rem @(#)build.bat 1.1 98/10/26 Connectathon Testsuite @echo off rem Cthon Test Suite NMAKE Build Script for Microsoft Visual C++ 1.5 rem The Cthon Test Suite can not be build reliably with Microsoft rem Visual C++ Workbench. This is due to Workbench rebuilding the rem dependency files if the source is moved from one location to rem another. When this occurs the Unix format pathnames for the rem Unix include files are added into the makefile and when the rem compiler runs it complains it can not find the files. So this rem script was created to run NMAKE with the makefiles instead. rem This requires that the PATH, LIB and INCLUDE environment rem variables be set up correctly, or their location passed as rem parameter %1 to this script. set LIB=%LIB%;%1\LIB set INCLUDE=%INCLUDE%;%1\INCLUDE set PATH=%PATH%;%1\BIN NMAKE TEST1.MAK NMAKE TEST2.MAK NMAKE TEST3.MAK NMAKE TEST4.MAK NMAKE TEST5.MAK NMAKE TEST6.MAK NMAKE TEST7.MAK NMAKE TEST8.MAK NMAKE TEST9.MAK NMAKE TEST4a.MAK NMAKE TEST5a.MAK NMAKE TEST5b.MAK NMAKE TEST7a.MAK NMAKE TEST7b.MAK