// Copyright (C) IBM Corp. 2007 // // This file is part of systemtap, and is free software. You can // redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General // Public License (GPL); either version 2, or (at your option) any // later version. TAPSET DEVELOPER'S GUIDE ------------------------ Tapsets are scripts that encapsulate knowledge about a kernel subsystem into pre-written probes and functions that can be used by other scripts. Tapsets are analogous to libraries for C programs. They hide the underlying details of a kernel area while exposing the key information needed to manage and monitor that aspect of the kernel. They are typically developed by kernel subject-matter experts. This document assumes you are already familiar with SystemTap and the basics of writing a SystemTap script. The REFERENCE MATERIAL section below lists other sources of SystemTap information. At a minimum, you should study the SystemTap Tutorial, the HACKING file and some of the existing tapsets before attempting to write a tapset yourself. WHAT SHOULD A TAPSET CONTAIN? A tapset should expose the high-level data and state transitions of a subsystem. Assume the audience knows little to nothing about the subsystem's low-level details and probably doesn't care. Users who need low-level data typically bypass the tapsets and write custom scripts targeted to a specific problem. The first step is to create a simple model of your subject area. For example, a model of the process subsystem might include the following: Key data: * process ID * parent process ID * process group ID State transitions: * forked * execed * running * stopped * terminated NOTE: This is a simple example and not meant to be a complete list. Use your subsystem expertise to find probe points (function entries and exits) that expose the elements of the model, then define probe aliases for those points. Be aware that some state transitions can occur in more than one place. In those cases, an alias can place a probe in multiple locations. For example, process execs can occur in either the do_execve() or the compat_do_execve() functions. The following alias inserts probes at the beginning of those functions: probe kprocess.exec = kernel.function("do_execve"), kernel.function("compat_do_execve") { < probe body > } Try to place probes on stable interfaces whenever possible (i.e., functions that are unlikely to change at the interface level). This makes it less likely that the tapset will break due to changes in the kernel. Where kernel version or architecture dependencies are unavoidable, use preprocessor conditionals (see the stap(1) man page for details). Fill in the probe bodies with the key data available at the probe points. Function entry probes can access the entry parameters specified to the function, while exit probes can access the entry parameters and the return value. Convert the data into meaningful forms where appropriate (e.g., bytes to kilobytes, state values to strings, etc). You may need to use auxiliary functions to access or convert some of the data. Auxiliary functions often use embedded C to do things that cannot be done in the SystemTap language, like access structure fields in some contexts, follow linked lists, etc. You can use auxiliary functions defined in other tapsets or write your own. In the following example, copy_process() returns a pointer to the task_struct for the new process. Note that the process ID of the new process is retrieved by calling task_pid() and passing it the task_struct pointer. In this case, the auxiliary function is an embedded C function that's defined in the task tapset (task.stp). probe kprocess.create = kernel.function("copy_process").return { task = $return new_pid = task_pid(task) } Avoid the temptation to write probes for every function. Most SystemTap users won't need or understand them. Keep your tapset simple and high- level. ELEMENTS OF A TAPSET The following sections describe the most important aspects of writing a tapset and contributing it to the project. If you're writing a tapset for personal use, most of these sections can be ignored, with the exception of "Tapset files", "Namespace" and "Embedded C & Safety." Tapset files ------------ Tapset files are stored in src/tapset in the SystemTap GIT directory. Most are kept at that level. If you have code that only works on a specific architecture or kernel-version, you may choose to put that in the corresponding subdirectories. Installed tapsets are located in /usr/share/systemtap/tapset/ or /usr/local/share/systemtap/tapset. Personal tapsets can be stored anywhere, but you must use "-I to specify their location when invoking the stap command. Namespace --------- Probe alias names should take the form .. For example, the probe for sending a signal could be named "signal.send". Global symbol names (probes, functions and variables) should be unique across all tapsets. This helps avoid namespace collisions in scripts that use multiple tapsets. To ensure this, use tapset-specific prefixes in your global symbols. Internal symbol names should be prefixed with "_". Comments -------- All probes and functions should include comment blocks that describe their purpose, the data they provide and the context in which they run (e.g., interrupt, process, etc.). Also use comments in areas where your intent may not be clear from reading the code. The comments preceding the functions and probes should be written in the format described in the Documentation section to allow automatic generation of the tapset documentation. Documentation ------------- SystemTap now documents the tapset functions and probe points in a manner similar to the Linux kernel. The tapset files have comments before each function and probe point that are processed by a modified kernel-doc script and pulled into an XML document. HTML, PDF, and man pages are generated from that document during the build process. For systemtap functions the structure of the documentation comment is: /** * sfunction function_name(:)? (- short description)? (* @parameter(space)*: (description of function parameter x)?)