# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 # Copyright 2011 Rackspace # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from oslo.config import cfg from nova.compute import api as compute_api from nova.compute import manager as compute_manager import nova.context from nova import db from nova import exception from nova.network import api as network_api from nova.network import manager as network_manager from nova.network import model as network_model from nova.network import nova_ipam_lib from nova.network import rpcapi as network_rpcapi from nova.virt.libvirt import config as libvirt_config HOST = "testhost" CONF = cfg.CONF CONF.import_opt('use_ipv6', 'nova.netconf') class FakeIptablesFirewallDriver(object): def __init__(self, **kwargs): pass def setattr(self, key, val): self.__setattr__(key, val) def apply_instance_filter(self, instance, network_info): pass class FakeVIFDriver(object): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): pass def setattr(self, key, val): self.__setattr__(key, val) def get_config(self, instance, network, mapping, image_meta): conf = libvirt_config.LibvirtConfigGuestInterface() for attr, val in conf.__dict__.iteritems(): if val is None: setattr(conf, attr, 'fake') return conf def plug(self, instance, vif): pass def unplug(self, instance, vif): pass class FakeModel(dict): """Represent a model from the db.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.update(kwargs) def __getattr__(self, name): return self[name] class FakeNetworkManager(network_manager.NetworkManager): """This NetworkManager doesn't call the base class so we can bypass all inherited service cruft and just perform unit tests. """ class FakeDB: vifs = [{'id': 0, 'instance_uuid': '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000010', 'network_id': 1, 'address': 'DC:AD:BE:FF:EF:01'}, {'id': 1, 'instance_uuid': '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000020', 'network_id': 21, 'address': 'DC:AD:BE:FF:EF:02'}, {'id': 2, 'instance_uuid': '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000030', 'network_id': 31, 'address': 'DC:AD:BE:FF:EF:03'}] floating_ips = [dict(address='', fixed_ip_id=100), dict(address='', fixed_ip_id=200), dict(address='', fixed_ip_id=210)] fixed_ips = [dict(id=100, address='', virtual_interface_id=0), dict(id=200, address='', virtual_interface_id=1), dict(id=210, address='', virtual_interface_id=2)] def fixed_ip_get_by_instance(self, context, instance_uuid): return [dict(address=''), dict(address=''), dict(address='')] def network_get_by_cidr(self, context, cidr): raise exception.NetworkNotFoundForCidr(cidr=cidr) def network_create_safe(self, context, net): fakenet = dict(net) fakenet['id'] = 999 return fakenet def network_get(self, context, network_id, project_only="allow_none"): return {'cidr_v6': '2001:db8:69:%x::/64' % network_id} def network_get_by_uuid(self, context, network_uuid): raise exception.NetworkNotFoundForUUID(uuid=network_uuid) def network_get_all(self, context): raise exception.NoNetworksFound() def network_get_all_by_uuids(self, context, project_only="allow_none"): raise exception.NoNetworksFound() def network_disassociate(self, context, network_id): return True def virtual_interface_get_all(self, context): return self.vifs def fixed_ips_by_virtual_interface(self, context, vif_id): return [ip for ip in self.fixed_ips if ip['virtual_interface_id'] == vif_id] def fixed_ip_disassociate(self, context, address): return True def __init__(self): self.db = self.FakeDB() self.deallocate_called = None self.deallocate_fixed_ip_calls = [] self.network_rpcapi = network_rpcapi.NetworkAPI() # TODO(matelakat) method signature should align with the faked one's def deallocate_fixed_ip(self, context, address=None, host=None): self.deallocate_fixed_ip_calls.append((context, address, host)) # TODO(matelakat) use the deallocate_fixed_ip_calls instead self.deallocate_called = address def _create_fixed_ips(self, context, network_id, fixed_cidr=None): pass def get_instance_nw_info(context, instance_id, rxtx_factor, host, instance_uuid=None, **kwargs): pass def fake_network(network_id, ipv6=None): if ipv6 is None: ipv6 = CONF.use_ipv6 fake_network = {'id': network_id, 'uuid': '00000000-0000-0000-0000-00000000000000%02d' % network_id, 'label': 'test%d' % network_id, 'injected': False, 'multi_host': False, 'cidr': '192.168.