path: root/tools
diff options
authorJenkins <>2013-06-10 22:30:11 +0000
committerGerrit Code Review <>2013-06-10 22:30:11 +0000
commit2d017a228812f6cbd1ae9bbbcc5d53f1f573ab94 (patch)
treee1d01f66dd99046c17557639591646a71e7b9e93 /tools
parentbfc1065fc19608a532eaba6e4f54409f9fedf5e7 (diff)
parent7bf5c100775b4a859c3ef487cf6dfe1c460ede30 (diff)
Merge "Enhance group handling in extract_opts"
Diffstat (limited to 'tools')
2 files changed, 4 insertions, 271 deletions
diff --git a/tools/conf/ b/tools/conf/
deleted file mode 100644
index deb49f7a9..000000000
--- a/tools/conf/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,269 +0,0 @@
-# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
-# Copyright 2012 SINA Corporation
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-# @author: Zhongyue Luo, SINA Corporation.
-"""Extracts OpenStack config option info from module(s)."""
-import imp
-import os
-import re
-import socket
-import sys
-import textwrap
-from oslo.config import cfg
-from nova.openstack.common import importutils
-STROPT = "StrOpt"
-BOOLOPT = "BoolOpt"
-INTOPT = "IntOpt"
-FLOATOPT = "FloatOpt"
-LISTOPT = "ListOpt"
-MULTISTROPT = "MultiStrOpt"
- STROPT: 'string value',
- BOOLOPT: 'boolean value',
- INTOPT: 'integer value',
- FLOATOPT: 'floating point value',
- LISTOPT: 'list value',
- MULTISTROPT: 'multi valued',
-OPTION_REGEX = re.compile(r"(%s)" % "|".join([STROPT, BOOLOPT, INTOPT,
-PY_EXT = ".py"
-BASEDIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../../"))
-def main(srcfiles):
- mods_by_pkg = dict()
- for filepath in srcfiles:
- pkg_name = filepath.split(os.sep)[1]
- mod_str = '.'.join(['.'.join(filepath.split(os.sep)[:-1]),
- os.path.basename(filepath).split('.')[0]])
- mods_by_pkg.setdefault(pkg_name, list()).append(mod_str)
- # NOTE(lzyeval): place top level modules before packages
- pkg_names = filter(lambda x: x.endswith(PY_EXT), mods_by_pkg.keys())
- pkg_names.sort()
- ext_names = filter(lambda x: x not in pkg_names, mods_by_pkg.keys())
- ext_names.sort()
- pkg_names.extend(ext_names)
- # opts_by_group is a mapping of group name to an options list
- # The options list is a list of (module, options) tuples
- opts_by_group = {'DEFAULT': []}
- for pkg_name in pkg_names:
- mods = mods_by_pkg.get(pkg_name)
- mods.sort()
- for mod_str in mods:
- if mod_str.endswith('.__init__'):
- mod_str = mod_str[:mod_str.rfind(".")]
- mod_obj = _import_module(mod_str)
- if not mod_obj:
- continue
- for group, opts in _list_opts(mod_obj):
- opts_by_group.setdefault(group, []).append((mod_str, opts))
- print_group_opts('DEFAULT', opts_by_group.pop('DEFAULT', []))
- for group, opts in opts_by_group.items():
- print_group_opts(group, opts)
- print "# Total option count: %d" % OPTION_COUNT
-def _import_module(mod_str):
- try:
- if mod_str.startswith('bin.'):
- imp.load_source(mod_str[4:], os.path.join('bin', mod_str[4:]))
- return sys.modules[mod_str[4:]]
- else:
- return importutils.import_module(mod_str)
- except (ValueError, AttributeError) as err:
- return None
- except ImportError as ie:
- sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % str(ie))
- return None
- except Exception as e:
- return None
-def _guess_groups(opt, mod_obj):
- groups = []
- # is it in the DEFAULT group?
- if (opt.dest in cfg.CONF and
- not isinstance(cfg.CONF[opt.dest], cfg.CONF.GroupAttr)):
- groups.append('DEFAULT')
- # what other groups is it in?
