~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Building Liberty Services with Lasso ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :Author: Frederic Peters :Contact: fpeters@entrouvert.com :date: $Date$ :Copyright: Copyright © 2004 Entr'ouvert .. contents:: Table of Contents .. section-numbering:: This work is licensed under the GNU General Public License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. .. include:: preface.rst .. include:: liberty-architecture.rst .. include:: lasso-architecture.rst .. include:: getting-lasso.rst .. include:: common-knowledge.rst .. include:: single-sign-on.rst .. include:: integration.rst .. include:: other-profiles.rst .. include:: language-bindings.rst .. appendix with hints on openssl usage ? .. and where should the info about metadata files go ? .. a note about GLib; g_free() and other GLib objects exposed to the developer. .. quick overview of the HTTP protocol status codes (302, etc.)