Lasso Exemples ---------------------------------- SOFTWARE This directory include a Liberty Alliance Service Provider (sample-sp) and a Liverty Alliance Identity Provider (sample-idp) written in PHP with the Lasso extension. INSTALLATION You need the fallowing components : - The Apache Web Server with SSL support ( - OpenSSL ( - PHP4 version 4.3 with OpenSSL support enabled ( - The Lasso Extension for PHP ( - A PostgreSQL database server ( - PHP Pear modules : DB, HTML_QuickForm, Log ( Debian packages for the Lasso extension are available, they are included in the current development version (sid) and packages for the current stable version (sarge) are available in the entr'ouvert's apt repository: deb ./debian/lasso/ Add this line in your /etc/apt/sources.list and install the fallow packages : apt-get install apache-ssl php4 php4-lasso php4-pgsql php4-pear postgresql Pear packages can be installed with the pear command : # pear install DB HTML_Common HTML_Form HTML_QuickForm Log CONFIGURATION PostgreSQL Change user "postgres" password to access the database. You can do this by executing in a shell : # su - postgres $ psql template1 template1=# ALTER USER postgres password 'new_pass'; ALTER USER template1=# \q Change your PostgreSQL server configuration to use passwords to authenticate users writing in your /etc/postgresql/pg_hba.conf file: local all all password host all all password Then, restart the postmaster with /etc/init.d/postgresql restart. # /etc/init.d/postgresql restart Now you can create users idp and sp in postgres. Thoses users can create database. $ createuser -A -d -P idp Enter password for new user: Enter it again: Password: <-- postgres's password used to access the database CREATE USER $ createuser -A -d -P sp [ ... ] Create databases for idp and sp. $ createdb -U idp idp Password: <-- idp's password CREATE DATABASE $ createdb -U sp sp [ ... ] Database setup is finished. Copy example source code in /var/lib/www : # cp -r sample-idp /var/www/idp # cp -r sample-sp /var/www/sp # chown -R www-data: /var/www/idp /var/www/sp OpenSSL To generate SSL certificat for the Identity Provider and the Service Provider you need the openssl command line utility. You need to create a certificate, a public and private key : # cd /var/www/sp # openssl req -out certificate_sp1.pem -keyout private-key-raw_sp1.pem -x509 -nodes -newkey rsa:2048 [ ... ] Common Name (eg, YOUR name) []:sp1 [ ... ] # openssl x509 -in certificate_sp1.pem -noout -pubkey > public-key_sp1.pem # chown www-data: *.pem # cd /var/www/idp # openssl req -out certificate_idp1.pem -keyout private-key-raw_idp1.pem -x509 -nodes -newkey rsa:2048 [ ... ] Common Name (eg, YOUR name) []:idp1 [ ... ] # openssl x509 -in certificate_idp1.pem -noout -pubkey > public-key_idp1.pem # chown www-data: *.pem Then, copy the IdP's certificate and public key in the SP directory : # cd /var/www # cp -p idp/certificate_idp1.pem idp/public-key_idp1.pem sp/ Copy the SP's certificate and public key in the IdP directory : # cd /var/www # cp -p sp/certificate_sp1.pem sp/public-key_sp1.pem idp/ Enable PHP in Apache Change you Apache's configuration file to load PHP as module in your /etc/apache-ssl/modules.conf file : LoadModule php4_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/ Add Type Mime for PHP In /etc/apache-ssl/httpd.conf write : # # And for PHP 4.x, use: # AddType application/x-httpd-php .php PHP 4 Edit PHP 4 configuration file to enable the Lasso and Postgres extension at the end of /etc/php4/apache/php.ini file : Configure Virtual Host in Apache With a two virtual hosts setup, one for the IdP and another for the SP, you can try Lasso on one physical machine. At first we need to add two hosts in the /etc/hosts file : idp1 sp1 In the Apache configuration file add two lines : Listen idp1:1998 Listen sp1:2006 DocumentRoot /var/www/idp ServerName idp1 SSLCertificateFile /var/www/idp/certificate_idp1.pem SSLCertificateKeyFile /var/www/idp/private-key-raw_idp1.pem DocumentRoot /var/www/sp ServerName sp1 SSLCertificateFile /var/www/sp/certificate_sp1.pem SSLCertificateKeyFile /var/www/sp/private-key-raw_sp1.pem SETUP Now launch your favorite web browser and go to : https://idp1:1998/setup.php or https://sp1:2006/setup.php