path: root/nova/volume
diff options
authorJenkins <>2012-02-29 20:32:08 +0000
committerGerrit Code Review <>2012-02-29 20:32:08 +0000
commit99233ace206a2c74bfccebc5739e1553c4adcefe (patch)
tree8677d16c116db5633b0e9f9df9331d1834324975 /nova/volume
parent3c67029a62a02bd7d8768083328833e9119e1a55 (diff)
parent3b7fa6b605703b2378559ff95dd151417f61f288 (diff)
Merge "Adds netapp volume driver"
Diffstat (limited to 'nova/volume')
1 files changed, 676 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/nova/volume/ b/nova/volume/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1ba559d77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nova/volume/
@@ -0,0 +1,676 @@
+# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
+# Copyright (c) 2012 NetApp, Inc.
+# Copyright (c) 2012 OpenStack LLC.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+Volume driver for NetApp storage systems.
+This driver requires NetApp OnCommand 5.0 and one or more Data
+ONTAP 7-mode storage systems with installed iSCSI licenses.
+import time
+import string
+import suds
+from suds import client
+from suds.sax import text
+from nova import exception
+from nova import flags
+from nova import log as logging
+from nova.openstack.common import cfg
+from nova.volume import driver
+LOG = logging.getLogger("nova.volume.driver")
+netapp_opts = [
+ cfg.StrOpt('netapp_wsdl_url',
+ default=None,
+ help='URL of the WSDL file for the DFM server'),
+ cfg.StrOpt('netapp_login',
+ default=None,
+ help='User name for the DFM server'),
+ cfg.StrOpt('netapp_password',
+ default=None,
+ help='Password for the DFM server'),
+ cfg.StrOpt('netapp_server_hostname',
+ default=None,
+ help='Hostname for the DFM server'),
+ cfg.IntOpt('netapp_server_port',
+ default=8088,
+ help='Port number for the DFM server'),
+ cfg.StrOpt('netapp_storage_service',
+ default=None,
+ help='Storage service to use for provisioning'),
+ cfg.StrOpt('netapp_vfiler',
+ default=None,
+ help='Vfiler to use for provisioning'),
+ ]
+FLAGS = flags.FLAGS
+class NetAppISCSIDriver(driver.ISCSIDriver):
+ """NetApp iSCSI volume driver."""
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(NetAppISCSIDriver, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ def _check_fail(self, request, response):
+ if 'failed' == response.Status:
+ name = request.Name
+ reason = response.Reason
+ msg = _('API %(name)sfailed: %(reason)s')
+ raise exception.Error(msg % locals())
+ def _create_client(self, wsdl_url, login, password, hostname, port):
+ """
+ Instantiate a "suds" client to make web services calls to the
+ DFM server. Note that the WSDL file is quite large and may take
+ a few seconds to parse.
+ """
+ self.client = client.Client(wsdl_url,
+ username=login,
+ password=password)
+ soap_url = 'http://%s:%s/apis/soap/v1' % (hostname, port)
+ self.client.set_options(location=soap_url)
+ def _set_storage_service(self, storage_service):
+ """Set the storage service to use for provisioning"""
+ self.storage_service = storage_service
+ def _set_vfiler(self, vfiler):
+ """Set the vfiler to use for provisioning"""
+ self.vfiler = vfiler
+ def _check_flags(self):
+ """Ensure that the flags we care about are set."""
+ required_flags = ['netapp_wsdl_url', 'netapp_login', 'netapp_password',
+ 'netapp_server_hostname', 'netapp_server_port',
+ 'netapp_storage_service']
+ for flag in required_flags:
+ if not getattr(FLAGS, flag, None):
+ raise exception.Error(_('%s is not set') % flag)
+ def do_setup(self, context):
+ """
+ Called one time by the manager after the driver is loaded.
+ Validate the flags we care about and setup the suds (web services)
+ client.
+ """
+ self._check_flags()
+ self._create_client(FLAGS.netapp_wsdl_url, FLAGS.netapp_login,
+ FLAGS.netapp_password, FLAGS.netapp_server_hostname,
+ FLAGS.netapp_server_port)
+ self._set_storage_service(FLAGS.netapp_storage_service)
+ if FLAGS.netapp_vfiler:
+ self._set_vfiler(FLAGS.netapp_vfiler)
+ def check_for_setup_error(self):
+ """Invoke a web services API to make sure we can talk to the server."""
