# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 # Copyright 2010 United States Government as represented by the # Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """ Base classes for our unit tests. Allows overriding of flags for use of fakes, and some black magic for inline callbacks. """ import datetime import functools import os import shutil import uuid import unittest import mox import shutil import stubout from eventlet import greenthread from nova import context from nova import db from nova import fakerabbit from nova import flags from nova import rpc from nova import service from nova import wsgi FLAGS = flags.FLAGS flags.DEFINE_string('sqlite_clean_db', 'clean.sqlite', 'File name of clean sqlite db') flags.DEFINE_bool('fake_tests', True, 'should we use everything for testing') def skip_if_fake(func): """Decorator that skips a test if running in fake mode""" def _skipper(*args, **kw): """Wrapped skipper function""" if FLAGS.fake_tests: raise unittest.SkipTest('Test cannot be run in fake mode') else: return func(*args, **kw) return _skipper class TestCase(unittest.TestCase): """Test case base class for all unit tests""" def setUp(self): """Run before each test method to initialize test environment""" super(TestCase, self).setUp() # NOTE(vish): We need a better method for creating fixtures for tests # now that we have some required db setup for the system # to work properly. self.start = datetime.datetime.utcnow() shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(FLAGS.state_path, FLAGS.sqlite_clean_db), os.path.join(FLAGS.state_path, FLAGS.sqlite_db)) # emulate some of the mox stuff, we can't use the metaclass # because it screws with our generators self.mox = mox.Mox() self.stubs = stubout.StubOutForTesting() self.flag_overrides = {} self.injected = [] self._services = [] self._monkey_patch_attach() self._monkey_patch_wsgi() self._original_flags = FLAGS.FlagValuesDict() def tearDown(self): """Runs after each test method to finalize/tear down test environment.""" try: self.mox.UnsetStubs() self.stubs.UnsetAll() self.stubs.SmartUnsetAll() self.mox.VerifyAll() super(TestCase, self).tearDown() finally: # Clean out fake_rabbit's queue if we used it if FLAGS.fake_rabbit: fakerabbit.reset_all() # Reset any overriden flags self.reset_flags() # Reset our monkey-patches rpc.Consumer.attach_to_eventlet = self.original_attach wsgi.Server.start = self.original_start # Stop any timers for x in self.injected: try: x.stop() except AssertionError: pass # Kill any services for x in self._services: try: x.kill() except Exception: pass def flags(self, **kw): """Override flag variables for a test""" for k, v in kw.iteritems(): if k in self.flag_overrides: self.reset_flags() raise Exception( 'trying to override already overriden flag: %s' % k) self.flag_overrides[k] = getattr(FLAGS, k) setattr(FLAGS, k, v) def reset_flags(self): """Resets all flag variables for the test. Runs after each test""" FLAGS.Reset() for k, v in self._original_flags.iteritems(): setattr(FLAGS, k, v) def start_service(self, name, host=None, **kwargs): host = host and host or uuid.uuid4().hex kwargs.setdefault('host', host) kwargs.setdefault('binary', 'nova-%s' % name) svc = service.Service.create(**kwargs) svc.start() self._services.append(svc) return svc def _monkey_patch_attach(self): self.original_attach = rpc.Consumer.attach_to_eventlet def _wrapped(inner_self): rv = self.original_attach(inner_self) self.injected.append(rv) return rv _wrapped.func_name = self.original_attach.func_name rpc.Consumer.attach_to_eventlet = _wrapped def _monkey_patch_wsgi(self): """Allow us to kill servers spawned by wsgi.Server.""" # TODO(termie): change these patterns to use functools self.original_start = wsgi.Server.start @functools.wraps(self.original_start) def _wrapped_start(inner_self, *args, **kwargs): original_spawn_n = inner_self.pool.spawn_n @functools.wraps(original_spawn_n) def _wrapped_spawn_n(*args, **kwargs): rv = greenthread.spawn(*args, **kwargs) self._services.append(rv) inner_self.pool.spawn_n = _wrapped_spawn_n self.original_start(inner_self, *args, **kwargs) inner_self.pool.spawn_n = original_spawn_n _wrapped_start.func_name = self.original_start.func_name wsgi.Server.start = _wrapped_start # Useful assertions def assertDictMatch(self, d1, d2): """Assert two dicts are equivalent. This is a 'deep' match in the sense that it handles nested dictionaries appropriately. NOTE: If you don't care (or don't know) a given value, you can specify the string DONTCARE as the value. This will cause that dict-item to be skipped. """ def raise_assertion(msg): d1str = str(d1) d2str = str(d2) base_msg = ("Dictionaries do not match. %(msg)s d1: %(d1str)s " "d2: %(d2str)s" % locals()) raise AssertionError(base_msg) d1keys = set(d1.keys()) d2keys = set(d2.keys()) if d1keys != d2keys: d1only = d1keys - d2keys d2only = d2keys - d1keys raise_assertion("Keys in d1 and not d2: %(d1only)s. " "Keys in d2 and not d1: %(d2only)s" % locals()) for key in d1keys: d1value = d1[key] d2value = d2[key] if hasattr(d1value, 'keys') and hasattr(d2value, 'keys'): self.assertDictMatch(d1value, d2value) elif 'DONTCARE' in (d1value, d2value): continue elif d1value != d2value: raise_assertion("d1['%(key)s']=%(d1value)s != " "d2['%(key)s']=%(d2value)s" % locals()) def assertDictListMatch(self, L1, L2): """Assert a list of dicts are equivalent""" def raise_assertion(msg): L1str = str(L1) L2str = str(L2) base_msg = ("List of dictionaries do not match: %(msg)s " "L1: %(L1str)s L2: %(L2str)s" % locals()) raise AssertionError(base_msg) L1count = len(L1) L2count = len(L2) if L1count != L2count: raise_assertion("Length mismatch: len(L1)=%(L1count)d != " "len(L2)=%(L2count)d" % locals()) for d1, d2 in zip(L1, L2): self.assertDictMatch(d1, d2)