%d.0/24' % network_id, 'cidr_v6': None, 'netmask': '', 'netmask_v6': None, 'bridge': 'fake_br%d' % network_id, 'bridge_interface': 'fake_eth%d' % network_id, 'gateway': '192.168.%d.1' % network_id, 'gateway_v6': None, 'broadcast': '192.168.%d.255' % network_id, 'dns1': '192.168.%d.3' % network_id, 'dns2': '192.168.%d.4' % network_id, 'dns3': '192.168.%d.3' % network_id, 'vlan': None, 'host': None, 'project_id': 'fake_project', 'vpn_public_address': '192.168.%d.2' % network_id, 'rxtx_base': network_id * 10} if ipv6: fake_network['cidr_v6'] = '2001:db8:0:%x::/64' % network_id fake_network['gateway_v6'] = '2001:db8:0:%x::1' % network_id fake_network['netmask_v6'] = '64' if CONF.flat_injected: fake_network['injected'] = True return fake_network def vifs(n): for x in xrange(1, n + 1): yield {'id': x, 'address': 'DE:AD:BE:EF:00:%02x' % x, 'uuid': '00000000-0000-0000-0000-00000000000000%02d' % x, 'network_id': x, 'instance_id': 0} def floating_ip_ids(): for i in xrange(1, 100): yield i def fixed_ip_ids(): for i in xrange(1, 100): yield i floating_ip_id = floating_ip_ids() fixed_ip_id = fixed_ip_ids() def next_fixed_ip(network_id, num_floating_ips=0): next_id = fixed_ip_id.next() f_ips = [FakeModel(**next_floating_ip(next_id)) for i in xrange(num_floating_ips)] return {'id': next_id, 'network_id': network_id, 'address': '192.168.%d.%03d' % (network_id, (next_id + 99)), 'instance_uuid': 1, 'allocated': False, # and since network_id and vif_id happen to be equivalent 'virtual_interface_id': network_id, 'floating_ips': f_ips} def next_floating_ip(fixed_ip_id): next_id = floating_ip_id.next() return {'id': next_id, 'address': '10.10.10.%03d' % (next_id + 99), 'fixed_ip_id': fixed_ip_id, 'project_id': None, 'auto_assigned': False} def ipv4_like(ip, match_string): ip = ip.split('.') match_octets = match_string.split('.') for i, octet in enumerate(match_octets): if octet == '*': continue if octet != ip[i]: return False return True def fake_get_instance_nw_info(stubs, num_networks=1, ips_per_vif=2, floating_ips_per_fixed_ip=0, spectacular=False): # stubs is the self.stubs from the test # ips_per_vif is the number of ips each vif will have # num_floating_ips is number of float ips for each fixed ip network = network_manager.FlatManager(host=HOST) network.db = db # reset the fixed and floating ip generators global floating_ip_id, fixed_ip_id, fixed_ips floating_ip_id = floating_ip_ids() fixed_ip_id = fixed_ip_ids() fixed_ips = [] networks = [fake_network(x) for x in xrange(1, num_networks + 1)] def fixed_ips_fake(*args, **kwargs): global fixed_ips ips = [next_fixed_ip(i, floating_ips_per_fixed_ip) for i in xrange(1, num_networks + 1) for j in xrange(ips_per_vif)] fixed_ips = ips return ips def floating_ips_fake(context, address): for ip in fixed_ips: if address == ip['address']: return ip['floating_ips'] return [] def fixed_ips_v6_fake(): return ['2001:db8:0:%x::1' % i for i in xrange(1, num_networks + 1)] def virtual_interfaces_fake(*args, **kwargs): return [vif for vif in vifs(num_networks)] def vif_by_uuid_fake(context, uuid): return {'id': 1, 'address': 'DE:AD:BE:EF:00:01', 'uuid': uuid, 'network_id': 1, 'network': None, 'instance_uuid': 0} def network_get_fake(context, network_id, project_only='allow_none'): nets = [n for n in networks if n['id'] == network_id] if not nets: raise exception.NetworkNotFound(network_id=network_id) return nets[0] def update_cache_fake(*args, **kwargs): pass def get_subnets_by_net_id(self, context, project_id, network_uuid, vif_uuid): i = int(network_uuid[-2:]) subnet_v4 = dict( cidr='192.168.%d.0/24' % i, dns1='192.168.%d.3' % i, dns2='192.168.%d.4' % i, gateway='192.168.