+ res = self.client.service.DfmAbout()
+ LOG.debug(_("Connected to DFM server"))
+ def _get_job_progress(self, job_id):
+ """
+ Obtain the latest progress report for the job and return the
+ list of progress events.
+ """
+ server = self.client.service
+ res = server.DpJobProgressEventListIterStart(JobId=job_id)
+ tag = res.Tag
+ event_list = []
+ try:
+ while True:
+ res = server.DpJobProgressEventListIterNext(Tag=tag,
+ Maximum=100)
+ if not hasattr(res, 'ProgressEvents'):
+ break
+ event_list += res.ProgressEvents.DpJobProgressEventInfo
+ finally:
+ server.DpJobProgressEventListIterEnd(Tag=tag)
+ return event_list
+ def _wait_for_job(self, job_id):
+ """
+ Poll the job until it completes or an error is detected. Return the
+ final list of progress events if it completes successfully.
+ """
+ while True:
+ events = self._get_job_progress(job_id)
+ for event in events:
+ if event.EventStatus == 'error':
+ raise exception.Error(_('Job failed: %s') %
+ (event.ErrorMessage))
+ if event.EventType == 'job-end':
+ return events
+ time.sleep(5)
+ def _dataset_name(self, project):
+ """Return the dataset name for a given project """
+ _project = string.replace(string.replace(project, ' ', '_'), '-', '_')
+ return 'OpenStack_' + _project
+ def _does_dataset_exist(self, dataset_name):
+ """Check if a dataset already exists"""
+ server = self.client.service
+ try:
+ res = server.DatasetListInfoIterStart(ObjectNameOrId=dataset_name)
+ tag = res.Tag
+ except suds.WebFault:
+ return False
+ try:
+ res = server.DatasetListInfoIterNext(Tag=tag, Maximum=1)
+ if hasattr(res, 'Datasets') and res.Datasets.DatasetInfo:
+ return True
+ finally:
+ server.DatasetListInfoIterEnd(Tag=tag)
+ return False
+ def _create_dataset(self, dataset_name):
+ """
+ Create a new dataset using the storage service. The export settings are
+ set to create iSCSI LUNs aligned for Linux.
+ """
+ server = self.client.service
+ lunmap = self.client.factory.create('DatasetLunMappingInfo')
+ lunmap.IgroupOsType = 'linux'
+ export = self.client.factory.create('DatasetExportInfo')
+ export.DatasetExportProtocol = 'iscsi'
+ export.DatasetLunMappingInfo = lunmap
+ detail = self.client.factory.create('StorageSetInfo')
+ detail.DpNodeName = 'Primary data'
+ detail.DatasetExportInfo = export
+ if hasattr(self, 'vfiler'):
+ detail.ServerNameOrId = self.vfiler
+ details = self.client.factory.create('ArrayOfStorageSetInfo')
+ details.StorageSetInfo = [detail]
+ server.StorageServiceDatasetProvision(
+ StorageServiceNameOrId=self.storage_service,
+ DatasetName=dataset_name,
+ AssumeConfirmation=True,
+ StorageSetDetails=details)
+ def _provision(self, name, description, project, size):
+ """
+ Provision a LUN through provisioning manager. The LUN will be created
+ inside a dataset associated with the project. If the dataset doesn't
+ already exist, we create it using the storage service specified in the
+ nova conf.
