/* * This file is part of the SSH Library * * Copyright (c) 2009 by Aris Adamantiadis * * The SSH Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. * * The SSH Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public * License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with the SSH Library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307, USA. */ /* pcap.c */ #include "config.h" #ifdef WITH_PCAP #include #ifdef _WIN32 #include #include #else #include #include #include #endif #include #include #include "libssh/libssh.h" #include "libssh/pcap.h" #include "libssh/session.h" #include "libssh/buffer.h" #include "libssh/socket.h" /** * @internal * * @defgroup libssh_pcap The libssh pcap functions * @ingroup libssh * * The pcap file generation * * * @{ */ /* The header of a pcap file is the following. We are not going to make it * very complicated. * Just for information. */ struct pcap_hdr_s { uint32_t magic_number; /* magic number */ uint16_t version_major; /* major version number */ uint16_t version_minor; /* minor version number */ int32_t thiszone; /* GMT to local correction */ uint32_t sigfigs; /* accuracy of timestamps */ uint32_t snaplen; /* max length of captured packets, in octets */ uint32_t network; /* data link type */ }; #define PCAP_MAGIC 0xa1b2c3d4 #define PCAP_VERSION_MAJOR 2 #define PCAP_VERSION_MINOR 4 #define DLT_RAW 12 /* raw IP */ /* TCP flags */ #define TH_FIN 0x01 #define TH_SYN 0x02 #define TH_RST 0x04 #define TH_PUSH 0x08 #define TH_ACK 0x10 #define TH_URG 0x20 /* The header of a pcap packet. * Just for information. */ struct pcaprec_hdr_s { uint32_t ts_sec; /* timestamp seconds */ uint32_t ts_usec; /* timestamp microseconds */ uint32_t incl_len; /* number of octets of packet saved in file */ uint32_t orig_len; /* actual length of packet */ }; /** @private * @brief a pcap context expresses the state of a pcap dump * in a SSH session only. Multiple pcap contexts may be used into * a single pcap file. */ struct ssh_pcap_context_struct { ssh_session session; ssh_pcap_file file; int connected; /* All of these information are useful to generate * the dummy IP and TCP packets */ uint32_t ipsource; uint32_t ipdest; uint16_t portsource; uint16_t portdest; uint32_t outsequence; uint32_t insequence; }; /** @private * @brief a pcap file expresses the state of a pcap file which may * contain several streams. */ struct ssh_pcap_file_struct { FILE *output; uint16_t ipsequence; }; /** * @brief create a new ssh_pcap_file object */ ssh_pcap_file ssh_pcap_file_new(void) { struct ssh_pcap_file_struct *pcap; pcap = (struct ssh_pcap_file_struct *) malloc(sizeof(struct ssh_pcap_file_struct)); if (pcap == NULL) { return NULL; } ZERO_STRUCTP(pcap); return pcap; } /** @internal * @brief writes a packet on file */ static int ssh_pcap_file_write(ssh_pcap_file pcap, ssh_buffer packet){ int err; uint32_t len; if(pcap == NULL || pcap->output==NULL) return SSH_ERROR; len=buffer_get_rest_len(packet); err=fwrite(buffer_get_rest(packet),len,1,pcap->output); if(err<0) return SSH_ERROR; else return SSH_OK; } /** @internal * @brief prepends a packet with the pcap header and writes packet * on file */ int ssh_pcap_file_write_packet(ssh_pcap_file pcap, ssh_buffer packet, uint32_t original_len){ ssh_buffer header=ssh_buffer_new(); struct timeval now; int err; if(header == NULL) return