#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- python-mode -*- """Emulate iostat for NFS mount points using /proc/self/mountstats """ __copyright__ = """ Copyright (C) 2005, Chuck Lever This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA """ import sys, os, time Iostats_version = '0.2' def difference(x, y): """Used for a map() function """ return x - y NfsEventCounters = [ 'inoderevalidates', 'dentryrevalidates', 'datainvalidates', 'attrinvalidates', 'vfsopen', 'vfslookup', 'vfspermission', 'vfsupdatepage', 'vfsreadpage', 'vfsreadpages', 'vfswritepage', 'vfswritepages', 'vfsreaddir', 'vfssetattr', 'vfsflush', 'vfsfsync', 'vfslock', 'vfsrelease', 'congestionwait', 'setattrtrunc', 'extendwrite', 'sillyrenames', 'shortreads', 'shortwrites', 'delay' ] NfsByteCounters = [ 'normalreadbytes', 'normalwritebytes', 'directreadbytes', 'directwritebytes', 'serverreadbytes', 'serverwritebytes', 'readpages', 'writepages' ] class DeviceData: """DeviceData objects provide methods for parsing and displaying data for a single mount grabbed from /proc/self/mountstats """ def __init__(self): self.__nfs_data = dict() self.__rpc_data = dict() self.__rpc_data['ops'] = [] def __parse_nfs_line(self, words): if words[0] == 'device': self.__nfs_data['export'] = words[1] self.__nfs_data['mountpoint'] = words[4] self.__nfs_data['fstype'] = words[7] if words[7] == 'nfs': self.__nfs_data['statvers'] = words[8] elif words[0] == 'age:': self.__nfs_data['age'] = long(words[1]) elif words[0] == 'opts:': self.__nfs_data['mountoptions'] = ''.join(words[1:]).split(',') elif words[0] == 'caps:': self.__nfs_data['servercapabilities'] = ''.join(words[1:]).split(',') elif words[0] == 'nfsv4:': self.__nfs_data['nfsv4flags'] = ''.join(words[1:]).split(',') elif words[0] == 'sec:': keys = ''.join(words[1:]).split(',') self.__nfs_data['flavor'] = int(keys[0].split('=')[1]) self.__nfs_data['pseudoflavor'] = 0 if self.__nfs_data['flavor'] == 6: self.__nfs_data['pseudoflavor'] = int(keys[1].split('=')[1]) elif words[0] == 'events:': i = 1 for key in NfsEventCounters: self.__nfs_data[key] = int(words[i]) i += 1 elif words[0] == 'bytes:': i = 1 for key in NfsByteCounters: self.__nfs_data[key] = long(words[i]) i += 1 def __parse_rpc_line(self, words): if words[0] == 'RPC': self.__rpc_data['statsvers'] = float(words[3]) self.__rpc_data['programversion'] = words[5] elif words[0] == 'xprt:': self.__rpc_data['protocol'] = words[1] if words[1] == 'udp': self.__rpc_data['port'] = int(words[2]) self.__rpc_data['bind_count'] = int(words[3]) self.__rpc_data['rpcsends'] = int(words[4]) self.__rpc_data['rpcreceives'] = int(words[5]) self.__rpc_data['badxids'] = int(words[6]) self.__rpc_data['inflightsends'] = long(words[7]) self.__rpc_data['backlogutil'] = long(words[8]) elif words[1] == 'tcp': self.__rpc_data['port'] = words[2] self.__rpc_data['bind_count'] = int(words[3]) self.__rpc_data['connect_count'] = int(words[4]) self.__rpc_data['connect_time'] = int(words[5]) self.__rpc_data['idle_time'] = int(words[6]) self.__rpc_data['rpcsends'] = int(words[7]) self.__rpc_data['rpcreceives'] = int(words[8]) self.__rpc_data['badxids'] = int(words[9]) self.__rpc_data['inflightsends'] = long(words[10]) self.__rpc_data['backlogutil'] = long(words[11]) elif words[1] == 'rdma': self.__rpc_data['port'] = words[2] self.__rpc_data['bind_count'] = int(words[3]) self.__rpc_data['connect_count'] = int(words[4]) self.__rpc_data['connect_time'] = int(words[5]) self.__rpc_data['idle_time'] = int(words[6]) self.__rpc_data['rpcsends'] = int(words[7]) self.__rpc_data['rpcreceives'] = int(words[8]) self.__rpc_data['badxids'] = int(words[9]) self.__rpc_data['backlogutil'] = int(words[10]) self.__rpc_data['read_chunks'] = int(words[11]) self.__rpc_data['write_chunks'] = int(words[12]) self.__rpc_data['reply_chunks'] = int(words[13]) self.