path: root/nova/tests/api/openstack/
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Diffstat (limited to 'nova/tests/api/openstack/')
1 files changed, 584 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/nova/tests/api/openstack/ b/nova/tests/api/openstack/
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/nova/tests/api/openstack/
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+# Copyright 2011 OpenStack LLC.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+Tests dealing with HTTP rate-limiting.
+import httplib
+import json
+import StringIO
+import stubout
+import time
+import unittest
+import webob
+from xml.dom.minidom import parseString
+from nova.api.openstack import limits
+from nova.api.openstack.limits import Limit
+ Limit("GET", "/delayed", "^/delayed", 1, limits.PER_MINUTE),
+ Limit("POST", "*", ".*", 7, limits.PER_MINUTE),
+ Limit("POST", "/servers", "^/servers", 3, limits.PER_MINUTE),
+ Limit("PUT", "*", "", 10, limits.PER_MINUTE),
+ Limit("PUT", "/servers", "^/servers", 5, limits.PER_MINUTE),
+class BaseLimitTestSuite(unittest.TestCase):
+ """Base test suite which provides relevant stubs and time abstraction."""
+ def setUp(self):
+ """Run before each test."""
+ self.time = 0.0
+ self.stubs = stubout.StubOutForTesting()
+ self.stubs.Set(limits.Limit, "_get_time", self._get_time)
+ def tearDown(self):
+ """Run after each test."""
+ self.stubs.UnsetAll()
+ def _get_time(self):
+ """Return the "time" according to this test suite."""
+ return self.time
+class LimitsControllerTest(BaseLimitTestSuite):
+ """
+ Tests for `limits.LimitsController` class.
+ """
+ def setUp(self):
+ """Run before each test."""
+ BaseLimitTestSuite.setUp(self)
+ self.controller = limits.LimitsController()
+ def _get_index_request(self, accept_header="application/json"):
+ """Helper to set routing arguments."""
+ request = webob.Request.blank("/")
+ request.accept = accept_header
+ request.environ["wsgiorg.routing_args"] = (None, {
+ "action": "index",
+ "controller": "",
+ })
+ return request
+ def _populate_limits(self, request):
+ """Put limit info into a request."""
+ _limits = [
+ Limit("GET", "*", ".*", 10, 60).display(),
+ Limit("POST", "*", ".*", 5, 60 * 60).display(),
+ ]
+ request.environ["nova.limits"] = _limits
+ return request
+ def test_empty_index_json(self):
+ """Test getting empty limit details in JSON."""
+ request = self._get_index_request()
+ response = request.get_response(self.controller)
+ expected = {
+ "limits": {
+ "rate": [],
+ "absolute": {},
+ },
+ }
+ body = json.loads(response.body)
+ self.assertEqual(expected, body)
+ def test_index_json(self):
+ """Test getting limit details in JSON."""
+ request = self._get_index_request()
+ request = self._populate_limits(request)
+ response = request.get_response(self.controller)
+ expected = {
+ "limits": {
+ "rate": [{
+ "regex": ".*",
+ "resetTime": 0,
+ "URI": "*",
+ "value": 10,
+ "verb": "GET",
+ "remaining": 10,
+ "unit": "MINUTE",
+ },
+ {
+ "regex": ".*",
+ "resetTime": 0,
+ "URI": "*",
+ "value": 5,
+ "verb": "POST",
+ "remaining": 5,
+ "unit": "HOUR",
+ }],
+ "absolute": {},
+ },
+ }
+ body = json.loads(response.body)
+ self.assertEqual(expected, body)
+ def test_empty_index_xml(self):
+ """Test getting limit details in XML."""
+ request = self._get_index_request("application/xml")
+ response = request.get_response(self.controller)
+ expected = "<limits><rate/><absolute/></limits>"
+ body = response.body.replace("\n", "").replace(" ", "")
+ self.assertEqual(expected, body)
+ def test_index_xml(self):
+ """Test getting limit details in XML."""
+ request = self._get_index_request("application/xml")
+ request = self._populate_limits(request)
+ response = request.get_response(self.controller)
+ expected = parseString("""
+ <limits>
+ <rate>
+ <limit URI="*" regex=".*" remaining="10" resetTime="0"
+ unit="MINUTE" value="10" verb="GET"/>
+ <limit URI="*" regex=".*" remaining="5" resetTime="0"
+ unit="HOUR" value="5" verb="POST"/>
+ </rate>
+ <absolute/>
+ </limits>
+ """.replace(" ", ""))
+ body = parseString(response.body.replace(" ", ""))
+ self.assertEqual(expected.toxml(), body.toxml())
+class LimitMiddlewareTest(BaseLimitTestSuite):
+ """
+ Tests for the `limits.RateLimitingMiddleware` class.
