mod_auth_gssapi =============== Intro ----- This module has been built as a replacement for the aging mod_auth_kerb. Its aim is to use only GSSAPI calls and be as much as possible agnostic of the actual mechanism used. Dependencies ------------ A modern version of MIT's Krb5 distribution or any GSSAPI implementation that supports the [credential store extension]( is necessary to achieve full functionality. Reduced functionality is provided without these extensions. krb5 (>=1.11) Apache (>=2.4) ### Tests To run tests, you also need: * The Kerberos 5 Key-Distribution-Center (`krb5-kdc` package on Debian, `krb5-server` on Fedora) * Packages `mod_session`, `krb5-workstation`, `python-requests-kerberos`, and `python-gssapi` on Fedora * [nss_wrapper](, packaged in Fedora * [socket_wrapper](, packaged in Fedora Installation ------------ autoreconf -fi ./configure make make install Configuration ------------- Apache authentication modules are usually configured per location, see the [mod_authn_core]( documentation for the common directives ### Basic configuration The simplest configuration scheme specifies just one directive, which is the location of the keytab. #### Example AuthType GSSAPI AuthName "GSSAPI Single Sign On Login" GssapiCredStore keytab:/etc/httpd.keytab Require valid-user Your Apache server need read access to the keytab configured. If your Kerberos implementation does not support the credential store extensions you can also simply set the KRB5_KTNAME environment variable in the Apache init script and skip the GssapiCredStore option completely. Configuration Directives ------------------------ ### GssapiSSLonly Forces the authentication attempt to fail if the connection is not being established over TLS #### Example GssapiSSLonly On ### GssapiLocalName Tries to map the client principal to a local name using the gss_localname() call. This requires configuration in the /etc/krb5.conf file in order to allow proper mapping for principals not in the default realm (for example a user coming from a trusted realm). See the 'auth_to_local' option in the [realms] section of krb5.conf(5) When this options is used the resolved name is set in the REMOTE_USER variable however the complete client principal name is also made available in the GSS_NAME variable. #### Example GssapiLocalName on ### GssapiConnectionBound When using GSS mechanisms that require more than one round-trip to complete authentication (like NTLMSSP) it is necessary to bind to the authentication to the connection in order to keep the state between round-trips. With this option enable incomplete context are store in the connection and retrieved on the next request for continuation. #### Example GssapiConnectionBound On ### GssapiSignalPersistentAuth For clients that make use of Persistent-Auth header, send the header according to GssapiConnectionBound setting. #### Example GssapiSignalPersistentAuth On ### GssapiUseSessions In order to avoid constant and costly re-authentication attempts for every request, mod_auth_gssapi offers a cookie based session method to maintain authentication across multiple requests. GSSAPI uses the mod_sessions module to handle cookies so that module needs to be activated and configured. GSSAPI uses a secured (encrypted + MAC-ed) payload to maintain state in the session cookie. The session cookie lifetime depends on the lifetime of the GSSAPI session established at authentication. **NOTE**: It is important to correctly set the SessionCookieName option. See the [mod_sessions]( documentation for more information. #### Example GssapiUseSessions On Session On SessionCookieName gssapi_session path=/private;httponly;secure; ### GssapiSessionKey When GssapiUseSessions is enabled a key use to encrypt and MAC the session data will be automatically generated at startup, this means session data will become unreadable if the server is restarted or multiple servers are used and the client is load balanced from one to another. To obviate this problem the admin can choose to install a permanent key in the configuration so that session data remain accessible after a restart or by multiple servers sharing the same key. The key must be a base64 encoded raw key of 32 bytes of length. #### Example GssapiSessionKey key:VGhpcyBpcyBhIDMyIGJ5dGUgbG9uZyBzZWNyZXQhISE= ### GssapiCredStore The GssapiCredStore option allows to specify multiple credential related options like keytab location, client_keytab location, ccache location etc. #### Example GssapiCredStore keytab:/etc/httpd.keytab GssapiCredStore ccache:FILE:/var/run/httpd/krb5ccache ### GssapiDelegCcacheDir If delegation of credentials is desired credentials can be exported in a private directory accessible by the Apache process. The delegated credentials will be stored in a file named after the client principal and the subprocess environment variable KRB5CCNAME will be set to point to that file. #### Example GssapiDelegCcacheDir /var/run/httpd/clientcaches A user foo@EXAMPLE.COM delegating its credentials would cause the server to create a ccache file named /var/run/httpd/clientcaches/foo@EXAMPLE.COM ### GssapiDelegCcacheUnique Enables using unique ccache names for delegation. ccache files will be placed in GssapiDelegCcacheDir and named using the principal and a six-digit unique suffix. **Note:** Consuming application must delete the ccache otherwise it will litter the filesystem if sessions are used. An example sweeper can be found in the contrib directory. #### Example GssapiDelegCcacheUnique On ### GssapiUseS4U2Proxy Enables the use of the s4u2Proxy Kerberos extension also known as [constrained delegation]( This option allows an application running within Apache to operate on behalf of the user against other servers by using the provided ticket (subject to KDC authorization). This options requires GssapiDelegCcacheDir to be set. The ccache will be populated with the user's provided ticket which is later used as evidence ticket by the application. **Note:** This