#! /usr/bin/env python from cStringIO import StringIO import glob import re import sys import os enable_wsf = 0 if '-wsf' in sys.argv: enable_wsf = 1 if len(sys.argv) == 2+enable_wsf: srcdir = sys.argv[1] else: srcdir = '.' wsf = ['lasso_disco_', 'lasso_dst_', 'lasso_is_', 'lasso_profile_service_', 'lasso_discovery', 'lasso_wsf', 'lasso_interaction_', 'lasso_utility_', 'lasso_sa_', 'lasso_soap_', 'lasso_authentication', 'lasso_wsse_', 'lasso_sec_', 'lasso_idwsf2', 'lasso_wsf2', 'lasso_wsa_', 'lasso_wsu_'] if enable_wsf: wsf = [] fd = StringIO() print >> fd, "/* This file has been autogenerated; changes will be lost */" print >> fd, "" print >> fd, "typedef GType (*type_function) ();" print >> fd, "" header_files = [] for header_file in glob.glob('%s/*/*.h' % srcdir) + glob.glob('%s/*/*/*.h' % srcdir): if ('/id-wsf/' in header_file or '/id-wsf-2.0' in header_file) and not enable_wsf: continue header_files.append(header_file) try: type = re.findall('lasso_.*get_type', open(header_file).read())[0] except IndexError: continue for t in wsf: if type.startswith(t): break else: print >> fd, "extern GType %s();" % type print >> fd, "" print >> fd, "type_function functions[] = {" for header_file in header_files: try: type = re.findall('lasso_.*get_type', open(header_file).read())[0] except IndexError: continue for t in wsf: if type.startswith(t): break else: print >> fd, "\t%s," % type print >> fd, "\tNULL" print >> fd, "};" if not os.path.exists('types.c') or fd.getvalue() != file('types.c').read(): file('types.c', 'w').write(fd.getvalue())