SSH_ERROR; gettimeofday(&now,NULL); buffer_add_u32(header,htonl(now.tv_sec)); buffer_add_u32(header,htonl(now.tv_usec)); buffer_add_u32(header,htonl(buffer_get_rest_len(packet))); buffer_add_u32(header,htonl(original_len)); buffer_add_buffer(header,packet); err=ssh_pcap_file_write(pcap,header); ssh_buffer_free(header); return err; } /** * @brief opens a new pcap file and create header */ int ssh_pcap_file_open(ssh_pcap_file pcap, const char *filename){ ssh_buffer header; int err; if(pcap == NULL) return SSH_ERROR; if(pcap->output){ fclose(pcap->output); pcap->output=NULL; } pcap->output=fopen(filename,"wb"); if(pcap->output==NULL) return SSH_ERROR; header=ssh_buffer_new(); if(header==NULL) return SSH_ERROR; buffer_add_u32(header,htonl(PCAP_MAGIC)); buffer_add_u16(header,htons(PCAP_VERSION_MAJOR)); buffer_add_u16(header,htons(PCAP_VERSION_MINOR)); /* currently hardcode GMT to 0 */ buffer_add_u32(header,htonl(0)); /* accuracy */ buffer_add_u32(header,htonl(0)); /* size of the biggest packet */ buffer_add_u32(header,htonl(MAX_PACKET_LEN)); /* we will write sort-of IP */ buffer_add_u32(header,htonl(DLT_RAW)); err=ssh_pcap_file_write(pcap,header); ssh_buffer_free(header); return err; } int ssh_pcap_file_close(ssh_pcap_file pcap){ int err; if(pcap ==NULL || pcap->output==NULL) return SSH_ERROR; err=fclose(pcap->output); pcap->output=NULL; if(err != 0) return SSH_ERROR; else return SSH_OK; } void ssh_pcap_file_free(ssh_pcap_file pcap){ ssh_pcap_file_close(pcap); SAFE_FREE(pcap); } /** @internal * @brief allocates a new ssh_pcap_context object */ ssh_pcap_context ssh_pcap_context_new(ssh_session session){ ssh_pcap_context ctx = (struct ssh_pcap_context_struct *) malloc(sizeof(struct ssh_pcap_context_struct)); if(ctx==NULL){ ssh_set_error_oom(session); return NULL; } ZERO_STRUCTP(ctx); ctx->session=session; return ctx; } void ssh_pcap_context_free(ssh_pcap_context ctx){ SAFE_FREE(ctx); } void ssh_pcap_context_set_file(ssh_pcap_context ctx, ssh_pcap_file pcap){ ctx->file=pcap; } /** @internal * @brief sets the IP and port parameters in the connection */ static int ssh_pcap_context_connect(ssh_pcap_context ctx){ ssh_session session=ctx->session; struct sockaddr_in local, remote; socket_t fd; socklen_t len; if(session==NULL) return SSH_ERROR; if(session->socket==NULL) return SSH_ERROR; fd=ssh_socket_get_fd_in(session->socket); /* TODO: adapt for windows */ if(fd<0) return SSH_ERROR; len=sizeof(local); if(getsockname(fd,(struct sockaddr *)&local,&len)<0){ ssh_set_error(session,SSH_REQUEST_DENIED,"Getting local IP address: %s",strerror(errno)); return SSH_ERROR; } len=sizeof(remote); if(getpeername(fd,(struct sockaddr *)&remote,&len)<0){ ssh_set_error(session,SSH_REQUEST_DENIED,"Getting remote IP address: %s",strerror(errno)); return SSH_ERROR; } if(local.sin_family != AF_INET){ ssh_set_error(session,SSH_REQUEST_DENIED,"Only IPv4 supported for pcap logging"); return SSH_ERROR; } memcpy(&ctx->ipsource,&local.sin_addr,sizeof(ctx->ipsource)); memcpy(&ctx->ipdest,&remote.sin_addr,sizeof(ctx->ipdest)); memcpy(&ctx->portsource,&local.sin_port,sizeof(ctx->portsource)); memcpy(&ctx->portdest,&remote.sin_port,sizeof(ctx->portdest)); ctx->connected=1; return SSH_OK; } #define IPHDR_LEN 20 #define TCPHDR_LEN 20 #define TCPIPHDR_LEN (IPHDR_LEN + TCPHDR_LEN) /** @internal * @brief write a SSH packet as a TCP over IP in a pcap file * @param ctx open pcap context * @param direction SSH_PCAP_DIRECTION_IN if the packet has been received * @param direction SSH_PCAP_DIRECTION_OUT