/** @file TODO @brief To-Do List ***** STPD ***** @todo stpd needs an option to disable ANSI colors. @todo stpd needs to be able to write netlink REALTIME_DATA to a file. @todo stpd/stp/io.c stpd needs better startup/shutdown integration with io.c in runtime. Shutdown works, but isn't very clean. Currently the stp script loads the module, then starts stpd. Data is lost until stpd is active. Maybe stpd needs to load the module. Maybe it needs to signal the module that stpd is ready and the module can proceed to load the probes. @todo stpd/stp - What if there are multiple probes running? @todo stpd/stp - Need something to post-process relayfs files and integrate into a single file. @todo stpd - Implement command that runtime can send to stpd to tell it to fork a specified program and pass the output from the probe module to it. Create example probe to use it. ***** relayfs ***** @todo relayfs/build - figure out how to get rid of the linker warnings when building probes. ***** runtime ***** @todo runtime - Clean up #defines. Need to have a clearer way to have the probe writer (translator) see which defines affect what and all defines should have reasonable defaults. @todo runtime - current.c - implement a memory dump function. Does a hex dump into String or print buffer. @todo runtime - put wrappers around current task struct entries, like pid, ppid, comm, etc. @todo runtime - Implement stack functions for kprobes (not just jprobes) */