+ """
+ dataset_name = self._dataset_name(project)
+ if not self._does_dataset_exist(dataset_name):
+ self._create_dataset(dataset_name)
+ info = self.client.factory.create('ProvisionMemberRequestInfo')
+ info.Name = name
+ if description:
+ info.Description = description
+ info.Size = size
+ info.MaximumSnapshotSpace = 2 * long(size)
+ server = self.client.service
+ lock_id = server.DatasetEditBegin(DatasetNameOrId=dataset_name)
+ try:
+ server.DatasetProvisionMember(EditLockId=lock_id,
+ ProvisionMemberRequestInfo=info)
+ res = server.DatasetEditCommit(EditLockId=lock_id,
+ AssumeConfirmation=True)
+ except (suds.WebFault, Exception):
+ server.DatasetEditRollback(EditLockId=lock_id)
+ raise exception.Error(_('Failed to provision dataset member'))
+ lun_id = None
+ for info in res.JobIds.JobInfo:
+ events = self._wait_for_job(info.JobId)
+ for event in events:
+ if event.EventType != 'lun-create':
+ continue
+ lun_id = event.ProgressLunInfo.LunPathId
+ if not lun_id:
+ raise exception.Error(_('No LUN was created by the provision job'))
+ def _remove_destroy(self, name, project):
+ """
+ Remove the LUN from the dataset and destroy the actual LUN on the
+ storage system.
+ """
+ lun_id = self._get_lun_id(name, project)
+ if not lun_id:
+ raise exception.Error(_("Failed to find LUN ID for volume %s") %
+ (name))
+ member = self.client.factory.create('DatasetMemberParameter')
+ member.ObjectNameOrId = lun_id
+ members = self.client.factory.create('ArrayOfDatasetMemberParameter')
+ members.DatasetMemberParameter = [member]
+ dataset_name = self._dataset_name(project)
+ server = self.client.service
+ lock_id = server.DatasetEditBegin(DatasetNameOrId=dataset_name)
+ try:
+ server.DatasetRemoveMember(EditLockId=lock_id, Destroy=True,
+ DatasetMemberParameters=members)
+ server.DatasetEditCommit(EditLockId=lock_id,
+ AssumeConfirmation=True)
+ except (suds.WebFault, Exception):
+ server.DatasetEditRollback(EditLockId=lock_id)
+ msg = _('Failed to remove and delete dataset member')
+ raise exception.Error(msg)
+ def create_volume(self, volume):
+ """Driver entry point for creating a new volume"""
+ default_size = '104857600' # 100 MB
+ gigabytes = 1073741824L # 2^30
+ name = volume['name']
+ project = volume['project_id']
+ display_name = volume['display_name']
+ display_description = volume['display_description']
+ if display_name:
+ if display_description:
+ description = display_name + "\n" + display_description
+ else:
+ description = display_name
+ elif display_description:
+ description = display_description
+ if int(volume['size']) == 0:
+ size = default_size
+ else:
+ size = str(int(volume['size']) * gigabytes)
+ self._provision(name, description, project, size)
+ def delete_volume(self, volume):
+ """Driver entry point for destroying existing volumes"""
+ name = volume['name']
+ project = volume['project_id']
+ self._remove_destroy(name, project)
+ def _get_lun_id(self, name, project):
+ """
+ Given the name of a volume, find the DFM (OnCommand) ID of the LUN
+ corresponding to that volume. Currently we do this by enumerating
+ all of the LUNs in the dataset and matching the names against the
+ OpenStack volume name.
+ This could become a performance bottleneck in very large installations
+ in which case possible options for mitigating the problem are:
+ 1) Store the LUN ID alongside the volume in the nova DB (if possible)
+ 2) Cache the list of LUNs in the dataset in driver memory
+ 3) Store the volume to LUN ID mappings in a local file
+ """
+ dataset_name = self._dataset_name(project)
+ server = self.client.service
+ res = server.DatasetMemberListInfoIterStart(
+ DatasetNameOrId=dataset_name,
+ IncludeExportsInfo=True,
+ IncludeIndirect=True,
+ MemberType='lun_path')
+ tag = res.Tag
+ suffix = '/' + name
+ try:
+ while True:
+ res = server.DatasetMemberListInfoIterNext(Tag=tag,
+ Maximum=100)
+ if (not hasattr(res, 'DatasetMembers') or
+ not res.DatasetMembers):
+ break
+ for member in res.DatasetMembers.DatasetMemberInfo:
+ if member.MemberName.endswith(suffix):
+ return member.MemberId
+ finally:
+ server.DatasetMemberListInfoIterEnd(Tag=tag)
+ def _get_lun_details(self, lun_id):
+ """Given the ID of a LUN, get the details about that LUN"""
+ server = self.client.service
+ res = server.LunListInfoIterStart(ObjectNameOrId=lun_id)
+ tag = res.Tag
+ try:
+ res = server.LunListInfoIterNext(Tag=tag, Maximum=1)
+ if hasattr(res, 'Luns') and res.Luns.LunInfo:
+ return res.Luns.LunInfo[0]
+ finally:
+ server.LunListInfoIterEnd(Tag=tag)
+ def _get_host_details(self, host_id):
+ """
+ Given the ID of a host (storage system), get the details about that
+ host.
