====================== The Lasso Architecture ====================== Doesn't store, doesn't communicate. Modeled on liberty profiles; one profile = one class Objet oriented but in C. Talks about how this work (necessary to know for the lasso_profile functions) ------ Lasso provides the necessary functions to implement Liberty Alliance profiles, as defined in the `Liberty ID-FF Bindings and Profiles Specification`_ and explained in the previous chapter. Each profile maps to a Lasso class: ===================================== ============================= Single Sign-On and Federation LassoLogin Name Registration LassoRegisterNameIdentifier Federation Termination Notification LassoFederationTermination Single Logout LassoLogout Name Identifier Mapping LassoNameIdentifierMapping Identity Provider Introduction *not implemented* Name Identifier Encryption *not implemented* ===================================== ============================= There are also a few other classes to know about: - LassoServer holds the data about a provider, which other providers it knows, what certificates to use, etc. - LassoIdentity holds the data about a Liberty federated identity - LassoSession holds the data about an active Liberty session. - LassoProfile is the base class for profiles. Talk more about respective usage of Identity and Session. .. _Liberty ID-FF Bindings and Profiles Specification: http://www.projectliberty.org/specs/draft-liberty-idff-bindings-profiles-1.2-errata-v1.0.pdf