package org.apache.maven.artifact.repository; import; import; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import org.w3c.dom.*; public class MavenJPackageDepmap { private static class ArtifactDefinition { String groupId = null; String artifactId = null; String version = null; } private static MavenJPackageDepmap instance; private static Hashtable jppArtifactMap; private MavenJPackageDepmap() { jppArtifactMap = new Hashtable(); buildJppArtifactMap(); } public static MavenJPackageDepmap getInstance() { if (instance == null) { instance = new MavenJPackageDepmap(); } return instance; } public Hashtable getMappedInfo( Hashtable mavenDep) { return getMappedInfo((String) mavenDep.get("group"), (String) mavenDep.get("artifact"), (String) mavenDep.get("version")); } public Hashtable getMappedInfo(String groupId, String artifactId, String version) { Hashtable jppDep; String idToCheck, jppCombination; if (System.getProperty("maven2.ignore.versions") == null && System.getProperty("maven2.jpp.mode") == null) { idToCheck = groupId + "," + artifactId + "," + version; } else { idToCheck = groupId + "," + artifactId; } jppCombination = (String) jppArtifactMap.get(idToCheck); // System.err.println("*** " + groupId+","+artifactId+","+version + // " => " + jppCombination); jppDep = new Hashtable(); if (jppCombination != null && jppCombination != "") { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(jppCombination, ","); jppDep.put("group", st.nextToken()); jppDep.put("artifact", st.nextToken()); jppDep.put("version", st.nextToken()); } else { jppDep.put("group", groupId); jppDep.put("artifact", artifactId); jppDep.put("version", version); } return jppDep; } /** * Returns whether or not the given dependency should be dropped. */ public boolean shouldEliminate(String groupId, String artifactId, String version) { String idToCheck; if (System.getProperty("maven2.ignore.versions") == null && System.getProperty("maven2.jpp.mode") == null) { idToCheck = groupId + "," + artifactId + "," + version; } else { idToCheck = groupId + "," + artifactId; } return jppArtifactMap.get(idToCheck) != null && jppArtifactMap.get(idToCheck).equals(""); } private static void buildJppArtifactMap() { if (System.getProperty("maven2.ignore.versions") != null || System.getProperty("maven2.jpp.mode") != null) { debug("Processing file: /usr/share/java-utils/xml/maven2-versionless-depmap.xml"); processDepmapFile("/etc/maven/maven2-versionless-depmap.xml"); } debug("Processing file: /usr/share/java-utils/xml/maven2-depmap.xml"); processDepmapFile("/etc/maven/maven2-depmap.xml"); String customFileName = System.getProperty("maven2.jpp.depmap.file", null); if (customFileName != null) { debug("Processing file: " + customFileName); processDepmapFile(customFileName); } } private static void processDepmapFile(String fileName) { Document mapDocument; debug("Loading depmap file: " + fileName); try { DocumentBuilderFactory fact = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); fact.setNamespaceAware(true); DocumentBuilder builder = fact.newDocumentBuilder(); mapDocument = builder.parse(fileName); } catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) { System.err.println("ERROR: Unable to find map file: " + fileName); fnfe.printStackTrace(); return; } catch (IOException ioe) { System.err .println("ERROR: I/O exception occured when opening map file"); ioe.printStackTrace(); return; } catch (ParserConfigurationException pce) { System.err .println("ERROR: Parsing of depmap file failed - configuration"); pce.printStackTrace(); return; } catch (SAXException se) { System.err.println("ERROR: Parsing of depmap file failed"); se.printStackTrace(); return; } NodeList depNodes = (NodeList) mapDocument .getElementsByTagName("dependency"); for (int i = 0; i < depNodes.getLength(); i++) { Element depNode = (Element) depNodes.item(i); NodeList mavenNodeList = (NodeList) depNode .getElementsByTagName("maven"); if (mavenNodeList.getLength() != 1) { debug("Number of maven sub-elements is not 1. Bailing from depmap generation"); debug("Maven node: " + depNode.getTextContent()); return; } ArtifactDefinition mavenAD = getArtifactDefinition((Element) mavenNodeList .item(0)); ArtifactDefinition jppAD = null; NodeList jppNodeList = (NodeList) depNode .getElementsByTagName("jpp"); if (jppNodeList.getLength() == 1) { jppAD = getArtifactDefinition((Element) jppNodeList.item(0)); if (System.getProperty("maven2.ignore.versions") == null && System.getProperty("maven2.jpp.mode") == null) { debug("*** Adding: " + mavenAD.groupId + "," + mavenAD.artifactId + "," + mavenAD.version + " => " + jppAD.groupId + "," + jppAD.artifactId + "," + jppAD.version + " to map..."); jppArtifactMap.put(mavenAD.groupId + "," + mavenAD.artifactId + "," + mavenAD.version, jppAD.groupId + "," + jppAD.artifactId + "," + jppAD.version); } else { debug("*** Adding: " + mavenAD.groupId + "," + mavenAD.artifactId + " => " + jppAD.groupId + "," + jppAD.artifactId + "," + jppAD.version + " to map..."); jppArtifactMap.put(mavenAD.groupId + "," + mavenAD.artifactId, jppAD.groupId + "," + jppAD.artifactId + "," + jppAD.version); } } else { debug("Number of jpp sub-elements is not 1. Dropping dependency"); debug("*** Adding: " + mavenAD.groupId + "," + mavenAD.artifactId + "," + " => " + "JPP/maven2,empty-dep," + mavenAD.version + " to map..."); jppArtifactMap.put(mavenAD.groupId + "," + mavenAD.artifactId, "JPP/maven2,empty-dep," + mavenAD.version); } } } private static ArtifactDefinition getArtifactDefinition(Element element) { ArtifactDefinition ad = new ArtifactDefinition(); NodeList nodes = element.getElementsByTagName("groupId"); if (nodes.getLength() != 1) { debug("groupId definition not found in depmap"); return null; } ad.groupId = nodes.item(0).getTextContent(); nodes = element.getElementsByTagName("artifactId"); if (nodes.getLength() != 1) { debug("artifactId definition not found in depmap"); return null; } ad.artifactId = nodes.item(0).getTextContent(); nodes = element.getElementsByTagName("version"); if (nodes.getLength() != 1) { ad.version = "DUMMY_VER"; } else { ad.version = nodes.item(0).getTextContent(); } return ad; } public static void debug(String msg) { if (System.getProperty("maven2.jpp.debug") != null) System.err.println(msg); } }