__rpc_data['total_rdma_req'] = int(words[14]) self.__rpc_data['total_rdma_rep'] = int(words[15]) self.__rpc_data['pullup'] = int(words[16]) self.__rpc_data['fixup'] = int(words[17]) self.__rpc_data['hardway'] = int(words[18]) self.__rpc_data['failed_marshal'] = int(words[19]) self.__rpc_data['bad_reply'] = int(words[20]) elif words[0] == 'per-op': self.__rpc_data['per-op'] = words else: op = words[0][:-1] self.__rpc_data['ops'] += [op] self.__rpc_data[op] = [long(word) for word in words[1:]] def parse_stats(self, lines): """Turn a list of lines from a mount stat file into a dictionary full of stats, keyed by name """ found = False for line in lines: words = line.split() if len(words) == 0: continue if (not found and words[0] != 'RPC'): self.__parse_nfs_line(words) continue found = True self.__parse_rpc_line(words) def is_nfs_mountpoint(self): """Return True if this is an NFS or NFSv4 mountpoint, otherwise return False """ if self.__nfs_data['fstype'] == 'nfs': return True elif self.__nfs_data['fstype'] == 'nfs4': return True return False def compare_iostats(self, old_stats): """Return the difference between two sets of stats """ result = DeviceData() # copy self into result for key, value in self.__nfs_data.iteritems(): result.__nfs_data[key] = value for key, value in self.__rpc_data.iteritems(): result.__rpc_data[key] = value # compute the difference of each item in the list # note the copy loop above does not copy the lists, just # the reference to them. so we build new lists here # for the result object. for op in result.__rpc_data['ops']: result.__rpc_data[op] = map(difference, self.__rpc_data[op], old_stats.__rpc_data[op]) # update the remaining keys we care about result.__rpc_data['rpcsends'] -= old_stats.__rpc_data['rpcsends'] result.__rpc_data['backlogutil'] -= old_stats.__rpc_data['backlogutil'] for key in NfsEventCounters: result.__nfs_data[key] -= old_stats.__nfs_data[key] for key in NfsByteCounters: result.__nfs_data[key] -= old_stats.__nfs_data[key] return result def __print_data_cache_stats(self): """Print the data cache hit rate """ nfs_stats = self.__nfs_data app_bytes_read = float(nfs_stats['normalreadbytes']) if app_bytes_read != 0: client_bytes_read = float(nfs_stats['serverreadbytes'] - nfs_stats['directreadbytes']) ratio = ((app_bytes_read - client_bytes_read) * 100) / app_bytes_read print print 'app bytes: %f client bytes %f' % (app_bytes_read, client_bytes_read) print 'Data cache hit ratio: %4.2f%%' % ratio def __print_attr_cache_stats(self, sample_time): """Print attribute cache efficiency stats """ nfs_stats = self.__nfs_data getattr_stats = self.__rpc_data['GETATTR'] if nfs_stats['inoderevalidates'] != 0: getattr_ops = float(getattr_stats[1]) opens = float(nfs_stats['vfsopen']) revalidates = float(nfs_stats['inoderevalidates']) - opens if revalidates != 0: ratio = ((revalidates - getattr_ops) * 100) / revalidates else: ratio = 0.0 data_invalidates = float(nfs_stats['datainvalidates']) attr_invalidates = float(nfs_stats['attrinvalidates']) print print '%d inode revalidations, hitting in cache %4.2f%% of the time' % \ (revalidates, ratio) print '%d open operations (mandatory GETATTR requests)' % opens if getattr_ops != 0: print '%4.2f%% of GETATTRs resulted in data cache invalidations' % \ ((data_invalidates * 100) / getattr_ops) def __print_dir_cache_stats(self, sample_time): """Print directory stats """ nfs_stats = self.__nfs_data lookup_ops = self.__rpc_data['LOOKUP'][0] readdir_ops = self.__rpc_data['READDIR'][0] if self.__rpc_data.has_key('READDIRPLUS'): readdir_ops += self.