// systemtap grapher // Copyright (C) 2009 Red Hat Inc. // // This file is part of systemtap, and is free software. You can // redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General // Public License (GPL); either version 2, or (at your option) any // later version. #include #include #include #include #include #define __STDC_LIMIT_MACROS #include #include #include #include #include "../config.h" #include "GraphWidget.hxx" #include "CairoWidget.hxx" namespace systemtap { using namespace std; using namespace std::tr1; GraphWidget::GraphWidget() : _trackingDrag(false), _width(600), _height(200), _mouseX(0.0), _mouseY(0.0), _globalTimeBase(0), _timeBaseInitialized(false) { add_events(Gdk::POINTER_MOTION_MASK | Gdk::BUTTON_PRESS_MASK | Gdk::BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK | Gdk::SCROLL_MASK); Glib::signal_timeout() .connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &GraphWidget::on_timeout), 1000); signal_expose_event() .connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &GraphWidget::on_expose_event), false); signal_button_press_event() .connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &GraphWidget::on_button_press_event), false); signal_button_release_event() .connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &GraphWidget::on_button_release_event), false); signal_motion_notify_event() .connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &GraphWidget::on_motion_notify_event), false); signal_scroll_event() .connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &GraphWidget::on_scroll_event), false); // Temporary testing of multiple graphs shared_ptr graph(new Graph); _graphs.push_back(graph); try { _refXmlDataDialog = Gnome::Glade::Xml::create(PKGDATADIR "/graph-dialog.glade"); _refXmlDataDialog->get_widget("dialog1", _dataDialog); Gtk::Button* button = 0; _refXmlDataDialog->get_widget("closebutton1", button); button->signal_clicked() .connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &GraphWidget::onDataDialogCancel), false); _refXmlDataDialog->get_widget("treeview1", _dataTreeView); _dataDialog->signal_show() .connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &GraphWidget::onDataDialogOpen)); _dataDialog->signal_hide() .connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &GraphWidget::onDataDialogClose)); _listStore = Gtk::ListStore::create(_dataColumns); _dataTreeView->set_model(_listStore); _dataTreeView->append_column_editable("Enabled", _dataColumns._dataEnabled); _dataTreeView->append_column("Data", _dataColumns._dataName); _dataTreeView->append_column("Title", _dataColumns._dataTitle); // Disable selection in list Glib::RefPtr listSelection = _dataTreeView->get_selection(); listSelection ->set_select_function(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &GraphWidget::no_select_fun)); _refXmlDataDialog->get_widget("checkbutton1", _relativeTimesButton); _relativeTimesButton->signal_clicked() .connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &GraphWidget::onRelativeTimesButtonClicked)); // Set button's initial value from that in .glade file _displayRelativeTimes = _relativeTimesButton->get_active(); } catch (const Gnome::Glade::XmlError& ex ) { std::cerr << ex.what() << std::endl; throw; } } GraphWidget::~GraphWidget() { } void GraphWidget::addGraphData(shared_ptr data) { _graphs.back()->addGraphData(data); _graphData.push_back(data); } void GraphWidget::addGraph() { double x = 0.0; double y = 0.0; if (!_graphs.empty()) { _graphs.back()->getOrigin(x, y); y += _graphs.back()->_height + 10; } shared_ptr graph(new Graph(x, y)); _height = y + graph->_height; graph->setOrigin(x, y); graph->_timeBase = _globalTimeBase; _graphs.push_back(graph); queue_resize(); } bool GraphWidget::on_expose_event(GdkEventExpose* event) { // This is where we draw on the window Glib::RefPtr window = get_window(); if(!window) return true; Cairo::RefPtr cr = window->create_cairo_context(); cr->save(); cr->set_source_rgba(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); cr->paint(); if (!_timeBaseInitialized && !_graphData.empty()) { int64_t earliest = INT64_MAX; for (GraphDataList::iterator gd = _graphData.begin(), end = _graphData.end(); gd != end; ++gd) { if (!(*gd)->times.empty() && (*gd)->times[0] < earliest) earliest = (*gd)->times[0]; } if (earliest != INT64_MAX) { _globalTimeBase = earliest; _timeBaseInitialized = true; } } for (GraphList::iterator g = _graphs.begin(); g != _graphs.end(); ++g) { if (_displayRelativeTimes && _timeBaseInitialized) (*g)->_timeBase = _globalTimeBase; else (*g)->_timeBase = 0.0; double x, y; (*g)->getOrigin(x, y); cr->save(); cr->translate(x, y); (*g)->draw(cr); cr->restore(); } if (_hoverText && _hoverText->isVisible()) _hoverText->draw(cr); cr->restore(); return true; } bool GraphWidget::on_button_press_event(GdkEventButton* event) { shared_ptr g = getGraphUnderPoint(event->x, event->y); if (g) { _activeGraph = g; if (event->button == 3) { _dataDialog->show(); return true; } } if (!