README for Lasso Integration Tests ================================== Requirements: - twill (apt-get install python-twill) - nose (apt-get install python-nose) - Authentic & LCS from Subversion and CVS Default configuration is to look for apps in their installation directories, but it is also possible to run tests without installing anything. Example of a config file is in tests/ (must be renamed to to be effective). You can also place a configuration file in ~/.config/lasso_integration.conf, the format is "key = value" without any quoting. Tests are run with nosetests from this directory. You can use the following environement variables to fine tune the execution of the tests: - LASSO_BUILDDIR, to specify an out of source build directory to test, - NO_SILENT, to allow authentic and lcs outputs, - VALGRIND, to check memory leaks using valgrind.