set test "$srcdir/$subdir/out3.stp" set TEST_NAME "$subdir/out3b" if {![installtest_p]} { untested $TEST_NAME; return } set stap_merge_path "$srcdir/$subdir/stap_merge.tcl" if (![file executable $stap_merge_path]) { fail "$TEST_NAME : could not find stap_merge" return } if {[catch {exec mktemp -t staptestXXXXX} tmpfile]} { puts stderr "Failed to create temporary file: $tmpfile" untested "$TEST_NAME : failed to create temporary file" return } if {[catch {exec stap -DMAXACTION=100000 -b -o $tmpfile $test} res]} { untested $TEST_NAME puts "stap failed: $res" as_root "/bin/rm -f [glob ${tmpfile}*]" return } if {[catch {eval [list exec $stap_merge_path -o $tmpfile] [glob "${tmpfile}_*"]} res]} { puts "merge failed: $res" fail $TEST_NAME as_root "/bin/rm -f [glob ${tmpfile}*]" return } if {[catch {exec cmp $tmpfile $srcdir/$subdir/large_output} res]} { puts "$res" fail $TEST_NAME as_root "/bin/rm -f [glob ${tmpfile}*]" return } pass $TEST_NAME as_root "/bin/rm -f [glob ${tmpfile}*]"