%d.1' % i) subnet_v6 = dict( cidr='2001:db8:0:%x::/64' % i, gateway='fe80::def') return [subnet_v4, subnet_v6] def get_network_by_uuid(context, uuid): return dict(id=1, cidr_v6='fe80::/64', bridge='br0', label='public') def get_v4_fake(*args, **kwargs): ips = fixed_ips_fake(*args, **kwargs) return [ip['address'] for ip in ips] def get_v6_fake(*args, **kwargs): return fixed_ips_v6_fake() stubs.Set(db, 'fixed_ip_get_by_instance', fixed_ips_fake) stubs.Set(db, 'floating_ip_get_by_fixed_address', floating_ips_fake) stubs.Set(db, 'virtual_interface_get_by_uuid', vif_by_uuid_fake) stubs.Set(db, 'network_get_by_uuid', get_network_by_uuid) stubs.Set(db, 'virtual_interface_get_by_instance', virtual_interfaces_fake) stubs.Set(db, 'network_get', network_get_fake) stubs.Set(db, 'instance_info_cache_update', update_cache_fake) stubs.Set(nova_ipam_lib.QuantumNovaIPAMLib, 'get_subnets_by_net_id', get_subnets_by_net_id) stubs.Set(nova_ipam_lib.QuantumNovaIPAMLib, 'get_v4_ips_by_interface', get_v4_fake) stubs.Set(nova_ipam_lib.QuantumNovaIPAMLib, 'get_v6_ips_by_interface', get_v6_fake) class FakeContext(nova.context.RequestContext): def is_admin(self): return True nw_model = network.get_instance_nw_info( FakeContext('fakeuser', 'fake_project'), 0, 3, None) if spectacular: return nw_model return nw_model.legacy() def stub_out_nw_api_get_instance_nw_info(stubs, func=None, num_networks=1, ips_per_vif=1, floating_ips_per_fixed_ip=0, spectacular=False): def get_instance_nw_info(self, context, instance, conductor_api=None): return fake_get_instance_nw_info(stubs, num_networks=num_networks, ips_per_vif=ips_per_vif, floating_ips_per_fixed_ip=floating_ips_per_fixed_ip, spectacular=spectacular) if func is None: func = get_instance_nw_info stubs.Set(network_api.API, 'get_instance_nw_info', func) _real_functions = {} def set_stub_network_methods(stubs): global _real_functions cm = compute_manager.ComputeManager if not _real_functions: _real_functions = { '_get_instance_nw_info': cm._get_instance_nw_info, '_allocate_network': cm._allocate_network, '_deallocate_network': cm._deallocate_network} def fake_networkinfo(*args, **kwargs): return network_model.NetworkInfo() def fake_async_networkinfo(*args, **kwargs): return network_model.NetworkInfoAsyncWrapper(fake_networkinfo) stubs.Set(cm, '_get_instance_nw_info', fake_networkinfo) stubs.Set(cm, '_allocate_network', fake_async_networkinfo) stubs.Set(cm, '_deallocate_network', lambda *args, **kwargs: None) def unset_stub_network_methods(stubs): global _real_functions if _real_functions: cm = compute_manager.ComputeManager for name in _real_functions: stubs.Set(cm, name, _real_functions[name]) def stub_compute_with_ips(stubs): orig_get = compute_api.API.get orig_get_all = compute_api.API.get_all def fake_get(*args, **kwargs): return _get_instances_with_cached_ips(orig_get, *args, **kwargs) def fake_get_all(*args, **kwargs): return _get_instances_with_cached_ips(orig_get_all, *args, **kwargs) stubs.Set(compute_api.API, 'get', fake_get) stubs.Set(compute_api.API, 'get_all', fake_get_all) def _get_fake_cache(): def _ip(ip, fixed=True, floats=None): ip_dict = {'address': ip, 'type': 'fixed'} if not fixed: ip_dict['type'] = 'floating' if fixed and floats: ip_dict['floating_ips'] = [_ip(f, fixed=False) for f in floats] return ip_dict info = [{'address': 'aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff', 'id': 1, 'network': {'bridge': 'br0', 'id': 1, 'label': 'private', 'subnets': [{'cidr': '', 'ips': [_ip('')]}]}}] if CONF.use_ipv6: ipv6_addr = 'fe80:b33f::a8bb:ccff:fedd:eeff' info[0]['network']['subnets'].append({'cidr': 'fe80:b33f::/64', 'ips': [_ip(ipv6_addr)]}) return info def _get_instances_with_cached_ips(orig_func, *args, **kwargs): """Kludge the cache into instance(s) without having to create DB entries """ instances = orig_func(*args, **kwargs) if isinstance(instances, list): for instance in instances: instance['info_cache'] = {'network_info': _get_fake_cache()} else: instances['info_cache'] = {'network_info': _get_fake_cache()} return instances