set test "skip tracking" if {! [installtest_p]} { untested $test; return } set nr_cpus [exec sh -c "grep ^processor /proc/cpuinfo | wc -l"] if {$nr_cpus < 2} { unsupported $test; return } set errs 0 set warns 0 set oks 0 spawn stap -e "probe timer.s(5) {exit()} probe timer.profile,syscall.* {f++} global f" -DMAXTRYLOCK=0 -tu expect { -timeout 60 -re {^ERROR: Skipped too many probes, check MAXSKIPPED or try again with stap -t for more details.\r\n} { incr errs; exp_continue } -re {^WARNING: Number of errors: 0, skipped probes: [0-9]+\r\n} { incr warns; exp_continue } -re {^WARNING: Skipped due to global .f. lock timeout: [0-9]+\r\n} { incr warns; exp_continue } -re {^probe timer.profile[^\r\n]+, hits: [0-9]+[^\r\n]+\r\n} { incr oks; exp_continue } eof { } timeout { fail "$test (timeout)" } } catch {close} catch {wait} if {$oks >= 1 && $warns == 2 && $errs == 1} { pass "$test ($nr_cpus $oks $warns $errs)" } else { fail "$test ($nr_cpus $oks $warns $errs)" }