#!/usr/bin/env stap -DMAXMAPENTRIES=20480 $0 $@; exit $? # errsnoop.stp # Copyright (C) 2009 Red Hat, Inc., Eugene Teo # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # attack "stupid userspace" apps # global error, trace probe syscall.* { # assume syscall don't nest trace[tid()] = argstr } probe syscall.*.return { errno = errno_p(returnval()) if (errno != 0) { t = tid() argstr = trace[t] delete trace[t] error[name, execname(), pid(), errno, argstr] <<< 1 } } probe timer.s(%( $# > 0 %? $1 %: 5 %)) { ansi_clear_screen() printf("%17s %15s %5s %4s %-12s %s\n", "SYSCALL", "PROCESS", "PID", "HITS", "ERRSTR", "ARGSTR") foreach([fn, comm, pid, errno, argstr] in error- limit %( $# > 1 %? $2 %: 20 %)) { errstr = sprintf("%3d (%s)", errno, errno_str(errno)) printf("%17s %15s %5d %4d %-12s %s\n", fn, comm, pid, @count(error[fn, comm, pid, errno, argstr]), # errstr, substr(argstr,0,22)) # within cols#80 errstr, argstr) } delete error }