- for key, value in cfg.CONF.items():
- if not isinstance(value, cfg.CONF.GroupAttr):
- continue
- if opt.dest not in value:
- continue
- groups.append(key)
- if len(groups) == 1:
- return groups[0]
- group = None
- for g in groups:
- if g in mod_obj.__name__:
- group = g
- break
- if group is None and 'DEFAULT' in groups:
- sys.stderr.write("Guessing that " + opt.dest +
- " in " + mod_obj.__name__ +
- " is in DEFAULT group out of " +
- ','.join(groups) + "\n")
- return 'DEFAULT'
- if group is None:
- sys.stderr.write("Unable to guess what group " + opt.dest +
- " in " + mod_obj.__name__ +
- " is in out of " + ','.join(groups) + "\n")
- sys.exit(1)
- sys.stderr.write("Guessing that " + opt.dest +
- " in " + mod_obj.__name__ +
- " is in the " + group +
- " group out of " + ','.join(groups) + "\n")
- return group
-def _list_opts(obj):
- def is_opt(o):
- return (isinstance(o, cfg.Opt) and
- not isinstance(o, cfg.SubCommandOpt))
- opts = list()
- for attr_str in dir(obj):
- attr_obj = getattr(obj, attr_str)
- if is_opt(attr_obj):
- opts.append(attr_obj)
- elif (isinstance(attr_obj, list) and
- all(map(lambda x: is_opt(x), attr_obj))):
- opts.extend(attr_obj)
- ret = {}
- for opt in opts:
- ret.setdefault(_guess_groups(opt, obj), []).append(opt)
- return ret.items()
-def print_group_opts(group, opts_by_module):
- print "[%s]" % group
- print
- for mod, opts in opts_by_module:
- OPTION_COUNT += len(opts)
- print '#'
- print '# Options defined in %s' % mod
- print '#'
- print
- for opt in opts:
- _print_opt(opt)
- print
-def _get_my_ip():
- try:
- csock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
- csock.connect(('', 80))
- (addr, port) = csock.getsockname()
- csock.close()
- return addr
- except socket.error:
- return None
-def _sanitize_default(s):
- """Set up a reasonably sensible default for pybasedir, my_ip and host."""
- if s.startswith(BASEDIR):
- return s.replace(BASEDIR, '/usr/lib/python/site-packages')
- elif BASEDIR in s:
- return s.replace(BASEDIR, '')
- elif s == _get_my_ip():
- return ''
- elif s == socket.getfqdn():
- return 'nova'
- elif s.strip() != s:
- return '"%s"' % s
- return s
-def _print_opt(opt):
- opt_name, opt_default, opt_help = opt.dest, opt.default,
- if not opt_help:
- sys.stderr.write('WARNING: "%s" is missing help string.\n' % opt_name)
- opt_type = None
- try:
- opt_type =
- except (ValueError, AttributeError), err:
- sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % str(err))
- sys.exit(1)
- opt_help += ' (' + OPT_TYPES[opt_type] + ')'
- print '#', "\n# ".join(textwrap.wrap(opt_help, WORDWRAP_WIDTH))
- try:
- if opt_default is None:
- print '#%s=<None>' % opt_name
- elif opt_type == STROPT:
- assert(isinstance(opt_default, basestring))
- print '#%s=%s' % (opt_name, _sanitize_default(opt_default))
- elif opt_type == BOOLOPT:
- assert(isinstance(opt_default, bool))
- print '#%s=%s' % (opt_name, str(opt_default).lower())
- elif opt_type == INTOPT:
- assert(isinstance(opt_default, int) and
- not isinstance(opt_default, bool))
- print '#%s=%s' % (opt_name, opt_default)
- elif opt_type == FLOATOPT:
- assert(isinstance(opt_default, float))
- print '#%s=%s' % (opt_name, opt_default)
- elif opt_type == LISTOPT:
- assert(isinstance(opt_default, list))
- print '#%s=%s' % (opt_name, ','.join(opt_default))
- elif opt_type == MULTISTROPT:
- assert(isinstance(opt_default, list))
- if not opt_default:
- opt_default = ['']
- for default in opt_default:
- print '#%s=%s' % (opt_name, default)
- print
- except Exception:
- sys.stderr.write('Error in option "%s"\n' % opt_name)
- sys.exit(1)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- if len(sys.argv) < 2:
- print "usage: python %s [srcfile]...\n" % sys.argv[0]
- sys.exit(0)
- main(sys.argv[1:])
diff --git a/tools/conf/ b/tools/conf/
index 283d7a654..d0f5c83c9 100755
--- a/tools/conf/
+++ b/tools/conf/
@@ -19,10 +19,12 @@
FILES=$(find nova -type f -name "*.py" ! -path "nova/tests/*" -exec \
grep -l "Opt(" {} \; | sort -u)
-BINS=$(echo bin/nova-*)
+BINS=$(echo bin/nova-* | grep -v nova-rootwrap)
- python $(dirname "$0")/ ${FILES} ${BINS} > \
+ python $(dirname "$0")/../../nova/openstack/common/config/ ${FILES} ${BINS} > \
# Remove compiled files created by imp.import_source()