* (* a blank line)? * (Description:)? (Description of function)? * (section header: (section description)? )* (*)?*/ For sytemtap probes the structure of the documentation comment is the following: /** * probe probe_name(:)? (- short description)? (* @variable(space)*: (description of probe variable x)?)* (* a blank line)? * (Description:)? (Description of probe)? * (section header: (section description)? )* (*)?*/ The document extraction keys off the "/**" at the start of the comment; normal comments starting with "/*" are ignored. The next line of the comment describes whether the following code is for a SystemTap function or a probe and title descript. Following lines that have an '@' preceding the first word describe the parameters or variables available in the function or probe. There can be zero or more "section headers" after the variables or parameters. After each section there can be multiple lines of text. The comment is closed with "*/". The xml tapsets.tmpl in src/doc/SystemTap_Tapset_Reference makes use of those special comments. This xml file has place holders to extract the documentation from the tapsets like the following for ioscheduler.stp: !Itapset/ioscheduler.stp When a new tapset file is created you will need make a similar addition to tapsets.tmpl to pull the documentation in from the new tapset file. If configured to build reference documentation (--enable-refdocs) and the needed software is available, the build process will automatic generated PDF, HTML, and man pages. The creation of new man pages for the tapsets and functions is depricated and all the documentation should be migrated over to the tapsets.tmpl. Config & Makefiles ------------------ Add your tapset man page to the AC_CONFIG_FILES line in src/configure.ac, then regenerate the src/configure script by running autoconf. Add your tapset man page to dist_man_MANS line in src/Makefile.am, then regenerate src/Makefile.in by running automake. Update other Makefiles as necessary. Test cases ---------- All tapsets should be accompanied by test scripts. The tests are kept in src/testsuite in GIT and based on dejagnu. You must have dejagnu and expect installed on your system to run the tests. Your tests should validate that: - the tapset can be parsed and built - all probes and functions work as expected - all potential errors are handled appropriately See the "test suites" section of the HACKING file and the existing tests for details. Example Scripts --------------- Provide at least one example script that uses the probe aliases and functions in your tapset. This serves two purposes. First, it shows script writers how you envisioned the tapset being used. Second, and most important, it validates that the tapset can actually be used for something useful. If you can't write a script that uses the tapset in a meaningful way, perhaps you should rethink what the tapset provides. Example scripts are stored in testsuite/systemtap.examples/ in GIT. Embedded C & Safety ------------------- As mentioned previously, you can use embedded C (raw C code) to do things not supported by the SystemTap language. Please do this carefully and sparingly. Embedded C bypasses all the safety features built into SystemTap. Be especially careful when dereferencing pointers. Use the kread() macro to dereference any pointers that could potentially be invalid. If you're not sure, err on the side of caution. The cost of using kread() is small compared to the cost of your tapset inadvertently crashing a system! Review & Submission ------------------- All new tapsets and major changes should be reviewed "early and often" by the SystemTap community. You can sign up for the systemtap mailing list at http://sources.redhat.com/systemtap/getinvolved.html. The mailing list archive is found at http://sources.redhat.com/ml/systemtap/. The systemtap-cvs mailing list archive is at http://sources.redhat.com/ml/systemtap-cvs/. You can request GIT write access at http://sources.redhat.com/cgi-bin/pdw/ps_form.cgi. REFERENCE MATERIAL The following documents, web sites and mailing lists will familiarize you with SystemTap: - SystemTap Tutorial. A good introduction to SystemTap. (html format: http://sourceware.org/systemtap/tutorial/, PDF format: http://sourceware.org/systemtap/tutorial.pdf) - SystemTap project home page (http://sourceware.org/systemtap/index.html) - SystemTap mailing lists, IRC channels and GIT instructions (http://sourceware.org/systemtap/getinvolved.html) - GIT repository (http://sources.redhat.com/git/?p=systemtap.git;a=summary) - HACKING file in the source directory. This file outlines what's expected of project contributors. - SystemTap Wiki. Contains papers and presentations, setup instructions for various distributions, and a growing set of example scripts. (http://sourceware.org/systemtap/wiki) - Existing tapsets - SystemTap Language Reference. (html format: http://sourceware.org/systemtap/langref/, PDF format: http://sourceware.org/systemtap/langref.pdf) - SystemTap Man Pages (use "man -k stap" to print a list)