__rpc_data['READDIRPLUS'][0] dentry_revals = nfs_stats['dentryrevalidates'] opens = nfs_stats['vfsopen'] lookups = nfs_stats['vfslookup'] getdents = nfs_stats['vfsreaddir'] print print '%d open operations (pathname lookups)' % opens print '%d dentry revalidates and %d vfs lookup requests' % \ (dentry_revals, lookups), print 'resulted in %d LOOKUPs on the wire' % lookup_ops print '%d vfs getdents calls resulted in %d READDIRs on the wire' % \ (getdents, readdir_ops) def __print_page_stats(self, sample_time): """Print page cache stats """ nfs_stats = self.__nfs_data vfsreadpage = nfs_stats['vfsreadpage'] vfsreadpages = nfs_stats['vfsreadpages'] pages_read = nfs_stats['readpages'] vfswritepage = nfs_stats['vfswritepage'] vfswritepages = nfs_stats['vfswritepages'] pages_written = nfs_stats['writepages'] print print '%d nfs_readpage() calls read %d pages' % \ (vfsreadpage, vfsreadpage) print '%d nfs_readpages() calls read %d pages' % \ (vfsreadpages, pages_read - vfsreadpage), if vfsreadpages != 0: print '(%.1f pages per call)' % \ (float(pages_read - vfsreadpage) / vfsreadpages) else: print print print '%d nfs_updatepage() calls' % nfs_stats['vfsupdatepage'] print '%d nfs_writepage() calls wrote %d pages' % \ (vfswritepage, vfswritepage) print '%d nfs_writepages() calls wrote %d pages' % \ (vfswritepages, pages_written - vfswritepage), if (vfswritepages) != 0: print '(%.1f pages per call)' % \ (float(pages_written - vfswritepage) / vfswritepages) else: print congestionwaits = nfs_stats['congestionwait'] if congestionwaits != 0: print print '%d congestion waits' % congestionwaits def __print_rpc_op_stats(self, op, sample_time): """Print generic stats for one RPC op """ if not self.__rpc_data.has_key(op): return rpc_stats = self.__rpc_data[op] ops = float(rpc_stats[0]) retrans = float(rpc_stats[1] - rpc_stats[0]) kilobytes = float(rpc_stats[3] + rpc_stats[4]) / 1024 rtt = float(rpc_stats[6]) exe = float(rpc_stats[7]) # prevent floating point exceptions if ops != 0: kb_per_op = kilobytes / ops retrans_percent = (retrans * 100) / ops rtt_per_op = rtt / ops exe_per_op = exe / ops else: kb_per_op = 0.0 retrans_percent = 0.0 rtt_per_op = 0.0 exe_per_op = 0.0 op += ':' print '%s' % op.lower().ljust(15), print ' ops/s\t\t kB/s\t\t kB/op\t\tretrans\t\tavg RTT (ms)\tavg exe (ms)' print '\t\t%7.3f' % (ops / sample_time), print '\t%7.3f' % (kilobytes / sample_time), print '\t%7.3f' % kb_per_op, print ' %7d (%3.1f%%)' % (retrans, retrans_percent), print '\t%7.3f' % rtt_per_op, print '\t%7.3f' % exe_per_op def display_iostats(self, sample_time, which): """Display NFS and RPC stats in an iostat-like way """ sends = float(self.__rpc_data['rpcsends']) if sample_time == 0: sample_time = float(self.__nfs_data['age']) if sends != 0: backlog = (float(self.__rpc_data['backlogutil']) / sends) / sample_time else: backlog = 0.0 print print '%s mounted on %s:' % \ (self.__nfs_data['export'], self.__nfs_data['mountpoint']) print print ' op/s\t\trpc bklog' print '%7.2f' % (sends / sample_time), print '\t%7.2f' % backlog if which == 0: self.__print_rpc_op_stats('READ', sample_time) self.__print_rpc_op_stats('WRITE', sample_time) elif which == 1: self.__print_rpc_op_stats('GETATTR', sample_time) self.__print_rpc_op_stats('ACCESS', sample_time) self.__print_attr_cache_stats(sample_time) elif which == 2: self.__print_rpc_op_stats('LOOKUP', sample_time) self.__print_rpc_op_stats('READDIR', sample_time) if self.__rpc_data.has_key('READDIRPLUS'): self.__print_rpc_op_stats('READDIRPLUS', sample_time) self.__print_dir_cache_stats(sample_time) elif which == 3: self.__print_rpc_op_stats('READ', sample_time) self.__print_rpc_op_stats('WRITE', sample_time) self.