diff options
2 files changed, 113 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/SystemTap_Beginners_Guide/en-US/Useful_Scripts-ioblktime.xml b/doc/SystemTap_Beginners_Guide/en-US/Useful_Scripts-ioblktime.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e586d81a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/SystemTap_Beginners_Guide/en-US/Useful_Scripts-ioblktime.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+<?xml version='1.0'?>
+<!DOCTYPE section PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN" "" [
+ <section id="ioblktimesect">
+ <title>Periodically Print I/O Block Time</title>
+<primary>script examples</primary>
+<secondary>monitoring I/O block time</secondary>
+<primary>examples of SystemTap scripts</primary>
+<secondary>monitoring I/O block time</secondary>
+<primary>monitoring I/O block time</primary>
+<secondary>examples of SystemTap scripts</secondary>
+<primary>I/O block time, monitoring</primary>
+<secondary>examples of SystemTap scripts</secondary>
+<primary>printing I/O block time (periodically)</primary>
+<secondary>examples of SystemTap scripts</secondary>
+ <para>
+ This section describes how to track the amount of time each block I/O requests spends
+ waiting for completion. This is useful in determining whether there are too many
+ outstanding block I/O operations at any given time.
+ </para>
+<formalpara id="ioblktime">
+ <title>ioblktime.stp</title>
+<xi:include parse="text" href="extras/testsuite/systemtap.examples/io/ioblktime.stp" xmlns:xi="" />
+<!-- <remark>what does $count do, specifically?</remark> -->
+ <xref linkend="ioblktime"/> computes the average waiting time for block I/O per device,
+ and prints a list every 10 seconds. As always, you can revise this refresh rate by
+ editing the specified value in <command>probe timer.s(10), end {</command>.
+ In some cases, there can be too many outstanding block
+ I/O operations, at which point the script can exceed the default number of
+ <command>MAXMAPENTRIES</command>. <command>MAXMAPENTRIES</command> is the maximum number of
+ rows in an array if the array size is not specified explicitly when declared. If the script
+ exceeds the default <command>MAXMAPENTRIES</command> value of 2048, run the script again with
+ the <command>stap</command> option <command>-DMAXMAPENTRIES=10000</command>.
+<example id="ioblktimeoutput">
+ <title><xref linkend="ioblktime"/> Sample Output</title>
+ device rw total (us) count avg (us)
+ sda W 9659 6 1609
+ dm-0 W 20278 6 3379
+ dm-0 R 20524 5 4104
+ sda R 19277 5 3855
+ <xref linkend="ioblktimeoutput"/> displays the device name, operations performed
+ (<command>rw</command>), total wait time of all operations (<command>total(us)</command>),
+ number of operations (<command>count</command>), and average
+ wait time for all those operations (<command>avg (us)</command>). The times tallied by the
+ script are in microseconds.
+global reads, writes, total_io
+probe kernel.function("vfs_read") {
+reads[execname()] += $count
+probe kernel.function("vfs_write") {
+writes[execname()] += $count
+# print top 10 IO processes every 5 seconds
+probe timer.s(5) {
+foreach (name in writes)
+total_io[name] += writes[name]
+foreach (name in reads)
+total_io[name] += reads[name]
+printf ("%16s\t%10s\t%10s\n", "Process", "KB Read", "KB Written")
+foreach (name in total_io- limit 10)
+printf("%16s\t%10d\t%10d\n", name,
+reads[name]/1024, writes[name]/1024)
+delete reads
+delete writes
+delete total_io
+</section> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/SystemTap_Beginners_Guide/en-US/Useful_SystemTap_Scripts.xml b/doc/SystemTap_Beginners_Guide/en-US/Useful_SystemTap_Scripts.xml
index 80e68770..4d999b53 100644
--- a/doc/SystemTap_Beginners_Guide/en-US/Useful_SystemTap_Scripts.xml
+++ b/doc/SystemTap_Beginners_Guide/en-US/Useful_SystemTap_Scripts.xml
@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@
<!-- <xi:include href="Useful_Scripts-Kernel.xml" xmlns:xi="" /> -->
<xi:include href="Useful_Scripts-inodewatch.xml" xmlns:xi="" />
<xi:include href="Useful_Scripts-inodewatch2.xml" xmlns:xi="" />
+ <xi:include condition="fedora" href="Useful_Scripts-ioblktime.xml" xmlns:xi="" />
<section id="mainsect-profiling">
@@ -71,6 +72,7 @@
<!-- removed; handler function no longer working as expected
<xi:include href="Useful_Scripts-kernelprofiling.xml" xmlns:xi="" /> -->
<xi:include href="Useful_Scripts-futexes.xml" xmlns:xi="" />
<!-- <xi:include href="Useful_Scripts-Network.xml" xmlns:xi="" />