+ """
+ @webob.dec.wsgify
+ def _empty_app(self, request):
+ """Do-nothing WSGI app."""
+ pass
+ def setUp(self):
+ """Prepare middleware for use through fake WSGI app."""
+ BaseLimitTestSuite.setUp(self)
+ _limits = [
+ Limit("GET", "*", ".*", 1, 60),
+ ]
+ = limits.RateLimitingMiddleware(self._empty_app, _limits)
+ def test_good_request(self):
+ """Test successful GET request through middleware."""
+ request = webob.Request.blank("/")
+ response = request.get_response(
+ self.assertEqual(200, response.status_int)
+ def test_limited_request_json(self):
+ """Test a rate-limited (403) GET request through middleware."""
+ request = webob.Request.blank("/")
+ response = request.get_response(
+ self.assertEqual(200, response.status_int)
+ request = webob.Request.blank("/")
+ response = request.get_response(
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_int, 403)
+ body = json.loads(response.body)
+ expected = "Only 1 GET request(s) can be made to * every minute."
+ value = body["overLimitFault"]["details"].strip()
+ self.assertEqual(value, expected)
+ def test_limited_request_xml(self):
+ """Test a rate-limited (403) response as XML"""
+ request = webob.Request.blank("/")
+ response = request.get_response(
+ self.assertEqual(200, response.status_int)
+ request = webob.Request.blank("/")
+ request.accept = "application/xml"
+ response = request.get_response(
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_int, 403)
+ root = parseString(response.body).childNodes[0]
+ expected = "Only 1 GET request(s) can be made to * every minute."
+ details = root.getElementsByTagName("details")
+ self.assertEqual(details.length, 1)
+ value = details.item(0)
+ self.assertEqual(value, expected)
+class LimitTest(BaseLimitTestSuite):
+ """
+ Tests for the `limits.Limit` class.
+ """
+ def test_GET_no_delay(self):
+ """Test a limit handles 1 GET per second."""
+ limit = Limit("GET", "*", ".*", 1, 1)
+ delay = limit("GET", "/anything")
+ self.assertEqual(None, delay)
+ self.assertEqual(0, limit.next_request)
+ self.assertEqual(0, limit.last_request)
+ def test_GET_delay(self):
+ """Test two calls to 1 GET per second limit."""
+ limit = Limit("GET", "*", ".*", 1, 1)
+ delay = limit("GET", "/anything")
+ self.assertEqual(None, delay)
+ delay = limit("GET", "/anything")
+ self.assertEqual(1, delay)
+ self.assertEqual(1, limit.next_request)
+ self.assertEqual(0, limit.last_request)
+ self.time += 4
+ delay = limit("GET", "/anything")
+ self.assertEqual(None, delay)
+ self.assertEqual(4, limit.next_request)
+ self.assertEqual(4, limit.last_request)
+class LimiterTest(BaseLimitTestSuite):
+ """
+ Tests for the in-memory `limits.Limiter` class.
+ """
+ def setUp(self):
+ """Run before each test."""
+ BaseLimitTestSuite.setUp(self)
+ self.limiter = limits.Limiter(TEST_LIMITS)
+ def _check(self, num, verb, url, username=None):
+ """Check and yield results from checks."""
+ for x in xrange(num):
+ yield self.limiter.check_for_delay(verb, url, username)[0]
+ def _check_sum(self, num, verb, url, username=None):
+ """Check and sum results from checks."""
+ results = self._check(num, verb, url, username)
+ return sum(item for item in results if item)
+ def test_no_delay_GET(self):
+ """
+ Simple test to ensure no delay on a single call for a limit verb we
+ didn"t set.
+ """
+ delay = self.limiter.check_for_delay("GET", "/anything")
+ self.assertEqual(delay, (None, None))
+ def test_no_delay_PUT(self):
+ """
+ Simple test to ensure no delay on a single call for a known limit.
+ """
+ delay = self.limiter.check_for_delay("PUT", "/anything")
+ self.assertEqual(delay, (None, None))
+ def test_delay_PUT(self):
+ """
+ Ensure the 11th PUT will result in a delay of 6.0 seconds until
+ the next request will be granced.