_activeGraph) return true; double activeX, activeY; _activeGraph->getOrigin(activeX, activeY); if (!_activeGraph->_autoScrolling && _activeGraph->_playButton->containsPoint(event->x - activeX, event->y - activeY)) { _activeGraph->_autoScaling = true; _activeGraph->_autoScrolling = true; queue_draw(); } else { _trackingDrag = true; _activeGraph->_autoScaling = false; _activeGraph->_autoScrolling = false; _dragOriginX = event->x; _dragOriginY = event->y; _dragOrigLeft = _activeGraph->_left; _dragOrigRight = _activeGraph->_right; establishHoverTimeout(); } return true; } bool GraphWidget::on_button_release_event(GdkEventButton* event) { // Was data dialog launched? if (event->button != 3) { _activeGraph.reset(); _trackingDrag = false; } return true; } bool GraphWidget::on_motion_notify_event(GdkEventMotion* event) { Glib::RefPtr win = get_window(); if(!win) return true; _mouseX = event->x; _mouseY = event->y; if (_trackingDrag && _activeGraph) { Gtk::Allocation allocation = get_allocation(); const int width = allocation.get_width(); double motion = (_mouseX - _dragOriginX) / (double) width; double increment = motion * (_dragOrigLeft - _dragOrigRight); _activeGraph->_left = _dragOrigLeft + increment; _activeGraph->_right = _dragOrigRight + increment; queue_draw(); } if (_hoverText && _hoverText->isVisible()) { _hoverText->setVisible(false); queue_draw(); } establishHoverTimeout(); return true; } bool GraphWidget::on_scroll_event(GdkEventScroll* event) { for (GraphList::iterator gitr = _graphs.begin(); gitr != _graphs.end(); ++gitr) { if ((*gitr)->containsPoint(event->x, event->y)) { if (event->direction == GDK_SCROLL_UP) (*gitr)->_zoomFactor += .1; else if (event->direction == GDK_SCROLL_DOWN) (*gitr)->_zoomFactor -= .1; queue_draw(); break; } } return true; } bool GraphWidget::on_timeout() { queue_draw(); return true; } void GraphWidget::on_size_request(Gtk::Requisition* req) { req->width = _width; req->height = _height; } void GraphWidget::onDataDialogCancel() { _dataDialog->hide(); } void GraphWidget::onDataDialogOpen() { _listStore->clear(); for (GraphDataList::iterator itr = _graphData.begin(), end = _graphData.end(); itr != end; ++itr) { Gtk::TreeModel::iterator litr = _listStore->append(); Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *litr; row[_dataColumns._dataName] = (*itr)->name; if (!(*itr)->title.empty()) row[_dataColumns._dataTitle] = (*itr)->title; row[_dataColumns._graphData] = *itr; Graph::DatasetList& gsets = _activeGraph->getDatasets(); Graph::DatasetList::iterator setItr = find(gsets.begin(), gsets.end(), *itr); row[_dataColumns._dataEnabled] = (setItr != gsets.end()); } _listConnection =_listStore->signal_row_changed() .connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &GraphWidget::onRowChanged)); } void GraphWidget::onDataDialogClose() { if (_listConnection.connected()) _listConnection.disconnect(); } bool GraphWidget::onHoverTimeout() { shared_ptr g = getGraphUnderPoint(_mouseX, _mouseY); if (g && !g->_autoScrolling) { if (!_hoverText) _hoverText = shared_ptr(new CairoTextBox()); _hoverText->setOrigin(_mouseX + 10, _mouseY - 5); Graph::DatasetList& dataSets = g->getDatasets(); for (Graph::DatasetList::reverse_iterator ritr = dataSets.rbegin(), end = dataSets.rend(); ritr != end; ++ritr) { ssize_t index = (*ritr)->style->dataIndexAtPoint(_mouseX, _mouseY, *ritr, g); if (index >= 0) { _hoverText->contents = (*ritr)->name + ": " + (*ritr)->elementAsString(index); _hoverText->setVisible(true); queue_draw(); break; } } } return false; } shared_ptr GraphWidget::getGraphUnderPoint(double x, double y) { for (GraphList::iterator g = _graphs.begin(); g != _graphs.end(); ++g) { if (x >= (*g)->_graphX && x < (*g)->_graphX + (*g)->_graphWidth && y >= (*g)->_graphY && y < (*g)->_graphY + (*g)->_graphHeight) return *g; } return shared_ptr(); } void GraphWidget::establishHoverTimeout() { if (_hover_timeout_connection.connected()) _hover_timeout_connection.disconnect(); _hover_timeout_connection = Glib::signal_timeout() .connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &GraphWidget::onHoverTimeout), 1000); } void GraphWidget::onRelativeTimesButtonClicked() { _displayRelativeTimes = _relativeTimesButton->get_active(); queue_draw(); } void GraphWidget::onRowChanged(const Gtk::TreeModel::Path&, const Gtk::TreeModel::iterator& litr) { Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *litr; bool val = row[_dataColumns._dataEnabled]; shared_ptr data = row[_dataColumns._graphData]; Graph::DatasetList& graphData = _activeGraph->getDatasets(); if (val && find(graphData.begin(), graphData.end(), data) == graphData.end()) { _activeGraph->addGraphData(data); } else if (!val) { graphData.erase(remove(graphData.begin(), graphData.end(), data), graphData.end()); } } }