$CUSTOM_TITLES = 1; $CUSTOM_TITLES_LENGTH = 6; # modified version of make_long_title # does not include the section number in the title (name) of the file sub custom_title_hook { local($_)= @_; local($num_words) = $CUSTOM_TITLES_LENGTH; #RRM: scan twice for short words, due to the $4 overlap # Cannot use \b , else words break at accented letters $_ =~ s/(^|\s)\s*($GENERIC_WORDS)(\'|(\s))/$4/ig; $_ =~ s/(^|\s)\s*($GENERIC_WORDS)(\'|(\s))/$4/ig; #remove leading numbering, unless that's all there is. local($sec_num); if (!(/^\d+(\.\d*)*\s*$/)&&(s/^\s*(\d+(\.\d*)*)\s*/$sec_num=$1;''/e)) { $num_words-- }; &remove_markers; s/<[^>]*>//g; #remove tags #revert entities, etc. to TeX-form... s/([\200-\377])/"\&#".ord($1).";"/eg; $_ = &revert_to_raw_tex($_); # get $LONG_TITLES number of words from what remains $_ = &get_first_words($_, $num_words) if ($num_words); # ...and cleanup accents, spaces and punctuation $_ = join('', (0 ? $sec_num : ''), $_); s/\\\W\{?|\}//g; s/\s/_/g; s/\W/_/g; s/__+/_/g; s/_+$//; $_; }