# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 # Copyright 2012 Cloudbase Solutions Srl # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """ Management class for basic VM operations. """ import multiprocessing import os import platform import uuid from nova import db from nova import exception from nova import flags from nova.openstack.common import cfg from nova.openstack.common import log as logging from nova import utils from nova.virt.hyperv import baseops from nova.virt.hyperv import constants from nova.virt.hyperv import vmutils LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) hyperv_opts = [ cfg.StrOpt('vswitch_name', default=None, help='Default vSwitch Name, ' 'if none provided first external is used'), cfg.BoolOpt('limit_cpu_features', default=False, help='required for live migration among ' 'hosts with different CPU features') ] FLAGS = flags.FLAGS FLAGS.register_opts(hyperv_opts) class VMOps(baseops.BaseOps): def __init__(self, volumeops): super(VMOps, self).__init__() self._vmutils = vmutils.VMUtils() self._volumeops = volumeops def list_instances(self): """ Return the names of all the instances known to Hyper-V. """ vms = [v.ElementName for v in self._conn.Msvm_ComputerSystem(['ElementName'], Caption="Virtual Machine")] return vms def get_info(self, instance): """Get information about the VM""" LOG.debug(_("get_info called for instance"), instance=instance) instance_name = instance["name"] return self._get_info(instance_name) def _get_info(self, instance_name): vm = self._vmutils.lookup(self._conn, instance_name) if vm is None: raise exception.InstanceNotFound(instance=instance_name) vm = self._conn.Msvm_ComputerSystem( ElementName=instance_name)[0] vs_man_svc = self._conn.Msvm_VirtualSystemManagementService()[0] vmsettings = vm.associators( wmi_association_class='Msvm_SettingsDefineState', wmi_result_class='Msvm_VirtualSystemSettingData') settings_paths = [v.path_() for v in vmsettings] #See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc160706%28VS.85%29.aspx summary_info = vs_man_svc.GetSummaryInformation( [constants.VM_SUMMARY_NUM_PROCS, constants.VM_SUMMARY_ENABLED_STATE, constants.VM_SUMMARY_MEMORY_USAGE, constants.VM_SUMMARY_UPTIME], settings_paths)[1] info = summary_info[0] LOG.debug(_("hyperv vm state: %s"), info.EnabledState) state = str(constants.HYPERV_POWER_STATE[info.EnabledState]) memusage = str(info.MemoryUsage) numprocs = str(info.NumberOfProcessors) uptime = str(info.UpTime) LOG.debug(_("Got Info for vm %(instance_name)s: state=%(state)s," " mem=%(memusage)s, num_cpu=%(numprocs)s," " uptime=%(uptime)s"), locals()) return {'state': state, 'max_mem': info.MemoryUsage, 'mem': info.MemoryUsage, 'num_cpu': info.NumberOfProcessors, 'cpu_time': info.UpTime} def spawn(self, context, instance, image_meta, network_info, block_device_info=None): """ Create a new VM and start it.""" instance_name = instance["name"] vm = self._vmutils.lookup(self._conn, instance_name) if vm is not None: raise exception.InstanceExists(name=instance_name) ebs_root = self._volumeops.volume_in_mapping( self._volumeops.get_default_root_device(), block_device_info) #If is not a boot from volume spawn if not (ebs_root): #Fetch the file, assume it is a VHD file. vhdfile = self._vmutils.get_vhd_path(instance_name) try: self._cache_image(fn=self._vmutils.fetch_image, context=context, target=vhdfile, fname=instance['image_ref'], image_id=instance['image_ref'], user=instance['user_id'], project=instance['project_id'], cow=FLAGS.use_cow_images) except Exception as exn: LOG.exception(_('cache image failed: %s'), exn) self.destroy(instance) try: self._create_vm(instance) if not ebs_root: self._create_disk(instance['name'], vhdfile) else: self._volumeops.attach_boot_volume(block_device_info, instance_name) #A SCSI controller for volumes connection is created self._create_scsi_controller(instance['name']) for vif in network_info: mac_address = vif['address'].replace(':', '') self._create_nic(instance['name'], mac_address) LOG.debug(_('Starting VM %s '), instance_name) self._set_vm_state(instance['name'], 'Enabled') LOG.info(_('Started VM %s '), instance_name) except Exception as exn: LOG.exception(_('spawn vm failed: %s'), exn) self.destroy(instance) raise exn def _create_vm(self, instance): """Create a VM but don't start it. """ instance_name = instance["name"] vs_man_svc = self._conn.Msvm_VirtualSystemManagementService()[0] vs_gs_data = self._conn.Msvm_VirtualSystemGlobalSettingData.new() vs_gs_data.ElementName = instance_name (job, ret_val) = vs_man_svc.DefineVirtualSystem( [], None, vs_gs_data.GetText_(1))[1:] if ret_val == constants.WMI_JOB_STATUS_STARTED: success = self._vmutils.check_job_status(job) else: success = (ret_val == 0) if not success: raise vmutils.HyperVException(_('Failed to create VM %s') % instance_name) LOG.debug(_('Created VM %s...'), instance_name) vm = self._conn.Msvm_ComputerSystem(ElementName=instance_name)[0] vmsettings = vm.associators( wmi_result_class='Msvm_VirtualSystemSettingData') vmsetting = [s for s in vmsettings if s.SettingType == 3][0] # avoid snapshots memsetting = vmsetting.associators( wmi_result_class='Msvm_MemorySettingData')[0] #No Dynamic Memory, so reservation, limit and quantity are identical. mem = long(str(instance['memory_mb'])) memsetting.VirtualQuantity = mem memsetting.Reservation = mem memsetting.Limit = mem (job, ret_val) = vs_man_svc.ModifyVirtualSystemResources( vm.path_(), [memsetting.GetText_(1)]) LOG.debug(_('Set memory for vm %s...'), instance_name) procsetting = vmsetting.associators( wmi_result_class='Msvm_ProcessorSettingData')[0] vcpus = long(instance['vcpus']) procsetting.VirtualQuantity = vcpus procsetting.Reservation = vcpus procsetting.Limit = 100000 # static assignment to 100% if FLAGS.limit_cpu_features: procsetting.LimitProcessorFeatures = True (job, ret_val) = vs_man_svc.ModifyVirtualSystemResources( vm.path_(), [procsetting.GetText_(1)]) LOG.debug(_('Set vcpus for vm %s...'), instance_name) def _create_scsi_controller(self, vm_name): """ Create an iscsi controller ready to mount volumes """ LOG.debug(_('Creating a scsi controller for %(vm_name)s for volume ' 'attaching') % locals()) vms = self._conn.MSVM_ComputerSystem(ElementName=vm_name) vm = vms[0] scsicontrldefault = self._conn.query( "SELECT * FROM Msvm_ResourceAllocationSettingData \ WHERE ResourceSubType = 'Microsoft Synthetic SCSI Controller'\ AND InstanceID LIKE '%Default%'")[0] if scsicontrldefault is None: raise vmutils.HyperVException(_('Controller not found')) scsicontrl = self._vmutils.clone_wmi_obj(self._conn, 'Msvm_ResourceAllocationSettingData', scsicontrldefault) scsicontrl.VirtualSystemIdentifiers = ['{' + str(uuid.uuid4()) + '}'] scsiresource = self._vmutils.add_virt_resource(self._conn, scsicontrl, vm) if scsiresource is None: raise vmutils.HyperVException( _('Failed to add scsi controller to VM %s') % vm_name) def _create_disk(self, vm_name, vhdfile): """Create a disk and attach it to the vm""" LOG.debug(_('Creating disk for %(vm_name)s by attaching' ' disk file %(vhdfile)s') % locals()) #Find the IDE controller for the vm. vms = self._conn.MSVM_ComputerSystem(ElementName=vm_name) vm = vms[0] vmsettings = vm.associators( wmi_result_class='Msvm_VirtualSystemSettingData') rasds = vmsettings[0].associators( wmi_result_class='MSVM_ResourceAllocationSettingData') ctrller = [r for r in rasds if r.ResourceSubType == 'Microsoft Emulated IDE Controller' and r.Address == "0"] #Find the default disk drive object for the vm and clone it. diskdflt = self._conn.query( "SELECT * FROM Msvm_ResourceAllocationSettingData \ WHERE ResourceSubType LIKE 'Microsoft Synthetic Disk Drive'\ AND InstanceID LIKE '%Default%'")[0] diskdrive = self._vmutils.clone_wmi_obj(self._conn, 'Msvm_ResourceAllocationSettingData', diskdflt) #Set the IDE ctrller as parent. diskdrive.Parent = ctrller[0].path_() diskdrive.Address = 0 #Add the cloned disk drive object to the vm. new_resources = self._vmutils.add_virt_resource(self._conn, diskdrive, vm) if new_resources is None: raise vmutils.HyperVException( _('Failed