.\" -*- nroff -*- .TH STAP-SERVER 8 @DATE@ "Red Hat" .SH NAME stap-server \- systemtap server and related utilities .SH SYNOPSIS .br .B stap-start-server .br .B stap-find-servers [ .B --all ] .br .B stap-find-or-start-server .br .B stap-stop-server .I PID .br .B stap-client [ .I ARGUMENTS ] .SH DESCRIPTION The systemtap server listens for connections from .I stap-client on the local network and accepts requests to run the .I stap front end. .PP The .I stap-start-server program attempts to start a systemtap server ( .I stap-serverd ) on the local host. Upon successful startup, the server listens for connections on a random port and advertises its presence on the local network using the .I avahi daemon. If the server is successfully started, its process id is echoed to stdout and the exit code is 0. Otherwise, nothing is echoed and the exit code is 1. .PP The .I stap-find-servers program attempts to find systemtap servers running on the local network. The details of any servers found are echoed to stdout. If servers are found, then the exit code is 0, otherwise it is 1. .PP The .I stap-find-or-start-server program attempts to find a compatible systemtap server running on the local network using .I stap-find-servers. If a compatible server is found, .I stap-find-or-start-server echos '0' to stdout and the exit code is 0. Otherwise .I stap-find-or-start-server attempts to start a server on the local network using .I stap-start-server. If successful, the process id of the new server is echoed to stdout and the exit code is 0. If no server can be found or started, nothing is echoed to stdout and the exit code is 1. .PP The .I stap-stop-server program verifies that the given process id is that of a running systemtap server on the local host and, if so, attempts to shut down the server by sending it the SIGTERM signal. If a process id is provided and it is that of a running systemtap server, the exit code is 0. Otherwise the exit code is 1. .I stap-stop-server does not verify that the server actually shuts down. .PP The .I stap-client program is analagous to the .I stap front end except that it attempts to find a compatible systemtap server on the local network and then attempts to use that server for actions related to passes 1 through 4. Pass 5 actions, if requested, are performed on the localhost using .I staprun . Upon successful completion, the exit code is 0. Otherwise the exit code is 1. .SH OPTIONS The .I stap-find-servers program supports the following option. Any other option is ignored. .TP .B \--all Instructs .I stap-find-servers to report all systemtap servers on the local network regardless of compatibility. The default behavior is to report only servers which are compatible with systemtap on the local host. .SH ARGUMENTS The .I stap-stop-server program requires a process id argument which identifies the server to be stopped. .PP The .I stap-client program accepts the same arguments and options as the .I stap front end. .SH EXAMPLES See the .IR stapex (5) manual page for a collection of sample scripts. .PP Here is a very basic example of how to use .I stap-client. .PP To find out if a compatible systemtap server is running on your local network .PP \& $ stap-find-servers .PP If no servers are reported, you can start one using .PP \& $ stap-start-server .PP You could also have accomplished both of the previous two steps using .PP \& $ stap-find-or-start-server .PP To compile and execute a simple example using the server .PP \& $ stap-client \-e \[aq]probe begin { printf("Hello World!\\n"); exit() }\[aq] .br \& Hello World! .PP If a process id was echoed by .I stap-start-server or .I stap-find-or-start-server then you can stop the server using .PP \& $ stap-stop-server PID .PP where PID is the process id that was echoed. .SH SAFETY AND SECURITY Systemtap is an administrative tool. It exposes kernel internal data structures and potentially private user information. See the .IR stap (1) manual page for additional information on safety and security. .PP The systemtap server and its related utilities are prototypes only. NO NETWORK SECURITY OF ANY KIND IS CURRENTLY PROVIDED. These programs should only be used among trusted hosts on a trusted network. .SH SEE ALSO .IR stap (1), .IR staprun (8), .IR stapprobes (5), .IR stapfuncs (5), .IR stapex (5), .SH BUGS Use the Bugzilla link off of the project web page or our mailing list. .nh .BR http://sources.redhat.com/systemtap/ ", " . .hy