/* * * auth_mellon_util.c: an authentication apache module * Copyright © 2003-2007 UNINETT (http://www.uninett.no/) * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #include #include #include "auth_mellon.h" /* This function is used to get the url of the current request. * * Parameters: * request_rec *r The current request. * * Returns: * A string containing the full url of the current request. * The string is allocated from r->pool. */ const char *am_reconstruct_url(request_rec *r) { const char *url; /* This function will construct an full url for a given path relative to * the root of the web site. To configure what hostname and port this * function will use, see the UseCanonicalName configuration directive. */ url = ap_construct_url(r->pool, r->unparsed_uri, r); ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, r, "reconstruct_url: url==\"%s\", unparsed_uri==\"%s\"", url, r->unparsed_uri); return url; } /* This function checks if the user has access according * to the MellonRequire directives. * * Parameters: * request_rec *r The current request. * am_cache_entry_t *session The current session. * * Returns: * OK if the user has access and HTTP_FORBIDDEN if he doesn't. */ int am_check_permissions(request_rec *r, am_cache_entry_t *session) { am_dir_cfg_rec *dir_cfg; apr_hash_index_t *idx; const char *key; apr_array_header_t *rlist; int i, j; int rlist_ok; const char **re; dir_cfg = am_get_dir_cfg(r); /* Iterate over all require-directives. */ for(idx = apr_hash_first(r->pool, dir_cfg->require); idx != NULL; idx = apr_hash_next(idx)) { /* Get current require directive. key will be the name * of the attribute, and rlist is a list of all allowed values. */ apr_hash_this(idx, (const void **)&key, NULL, (void **)&rlist); /* Reset status to 0 before search. */ rlist_ok = 0; re = (const char **)rlist->elts; /* rlist is an array of all the valid values for this attribute. */ for(i = 0; i < rlist->nelts && !rlist_ok; i++) { /* Search for a matching attribute in the session data. */ for(j = 0; j < session->size && !rlist_ok; j++) { if(strcmp(session->env[j].varname, key) == 0 && strcmp(session->env[j].value, re[i]) == 0) { /* We found a attribute with the correct name * and value. */ rlist_ok = 1; } } } if(!rlist_ok) { ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_INFO, 0, r, "Client failed to match required attribute \"%s\".", key); return HTTP_FORBIDDEN; } } return OK; } /* This function disables caching of the response to this request. It does * this by setting the Pragme: no-cache and Cache-Control: no-cache headers. * * Parameters: * request_rec *r The request we are handling. * * Returns: * Nothing. */ void am_set_nocache(request_rec *r) { /* We set headers in both r->headers_out and r->err_headers_out, so that * we can be sure that they will be included. */ apr_table_setn(r->headers_out, "Cache-Control", "no-cache"); apr_table_setn(r->err_headers_out, "Cache-Control", "no-cache"); apr_table_setn(r->headers_out, "Pragma", "no-cache"); apr_table_setn(r->err_headers_out, "Pragma", "no-cache"); } /* This function reads the post data for a request. * * The data is stored in a buffer allocated from the request pool. * After successful operation *data contains a pointer to the data and * *length contains the length of the data. * The data will always be null-terminated. * * Parameters: * request_rec *r The request we read the form data from. * char **data Pointer to where we will store the pointer * to the data we read. * apr_size_t *length Pointer to where we will store the length * of the data we read. Pass NULL if you don't * need to know the length of the data. * * Returns: * OK if we successfully read the POST data. * An error if we fail to read the data. */ int am_read_post_data(request_rec *r, char **data, apr_size_t *length) { apr_size_t bytes_read; apr_size_t bytes_left; apr_size_t len; long read_length; int rc; /* Prepare to receive data from the client. We request that apache * dechunks data if it is chunked. */ rc = ap_setup_client_block(r, REQUEST_CHUNKED_DECHUNK); if (rc != OK) { return rc; } /* This function will send a 100 Continue response if the client is * waiting for that. If the client isn't going to send data, then this * function will return 0. */ if (!ap_should_client_block(r)) { len = 0; } else { len = r->remaining; } if (length != NULL) { *length = len; } *data = (char *)apr_palloc(r->pool, len + 1); /* Make sure that the data is null-terminated. */ (*data)[len] = '\0'; bytes_read = 0; bytes_left = len; while (bytes_left > 0) { /* Read data from the client. Returns 0 on EOF or error, the * number of bytes otherwise. */ read_length = ap_get_client_block(r, &(*data)[bytes_read], bytes_left); if (read_length == 0) { ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, r, "Failed to read POST data from client."); return HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } bytes_read += read_length; bytes_left -= read_length; } return OK; } /* extract_query_parameter is a function which extracts the value of * a given parameter in a query string. The query string can be the * query_string parameter of a GET request, or it can be the data * passed to the web server in a POST request. * * Parameters: * apr_pool_t *pool The memory pool which the memory for * the value will be allocated from. * const char *query_string Either the query_string from a GET * request, or the data from a POST * request. * const char *name The name of the parameter to extract. * Note that the search for this name is * case sensitive. * * Returns: * The value of the parameter or NULL if we don't find the parameter. */ char *am_extract_query_parameter(apr_pool_t *pool, const char *query_string, const char *name) { const char *ip; const char *value_end; apr_size_t namelen; if (query_string == NULL) { return NULL; } ip = query_string; namelen = strlen(name); /* Find parameter. Searches for /[^&][&=$]/. * Moves ip to the first character after the name (either '&', '=' * or '\0'). */ for (;;) { /* First we find the name of the parameter. */ ip = strstr(ip, name); if (ip == NULL) { /* Parameter not found. */ return NULL; } /* Then we check what is before the parameter name. */ if (ip != query_string && ip[-1] != '&') { /* Name not preceded by [^&]. */ ip++; continue; } /* And last we check what follows the parameter name. */ if (ip[namelen] != '=' && ip[namelen] != '&' && ip[namelen] != '\0') { /* Name not followed by [&=$]. */ ip++; continue; } /* We have found the pattern. */ ip += namelen; break; } /* Now ip points to the first character after the name. If this * character is '&' or '\0', then this field doesn't have a value. * If this character is '=', then this field has a value. */ if (ip[0] == '=') { ip += 1; } /* The value is from ip to '&' or to the end of the string, whichever * comes first. */ value_end = strchr(ip, '&'); if (value_end != NULL) { /* '&' comes first. */ return apr_pstrndup(pool, ip, value_end - ip); } else { /* Value continues until the end of the string. */ return apr_pstrdup(pool, ip); } } /* This function urldecodes a string in-place. * * Parameters: * char *data The string to urldecode. * * Returns: * OK if successful or HTTP_BAD_REQUEST if any escape sequence decodes to a * null-byte ('\0'), or if an invalid escape sequence is found. */ int am_urldecode(char *data) { int rc; char *ip; /* First we replace all '+'-characters with space. */ for (ip = strchr(data, '+'); ip != NULL; ip = strchr(ip, '+')) { *ip = ' '; } /* Then we call ap_unescape_url_keep2f to decode all the "%xx" * escapes. This function returns HTTP_NOT_FOUND if the string * contains a null-byte. */ rc = ap_unescape_url_keep2f(data); if (rc == HTTP_NOT_FOUND) { return HTTP_BAD_REQUEST; } return rc; } /* This function urlencodes a string. It will escape all characters * except a-z, A-Z, 0-9, '_' and '.'. * * Parameters: * apr_pool_t *pool The pool we should allocate memory from. * const char *str The string we should urlencode. * * Returns: * The urlencoded string, or NULL if str == NULL. */ char *am_urlencode(apr_pool_t *pool, const char *str) { const char *ip; apr_size_t length; char *ret; char *op; int hi, low; /* Return NULL if str is NULL. */ if(str == NULL) { return NULL; } /* Find the length of the output string. */ length = 0; for(ip = str; *ip; ip++) { if(*ip >= 'a' && *ip <= 'z') { length++; } else if(*ip >= 'A' && *ip <= 'Z') { length++; } else if(*ip >= '0' && *ip <= '9') { length++; } else if(*ip == '_' || *ip == '.') { length++; } else { length += 3; } } /* Add space for null-terminator. */ length++; /* Allocate memory for string. */ ret = (char *)apr_palloc(pool, length); /* Encode string. */ for(ip = str, op = ret; *ip; ip++, op++) { if(*ip >= 'a' && *ip <= 'z') { *op = *ip; } else