- # fontslist.rb # Copyright (C) 2010 Red Hat, Inc. # Authors: # Akira TAGOH # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, # Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. require 'optparse' begin require 'fontpackages/fontpackages' rescue LoadError require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'fontpackages', 'fontpackages') end begin require 'fontpackages/yum' rescue LoadError require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'fontpackages', 'yum') end yum_opts = nil begin ARGV.options do |opt| opt.banner = sprintf("Usage: %s [options] ", File.basename(__FILE__)) opt.parse! subargv = opt.order(ARGV) if subargv.length == 0 then puts opt.help exit end end yum_opts = ARGV.yum_options rescue => e p e exit end pkg2lang = {} lang2pkg = {} y = FontPackages::YumRepos.new(yum_opts) fp = FontPackages::FontPackages.new(ARGV[0]) i = 0 fp.fontpackages(:default).sort.each do |pkg| next if pkg2lang.include?(pkg.name) STDERR.printf("%s\n", pkg.name) pkg2lang[pkg.name] = fp.supported_languages(pkg) sans = [] serif = [] monospace = [] other = [] STDERR.printf(" Downloading rpm...\n") y.extract(pkg.name) do |x, rpm| Dir.glob(File.join('etc', 'fonts', 'conf.d', '*')) do |f| STDERR.printf(" Checking a fontconfig file %s...\n", f) fn = File.basename(f) tfn = File.join('usr', 'share', 'fontconfig', 'conf.avail', fn) priority = fn.sub(/\A(\d+).*/, '\1').to_i s = File.open(tfn).read unless s.grep(/sans-serif<\/family>/).empty? then sans << [priority, pkg.name] end unless s.grep(/serif<\/family>/).empty? then serif << [priority, pkg.name] end unless s.grep(/monospace<\/family>/).empty? then monospace << [priority, pkg.name] end end if sans.empty? && serif.empty? && monospace.empty? then other << pkg.name end end pkg2lang[pkg.name].each do |l| lang2pkg[l] ||= {} lang2pkg[l][:sans] ||= [] lang2pkg[l][:serif] ||= [] lang2pkg[l][:monospace] ||= [] lang2pkg[l][:other] ||= [] STDERR.printf(" Aliases[%s]: ", l) unless sans.empty? lang2pkg[l][:sans].push(*sans) STDERR.printf("[sans] ") end unless serif.empty? lang2pkg[l][:serif].push(*serif) STDERR.printf("[serif] ") end unless monospace.empty? lang2pkg[l][:monospace].push(*monospace) STDERR.printf("[monospace] ") end unless other.empty? lang2pkg[l][:other].push(*other) STDERR.printf("[other] ") end STDERR.printf("\n") end end STDERR.printf("sorting out against the priority...\n") lang2pkg.each do |l,v| v.each do |k, vv| if k == :other then lang2pkg[l][k] = vv.sort elsif vv.length > 0 then lang2pkg[l][k] = vv.sort{|x,y| x[0] <=> y[0]}.map{|x| x[1]} end end end print "\n" print "fonts list\n" print "\n" print "" lang2pkg.keys.sort.each do |l| print "" printf("", l) printf("", lang2pkg[l][:sans].join(', ')) printf("", lang2pkg[l][:serif].join(', ')) printf("", lang2pkg[l][:monospace].join(', ')) printf("", lang2pkg[l][:other].join(', ')) print "\n" end print "