+ """
+ server = self.client.service
+ res = server.HostListInfoIterStart(ObjectNameOrId=host_id)
+ tag = res.Tag
+ try:
+ res = server.HostListInfoIterNext(Tag=tag, Maximum=1)
+ if hasattr(res, 'Hosts') and res.Hosts.HostInfo:
+ return res.Hosts.HostInfo[0]
+ finally:
+ server.HostListInfoIterEnd(Tag=tag)
+ def _get_iqn_for_host(self, host_id):
+ """Get the iSCSI Target Name for a storage system"""
+ request = self.client.factory.create('Request')
+ request.Name = 'iscsi-node-get-name'
+ response = self.client.service.ApiProxy(Target=host_id,
+ Request=request)
+ self._check_fail(request, response)
+ return response.Results['node-name'][0]
+ def _api_elem_is_empty(self, elem):
+ """
+ Helper routine to figure out if a list returned from a proxy API
+ is empty. This is necessary because the API proxy produces nasty
+ looking XML.
+ """
+ if not type(elem) is list:
+ return True
+ if 0 == len(elem):
+ return True
+ child = elem[0]
+ if isinstance(child, text.Text):
+ return True
+ if type(child) is str:
+ return True
+ return False
+ def _get_target_portal_for_host(self, host_id, host_address):
+ """
+ Get the iSCSI Target Portal details for a particular IP address
+ on a storage system.
+ """
+ request = self.client.factory.create('Request')
+ request.Name = 'iscsi-portal-list-info'
+ response = self.client.service.ApiProxy(Target=host_id,
+ Request=request)
+ self._check_fail(request, response)
+ portal = {}
+ portals = response.Results['iscsi-portal-list-entries']
+ if self._api_elem_is_empty(portals):
+ return portal
+ portal_infos = portals[0]['iscsi-portal-list-entry-info']
+ for portal_info in portal_infos:
+ portal['address'] = portal_info['ip-address'][0]
+ portal['port'] = portal_info['ip-port'][0]
+ portal['portal'] = portal_info['tpgroup-tag'][0]
+ if host_address == portal['address']:
+ break
+ return portal
+ def _get_export(self, volume):
+ """
+ Looks up the LUN in DFM based on the volume and project name, then get
+ the LUN's ID. We store that value in the database instead of the iSCSI
+ details because we will not have the true iSCSI details until masking
+ time (when initialize_connection() is called).
+ """
+ name = volume['name']
+ project = volume['project_id']
+ lun_id = self._get_lun_id(name, project)
+ if not lun_id:
+ msg = _("Failed to find LUN ID for volume %s")
+ raise exception.Error(msg % name)
+ return {'provider_location': lun_id}
+ def ensure_export(self, context, volume):
+ """
+ Driver entry point to get the iSCSI details about an existing volume
+ """
+ return self._get_export(volume)
+ def create_export(self, context, volume):
+ """
+ Driver entry point to get the iSCSI details about a new volume
+ """
+ return self._get_export(volume)
+ def remove_export(self, context, volume):
+ """
+ Since exporting is idempotent in this driver, we have nothing
+ to do for unexporting.
+ """
+ pass
+ def _find_igroup_for_initiator(self, host_id, initiator_name):
+ """
+ Look for an existing igroup (initiator group) on the storage system
+ containing a given iSCSI initiator and return the name of the igroup.