if the packet has been emitted * @param data pointer to the data to write * @param len data to write in the pcap file. May be smaller than origlen. * @param origlen number of bytes of complete data. * @returns SSH_OK write is successful * @returns SSH_ERROR an error happened. */ int ssh_pcap_context_write(ssh_pcap_context ctx,enum ssh_pcap_direction direction , void *data, uint32_t len, uint32_t origlen){ ssh_buffer ip; int err; if(ctx==NULL || ctx->file ==NULL) return SSH_ERROR; if(ctx->connected==0) if(ssh_pcap_context_connect(ctx)==SSH_ERROR) return SSH_ERROR; ip=ssh_buffer_new(); if(ip==NULL){ ssh_set_error_oom(ctx->session); return SSH_ERROR; } /* build an IP packet */ /* V4, 20 bytes */ buffer_add_u8(ip,4 << 4 | 5); /* tos */ buffer_add_u8(ip,0); /* total len */ buffer_add_u16(ip,htons(origlen + TCPIPHDR_LEN)); /* IP id number */ buffer_add_u16(ip,htons(ctx->file->ipsequence)); ctx->file->ipsequence++; /* fragment offset */ buffer_add_u16(ip,htons(0)); /* TTL */ buffer_add_u8(ip,64); /* protocol TCP=6 */ buffer_add_u8(ip,6); /* checksum */ buffer_add_u16(ip,0); if(direction==SSH_PCAP_DIR_OUT){ buffer_add_u32(ip,ctx->ipsource); buffer_add_u32(ip,ctx->ipdest); } else { buffer_add_u32(ip,ctx->ipdest); buffer_add_u32(ip,ctx->ipsource); } /* TCP */ if(direction==SSH_PCAP_DIR_OUT){ buffer_add_u16(ip,ctx->portsource); buffer_add_u16(ip,ctx->portdest); } else { buffer_add_u16(ip,ctx->portdest); buffer_add_u16(ip,ctx->portsource); } /* sequence number */ if(direction==SSH_PCAP_DIR_OUT){ buffer_add_u32(ip,ntohl(ctx->outsequence)); ctx->outsequence+=origlen; } else { buffer_add_u32(ip,ntohl(ctx->insequence)); ctx->insequence+=origlen; } /* ack number */ if(direction==SSH_PCAP_DIR_OUT){ buffer_add_u32(ip,ntohl(ctx->insequence)); } else { buffer_add_u32(ip,ntohl(ctx->outsequence)); } /* header len = 20 = 5 * 32 bits, at offset 4*/ buffer_add_u8(ip,5 << 4); /* flags */ buffer_add_u8(ip,TH_PUSH | TH_ACK); /* window */ buffer_add_u16(ip,htons(65535)); /* checksum */ buffer_add_u16(ip,htons(0)); /* urgent data ptr */ buffer_add_u16(ip,0); /* actual data */ buffer_add_data(ip,data,len); err=ssh_pcap_file_write_packet(ctx->file,ip,origlen + TCPIPHDR_LEN); ssh_buffer_free(ip); return err; } /** @brief sets the pcap file used to trace the session * @param current session * @param pcap an handler to a pcap file. A pcap file may be used in several * sessions. * @returns SSH_ERROR in case of error, SSH_OK otherwise. */ int ssh_set_pcap_file(ssh_session session, ssh_pcap_file pcap){ ssh_pcap_context ctx=ssh_pcap_context_new(session); if(ctx==NULL){ ssh_set_error_oom(session); return SSH_ERROR; } ctx->file=pcap; if(session->pcap_ctx) ssh_pcap_context_free(session->pcap_ctx); session->pcap_ctx=ctx; return SSH_OK; } #else /* WITH_PCAP */ /* Simple stub returning errors when no pcap compiled in */ #include "libssh/libssh.h" #include "libssh/priv.h" int ssh_pcap_file_close(ssh_pcap_file pcap){ (void) pcap; return SSH_ERROR; } void ssh_pcap_file_free(ssh_pcap_file pcap){ (void) pcap; } ssh_pcap_file ssh_pcap_file_new(void){ return NULL; } int ssh_pcap_file_open(ssh_pcap_file pcap, const char *filename){ (void) pcap; (void) filename; return SSH_ERROR; } int ssh_set_pcap_file(ssh_session session, ssh_pcap_file pcapfile){ (void) pcapfile; ssh_set_error(session,SSH_REQUEST_DENIED,"Pcap support not compiled in"); return SSH_ERROR; } #endif /** @} */ /* vim: set ts=4 sw=4 et cindent: */