#!/bin/bash # Instead of running the original makefile to build the document, run this script instead echo -n "Please specify your build target (e.g. html, pdf, or html-single) " read TARG echo -n "Please specify the product you are building for (enter 1 for Fedora, 2 for RHEL) " read PROD echo -n "Please specify any build parameters you'd like to use (skip this step for none). " read PARM if [ $PROD = 1 ]; then sed -i -e 's/Red Hat Enterprise Linux/Fedora/g' en-US/Book_Info.xml; sed -i -e 's/5/10/g' en-US/Book_Info.xml; sed -i -e 's/BRAND = RedHat/BRAND = fedora/g' Makefile; make $PARM $TARG-en-US post else sed -i -e 's/BRAND = fedora/BRAND = RedHat/g' Makefile; make post $PARM $TARG-en-US fi echo "done." echo "Cleaning sync'd files..." make post echo "...done."