to add diskdrive to VM %s') % vm_name) diskdrive_path = new_resources[0] LOG.debug(_('New disk drive path is %s'), diskdrive_path) #Find the default VHD disk object. vhddefault = self._conn.query( "SELECT * FROM Msvm_ResourceAllocationSettingData \ WHERE ResourceSubType LIKE 'Microsoft Virtual Hard Disk' AND \ InstanceID LIKE '%Default%' ")[0] #Clone the default and point it to the image file. vhddisk = self._vmutils.clone_wmi_obj(self._conn, 'Msvm_ResourceAllocationSettingData', vhddefault) #Set the new drive as the parent. vhddisk.Parent = diskdrive_path vhddisk.Connection = [vhdfile] #Add the new vhd object as a virtual hard disk to the vm. new_resources = self._vmutils.add_virt_resource(self._conn, vhddisk, vm) if new_resources is None: raise vmutils.HyperVException( _('Failed to add vhd file to VM %s') % vm_name) LOG.info(_('Created disk for %s'), vm_name) def _create_nic(self, vm_name, mac): """Create a (synthetic) nic and attach it to the vm""" LOG.debug(_('Creating nic for %s '), vm_name) #Find the vswitch that is connected to the physical nic. vms = self._conn.Msvm_ComputerSystem(ElementName=vm_name) extswitch = self._find_external_network() if extswitch is None: raise vmutils.HyperVException(_('Cannot find vSwitch')) vm = vms[0] switch_svc = self._conn.Msvm_VirtualSwitchManagementService()[0] #Find the default nic and clone it to create a new nic for the vm. #Use Msvm_SyntheticEthernetPortSettingData for Windows or Linux with #Linux Integration Components installed. syntheticnics_data = self._conn.Msvm_SyntheticEthernetPortSettingData() default_nic_data = [n for n in syntheticnics_data if n.InstanceID.rfind('Default') > 0] new_nic_data = self._vmutils.clone_wmi_obj(self._conn, 'Msvm_SyntheticEthernetPortSettingData', default_nic_data[0]) #Create a port on the vswitch. (new_port, ret_val) = switch_svc.CreateSwitchPort( Name=str(uuid.uuid4()), FriendlyName=vm_name, ScopeOfResidence="", VirtualSwitch=extswitch.path_()) if ret_val != 0: LOG.error(_('Failed creating a port on the external vswitch')) raise vmutils.HyperVException(_('Failed creating port for %s') % vm_name) ext_path = extswitch.path_() LOG.debug(_("Created switch port %(vm_name)s on switch %(ext_path)s") % locals()) #Connect the new nic to the new port. new_nic_data.Connection = [new_port] new_nic_data.ElementName = vm_name + ' nic' new_nic_data.Address = mac new_nic_data.StaticMacAddress = 'True' new_nic_data.VirtualSystemIdentifiers = ['{' + str(uuid.uuid4()) + '}'] #Add the new nic to the vm. new_resources = self._vmutils.add_virt_resource(self._conn, new_nic_data, vm) if new_resources is None: raise vmutils.HyperVException(_('Failed to add nic to VM %s') % vm_name) LOG.info(_("Created nic for %s "), vm_name) def _find_external_network(self): """Find the vswitch that is connected to the physical nic. Assumes only one physical nic on the host """ #If there are no physical nics connected to networks, return. LOG.debug(_("Attempting to bind NIC to %s ") % FLAGS.vswitch_name) if FLAGS.vswitch_name: LOG.debug(_("Attempting to bind NIC to %s ") % FLAGS.vswitch_name) bound = self._conn.Msvm_VirtualSwitch( ElementName=FLAGS.vswitch_name) else: LOG.debug(_("No vSwitch specified, attaching to default")) self._conn.Msvm_ExternalEthernetPort(IsBound='TRUE') if len(bound) == 0: return None if FLAGS.vswitch_name: return self._conn.Msvm_VirtualSwitch( ElementName=FLAGS.vswitch_name)[0]\ .associators(wmi_result_class='Msvm_SwitchPort')[0]\ .associators(wmi_result_class='Msvm_VirtualSwitch')[0] else: return self._conn.Msvm_ExternalEthernetPort(IsBound='TRUE')\ .associators(wmi_result_class='Msvm_SwitchPort')[0]\ .associators(wmi_result_class='Msvm_VirtualSwitch')[0] def reboot(self, instance, network_info, reboot_type): instance_name = instance["name"] """Reboot the specified instance.""" vm = self._vmutils.lookup(self._conn, instance_name) if vm is None: raise exception.InstanceNotFound(instance_id=instance["id"]) self._set_vm_state(instance_name, 'Reboot') def destroy(self, instance, network_info=None, cleanup=True): """Destroy