+ """
+ expected = [None] * 10 + [6.0]
+ results = list(self._check(11, "PUT", "/anything"))
+ self.assertEqual(expected, results)
+ def test_delay_POST(self):
+ """
+ Ensure the 8th POST will result in a delay of 6.0 seconds until
+ the next request will be granced.
+ """
+ expected = [None] * 7
+ results = list(self._check(7, "POST", "/anything"))
+ self.assertEqual(expected, results)
+ expected = 60.0 / 7.0
+ results = self._check_sum(1, "POST", "/anything")
+ self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(expected, results, 8)
+ def test_delay_GET(self):
+ """
+ Ensure the 11th GET will result in NO delay.
+ """
+ expected = [None] * 11
+ results = list(self._check(11, "GET", "/anything"))
+ self.assertEqual(expected, results)
+ def test_delay_PUT_servers(self):
+ """
+ Ensure PUT on /servers limits at 5 requests, and PUT elsewhere is still
+ OK after 5 requests...but then after 11 total requests, PUT limiting
+ kicks in.
+ """
+ # First 6 requests on PUT /servers
+ expected = [None] * 5 + [12.0]
+ results = list(self._check(6, "PUT", "/servers"))
+ self.assertEqual(expected, results)
+ # Next 5 request on PUT /anything
+ expected = [None] * 4 + [6.0]
+ results = list(self._check(5, "PUT", "/anything"))
+ self.assertEqual(expected, results)
+ def test_delay_PUT_wait(self):
+ """
+ Ensure after hitting the limit and then waiting for the correct
+ amount of time, the limit will be lifted.
+ """
+ expected = [None] * 10 + [6.0]
+ results = list(self._check(11, "PUT", "/anything"))
+ self.assertEqual(expected, results)
+ # Advance time
+ self.time += 6.0
+ expected = [None, 6.0]
+ results = list(self._check(2, "PUT", "/anything"))
+ self.assertEqual(expected, results)
+ def test_multiple_delays(self):
+ """
+ Ensure multiple requests still get a delay.
+ """
+ expected = [None] * 10 + [6.0] * 10
+ results = list(self._check(20, "PUT", "/anything"))
+ self.assertEqual(expected, results)
+ self.time += 1.0
+ expected = [5.0] * 10
+ results = list(self._check(10, "PUT", "/anything"))
+ self.assertEqual(expected, results)
+ def test_multiple_users(self):
+ """
+ Tests involving multiple users.
+ """
+ # User1
+ expected = [None] * 10 + [6.0] * 10
+ results = list(self._check(20, "PUT", "/anything", "user1"))
+ self.assertEqual(expected, results)
+ # User2
+ expected = [None] * 10 + [6.0] * 5
+ results = list(self._check(15, "PUT", "/anything", "user2"))
+ self.assertEqual(expected, results)
+ self.time += 1.0
+ # User1 again
+ expected = [5.0] * 10
+ results = list(self._check(10, "PUT", "/anything", "user1"))
+ self.assertEqual(expected, results)
+ self.time += 1.0
+ # User1 again
+ expected = [4.0] * 5
+ results = list(self._check(5, "PUT", "/anything", "user2"))
+ self.assertEqual(expected, results)
+class WsgiLimiterTest(BaseLimitTestSuite):
+ """
+ Tests for `limits.WsgiLimiter` class.
+ """
+ def setUp(self):
+ """Run before each test."""
+ BaseLimitTestSuite.setUp(self)
+ = limits.WsgiLimiter(TEST_LIMITS)
+ def _request_data(self, verb, path):
+ """Get data decribing a limit request verb/path."""
+ return json.dumps({"verb": verb, "path": path})
+ def _request(self, verb, url, username=None):
+ """Make sure that POSTing to the given url causes the given username
+ to perform the given action. Make the internal rate limiter return
+ delay and make sure that the WSGI app returns the correct response.
+ """
+ if username:
+ request = webob.Request.blank("/%s" % username)
+ else:
+ request = webob.Request.blank("/")
+ request.method = "POST"
+ request.body = self._request_data(verb, url)
+ response = request.get_response(
+ if "X-Wait-Seconds" in response.headers:
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_int, 403)
+ return response.headers["X-Wait-Seconds"]
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_int, 204)
+ def test_invalid_methods(self):
+ """Only POSTs should work."""