flag has no effect when Basic-Auth is used since user's credentials are delegated anyway when GssapiDelegCcacheDir is set. #### Example GssapiUseS4U2Proxy On GssapiCredStore keytab:/etc/httpd.keytab GssapiCredStore client_keytab:/etc/httpd.keytab GssapiCredStore ccache:FILE:/var/run/httpd/krb5ccache GssapiDelegCcacheDir /var/run/httpd/clientcaches **NOTE:** The client keytab is necessary to allow GSSAPI to initiate via keytab on its own. If not present an external mechanism needs to kinit with the keytab and store a ccache in the configured ccache file. ### GssapiBasicAuth Allows the use of Basic Auth in conjunction with Negotiate. If the browser fails to use Negotiate it will instead fallback to Basic and the username and password will be used to try to acquire credentials in the module via GSSAPI. If credentials are acquired successfully then they are validated against the server's keytab. - **Enable with:** GssapiBasicAuth On - **Default:** GssapiBasicAuth Off #### Example AuthType GSSAPI AuthName "Login" GssapiBasicAuth On GssapiCredStore keytab:/etc/httpd/http.keytab Require valid-user ### GssapiAllowedMech List of allowed mechanisms. This is useful to restrict the mechanism that can be used when credentials for multiple mechanisms are available. By default no mechanism is set, this means all locally available mechanisms are allowed. The recognized mechanism names are: krb5, iakerb, ntlmssp #### Example GssapiAllowedMech krb5 GssapiAllowedMech ntlmssp ### GssapiBasicAuthMech List of mechanisms against which Basic Auth is attempted. This is useful to restrict the mechanisms that can be used to attempt password auth. By default no mechanism is set, this means all locally available mechanisms are allowed, unless GssapiAllowedMech is set, in which case those are used. GssapiBasicAuthMech always takes precedence over GssapiAllowedMech. The recognized mechanism names are: krb5, iakerb, ntlmssp #### Example GssapiBasicAuthMech krb5 ### GssapiNameAttributes Enables the module to source Name Attributes from the client name (authorization data associated with the established context) and exposes them as environment variables. Value format: ENV_VAR_NAME ATTRIBUTE_NAME This option can be specified multiple times, once for each attribute to expose. The Special value "json" is used to expose all attributes in a json formatted string via the special environment variable GSS_NAME_ATTRS_JSON The environment variable GSS_NAME_ATTR_ERROR is set with the Gssapi returned error string in case the inquire name function fails to retrieve attributes, and with the string "0 attributes found", if no attributes are set. **Note**: These variables are NOT saved in the session data stored in the cookie so they are available only on the first authenticated request when GssapiUseSessions is used. **Note:** It is recommended but not required to use only capital letters and underscores for environment variable names. #### Example GssapiNameAttributes json GssapiNameAttributes RADIUS_NAME urn:ietf:params:gss:radius-attribute_1 ### GssapiNegotiateOnce When this option is enabled the Negotiate header will not be resent if Negotiation has already been attempted but failed. Normally when a client fails to use Negotiate authentication, a HTTP 401 response is returned with a WWW-Authenticate: Negotiate header, implying that the client can retry to use Negotiate with different credentials or a different mechanism. Consider enabling GssapiNegotiateOnce when only one single sign on mechanism is allowed, or when GssapiBasicAuth is enabled. **NOTE:** if the initial Negotiate attempt fails, some browsers will fallback to other Negotiate mechanisms, prompting the user for login credentials and reattempting negotiation. This situation can mislead users - for example if krb5 authentication failed and no other mechanisms are allowed, a user could be prompted for login information even though any login information provided cannot succeed. When this occurs, some browsers will not fall back to a Basic Auth mechanism. Enable GssapiNegotiateOnce to avoid this situation. - **Enable with:** GssapiNegotiateOnce On - **Default:** GssapiNegotiateOnce Off ### GssapiImpersonate This option can be used even if AuthType GSSAPI is not used for given Location or LocationMatch, to obtain service ticket for a user that was already authenticated by different module. The principal of the user is retrieved from the internal r->user identifier which typically holds the username from the authentication results. Make sure the server principal is set to allow to acquire forwardable tickets to itself from arbitrary users, for use with constrained delegation, for example with the option +ok_to_auth_as_delegate. - **Enable with:** GssapiImpersonate On - **Default:** GssapiImpersonate Off ### GssapiDelegCcachePerms This option is used to set alternative ownership and permission for delegated ccache files stored in the GssapiDelegCcacheDir location. It is a multivalue configuration directive that can accept the following three settings: - mode - uid - gid If a setting is not present the relative file property will not be modified and the default owners and/or mode will be retained. #### mode This option allows to set the file mode, the format used is a numeric mode with the same semantics of the chmod unix command for mapping numbers to permissions. #### uid A user id number or name, an attempt to change the user owner of the file to the uid number specified will be made. If a user name has been specified, it will be resolved at startup time and the user's id number stored internally for all subsequent operations. #### gid A group id number or name, an attempt to change the group owner of the file to the gid number specified will be made. If a group name has been specified, it will be resolved at startup time and the group's id number stored internally for all subsequent operations. #### Example GssapiDelegCcachePerms mode:0660 gid:webuiworkers