the VM. Also destroy the associated VHD disk files""" instance_name = instance["name"] LOG.debug(_("Got request to destroy vm %s"), instance_name) vm = self._vmutils.lookup(self._conn, instance_name) if vm is None: return vm = self._conn.Msvm_ComputerSystem(ElementName=instance_name)[0] vs_man_svc = self._conn.Msvm_VirtualSystemManagementService()[0] #Stop the VM first. self._set_vm_state(instance_name, 'Disabled') vmsettings = vm.associators( wmi_result_class='Msvm_VirtualSystemSettingData') rasds = vmsettings[0].associators( wmi_result_class='MSVM_ResourceAllocationSettingData') disks = [r for r in rasds if r.ResourceSubType == 'Microsoft Virtual Hard Disk'] disk_files = [] volumes = [r for r in rasds if r.ResourceSubType == 'Microsoft Physical Disk Drive'] volumes_drives_list = [] #collect the volumes information before destroying the VM. for volume in volumes: hostResources = volume.HostResource drive_path = hostResources[0] #Appending the Msvm_Disk path volumes_drives_list.append(drive_path) #Collect disk file information before destroying the VM. for disk in disks: disk_files.extend([c for c in disk.Connection]) #Nuke the VM. Does not destroy disks. (job, ret_val) = vs_man_svc.DestroyVirtualSystem(vm.path_()) if ret_val == constants.WMI_JOB_STATUS_STARTED: success = self._vmutils.check_job_status(job) elif ret_val == 0: success = True if not success: raise vmutils.HyperVException(_('Failed to destroy vm %s') % instance_name) #Disconnect volumes for volume_drive in volumes_drives_list: self._volumeops.disconnect_volume(volume_drive) #Delete associated vhd disk files. for disk in disk_files: vhdfile = self._conn_cimv2.query( "Select * from CIM_DataFile where Name = '" + disk.replace("'", "''") + "'")[0] LOG.debug(_("Del: disk %(vhdfile)s vm %(instance_name)s") % locals()) vhdfile.Delete() def pause(self, instance): """Pause VM instance.""" LOG.debug(_("Pause instance"), instance=instance) self._set_vm_state(instance["name"], 'Paused') def unpause(self, instance): """Unpause paused VM instance.""" LOG.debug(_("Unpause instance"), instance=instance) self._set_vm_state(instance["name"], 'Enabled') def suspend(self, instance): """Suspend the specified instance.""" print instance LOG.debug(_("Suspend instance"), instance=instance) self._set_vm_state(instance["name"], 'Suspended') def resume(self, instance): """Resume the suspended VM instance.""" LOG.debug(_("Resume instance"), instance=instance) self._set_vm_state(instance["name"], 'Enabled') def power_off(self, instance): """Power off the specified instance.""" LOG.debug(_("Power off instance"), instance=instance) self._set_vm_state(instance["name"], 'Disabled') def power_on(self, instance): """Power on the specified instance""" LOG.debug(_("Power on instance"), instance=instance) self._set_vm_state(instance["name"], 'Enabled') def _set_vm_state(self, vm_name, req_state): """Set the desired state of the VM""" vms = self._conn.Msvm_ComputerSystem(ElementName=vm_name) if len(vms) == 0: return False (job, ret_val) = vms[0].RequestStateChange( constants.REQ_POWER_STATE[req_state]) success = False if ret_val == constants.WMI_JOB_STATUS_STARTED: success = self._vmutils.check_job_status(job) elif ret_val == 0: success = True elif ret_val == 32775: #Invalid state for current operation. Typically means it is #already in the state requested success = True if success: LOG.info(_("Successfully changed vm state of %(vm_name)s" " to %(req_state)s") % locals()) else: msg = _("Failed to change vm state of %(vm_name)s" " to %(req_state)s") % locals() LOG.error(msg) raise vmutils.HyperVException(msg) def _get_vcpu_total(self): """Get vcpu number of physical computer. :returns: the number of cpu core. """ # On certain platforms, this will raise a NotImplementedError. try: return multiprocessing.cpu_count() except NotImplementedError: LOG.warn(_("Cannot get the number of cpu, because this " "function is not implemented for this platform. " "This error can be safely ignored for now.")) return 0 def _get_memory_mb_total(self): """Get the total memory size(MB) of physical computer. :returns: the total amount of memory(MB). """ total_kb = self._conn_cimv2.query( "SELECT TotalVisibleMemorySize FROM win32_operatingsystem")[0]\ .TotalVisibleMemorySize total_mb = long(total_kb) / 1024 return total_mb def _get_local_gb_total(self): """Get the total hdd size(GB) of physical computer. :returns: The total amount of HDD(GB). Note that this value shows a partition where NOVA-INST-DIR/instances mounts. """ #TODO(jordanrinke): This binds to C only right now, #need to bind to instance dir total_kb = self._conn_cimv2.query( "SELECT Size FROM win32_logicaldisk WHERE DriveType=3")[0].Size total_gb = long(total_kb) / (1024 ** 3) return total_gb def _get_vcpu_used(self): """ Get vcpu usage number of physical computer. :returns: The total number of vcpu that currently used. """ #TODO(jordanrinke) figure out a way to count assigned VCPUs total_vcpu = 0 return total_vcpu def _get_memory_mb_used(self): """Get the free memory size(MB) of physical computer. :returns: the total usage of memory(MB). """ total_kb = self._conn_cimv2.query( "SELECT FreePhysicalMemory FROM win32_operatingsystem")[0]\ .FreePhysicalMemory total_mb = long(total_kb) / 1024 return total_mb def _get_local_gb_used(self): """Get the free hdd size(GB) of physical computer. :returns: The total usage of HDD(GB). Note that this value shows a partition where NOVA-INST-DIR/instances mounts. """ #TODO(jordanrinke): This binds to C only right now, #need to bind to instance dir total_kb = self._conn_cimv2.query( "SELECT FreeSpace FROM win32_logicaldisk WHERE DriveType=3")[0]\ .FreeSpace total_gb = long(total_kb) / (1024 ** 3) return total_gb def _get_hypervisor_version(self): """Get hypervisor version. :returns: hypervisor version (ex. 12003) """ version = self._conn_cimv2.Win32_OperatingSystem()[0]\ .Version.replace('.', '') LOG.info(_('Windows version: %s ') % version) return version def get_available_resource(self): """Retrieve resource info. This method is called when nova-compute launches, and as part of a periodic task. :returns: dictionary describing resources """ LOG.info(_('get_available_resource called')) # TODO(alexpilotti) implemented cpu_info dic = {'vcpus': self._get_vcpu_total(), 'memory_mb': self._get_memory_mb_total(), 'local_gb': self._get_local_gb_total(), 'vcpus_used': self._get_vcpu_used(), 'memory_mb_used': self._get_memory_mb_used(), 'local_gb_used': self._get_local_gb_used(), 'hypervisor_type': "hyperv", 'hypervisor_version': self._get_hypervisor_version(), 'hypervisor_hostname': platform.node(), 'cpu_info': 'unknown'} return dic def _cache_image(self, fn, target, fname, cow=False, Size=None, *args, **kwargs): """Wrapper for a method that creates an image that caches the image. This wrapper will save the image into a common store and create a copy for use by the hypervisor. The underlying method should specify a kwarg of target representing where the image will be saved. fname is used as the filename of the base image. The filename needs to be unique to a given image. If cow is True, it will make a CoW image instead of a copy. """ @utils.synchronized(fname) def call_if_not_exists(path, fn, *args, **kwargs): if not os.path.exists(path): fn(target=path, *args, **kwargs) if not os.path.exists(target): LOG.debug(_("use_cow_image:%s"), cow) if cow: base = self._vmutils.get_base_vhd_path(fname) call_if_not_exists(base, fn, *args, **kwargs) image_service = self._conn.query( "Select * from Msvm_ImageManagementService")[0] (job, ret_val) = \ image_service.CreateDifferencingVirtualHardDisk( Path=target, ParentPath=base) LOG.debug( "Creating difference disk: JobID=%s, Source=%s, Target=%s", job, base, target) if ret_val == constants.WMI_JOB_STATUS_STARTED: success = self._vmutils.check_job_status(job) else: success = (ret_val == 0) if not success: raise vmutils.HyperVException( _('Failed to create Difference Disk from ' '%(base)s to %(target)s') % locals()) else: call_if_not_exists(target, fn, *args, **kwargs)