+ """
+ request = self.client.factory.create('Request')
+ request.Name = 'igroup-list-info'
+ response = self.client.service.ApiProxy(Target=host_id,
+ Request=request)
+ self._check_fail(request, response)
+ igroups = response.Results['initiator-groups']
+ if self._api_elem_is_empty(igroups):
+ return None
+ igroup_infos = igroups[0]['initiator-group-info']
+ for igroup_info in igroup_infos:
+ if ('iscsi' != igroup_info['initiator-group-type'][0] or
+ 'linux' != igroup_info['initiator-group-os-type'][0]):
+ continue
+ igroup_name = igroup_info['initiator-group-name'][0]
+ if not igroup_name.startswith('openstack-'):
+ continue
+ initiators = igroup_info['initiators'][0]['initiator-info']
+ for initiator in initiators:
+ if initiator_name == initiator['initiator-name'][0]:
+ return igroup_name
+ return None
+ def _create_igroup(self, host_id, initiator_name):
+ """
+ Create a new igroup (initiator group) on the storage system to hold
+ the given iSCSI initiator. The group will only have 1 member and will
+ be named "openstack-${initiator_name}".
+ """
+ igroup_name = 'openstack-' + initiator_name
+ request = self.client.factory.create('Request')
+ request.Name = 'igroup-create'
+ igroup_create_xml = (
+ '<initiator-group-name>%s</initiator-group-name>'
+ '<initiator-group-type>iscsi</initiator-group-type>'
+ '<os-type>linux</os-type><ostype>linux</ostype>')
+ request.Args = text.Raw(igroup_create_xml % igroup_name)
+ response = self.client.service.ApiProxy(Target=host_id,
+ Request=request)
+ self._check_fail(request, response)
+ request = self.client.factory.create('Request')
+ request.Name = 'igroup-add'
+ igroup_add_xml = (
+ '<initiator-group-name>%s</initiator-group-name>'
+ '<initiator>%s</initiator>')
+ request.Args = text.Raw(igroup_add_xml % (igroup_name, initiator_name))
+ response = self.client.service.ApiProxy(Target=host_id,
+ Request=request)
+ self._check_fail(request, response)
+ return igroup_name
+ def _get_lun_mappping(self, host_id, lunpath, igroup_name):
+ """
+ Check if a given LUN is already mapped to the given igroup (initiator
+ group). If the LUN is mapped, also return the LUN number for the
+ mapping.
+ """
+ request = self.client.factory.create('Request')
+ request.Name = 'lun-map-list-info'
+ request.Args = text.Raw('<path>%s</path>' % (lunpath))
+ response = self.client.service.ApiProxy(Target=host_id,
+ Request=request)
+ self._check_fail(request, response)
+ igroups = response.Results['initiator-groups']
+ if self._api_elem_is_empty(igroups):
+ return {'mapped': False}
+ igroup_infos = igroups[0]['initiator-group-info']
+ for igroup_info in igroup_infos:
+ if igroup_name == igroup_info['initiator-group-name'][0]:
+ return {'mapped': True, 'lun_num': igroup_info['lun-id'][0]}
+ return {'mapped': False}
+ def _map_initiator(self, host_id, lunpath, igroup_name):
+ """
+ Map the given LUN to the given igroup (initiator group). Return the LUN
+ number that the LUN was mapped to (the filer will choose the lowest
+ available number).
+ """
+ request = self.client.factory.create('Request')
+ request.Name = 'lun-map'
+ lun_map_xml = ('<initiator-group>%s</initiator-group>'
+ '<path>%s</path>')
+ request.Args = text.Raw(lun_map_xml % (igroup_name, lunpath))
+ response = self.client.service.ApiProxy(Target=host_id,
+ Request=request)
+ self._check_fail(request, response)
+ return response.Results['lun-id-assigned'][0]
+ def _unmap_initiator(self, host_id, lunpath, igroup_name):
+ """Unmap the given LUN from the given igroup (initiator group)."""
+ request = self.client.factory.create('Request')
+ request.Name = 'lun-unmap'
+ lun_unmap_xml = ('<initiator-group>%s</initiator-group>'
+ '<path>%s</path>')
+ request.Args = text.Raw(lun_unmap_xml % (igroup_name, lunpath))
+ response = self.client.service.ApiProxy(Target=host_id,
+ Request=request)
+ self._check_fail(request, response)
+ def _ensure_initiator_mapped(self, host_id, lunpath, initiator_name):
+ """
+ Check if a LUN is mapped to a given initiator already and create
+ the mapping if it is not. A new igroup will be created if needed.
