/* * Handle communication with knfsd internal cache * * We open /proc/net/rpc/{auth.unix.ip,nfsd.export,nfsd.fh}/channel * and listen for requests (using my_svc_run) * */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "misc.h" #include "nfslib.h" #include "exportfs.h" #include "mountd.h" #include "xmalloc.h" /* * Support routines for text-based upcalls. * Fields are separated by spaces. * Fields are either mangled to quote space tab newline slosh with slosh * or a hexified with a leading \x * Record is terminated with newline. * */ void cache_export_ent(char *domain, struct exportent *exp); char *lbuf = NULL; int lbuflen = 0; void auth_unix_ip(FILE *f) { /* requests are * class IP-ADDR * Ignore if class != "nfsd" * Otherwise find domainname and write back: * * "nfsd" IP-ADDR expiry domainname */ char *cp; char class[20]; char ipaddr[20]; char *client; struct in_addr addr; if (readline(fileno(f), &lbuf, &lbuflen) != 1) return; cp = lbuf; if (qword_get(&cp, class, 20) <= 0 || strcmp(class, "nfsd") != 0) return; if (qword_get(&cp, ipaddr, 20) <= 0) return; if (inet_aton(ipaddr, &addr)==0) return; /* addr is a valid, interesting address, find the domain name... */ client = client_compose(addr); qword_print(f, "nfsd"); qword_print(f, ipaddr); qword_printint(f, time(0)+30*60); if (client) qword_print(f, *client?client:"DEFAULT"); qword_eol(f); if (client && strcmp(ipaddr, client)) mountlist_add(ipaddr, *client?client:"DEFAULT"); if (client) free(client); } void nfsd_fh(FILE *f) { /* request are: * domain fsidtype fsid * interpret fsid, find export point and options, and write: * domain fsidtype fsid expiry path */ char *cp; char *dom; int fsidtype; int fsidlen; unsigned int dev, major=0, minor=0; unsigned int inode=0; unsigned int fsidnum=0; char fsid[32]; struct exportent *found = NULL; nfs_export *exp; int i; int dev_missing = 0; if (readline(fileno(f), &lbuf, &lbuflen) != 1) return; cp = lbuf; dom = malloc(strlen(cp)); if (dom == NULL) return; if (qword_get(&cp, dom, strlen(cp)) <= 0) goto out; if (qword_get_int(&cp, &fsidtype) != 0) goto out; if (fsidtype < 0 || fsidtype > 1) goto out; /* unknown type */ if ((fsidlen = qword_get(&cp, fsid, 32)) <= 0) goto out; switch(fsidtype) { case 0: /* 4 bytes: 2 major, 2 minor, 4 inode */ if (fsidlen != 8) goto out; memcpy(&dev, fsid, 4); memcpy(&inode, fsid+4, 4); major = ntohl(dev)>>16; minor = ntohl(dev) & 0xFFFF; break; case 1: /* 4 bytes - fsid */ if (fsidlen != 4) goto out; memcpy(&fsidnum, fsid, 4); break; } /* Now determine export point for this fsid/domain */ for (i=0 ; i < MCL_MAXTYPES; i++) { for (exp = exportlist[i]; exp; exp = exp->m_next) { if (!client_member(dom, exp->m_client->m_hostname)) continue; if (fsidtype == 1 && ((exp->m_export.e_flags & NFSEXP_FSID) == 0 || exp->m_export.e_fsid != fsidnum)) continue; if (fsidtype == 0) { struct stat stb; if (exp->m_export.e_mountpoint && !is_mountpoint(exp->m_export.e_mountpoint[0]? exp->m_export.e_mountpoint: exp->m_export.e_path)) dev_missing ++; if (stat(exp->m_export.e_path, &stb) != 0) continue; if (stb.st_ino != inode) continue; if (major != major(stb.st_dev) || minor != minor(stb.st_dev)) continue; } /* It's a match !! */ if (!found) found = &exp->m_export; else if (strcmp(found->e_path, exp->m_export.e_path)!= 0) { xlog(L_WARNING, "%s and %s have same filehandle for %s, using first", found->e_path, exp->m_export.e_path, dom); } } } if (found && found->e_mountpoint && !is_mountpoint(found->e_mountpoint[0]? found->e_mountpoint: found->e_path)) { /* Cannot export this yet * should log a warning, but need to rate limit xlog(L_WARNING, "%s not exported as %d not a mountpoint", found->e_path, found->e_mountpoint); */ /* FIXME we need to make sure we re-visit this later */ goto out; } if (!found && dev_missing) { /* The missing dev could be what we want, so just be * quite rather than returning stale yet */ goto out; } if (found) cache_export_ent(dom, found); qword_print(f, dom); qword_printint(f, fsidtype); qword_printhex(f, fsid, fsidlen); qword_printint(f, time(0)+30*60); if (found) qword_print(f, found->e_path); qword_eol(f); out: free(dom); return; } void nfsd_export(FILE *f) { /* requests are: * domain path * determine export options and return: * domain path expiry flags anonuid anongid fsid */ char *cp; int i; char *dom, *path; nfs_export *exp, *found = NULL; if (readline(fileno(f), &lbuf, &lbuflen) != 1) return; cp = lbuf; dom = malloc(strlen(cp)); path = malloc(strlen(cp)); if (!dom || !path) goto out; if (qword_get(&cp, dom, strlen(lbuf)) <= 0) goto out; if (qword_get(&cp, path, strlen(lbuf)) <= 0) goto out; /* now find flags for this export point in this domain */ for (i=0 ; i < MCL_MAXTYPES; i++) { for (exp = exportlist[i]; exp; exp = exp->m_next) { if (!client_member(dom, exp->m_client->m_hostname)) continue; if (strcmp(path, exp->m_export.e_path)) continue; if (!found) found = exp; else { xlog(L_WARNING, "%s exported to both %s and %s in %s", path, exp->m_client->m_hostname, found->m_client->m_hostname, dom); } } } qword_print(f, dom); qword_print(f, path); qword_printint(f, time(0)+30*60); if (found) { qword_printint(f, found->m_export.e_flags); qword_printint(f, found->m_export.e_anonuid); qword_printint(f, found->m_export.e_anongid); qword_printint(f, found->m_export.e_fsid); mountlist_add(dom, path); } qword_eol(f); out: if (dom) free(dom); if (path) free(path); } struct { char *cache_name; void (*cache_handle)(FILE *f); FILE *f; } cachelist[] = { { "auth.unix.ip", auth_unix_ip}, { "nfsd.export", nfsd_export}, { "nfsd.fh", nfsd_fh}, { NULL, NULL } }; void cache_open(void) { int i; for (i=0; cachelist[i].cache_name; i++ ){ char path[100]; sprintf(path, "/proc/net/rpc/%s/channel", cachelist[i].cache_name); cachelist[i].f = fopen(path, "r+"); } } void cache_set_fds(fd_set *fdset) { int i; for (i=0; cachelist[i].cache_name; i++) { if (cachelist[i].f) FD_SET(fileno(cachelist[i].f), fdset); } } int cache_process_req(fd_set *readfds) { int i; int cnt = 0; for (i=0; cachelist[i].cache_name; i++) { if (cachelist[i].f != NULL && FD_ISSET(fileno(cachelist[i].f), readfds)) { cnt++; cachelist[i].cache_handle(cachelist[i].f); } } return cnt; } /* * Give IP->domain and domain+path->options to kernel * % echo nfsd $IP $[now+30*60] $domain > /proc/net/rpc/auth.unix.ip/channel * % echo $domain $path $[now+30*60] $options $anonuid $anongid $fsid > /proc/net/rpc/nfsd.export/channel */ void cache_export_ent(char *domain, struct exportent *exp) { FILE *f = fopen("/proc/net/rpc/nfsd.export/channel", "w"); if (!f) return; qword_print(f, domain); qword_print(f, exp->e_path); qword_printint(f, time(0)+30*60); qword_printint(f, exp->e_flags); qword_printint(f, exp->e_anonuid); qword_printint(f, exp->e_anongid); qword_printint(f, exp->e_fsid); qword_eol(f); fclose(f); mountlist_add(domain, exp->e_path); } void cache_export(nfs_export *exp) { FILE *f; f = fopen("/proc/net/rpc/auth.unix.ip/channel", "w"); if (!f) return; qword_print(f, "nfsd"); qword_print(f, inet_ntoa(exp->m_client->m_addrlist[0])); qword_printint(f, time(0)+30*60); qword_print(f, exp->m_client->m_hostname); qword_eol(f); fclose(f); if (strcmp(inet_ntoa(exp->m_client->m_addrlist[0]), exp->m_client->m_hostname)) mountlist_add(inet_ntoa(exp->m_client->m_addrlist[0]), exp->m_client->m_hostname); cache_export_ent(exp->m_client->m_hostname, &exp->m_export); } /* Get a filehandle. * { * echo $domain $path $length * read filehandle <&0 * } <> /proc/fs/nfsd/filehandle */ struct nfs_fh_len * cache_get_filehandle(nfs_export *exp, int len, char *p) { FILE *f = fopen("/proc/fs/nfsd/filehandle", "r+"); char buf[200]; char *bp = buf; int failed; static struct nfs_fh_len fh; if (!f) f = fopen("/proc/fs/nfs/filehandle", "r+"); if (!f) return NULL; qword_print(f, exp->m_client->m_hostname); qword_print(f, p); qword_printint(f, len); qword_eol(f); failed = (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), f) == NULL); fclose(f); if (failed) return NULL; memset(fh.fh_handle, 0, sizeof(fh.fh_handle)); fh.fh_size = qword_get(&bp, fh.fh_handle, NFS3_FHSIZE); return &fh; }