if(*ip >= 'A' && *ip <= 'Z') { *op = *ip; } else if(*ip >= '0' && *ip <= '9') { *op = *ip; } else if(*ip == '_' || *ip == '.') { *op = *ip; } else { *op = '%'; op++; hi = (*ip & 0xf0) >> 4; if(hi < 0xa) { *op = '0' + hi; } else { *op = 'A' + hi - 0xa; } op++; low = *ip & 0x0f; if(low < 0xa) { *op = '0' + low; } else { *op = 'A' + low - 0xa; } } } /* Make output string null-terminated. */ *op = '\0'; return ret; } /* This function generates a given number of (pseudo)random bytes. * The current implementation uses OpenSSL's RAND_*-functions. * * Parameters: * request_rec *r The request we are generating random bytes for. * The request is used for configuration and * error/warning reporting. * void *dest The address if the buffer we should fill with data. * apr_size_t count The number of random bytes to create. * * Returns: * OK on success, or HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER on failure. */ int am_generate_random_bytes(request_rec *r, void *dest, apr_size_t count) { int rc; rc = RAND_pseudo_bytes((unsigned char *)dest, (int)count); if(rc == -1) { ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, r, "Error generating random data: %lu", ERR_get_error()); return HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } if(rc == 0) { ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_WARNING, 0, r, "Random data is not cryptographically strong."); } return OK; } /* This function generates a session id which is AM_SESSION_ID_LENGTH * characters long. The session id will consist of hexadecimal characters. * * Parameters: * request_rec *r The request we generate a session id for. * * Returns: * The session id, made up of AM_SESSION_ID_LENGTH hexadecimal characters, * terminated by a null-byte. */ char *am_generate_session_id(request_rec *r) { int rc; char *ret; int rand_data_len; unsigned char *rand_data; int i; unsigned char b; int hi, low; ret = (char *)apr_palloc(r->pool, AM_SESSION_ID_LENGTH + 1); /* We need to round the length of the random data _up_, in case the * length of the session id isn't even. */ rand_data_len = (AM_SESSION_ID_LENGTH + 1) / 2; /* Fill the last rand_data_len bytes of the string with * random bytes. This allows us to overwrite from the beginning of * the string. */ rand_data = (unsigned char *)&ret[AM_SESSION_ID_LENGTH - rand_data_len]; /* Generate random numbers. */ rc = am_generate_random_bytes(r, rand_data, rand_data_len); if(rc != OK) { return NULL; } /* Convert the random bytes to hexadecimal. Note that we will write * AM_SESSION_LENGTH+1 characters if we have a non-even length of the * session id. This is OK - we will simply overwrite the last character * with the null-terminator afterwards. */ for(i = 0; i < AM_SESSION_ID_LENGTH; i += 2) { b = rand_data[i / 2]; hi = (b >> 4) & 0xf; low = b & 0xf; if(hi >= 0xa) { ret[i] = 'a' + hi - 0xa; } else { ret[i] = '0' + hi; } if(low >= 0xa) { ret[i+1] = 'a' + low - 0xa; } else { ret[i+1] = '0' + low; } } /* Add null-terminator- */ ret[AM_SESSION_ID_LENGTH] = '\0'; return ret; } /* * malloc a buffer and fill it with a given file * * Parameters: * apr_pool_t *conf The configuration pool. Valid as long as this * server_rec *s The server record for the current server. * const char *file The file path * * Returns: * char * The file content */ char *am_getfile(apr_pool_t *conf, server_rec *s, const char *file) { apr_status_t rv; char buffer[512]; apr_finfo_t finfo; char *data; apr_file_t *fd; apr_size_t nbytes; if (file == NULL) return NULL; if ((rv = apr_file_open(&fd, file, APR_READ, 0, conf)) != 0) { ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, rv, s, "apr_file_open: Error opening \"%s\" [%d] \"%s\"", file, rv, apr_strerror(rv, buffer, sizeof(buffer))); return NULL; } if ((rv = apr_file_info_get(&finfo, APR_FINFO_SIZE, fd)) != 0) { ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, rv, s, "apr_file_info_get: Error opening \"%s\" [%d] \"%s\"", file, rv, apr_strerror(rv, buffer, sizeof(buffer))); (void)apr_file_close(fd); return NULL; } nbytes = finfo.size; data = (char *)apr_palloc(conf, nbytes + 1); rv = apr_file_read_full(fd, data, nbytes, NULL); if (rv != 0) { ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, rv, s, "apr_file_read_full: Error reading \"%s\" [%d] \"%s\"", file, rv, apr_strerror(rv, buffer, sizeof(buffer))); } data[nbytes] = '\0'; (void)apr_file_close(fd); return data; }