# ./syscalltimes -h USAGE: syscalltimes [-n pname]... [-p pid]... [-u username]... [-v]... [-t] [-h] -n pname # filter by this process name -p pid # filter by this process ID -u username # filter by this user -t # print totals (default with filters: OFF default without filters: ON) -v # print verbose output during SystemTap module creation -h # print this help text NOTE: This script can take long time to build. Use -v[vv] to monitor the module creation and build process. # ./syscalltimes -n top -n vi Creating and building SystemTap module... Collecting data - type Ctrl-C to print output and exit... Times for process name vi: System Call Count Total ns Avg ns Min ns Max ns access 4 59169 14792 7770 27556 rt_sigprocmask 6 32879 5479 5328 6132 rt_sigaction 22 119127 5414 5291 6293 select 15 1605144751 107009650 7386 1117677549 sysinfo 1 13178 13178 13178 13178 lseek 2 12869 6434 6331 6538 getuid 3 16839 5613 5468 5757 getrlimit 1 5558 5558 5558 5558 munmap 8 103326 12915 9689 19190 getpid 1 5639 5639 5639 5639 unlink 3 143502 47834 20291 97191 arch_prctl 1 6296 6296 6296 6296 chdir 6 58086 9681 7213 16062 getcwd 9 81327 9036 6820 17583 read 28 341507 12196 6007 54806 fcntl 4 23418 5854 5478 6459 sigaltstack 1 5845 5845 5845 5845 mprotect 13 130272 10020 8255 17130 statfs 1 10223 10223 10223 10223 fstat 20 118660 5933 5446 7050 readlink 1 17884 17884 17884 17884 readlinkat 1 7889 7889 7889 7889 socket 2 24932 12466 8090 16842 stat 13 120911 9300 7376 19549 ioctl 19 135172 7114 5504 11711 execve 1 262658 262658 262658 262658 write 15 382744 25516 8391 136359 uname 1 6772 6772 6772 6772 close 30 210468 7015 5478 12543 fchdir 6 34269 5711 5496 6185 open 31 474649 15311 7807 54475 chmod 1 12865 12865 12865 12865 brk 6 48116 8019 5782 10240 lstat 2 15369 7684 7334 8035 connect 2 29287 14643 10616 18671 Times for process name top: System Call Count Total ns Avg ns Min ns Max ns arch_prctl 1 6424 6424 6424 6424 fcntl 97 607311 6260 5170 10873 read 970 12341710 12723 5574 446707 lseek 11 66250 6022 5481 7165 rt_sigaction 71 380049 5352 5255 6374 access 5 66406 13281 8942 24323 select 3 6385526578 2128508859 499261647 2999551597 getdents 21 889837 42373 6386 73490 getuid 1 5494 5494 5494 5494 munmap 15 174255 11617 8872 17670 write 10 2309851 230985 16248 2006254 uname 1 10474 10474 10474 10474 close 932 5749946 6169 5348 21248 ioctl 14 122233 8730 5824 14243 execve 1 261447 261447 261447 261447 brk 4 26527 6631 5493 8285 connect 2 28533 14266 10756 17777 open 934 9289314 9945 8473 30315 mprotect 10 97990 9799 8295 14636 stat 455 3834994 8428 7920 26084 socket 2 21980 10990 8990 12990 fstat 26 150418 5785 5426 7127 alarm 90 536017 5955 5543 11487 # ./syscalltimes -v Creating and building SystemTap module... Pass 1: parsed user script and 42 library script(s) in 200usr/10sys/218real ms. Pass 2: analyzed script: 768 probe(s), 15 function(s), 15 embed(s), 13 global(s) in 35870usr/140sys/36036real ms. Pass 3: using cached /root/.systemtap/cache/d5/stap_d5fcd430388d4f4a30f63d03aaa3eb80_392196.c Pass 4: using cached /root/.systemtap/cache/d5/stap_d5fcd430388d4f4a30f63d03aaa3eb80_392196.ko Pass 5: starting run. Collecting data - type Ctrl-C to print output and exit... Times for all processes (unfiltered): System Call Count Total ns Avg ns Min ns Max ns writev 681 6526983 9584 6807 18709 write 421 4367057 10373 6424 52077 uname 15 98071 6538 6336 6787 close 459 9528659 20759 5265 1346856 inotify_add_watch 17 164258 9662 8000 17280 ioctl 1205 28994711 24062 5211 2928218 execve 12 2148953 179079 10195 280392 brk 309 2400150 7767 5383 23454 lstat 5 43864 8772 7938 10426 connect 24 352784 14699 10679 25868 getppid 12 71219 5934 5812 6123 wait4 24 20952033 873001 5664 3387688 open 377 22181286 58836 8819 3011655 dup2 18 109197 6066 5865 6403 bind 3 25322 8440 8263 8759 poll 1034 36509105361 35308612 5499 1999784046 getgid 12 65851 5487 5335 5667 compat_execve 12 3012173 251014 182782 472356 mprotect 150 1434021 9560 7854 13812 gettimeofday 10 60416 6041 5238 7429 recvmsg 9 116065 12896 6889 37388 readlink 12 638216 53184 46337 64203 readlinkat 12 530499 44208 37794 55136 stat 140 1244798 8891 6702 17331 socket 39 435318 11162 7642 16694 getsockname 3 18899 6299 6198 6443 statfs 6 62737 10456 10311 10671 fstat 238 1400126 5882 5502 12739 geteuid 12 73475 6122 5248 14048 readv 27 349998 12962 7150 21210 arch_prctl 21 135320 6443 6231 6832 nanosleep 28 8927802107 318850075 150954837 2001911237 futex 595 8755563465 14715232 5431 1000945645 read 2586 5154654212 1993292 5622 4985306501 getpgrp 12 67137 5594 5469 5740 fcntl 51 289553 5677 5353 6835 pipe 12 122220 10185 8771 13959 setitimer 159 1004756 6319 5551 8776 lseek 4 24304 6076 5900 6253 mmap2 19 182403 9600 7496 13574 access 105 1220874 11627 8077 33600 rt_sigreturn 93 665180 7152 5541 8265 rt_sigaction 171 967575 5658 5278 18684 rt_sigprocmask 132 760337 5760 5273 14170 clock_gettime 151 997395 6605 5275 9090 pread 192 2387721 12436 5679 43553 select 925 24357064459 26331961 6669 2861600879 getegid 12 63624 5302 5200 5466 getpid 12 66761 5563 5348 5701 getuid 12 67112 5592 5483 5790 sendto 3 54766 18255 17541 19501 munmap 116 1432698 12350 8634 48526 getdents 6 57855 9642 6248 13313 times 10 59281 5928 5514 6617 ppoll 24 4799366329 199973597 199872030 200070128 Pass 5: run completed in 20usr/90sys/8215real ms.