+ requests = []
+ for method in ["GET", "PUT", "DELETE", "HEAD", "OPTIONS"]:
+ request = webob.Request.blank("/")
+ request.body = self._request_data("GET", "/something")
+ response = request.get_response(
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_int, 405)
+ def test_good_url(self):
+ delay = self._request("GET", "/something")
+ self.assertEqual(delay, None)
+ def test_escaping(self):
+ delay = self._request("GET", "/something/jump%20up")
+ self.assertEqual(delay, None)
+ def test_response_to_delays(self):
+ delay = self._request("GET", "/delayed")
+ self.assertEqual(delay, None)
+ delay = self._request("GET", "/delayed")
+ self.assertEqual(delay, '60.00')
+ def test_response_to_delays_usernames(self):
+ delay = self._request("GET", "/delayed", "user1")
+ self.assertEqual(delay, None)
+ delay = self._request("GET", "/delayed", "user2")
+ self.assertEqual(delay, None)
+ delay = self._request("GET", "/delayed", "user1")
+ self.assertEqual(delay, '60.00')
+ delay = self._request("GET", "/delayed", "user2")
+ self.assertEqual(delay, '60.00')
+class FakeHttplibSocket(object):
+ """
+ Fake `httplib.HTTPResponse` replacement.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, response_string):
+ """Initialize new `FakeHttplibSocket`."""
+ self._buffer = StringIO.StringIO(response_string)
+ def makefile(self, _mode, _other):
+ """Returns the socket's internal buffer."""
+ return self._buffer
+class FakeHttplibConnection(object):
+ """
+ Fake `httplib.HTTPConnection`.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, app, host):
+ """
+ Initialize `FakeHttplibConnection`.
+ """
+ = app
+ = host
+ def request(self, method, path, body="", headers={}):
+ """
+ Requests made via this connection actually get translated and routed
+ into our WSGI app, we then wait for the response and turn it back into
+ an `httplib.HTTPResponse`.
+ """
+ req = webob.Request.blank(path)
+ req.method = method
+ req.headers = headers
+ =
+ req.body = body
+ resp = str(req.get_response(
+ resp = "HTTP/1.0 %s" % resp
+ sock = FakeHttplibSocket(resp)
+ self.http_response = httplib.HTTPResponse(sock)
+ self.http_response.begin()
+ def getresponse(self):
+ """Return our generated response from the request."""
+ return self.http_response
+def wire_HTTPConnection_to_WSGI(host, app):
+ """Monkeypatches HTTPConnection so that if you try to connect to host, you
+ are instead routed straight to the given WSGI app.
+ After calling this method, when any code calls
+ httplib.HTTPConnection(host)
+ the connection object will be a fake. Its requests will be sent directly
+ to the given WSGI app rather than through a socket.
+ Code connecting to hosts other than host will not be affected.
+ This method may be called multiple times to map different hosts to
+ different apps.
+ """
+ class HTTPConnectionDecorator(object):
+ """Wraps the real HTTPConnection class so that when you instantiate
+ the class you might instead get a fake instance."""
+ def __init__(self, wrapped):
+ self.wrapped = wrapped
+ def __call__(self, connection_host, *args, **kwargs):
+ if connection_host == host:
+ return FakeHttplibConnection(app, host)
+ else:
+ return self.wrapped(connection_host, *args, **kwargs)
+ httplib.HTTPConnection = HTTPConnectionDecorator(httplib.HTTPConnection)
+class WsgiLimiterProxyTest(BaseLimitTestSuite):
+ """
+ Tests for the `limits.WsgiLimiterProxy` class.
+ """
+ def setUp(self):
+ """
+ Do some nifty HTTP/WSGI magic which allows for WSGI to be called
+ directly by something like the `httplib` library.
+ """
+ BaseLimitTestSuite.setUp(self)
+ = limits.WsgiLimiter(TEST_LIMITS)
+ wire_HTTPConnection_to_WSGI("",
+ self.proxy = limits.WsgiLimiterProxy("")
+ def test_200(self):
+ """Successful request test."""
+ delay = self.proxy.check_for_delay("GET", "/anything")
+ self.assertEqual(delay, (None, None))
+ def test_403(self):
+ """Forbidden request test."""
+ delay = self.proxy.check_for_delay("GET", "/delayed")
+ self.assertEqual(delay, (None, None))
+ delay, error = self.proxy.check_for_delay("GET", "/delayed")
+ error = error.strip()
+ expected = ("60.00", "403 Forbidden\n\nOnly 1 GET request(s) can be "\
+ "made to /delayed every minute.")
+ self.assertEqual((delay, error), expected)