+ Returns the LUN number for the mapping between the LUN and initiator
+ in both cases.
+ """
+ lunpath = '/vol/' + lunpath
+ igroup_name = self._find_igroup_for_initiator(host_id, initiator_name)
+ if not igroup_name:
+ igroup_name = self._create_igroup(host_id, initiator_name)
+ mapping = self._get_lun_mappping(host_id, lunpath, igroup_name)
+ if mapping['mapped']:
+ return mapping['lun_num']
+ return self._map_initiator(host_id, lunpath, igroup_name)
+ def _ensure_initiator_unmapped(self, host_id, lunpath, initiator_name):
+ """
+ Check if a LUN is mapped to a given initiator and remove the
+ mapping if it is. This does not destroy the igroup.
+ """
+ lunpath = '/vol/' + lunpath
+ igroup_name = self._find_igroup_for_initiator(host_id, initiator_name)
+ if not igroup_name:
+ return
+ mapping = self._get_lun_mappping(host_id, lunpath, igroup_name)
+ if mapping['mapped']:
+ self._unmap_initiator(host_id, lunpath, igroup_name)
+ def initialize_connection(self, volume, connector):
+ """
+ Do the LUN masking on the storage system so the initiator can access
+ the LUN on the target. Also return the iSCSI properties so the
+ initiator can find the LUN. This implementation does not call
+ _get_iscsi_properties() to get the properties because cannot store the
+ LUN number in the database. We only find out what the LUN number will
+ be during this method call so we construct the properties dictionary
+ ourselves.
+ """
+ initiator_name = connector['initiator']
+ lun_id = volume['provider_location']
+ if not lun_id:
+ msg = _("No LUN ID for volume %s")
+ raise exception.Error(msg % volume['name'])
+ lun = self._get_lun_details(lun_id)
+ if not lun:
+ msg = _('Failed to get LUN details for LUN ID %s')
+ raise exception.Error(msg % lun_id)
+ lun_num = self._ensure_initiator_mapped(lun.HostId, lun.LunPath,
+ initiator_name)
+ host = self._get_host_details(lun.HostId)
+ if not host:
+ msg = _('Failed to get host details for host ID %s')
+ raise exception.Error(msg % lun.HostId)
+ portal = self._get_target_portal_for_host(host.HostId,
+ host.HostAddress)
+ if not portal:
+ msg = _('Failed to get target portal for filer: %s')
+ raise exception.Error(msg % host.HostName)
+ iqn = self._get_iqn_for_host(host.HostId)
+ if not iqn:
+ msg = _('Failed to get target IQN for filer: %s')
+ raise exception.Error(msg % host.HostName)
+ properties = {}
+ properties['target_discovered'] = False
+ (address, port) = (portal['address'], portal['port'])
+ properties['target_portal'] = '%s:%s' % (address, port)
+ properties['target_iqn'] = iqn
+ properties['target_lun'] = lun_num
+ properties['volume_id'] = volume['id']
+ auth = volume['provider_auth']
+ if auth:
+ (auth_method, auth_username, auth_secret) = auth.split()
+ properties['auth_method'] = auth_method
+ properties['auth_username'] = auth_username
+ properties['auth_password'] = auth_secret
+ return {
+ 'driver_volume_type': 'iscsi',
+ 'data': properties,
+ }
+ def terminate_connection(self, volume, connector):
+ """
+ Unmask the LUN on the storage system so the given intiator can no
+ longer access it.
+ """
+ initiator_name = connector['initiator']
+ lun_id = volume['provider_location']
+ if not lun_id:
+ msg = _('No LUN ID for volume %s')
+ raise exception.Error(msg % (volume['name']))
+ lun = self._get_lun_details(lun_id)
+ if not lun:
+ msg = _('Failed to get LUN details for LUN ID %s')
+ raise exception.Error(msg % (lun_id))
+ self._ensure_initiator_unmapped(lun.HostId, lun.LunPath,
+ initiator_name)
+ def create_volume_from_snapshot(self, volume, snapshot):
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def create_snapshot(self, snapshot):
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def delete_snapshot(self, snapshot):
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def check_for_export(self, context, volume_id):
+ raise NotImplementedError()