__print_page_stats(sample_time) # # Functions # def print_iostat_help(name): print 'usage: %s [ [ ] ] [ ] [ ] ' % name print print ' Version %s' % Iostats_version print print ' Sample iostat-like program to display NFS client per-mount statistics.' print print ' The parameter specifies the amount of time in seconds between' print ' each report. The first report contains statistics for the time since each' print ' file system was mounted. Each subsequent report contains statistics' print ' collected during the interval since the previous report.' print print ' If the parameter is specified, the value of determines the' print ' number of reports generated at seconds apart. If the interval' print ' parameter is specified without the parameter, the command generates' print ' reports continuously.' print print ' Options include "--attr", which displays statistics related to the attribute' print ' cache, "--dir", which displays statistics related to directory operations,' print ' and "--page", which displays statistics related to the page cache.' print ' By default, if no option is specified, statistics related to file I/O are' print ' displayed.' print print ' If one or more names are specified, statistics for only these' print ' mount points will be displayed. Otherwise, all NFS mount points on the' print ' client are listed.' def parse_stats_file(filename): """pop the contents of a mountstats file into a dictionary, keyed by mount point. each value object is a list of the lines in the mountstats file corresponding to the mount point named in the key. """ ms_dict = dict() key = '' f = file(filename) for line in f.readlines(): words = line.split() if len(words) == 0: continue if words[0] == 'device': key = words[4] new = [ line.strip() ] else: new += [ line.strip() ] ms_dict[key] = new f.close return ms_dict def print_iostat_summary(old, new, devices, time, ac): for device in devices: stats = DeviceData() stats.parse_stats(new[device]) if not old: stats.display_iostats(time, ac) else: old_stats = DeviceData() old_stats.parse_stats(old[device]) diff_stats = stats.compare_iostats(old_stats) diff_stats.display_iostats(time, ac) def iostat_command(name): """iostat-like command for NFS mount points """ mountstats = parse_stats_file('/proc/self/mountstats') devices = [] which = 0 interval_seen = False count_seen = False for arg in sys.argv: if arg in ['-h', '--help', 'help', 'usage']: print_iostat_help(name) return if arg in ['-v', '--version', 'version']: print '%s version %s' % (name, Iostats_version) return if arg in ['-a', '--attr']: which = 1 continue if arg in ['-d', '--dir']: which = 2 continue if arg in ['-p', '--page']: which = 3 continue if arg == sys.argv[0]: continue if arg in mountstats: devices += [arg] elif not interval_seen: interval = int(arg) if interval > 0: interval_seen = True else: print 'Illegal value' return elif not count_seen: count = int(arg) if count > 0: count_seen = True else: print 'Illegal value' return # make certain devices contains only NFS mount points if len(devices) > 0: check = [] for device in devices: stats = DeviceData() stats.parse_stats(mountstats[device]) if stats.is_nfs_mountpoint(): check += [device] devices = check else: for device, descr in mountstats.iteritems(): stats = DeviceData() stats.parse_stats(descr) if stats.is_nfs_mountpoint(): devices += [device] if len(devices) == 0: print 'No NFS mount points were found' return old_mountstats = None sample_time = 0.0 if not interval_seen: print_iostat_summary(old_mountstats, mountstats, devices, sample_time, which) return if count_seen: while count != 0: print_iostat_summary(old_mountstats, mountstats, devices, sample_time, which) old_mountstats = mountstats time.sleep(interval) sample_time = interval mountstats = parse_stats_file('/proc/self/mountstats') count -= 1 else: while True: print_iostat_summary(old_mountstats, mountstats, devices, sample_time, which) old_mountstats = mountstats time.sleep(interval) sample_time = interval mountstats = parse_stats_file('/proc/self/mountstats') # # Main # prog = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) try: iostat_command(prog) except KeyboardInterrupt: print 'Caught ^C... exiting' sys.exit(1) sys.exit(0)